989 resultados para standard on auditing
A rapid and sensitive method using high performance liquid chromatography has been developed and validated for the simultaneous determination of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in pharmaceutical formulations and human serum. Six NSAIDs including: naproxen sodium, diclofenac sodium, meloxicam, flurbiprofen, tiaprofenic and mefenamic acid were analyzed simultaneously in presence of ibuprofen as internal standard on Mediterranea C18 (5 µm, 250 x 0.46 mm) column. Mobile phase comprised of methanol: acetonitrile: H2O (60:20:20, v/v; pH 3.35) and pumped at a flow rate of 1 mL min-1 using 265 nm UV detection. The method was linear over a concentration range of 0.25-50 µg mL-1 (r² = 0.9999).
Tutkielman tavoitteena oli tutkia tilintarkastukseen kohdistuvia vaihto-omaisuuden riskejä ja niiden hallintaa. Tilintarkastajan riskienhallinta on tullut yhä tärkeämmäksi tilintarkastusskandaalien ja standardien vaatimusten tiukentumisen takia. Vaihto-omaisuus on yksi taseen merkittävimmistä eristä. Sen riskisyyteen vaikuttavia tekijöitä ovat esimerkiksi yrityksen toimiala ja epäkuranttiuden sekä vaihto-omaisuuden määrä. Tilintarkastuksen suunnittelu, olennaisuusmäärittely ja riskienarviointi ovat samanlaisia riippumatta asiakastoimeksiannon koosta, ja ne suoritetaan standardien mukaisesti. Tutkimuksen empiirisessä osassa haastateltiin viittä tilintarkastajaa. Empiirisen analyysin tulokset ovat pääasiassa samankaltaiset kirjallisuudesta saadun tiedon kanssa. Tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan todeta, että vaihto-omaisuuden riskit ovat yrityskohtaisia. Suurimmat riskit ovat yrityksissä, joissa sisäiset kontrollit ovat heikot tai jonka johdon rehellisyyteen ei voida luottaa.
Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli tutkia uuden asunto-osakeyhtiölain vaikutuksia taloyhtiön tilintarkastukseen.
Ce mémoire étudie le comportement des particules dont la position est maximale au temps t dans la marche aléatoire branchante et le mouvement brownien branchant sur R, pour des valeurs de t grandes. Plus exactement, on regarde le comportement du maximum d’une marche aléatoire branchante dans un environnement inhomogène en temps, au sens où la loi des accroissements varie en fonction du temps. On compare avec des modèles connus ou simplifiés, en particulier le modèle i.i.d., où l’on observe des marches aléatoires indépendantes et le modèle de la marche aléatoire homogène. On s’intéresse par la suite aux corrélations entre les particules maximales d’un mouvement brownien branchant. Plus précisément, on étudie le temps de branchement entre deux particules maximales. Finalement, on applique les méthodes et les résultats des premiers chapitres afin d’étudier les corrélations dans un mouvement brownien branchant dans un environnement inhomogène. Le résultat principal du mémoire stipule qu’il y a existence de temps de branchement au centre de l’intervalle [0, t] dans le mouvement brownien branchant inhomogène, ce qui n’est pas le cas pour le mouvement brownien branchant standard. On présentera également certaines simulations numériques afin de corroborer les résultats numériques et pour établir des hypothèses pour une recherche future.
El corregimiento de Providencia -Antioquia, es el epicentro del proyecto minero aurífero a cielo abierto más grande de Colombia: ‘Gramalote’. Por ser parte de la zona de influencia directa del proyecto, el reasentamiento involuntario de la población parecería ser definitivo en el mediano plazo. Empero, el gran reto es llevar a cabo un proceso de reasentamiento exitoso a sabiendas que en Colombia no existe una política nacional de reasentamiento y por lo tanto, en este caso específico la empresa deberá implementar la Norma de Desempeño 5 –PS5-: Adquisición de Tierras y Reasentamiento Involuntario creada por el Banco Mundial. A lo largo del documento el lector encontrará que el mayor reto de la aplicación de la PS5 radica primero, en el desconocimiento que tienen las entidades de control al respecto y segundo, en el cómo aplicar a futuro una norma tan general conociendo que cada territorio y sociedad son altamente heterogéneos.
