48 resultados para sweetener


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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This work aims to present through a literature review, the main features and employability of the natural sweetener xylitol. This sweetener has low calorie, can be used by people with diabetes and is an excellent substitute for sucrose and other sweeteners. Xylitol can be separated from many fruits and vegetables through the reduction of xylose, which can occur by chemical or biotechnological synthesis. In addition to their use in the food industry, xylitol also has great value beneficial to human health by acting as anticariogenic, preventing and treating diseases such as acute otitis media and hemolytic anemia, as well as being growth inhibitor of various bacteria


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Microorganisms living in the saliva are able to ferment some sweetener types and to promote the fall of pH that has its critical point around 5.5; in this situation, they equal the input and the calcium output in the processes of remineralization and demineralization. For iteration of the three essential factors to the installation of the dental caries (microorganism, host and diet) suggested the accomplishment of a work that involved one of these factors. This work aims to study this issue, through the indication of substitute sweetener of the saccharose, whenever possible, it solved to evaluate pH of the saliva, exposed to sorbitol.


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Sodium cyclamate contents in the widely consumed low calorie soft drinks were determined. Low calorie soft drinks made from cola, guarana, orange, lemon and grape were analyzed following the technique described by Sjörberg and Alanko (1987), with some modifications. The methodology recovery assays were carried out at three spiked levels, and the average recovery of 92.5% and 110.3% were found in cola and guarana, respectively; and the relative standard deviation was of 3.7%. The average sodium cyclamate contents ranged from 27.1 ± 1.1 (cola A) to 127.3 ± 1.5 mg.100 mL-1 (lemon B), indicating that the acceptable daily intake of the sweetener can be easily exceeded after drinking low calorie beverages. All of the analyzed low calorie soft drinks showed sodium cyclamate contents higher than those stated on the label, ranging from 12.9% (cola A) to 19.0% (lemon B). Among 18 low calorie soft drinks analyzed, only four showed the average sodium cyclamate contents in accordance with the maximum limit permitted by Brazilian legislation, that is 40 mg.100 mL-1 of beverage; and in other samples the sweetener exceeded ranging from 74.8% (orange) to 218.3% (lemon B) above of the limit permitted.


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The demand for an alternative and a high potency sweetener to substitute sugar increases year in year out, more so as a high percentage of the world population becomes increasingly diabetic. The alternative natural sweetener at hand has been Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni, a plant species, native to Paraguay and a member of the family compositae. Stevia is usually propagated by stem cuttings due to low percentage (10 %) seed germination, thus limiting large scales cultivation. To cultivate this crop en mass therefore, there is need to evolve efficient rooting techniques. Influences of irradiation from light, and hormones on rooting have been reported. The rooting efficacy in stem cuttings of this crop under varying light wavelengths, dark and hormone factors was investigated. Evaluated parameters include- (i) day of root emergent, (ii) percentage of rooted cuttings, (iii) average number, (iv) length and (v) width, of roots. Analysis of variance at p<.05 revealed that the number, length and width, of roots differed significantly in each case at p<0.000. Light irradiation was highly effective and a necessary factor for rooting in stems cuttings of this crop. The red light-IBA combined factors served best in stem micro-cutting practice and facilitation of effective mass cultivation in stevia crop.


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A alimentação sempre constituiu e constitui um fator de grande importância para a espécie humana. A qualidade alimentar, o valor nutricional e a saúde estão extremamente interligados e são cada vez mais importantes para a tomada de decisão no acto de compra por parte dos consumidores. Os escândalos alimentares têm causado um maior estado de atenção por parte das autoridades e dos consumidores. A importância da informação da origem e modo de produção dos produtos alimentares assim como a rotulagem dos alimentos processados e dos suplementos alimentares também tem vindo a ter cada vez importância e demanda por parte dos consumidores e da indústria alimentar. Este trabalho pretende destacar o mel como alimento e como adoçante de grande valor nutricional com potenciais efeitos benéficos para a saúde humana. Por outro lado pretende identificar e descrever os açúcares e os adoçantes alternativos, sejam eles naturais ou artificiais. Este trabalho, aborda, também, o papel controverso do açúcar refinado na dieta alimentar assim como de alguns dos adoçantes artificiais mais utilizados pela indústria alimentar atualmente. Nos últimos anos tem-se verificado um interesse crescente por produtos naturais com efeitos benéficos para a saúde e tem havido um aumento do consumo de mel, sobretudo nos países industrializados. O objetivo é que este trabalho seja uma ferramenta de auxílio e orientação no mundo dos adoçantes, para opções alimentares mais saudáveis.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-04


