866 resultados para supplier relationship management


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Zusammenfassung Mobile Telekommunikationstechnologien verändern den Alltag, ihre Benutzer und die Geschäftswelt. Im Zuge der Mobilität haben die Nutzer von mobilen Übertragungstechnologien ein hohes Kommunikationsbedürfnis in jeglicher Situation entwickelt: Sie wollen überall und jederzeit kommunizieren und informiert sein. Dies ist auch darauf zurückzuführen, dass ein Wandel der Individualisierung – von der Person zur Situation – stattgefunden hat. Im Rahmen der Untersuchung gehen wir auf diese entscheidenden Veränderung ein und analysieren die Potenziale des Kontextmarketing im mobilen Customer Relationship Management anhand der Erringung von Wettbewerbsvorteilen durch Situationsfaktoren. Daneben zeigen wir mögliche Geschäftsmodelle und Wertschöpfungsketten auf. Abgerundet wird die Arbeit durch die Darstellung möglicher personenbezogener, technischer und rechtlicher Restriktionen.


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Esta tesis, pretende describir la situación actual del Sector Porcícola, los procedimientos desarrollados por las empresas en la adopción, implantación y uso de estrategias CRM. Con una revisión confiable y el estudio de casos relacionados con el tema permitirán contrastar la realidad del sector con los conceptos claves que proponen los diferentes autores. Los resultados obtenidos le permitirán al sector y a los gerentes desarrollar estrategias que ayuden a la satisfacción y fidelización de sus clientes. En el campo académico, este estudio servirá de guía teórico-práctica para estudiantes y profesores del área que necesiten afianzar sus conocimientos en temas de marketing relacional, CRM, fidelización y servicio. El presente proyecto permitirá al futuro administrador enfrentar y asumir paradigmas en escenarios empresariales reales. La información estratégica acerca de los clientes es vital para las organizaciones, ayuda para la toma de decisiones, pronostica cambios en la demanda y establece un control sobre todos los procesos en los que está involucrado el cliente. La adopción, implantación y uso de estrategias CRM ayuda a que la empresa esté más atenta a la manera como interactúa con sus clientes y por ende, mejorará la percepción que tenga el cliente de la organización. En el sector Porcícola hay tendencia a las economías de escala y es importante segmentar y especializar el servicio dependiendo el potencial del cliente. En un mercado tan competitivo encontrar nuevos clientes no es fácil, y menos retenerlos ya que los productos están logrando estándares similares y el cliente basa su decisión en el precio. Al no haber diferenciación debemos ofrecer valor en el servicio lo cual nos ayudará a que el cliente haga una segunda compra prefiriendo nuestra empresa en lugar de la competencia. Hoy en día las estrategias CRM definen el rumbo de una empresa, ayudando no solamente a adquirir nuevos clientes, sino también, a mantener felices a los clientes actuales, de este modo se logran más ventas, y una mayor rentabilidad en el negocio. Razones por las cuales el sector Porcícola se verá beneficiado y Frigocárnicos Monserrate por medio de las estrategias CRM podrá ofrecer un mejor servicio a sus clientes ayudando a las fidelización de estos.


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This paper proposes a framework to support Customer Relationship Management (CRM) implementation in nursing homes. The work extends research by Cheng et al. (2005) who conducted in-depth questionnaires to identify critical features (termed value-characteristics), which are areas identified as adding the most value if implemented. Although Cheng et al. did proposed an implementation framework, summary of, and inconsistent inclusion of value-characteristics, limits the practical use of this contribution during implementation. In this paper we adapt the original framework to correct perceived deficiencies. We link the value characteristics to operational, analytical, strategic and/or collaborative CRM solution types, to allow consideration in context of practical implementation solutions. The outcome of this paper shows that, practically, a 'one solution meets all characteristic' approach to CRM implementation within nursing homes is inappropriate. Our framework, however, supports implementers in identifying how value can be gained when implementing a specific CRM solution within nursing homes; which subsequently support project management and expectation management.