Para lograr el proceso de internacionalización es primordial que se elabore un plan para sustentar su ejecución. Como parte inicial se debe partir de la definición del producto que se quiere exportar teniendo en cuenta su partida arancelaria tanto a nivel nacional como en el estándar internacional. Partiendo de este punto, se comienza por la inteligencia de mercados, en la cual se analizan países, los cuales deberán cumplir ciertos requisitos deseados por parte del empresarios y sus objetivos al momento de hacer un plan exportador; para definir los países a los cuales se quiere llegar es necesario que se tengan aspectos claves y decisorios como lo son la población objetivo, la competencia presente en el país, balanza comercial entre los 2 países, canales de distribución, zonas de acceso, requisitos tributarios , ambientales, sanitarios, etc. con los cuales se tomara la decisión si se opta o no por entrar a ese país. Luego de tener definidos 3 países (objetivo, alterno y contingente), se analizan todos los costos que incurren directa e indirectamente en el producto, para poder definir el precio de venta local y analizar si es competitivo en el mercado nacional. Para iniciar en el proceso internacional es vital que se analicen los precios de la competencia en cada uno de los destinos de exportación y ver que tan rentable puede ser ésta actividad para la empresa. Para poder definir el precio de venta internacional se deben estudiar las diferentes cotizaciones de las SIA’s (sociedad de intermediación aduanera) que son entidades necesarias para la exportación de productos a cualquier destino. Escogiendo la opción que más se acomode a las necesidades de la empresa se define el modo en el cual se quiere hacer llegar el producto a su destino final, claro esta, dependiendo de término de negociación elegido por las partes comerciales y definido mediante los INCOTERMS. Luego, se entra la fase de comercialización internacional, en la cual se definen todas las estrategias para cada una de las 4 P’s de la mezcla de mercadeo (Producto, precio, promoción y plaza) en las que se establecen las pautas de entrada para cada país referente a los aspectos anteriores.
The ISO has issued a Draft International Standard on construction procurement and the British Standards Institute is drafting a standard based upon this for use in the UK. Three questions arise from these observations. First, what kind of consultation processes would be adequate to ensure that such a standard meets the requirements of an industry as diverse as construction? Second, why would an international standard be inappropriate for use in a country like UK? Third, what sort of issues should such a standard seek to cover? There are strong precedents for process standards, such as quality assurance, design management and workmanship on building sites. So the idea of a standard on procurement is not unusual. Moreover, there are many differences in tendering and procurement practice that are wasteful and even collusive or illegal. These issues are explored with a view to offering insights and suggestions for guidance based on the experiences in UK. The research method is first-hand observation of the drafting committee who are dealing with the British Standard. As an example to test and inform the standardization concept, six different standard guidance documents on tendering procedures are compared. This reveals a significant degree of diversity, and based on this, nine stages for implementing a tendering procedure are derived.
This paper proposes hybrid capital securities as a significant part of senior bank executive incentive compensation in light of Basel III, a new global regulatory standard on bank capital adequacy and liquidity agreed by the members of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision. The committee developed Basel III in a response to the deficiencies in financial regulation brought about by the global financial crisis. Basel III strengthens bank capital requirements and introduces new regulatory requirements on bank liquidity and bank leverage. The hybrid bank capital securities we propose for bank executives’ compensation are preferred shares and subordinated debt that the June 2004 Basel II regulatory framework recognised as other admissible forms of capital. The past two decades have witnessed dramatic increase in performance-related pay in the banking industry. Stakeholders such as shareholders, debtholders and regulators criticise traditional cash and equity-based compensation for encouraging bank executives’ excessive risk taking and short-termism, which has resulted in the failure of risk management in high profile banks during the global financial crisis. Paying compensation in the form of hybrid bank capital securities may align the interests of executives with those of stakeholders and help banks regain their reputation for prudence after years of aggressive risk-taking. Additionally, banks are desperately seeking to raise capital in order to bolster balance sheets damaged by the ongoing credit crisis. Tapping their own senior employees with large incentive compensation packages may be a viable additional source of capital that is politically acceptable in times of large-scale bailouts of the financial sector and economically wise as it aligns the interests of the executives with the need for a stable financial system.