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Contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) are continuously being released into the environment mainly because of their incomplete removal in the sewage treatment plants (STPs). The CECs selected for the study include antibiotics (macrolides, sulfonamides and ciprofloxacin), sucralose (an artificial sweetener) and dioctyl sulfosuccinate (DOSS, chemical dispersant used in the Deepwater Horizon oil spill). After being discharged into waterways from STPs, photo degradation is a key factor in dictating the environmental fate of antibiotics and sucralose. Photodegradation efficiency depends on many factors such as pH of the matrix, matrix composition, light source and structure of the molecule. These factors exert either synergistic or antagonistic effects in the environment and thus experiments with isolated factors may not yield the same results as the natural environmental processes. Hence in the current study photodegradation of 13 CECs (antibiotics, sucralose and dicotyl sulfosuccinate) were evaluated using natural water matrices with varying composition (deionized water, fresh water and salt water) as well as radiation of different wavelengths (254 nm, 350 nm and simulated solar radiation) in order to mimic natural processes. As expected the contribution of each factor on the overall rate of photodegradation is contaminant specific, for example under similar conditions, the rate in natural waters compared to pure water was enhanced for antibiotics (2-11 fold), significantly reduced for sucralose (no degradation seen in natural waters) and similar in both media for DOSS. In general, it was observed that the studied compounds degraded faster at 254 nm, while when using a simulated sunlight radiation the rate of photolysis of DOSS increased and the rates for antibiotics decreased in comparison to the 350 nm radiation. The photo stability of the studied CECs followed the order sucralose > DOSS > macrolides > sulfonamides > ciprofloxacin and a positive relationship was observed between photo stability and their ubiquitous presence in natural aquatic matrices. An online LC-MS/MS method was developed and validated for sucralose and further applied to reclaimed waters (n =56) and drinking waters (n = 43) from South Florida. Sucralose was detected in reclaimed waters with concentrations reaching up to 18 μg/L. High frequency of detection (> 80%) in drinking waters indicate contamination of ground waters in South Florida by anthropogenic activity.^


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Background Sucralose has gained popularity as a low calorie artificial sweetener worldwide. Due to its high stability and persistence, sucralose has shown widespread occurrence in environmental waters, at concentrations that could reach up to several μg/L. Previous studies have used time consuming sample preparation methods (offline solid phase extraction/derivatization) or methods with rather high detection limits (direct injection) for sucralose analysis. This study described a faster and sensitive analytical method for the determination of sucralose in environmental samples. Results An online SPE-LC–MS/MS method was developed, being capable to quantify sucralose in 12 minutes using only 10 mL of sample, with method detection limits (MDLs) of 4.5 ng/L, 8.5 ng/L and 45 ng/L for deionized water, drinking and reclaimed waters (1:10 diluted with deionized water), respectively. Sucralose was detected in 82% of the reclaimed water samples at concentrations reaching up to 18 μg/L. The monthly average for a period of one year was 9.1 ± 2.9 μg/L. The calculated mass loads per capita of sucralose discharged through WWTP effluents based on the concentrations detected in wastewaters in the U. S. is 5.0 mg/day/person. As expected, the concentrations observed in drinking water were much lower but still relevant reaching as high as 465 ng/L. In order to evaluate the stability of sucralose, photodegradation experiments were performed in natural waters. Significant photodegradation of sucralose was observed only in freshwater at 254 nm. Minimal degradation (<20%) was observed for all matrices under more natural conditions (350 nm or solar simulator). The only photolysis product of sucralose identified by high resolution mass spectrometry was a de-chlorinated molecule at m/z 362.0535, with molecular formula C12H20Cl2O8. Conclusions Online SPE LC-APCI/MS/MS developed in the study was applied to more than 100 environmental samples. Sucralose was frequently detected (>80%) indicating that the conventional treatment process employed in the sewage treatment plants is not efficient for its removal. Detection of sucralose in drinking waters suggests potential contamination of surface and ground waters sources with anthropogenic wastewater streams. Its high resistance to photodegradation, minimal sorption and high solubility indicate that sucralose could be a good tracer of anthropogenic wastewater intrusion into the environment.


