997 resultados para speed, perception


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The direction and speed of motion of a one-dimensional (1-D) stimulus, such as a grating, presented within a circular aperture is ambiguous. This ambiguity, referred to as the Aperture Problem (Fennema & Thompson, 1979) results from (i) the inability to detect motion parallel to grating orientation, and (ii) the occlusion of border information, such as the ‘ends’ of the grating, by the surface forming the aperture, Adelson and Movshon's (1982) intcrsection-of-constraints (IOC) model of motion perception describes a two-stage method of disambiguating the motion of 1-D moving stimuli (e.g., gratings) to produce unambiguous motion of two-dimensional (2-D) objects (e.g., plaid patterns) made up of several 1-D components. Specifically, in the IOC model ambiguous 1-D motions extracted by Stage 1 component-selective mechanisms are integrated by Stage 2 pattern-selective mechanisms to produce unambiguous 2-D motion signals. ‘Integration’ in the context of the IOC model involves determining the single motion vector (i.e., combination of direction and speed) which is consistent with the I-D components of a 2-D object. Since the IOC model assumes that 2-D objects undergo pure translation (i.e., without distortion, rotation, etc.), the motion vector consistent with all 1-D components describes the motion of the 2-D object itself. Adelson and Movshon (1982) propose that neural implementation of the computation underlying the IOC model is reflected in the perception of coherent 2-D plaid motion reported when two separately-moving ‘component’ gratings are superimposed. Using these plaid patterns the present thesis assesses the IOC model in terms of its ability to account for the perception of 2-D motion in a variety of circumstances. In the first series of experiments it is argued that the unambiguous motion perceived for a single grating presented within a rectangular aperture (i.e., the Barberpole illusion; Wallach, 1976) reflects application of the IOC computation to the moving 1-D grating and the stationary boundary of the aperture. While contrary to the assumption which underlies the IOC model (viz., that integration occurs between moving 1-D stimuli), evidence consistent with the involvement of the IOC computation in mediating the Barberpole illusion (in which there is only one moving stimulus) is obtained by measuring plaid coherence as a function of aperture shape. It is found that rectangular apertures which bias perceived component motions in directions consistent with plaid direction facilitate plaid coherence, while rectangular apertures which bias perceived component motions in directions inconsistent with plaid direction disrupt plaid coherence. In the second series of experiments, perceived directions of motion of type I symmetrical, type I asymmetrical, and type II plaids are measured with the aim of investigating the deviations in plaid directions reported by Ferrera and Wilson (1990) and Yo and Wilson (1992). Perceived directions of both asymmetrical and type II plaids are shown to deviate away from lOC-predicted directions and towards mean component direction. Furthermore, the magnitude of these deviations is being proportional to the difference between lOC-predicted plaid direction and mean component direction. On the basis of these directional deviations, modification to the IOC model is proposed. In the modified IOC model it is argued that plaid perception involves (i) the activity of Stage 2 pattern-selective mechanisms (and the Stage 1 component-selective mechanisms which input into these pattern-selective mechanisms) involved in implementing the IOC computation, and (ii) component-selective mechanisms which influence plaid perception directly, and ‘extraneously’ to the IOC computation. In the third series of experiments the validity of this modified IOC model, as well as the validity of alternative one-stage models of plaid perception are assessed in relation to perceived directions of plaid-induced MAEs as a function of both plaid direction and mean component direction. It is found that plaid-induced MAEs are shifted away from directions opposite to lOC-predicted plaid direction towards the direction opposite to mean component direction. This pattern of results is taken to be consistent with the modified IOC model which predicts the activity, and adaptation both of mechanisms signalling plaid direction (via implementation of the IOC computation), and ‘extraneous-type’ component-selective mechanisms signalling component directions. Alternative one-stage models which predict the adaptation of only mechanisms signalling plaid direction (the feature-tracking model), or the adaptation only of mechanisms signalling component directions (the distribution-of-activity model), cannot account for the directions of plaid-induced MAEs reported. The ability of the modified IOC model to account for the perceived directions of (i) gratings in rectangular apertures, (ii) various types of plaid in circular apertures, and (iii) directions of plaid-induced MAEs, is interpreted as supporting the proposition that human motion perception is based on a parallel and distributed process involving Stage 2 pattern-selective mechanisms (and the Stage 1 component-selective mechanisms which input into these mechanisms) taken to implement the IOC computation, and component-selective mechanisms taken to provide an 'extraneous' direct contribution to motion perception.


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OBJECTIVE: To test for the presence of sex-based differences in perception (the notion that men and women "think" differently, and that differences in perception are biologically based) among healthcare professionals. DESIGN: Prospective survey. SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: 90 medical personnel at a tertiary care hospital in Newcastle, NSW. INTERVENTION: Healthcare professionals were shown two pictures that could be interpreted as depicting either a young or an old person, and a word that could be seen as geometric shapes. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The effects of sex, age, seniority, and specialisation in relation to the first impression of the image, the ability to change one's perception, and the speed of perception. RESULTS: Contrary to popular opinion, male physicians were more likely to perceive the older figures, and just as likely as women to be able to change their perception. Surgeons and junior staff were more likely to see, as well as being faster to form, an impression requiring abstract thought, and were more able to change their perceptions. CONCLUSIONS: Traditional sex stereotypes do not apply to medical personnel, but other age-based stereotypes, and professional rivalries (medical versus surgical) may have some empiric basis.