Auditing is often cited as playing an important role in managing agency-related costs and, accordingly, being integral to the sound functioning of capital markets. There may, however, be more to the attest function than a technical rational practice. By virtue of relying heavily on claims to technical expertise, professionalism, prudential judgement and public confidence, auditing is both a source of legitimacy for organisations and, paradoxically, dependent on claims to legitimacy for its continued existence. From this perspective, recent regulatory developments, purportedly enacted to increase arms-length control over the profession, may not only be about improving perceived audit quality and practice but also about ensuring continued faith in the well-established ‘rituals’ of the assurance function. A reporting duty imposed on South African external auditors, akin to whistle-blowing, is used as a case study to explore this perspective. In doing so, this paper contributes to the scant body of interpretive research on auditing, simultaneously offering one of the first insights into auditing regulation from an African perspective.
The Amharic language is the Official language of over 70 million people mainly in Ethiopia. An extensive literature survey and the government report reveal no single Amharic character recognition is found in the country. The Amharic script has 33 basic characters each with seven orders giving 310 distinct characters, including numbers and punctuation symbols. The characters are visually similar; there is a typeface, but no capitalization. Beside this there is no any standard font to use the language in the computer but they use different fonts developed by different stakeholders without keeping a standard on their own way and interest and this create a problem of incompatibility between different fonts and documents.This project is to investigate the reason why Amharic optical character recognition is not addressed by local and international researchers and developers and finally to develop Amharic optical character recognition uses the features and facilities of Microsoft windows Vista or 7 using Unicode standard.
Esta tese teve como objetivo identificar qual o valor social considerado pelo Comitê de Pronunciamentos Contábeis (CPC) na emissão de seus pronunciamentos contábeis: aproximação ou distanciamento das normas contábeis brasileiras às internacionais. A contabilidade mundial se encontra em um momento histórico, marcado pelo processo de convergência das normas contábeis e da criação de uma linguagem universal. No processo, cada país tem uma abordagem, que pode variar da convergência, onde os países mantêm suas instituições normativas, ao endosso, onde é efetuada uma tradução dos pronunciamentos contábeis. No Brasil, o processo é conduzido pelo CPC, formado sob a égide de seis instituições privadas brasileiras, cada uma representando um diferente grupo de agentes econômicos. O CPC emite um pronunciamento, que entra em audiência pública por no mínimo 30 dias. A nova versão é resultado da análise das sugestões recebidas. Utilizamos na tese a Teoria Tridimensional do Direito, de Miguel Reale, composta por norma, fato e valor, que estão sempre presentes e correlacionados de maneira funcional e dialética, e sofrem interferência do Poder, que determina quais os valores positivos, a serem preservados, e quais os valores negativos, a serem proibidos. Foram utilizados os pronunciamentos contábeis emitidos pelo CPC no que diz respeito a Conceituação Geral e Evidenciação, antes e depois da audiência pública, a norma internacional em que se baseia o pronunciamento brasileiro e as sugestões recebidas pelo CPC sobre os pronunciamentos contábeis. Os resultados apontam para uma forte associação entre sugestões que tinham como finalidade a aproximação das normas internacionais e a aceitação por parte do CPC. Além disso, os atores envolvidos no processo passam a aceitar a aproximação dos pronunciamentos contábeis brasileiros aos internacionais como realidade e aprenderam que o caminho para modificação de algum ponto do pronunciamento brasileiro é a alteração do pronunciamento do IASB.