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Effectively preparing and planning for Customer Relationship Management (CRM) strategy is critical to CRM implementation success. A lack of a common and systematic way to implement CRM means that focus must be placed on the pre-implementation stage to ensure chance of success. Although existing CRM implementation approaches evidence the need to concentrate mostly on the pre-implementation stage, they fail to address some key issues, which raises the need for a generic framework that address CRM strategy analysis. This paper proposes a framework to support effective CRM pre-implementation strategy development.


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Higher Education Institutions (HEI) are complex organisations, offering a wide range of services, which involve a multiplicity of customers, stakeholders and service providers; both in terms of type and number. Satisfying a diverse set of customer groups is complex, and requires development of strategic Customer Relationship Management (CRM). This paper contributes to the HEI area, by proposing an approach that scopes CRM strategy, allowing us a better understanding CRM implementation in Higher Education Institutions; maximising alignment of customer and management desires, expectation and needs.


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Choosing properly and efficiently a supplier has been challenging practitioners and academics since 1960’s. Since then, countless studies had been performed and relevant changes in the business scenario were considered such as global sourcing, quality-orientation, just-in-time practices. It is almost consensus that quality should be the selection driver, however, some polemical findings questioned this general agreement. Therefore, one of the objectives of the study was to identify the supplier selection criteria and bring this discussion back again. Moreover, Dickson (1966) suggested existing business relationship as selection criterion, then it was reviewed the importance of business relationship for the company and noted a set of potential negative effects that could rise from it. By considering these side effects of relationship, this research aimed to investigate how the relationship could influence the supplier selection and how its harmful effects could affect the selection process. The impact of this phenomenon was investigated cross-nationally. The research strategy adopted was a controlled experiment via vignette combined with discrete choice analysis. The data collections were performed in China and Brazil. By examining the results, it could be drawn five major findings. First, when purchasers were asked to declare their supplier selection priorities, quality was stated as the most important independently of country and relationship. This result was consistent with diverse studies since 60’s. However, when purchasers were exposed to a multi-criteria trade-off situation, their actual selection priorities deviate from what they had declared. In the actual decision-making without influence of buyer-supplier relationship, Brazilian purchasers focused on price and Chinese buyers prioritized delivery then price. This observation reinforced some controversial prior studies of Verma & Pullman (1998) and Hirakubo & Kublin (1998). Second, through the introduction of the buyer-supplier relationship (operationalized via relational capital) in the supplier selection process, this research extended the existing studies and found that Brazilian buyers still focused on price. The relationship became just another criterion for supplier selection such as quality and delivery. However, from the Chinese sample, the results suggested that quality was totally discarded and the decision was majorly made through price and relationship. The third finding suggested that relational capital could legitimate the quality and sustainability of the supplier and replaces these selection criteria and made the decisional task less complex. Additionally, with the relational capital, the decision-makings were associated to few biases such as availability cognition, commitment, confirmatory and perceived biases. By analyzing the purchasers’ behavior, relational capital inducted buyers of both countries to relax in their purchasing requirements (quality, delivery and sustainability) leading to potential negative effects. In the Brazilian sample, the phenomenon of willing to pay a higher price for a lower quality offer demonstrated to be a potential counterproductive and suboptimal decision. Finally, the last finding was associated to the cultural effect on the buyers’ decisions. From the outcome, it is possible to observe that if a purchaser’s cultural background is more relation-oriented, the more he will tend to use relational capital as a decision heuristic, thus, the purchaser will be more susceptible to the potential relationship’s side effects