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Mestrado em Engenharia Alimentar - Instituto Superior de Agronomia - UL


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En este trabajo de titulación se detallan los aspectos más relevantes relacionados a la investigación, formulación y elaboración de uno de los placeres más agradables en la vida cotidiana de cualquier persona como lo es el chocolate. Cada uno de los chocolates realizados tiene como particularidad el estar endulzado con edulcorantes no calóricos como: stevia, sucralosa y jarabe de yacón, disminuyendo así el contenido de calorías presentes en los mismos. Entre los tres chocolates elaborados, la mejor formulación fue seleccionada mediante una prueba de cata resultando ganador el chocolate endulzado con jarabe de yacón, debido a que posee las mejores características sensoriales resaltando principalmente el dulzor y el sabor. Para comprobar que la mejor formulación cumple con los estándares de calidad de las normas INEN de chocolates se realizó un análisis físico-químico y se corroboraron estos resultados con un laboratorio certificado por parte del Servicio de Acreditación Ecuatoriano (SAE). Los resultados obtenidos determinaron que el porcentaje de grasa es menor a los chocolates existentes en el mercado. Además se realizaron pruebas de dureza para analizar las propiedades de textura presentes en el chocolate. Destacando que el chocolate endulzado con jarabe de yacón puede ser consumido por personas diabéticas y no diabéticas, al no tener en su formulación sacarosa como endulzante principal.


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Contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) are continuously being released into the environment mainly because of their incomplete removal in the sewage treatment plants (STPs). The CECs selected for the study include antibiotics (macrolides, sulfonamides and ciprofloxacin), sucralose (an artificial sweetener) and dioctyl sulfosuccinate (DOSS, chemical dispersant used in the Deepwater Horizon oil spill). After being discharged into waterways from STPs, photo degradation is a key factor in dictating the environmental fate of antibiotics and sucralose. Photodegradation efficiency depends on many factors such as pH of the matrix, matrix composition, light source and structure of the molecule. These factors exert either synergistic or antagonistic effects in the environment and thus experiments with isolated factors may not yield the same results as the natural environmental processes. Hence in the current study photodegradation of 13 CECs (antibiotics, sucralose and dicotyl sulfosuccinate) were evaluated using natural water matrices with varying composition (deionized water, fresh water and salt water) as well as radiation of different wavelengths (254 nm, 350 nm and simulated solar radiation) in order to mimic natural processes. As expected the contribution of each factor on the overall rate of photodegradation is contaminant specific, for example under similar conditions, the rate in natural waters compared to pure water was enhanced for antibiotics (2-11 fold), significantly reduced for sucralose (no degradation seen in natural waters) and similar in both media for DOSS. In general, it was observed that the studied compounds degraded faster at 254 nm, while when using a simulated sunlight radiation the rate of photolysis of DOSS increased and the rates for antibiotics decreased in comparison to the 350 nm radiation. The photo stability of the studied CECs followed the order sucralose > DOSS > macrolides > sulfonamides > ciprofloxacin and a positive relationship was observed between photo stability and their ubiquitous presence in natural aquatic matrices. An online LC-MS/MS method was developed and validated for sucralose and further applied to reclaimed waters (n =56) and drinking waters (n = 43) from South Florida. Sucralose was detected in reclaimed waters with concentrations reaching up to 18 µg/L. High frequency of detection (> 80%) in drinking waters indicate contamination of ground waters in South Florida by anthropogenic activity.