The Federal Constitution of 1988 is recognized for its enlargement in the face of large amount of provisions that make it up, among which many are fundamental rights. The fundamental rules set up the foundation of a democratic state, however, are the necessary legal mechanisms to be effective, its exercise is not enough merely to state them, but to offer ways for them to stop being just written standard on paper, and come to be viewed and exercised day-to-day. In this sense, access to justice presents itself in our times, as a cornerstone for a just society dictates. In this light, access to justice can be seen as the most fundamental of rights, which translates as instruments able to safeguard the fundamental rights not only against the action/omission violating the state but also the very particular. Furthermore, access to justice within the legal country, is not right for everyone, despite the willingness of the Citizen Charter in its article 5, paragraph LXXIV, ensuring that the State shall provide full and free legal assistance to those in need. More than half of the population lives in poverty and can´t afford to pay legal fees or court costs as well as a bump in their own ignorance of their rights. The judiciary, in their primary function, is in charge of trying to correct the violation of the rights, intending to effect a true distributive justice, serving as a paradigm for the promotion of substantive equality of human beings, however, is difficult and tortuous access Justice for those without financial resources. In this vein, we present the Public Defender, as keeper of the masses in its institutional role, defending a disadvantage, in the words, as a mechanism for effective access to justice, ensuring therefore fundamental rights. Public Defenders arise at the time or much discussion highlights the priority of actual access to justice, custody, therefore, intimate bond with the pursuit of fundamental rights, in which, that advance the broad range of rights, without whom could defend them or guardianship them
A saúde masculina é ainda pouco discutida. Estudos mostram que há um padrão social hegemônico sobre o masculino que influencia comportamentos preventivos de homens diante da saúde. Esta pesquisa, qualitativo-descritiva, investigou por meio da análise de conteúdo de entrevistas de dois homens hospitalizados, as suas concepções sobre gênero e saúde/adoecimento. Sob o ponto de vista masculino, homens e mulheres ficam doentes igualmente, embora as mulheres cuidem mais e preventivamente da sua saúde devido ao corpo reprodutivo. Os homens cuidam menos da saúde porque têm dificuldades em se afastar do trabalho, procuram por ajuda médica apenas diante de situações críticas que impõem limites na vida social e adoecem de modo mais severo. As concepções identificadas enfatizam a necessidade de elaboração de políticas públicas, que visem promover a saúde, específicas à população masculina.
Infection due to the gastrointestinal nematodes can negatively interact with the productive performance of dairy goats, and in some cases can induce mortality in the flocks. The objective was to study the influence of season, parturition order, postpartum, lactation and breed standard on the population of helminths in dairy goats. 31 goats were used, with 15 Saanen and 16 F1 (1/2 Boer + 1/2 Saanen). of these, 13 were from the 1st lactation and 18 from the 2nd or more lactations. The highest fecal egg counts occurred during the summer and spring, with FEC in Saanen higher (p < 0.01) than in F1 animals (1/2 Boer + 1/2 Saanen). The animals with 1st lactation showed higher FEC (p < 0.004) than the animals in 2nd or more lactation. During the peripartum the largest FEC for both breeds standards were in the week of the birth (p < 0.05), followed by post-partum and pre-partum. In peripartum the Saanen goats showed higher FEC (p < 0.02) than the F1 and primiparous (p < 0.008) in relation to pluriparous. F1 animals are resistant to helminthes when compared to Saanen animals, demonstrating that crossing of resistant breeds with high production breeds is a viable alternative to increase productivity without compromising the parasitary stability of the herd. The peripartum period is a risk factor associated to the occurrence of gastrointestinal helminths, especially in Saanen goats from first lactation.
Includes bibliography