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Bestehende Modelle im Customer Relationship Management (CRM) weisen diverse Schwachstellen auf. Erstens sind viele Kunden durch die große zu verarbeitende Informationsmenge überfordert, zweitens gelingt es vielen Anbietern nicht, die Konsistenz und Relevanz der gesammelten Kundendaten zu gewährleisten, und drittens bringen Kunden den Anbietern nicht das Vertrauen entgegen, das für eine umfassendere Offenlegung von Kundendaten erforderlich wäre. Durch die Einschaltung eines Intermediärs können diese Schwachstellen gemildert werden. Zusätzlich bietet die Intermediation die Möglichkeit, Transaktionskosten zu senken, die Macht der Kunden zu bündeln und die Beziehungen zu Kunden zu intensivieren. Ermöglicht wird dies durch die engere Verknüpfung der Kommunikations- und der Einkaufsfunktionalitäten des Internets. Als Erfolgsfaktoren gilt es, die kritische Masse und das erforderliche Vertrauen zu erreichen sowie einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur Wertschöpfung zu leisten.


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Der Beitrag diskutiert Möglichkeiten zur Automatisierung von Kundenbeziehungsprozessen im Customer Relationship Management mit Hilfe von Business Rules. Anhand einer CRM-Architektur werden Anwendungsmöglichkeiten erörtert und am Beispiel einer Cross-Selling-Kampagne vertieft. Technische Aspekte werden dabei nicht im Detail betrachtet. Der Schwerpunkt liegt vielmehr in der Diskussion von Automatisierungs- und Integrationspotenzialen durch den Einsatz von Business Rules, wie sie in zunehmend individualisierten Kundenbeziehungen in Massenmärkten gegeben sind.


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Realizar una propuesta metodológica que permita analizar, diseñar e implementar una estrategia CRM en las empresas de servicios públicos de Mendoza.


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1 RESUMEN 1.1 Resumen (español) El intercambio y comercio tanto de bienes como servicios se remonta a tiempos inmemoriales dentro de la historia de la humanidad. Desde sus inicios tempranos con el intercambio o trueque de productos en el Neolítico hasta nuestra época híper globalizada, en la que existen clientes potenciales en el otro extremo del mundo, podemos decir que se ha recorrido un largo camino. Con el paso del tiempo y la evolución de la sociedad y la tecnología, así como la evolución empresarial, se ha visto necesario la implementación de estrategias para lograr la fidelización y satisfacción de los clientes. De esta forma entendimos que ya no valía simplemente con vender un producto a un cliente, si no que si queríamos establecer una relación continúa con el mismo, debíamos lograr su satisfacción y por tanto su fidelización. Como forma de extender la relación más allá de una simple venta, las empresas modernas empezaron a implementar diversas estrategias. De esta forma aparecieron los primeros centros de atención al cliente, las primeras aplicaciones hechas a medida para dar soporte a los clientes y por fin los sistemas CRM tal y como los concebimos hoy día. El presente proyecto fin de carrera da una explicación de dichos sistemas indicando cuáles son sus objetos fundamentales y cómo implementan la estrategia CRM y profundiza en uno de los sistemas CRM más utilizados: PeopleSoft CRM, dando una explicación detallada de dicho sistemas así como de los conceptos y lenguaje de programación de dicho sistema CRM. 1.2 SUMMARY (ENGLISH) The exchange and trade of goods as well and services goes back to ancient times in the history of mankind. Since its early beginning with the bartering of products in the Neolithic to our globalized hyper era, in which there are potential customers on the other side of the world, we can say that it has come a long way. After a certain length of time, the society and technology evolution, and also the enterprise development, has been necessary to implement strategies to achieve customer loyalty and satisfaction. We understood in this way that it no longer simply worth to sell a product to a customer, otherwise if we wanted to establish a relationship continues with the same, we should ensure their satisfaction and thus their loyalty. As a way to extend the relationship beyond a simple sale, modern enterprises began to implement several strategies. Therefore appeared the first customer service centers, the first applications tailored to support customers and finally the CRM systems as we know it today. This final project gives an explanation of such systems by indicating what the core objects are and how to implement the CRM strategy, deeping into one of the most widely used CRM systems: PeopleSoft CRM, and also giving a detailed explanation of this system and its programming language.