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Zeki and co-workers recently proposed that perception can best be described as locally distributed, asynchronous processes that each create a kind of microconsciousness, which condense into an experienced percept. The present article is aimed at extending this theory to metacognitive feelings. We present evidence that perceptual fluency-the subjective feeling of ease during perceptual processing-is based on speed of processing at different stages of the perceptual process. Specifically, detection of briefly presented stimuli was influenced by figure-ground contrast, but not by symmetry (Experiment 1) or the font (Experiment 2) of the stimuli. Conversely, discrimination of these stimuli was influenced by whether they were symmetric (Experiment 1) and by the font they were presented in (Experiment 2), but not by figure-ground contrast. Both tasks however were related with the subjective experience of fluency (Experiments 1 and 2). We conclude that subjective fluency is the conscious phenomenal correlate of different processing stages in visual perception.


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La robótica ha evolucionado exponencialmente en las últimas décadas, permitiendo a los sistemas actuales realizar tareas sumamente complejas con gran precisión, fiabilidad y velocidad. Sin embargo, este desarrollo ha estado asociado a un mayor grado de especialización y particularización de las tecnologías implicadas, siendo estas muy eficientes en situaciones concretas y controladas, pero incapaces en entornos cambiantes, dinámicos y desestructurados. Por eso, el desarrollo de la robótica debe pasar por dotar a los sistemas de capacidad de adaptación a las circunstancias, de entendedimiento sobre los cambios observados y de flexibilidad a la hora de interactuar con el entorno. Estas son las caracteristicas propias de la interacción del ser humano con su entorno, las que le permiten sobrevivir y las que pueden proporcionar a un sistema inteligencia y capacidad suficientes para desenvolverse en un entorno real de forma autónoma e independiente. Esta adaptabilidad es especialmente importante en el manejo de riesgos e incetidumbres, puesto que es el mecanismo que permite contextualizar y evaluar las amenazas para proporcionar una respuesta adecuada. Así, por ejemplo, cuando una persona se mueve e interactua con su entorno, no evalúa los obstáculos en función de su posición, velocidad o dinámica (como hacen los sistemas robóticos tradicionales), sino mediante la estimación del riesgo potencial que estos elementos suponen para la persona. Esta evaluación se consigue combinando dos procesos psicofísicos del ser humano: por un lado, la percepción humana analiza los elementos relevantes del entorno, tratando de entender su naturaleza a partir de patrones de comportamiento, propiedades asociadas u otros rasgos distintivos. Por otro lado, como segundo nivel de evaluación, el entendimiento de esta naturaleza permite al ser humano conocer/estimar la relación de los elementos con él mismo, así como sus implicaciones en cuanto a nivel de riesgo se refiere. El establecimiento de estas relaciones semánticas -llamado cognición- es la única forma de definir el nivel de riesgo de manera absoluta y de generar una respuesta adecuada al mismo. No necesariamente proporcional, sino coherente con el riesgo al que se enfrenta. La investigación que presenta esta tesis describe el trabajo realizado para trasladar esta metodología de análisis y funcionamiento a la robótica. Este se ha centrado especialmente en la nevegación de los robots aéreos, diseñando e implementado procedimientos de inspiración humana para garantizar la seguridad de la misma. Para ello se han estudiado y evaluado los mecanismos de percepción, cognición y reacción humanas en relación al manejo de riesgos. También se ha analizado como los estímulos son capturados, procesados y transformados por condicionantes psicológicos, sociológicos y antropológicos de los seres humanos. Finalmente, también se ha analizado como estos factores motivan y descandenan las reacciones humanas frente a los peligros. Como resultado de este estudio, todos estos procesos, comportamientos y condicionantes de la conducta humana se han reproducido en un framework que se ha estructurado basadandose en factores análogos. Este emplea el conocimiento obtenido experimentalmente en forma de algoritmos, técnicas y estrategias, emulando el comportamiento humano en las mismas circunstancias. Diseñado, implementeado y validado tanto en simulación como con datos reales, este framework propone una manera innovadora -tanto en metodología como en procedimiento- de entender y reaccionar frente a las amenazas potenciales de una misión robótica. ABSTRACT Robotics has undergone a great revolution in the last decades. Nowadays this technology is able to perform really complex tasks with a high degree of accuracy and speed, however this is only true in precisely defined situations with fully controlled variables. Since the real world is dynamic, changing and unstructured, flexible and non context-dependent systems are required. The ability to understand situations, acknowledge changes and balance reactions is required by robots to successfully interact with their surroundings in a fully autonomous fashion. In fact, it is those very processes that define human interactions with the environment. Social relationships, driving or risk/incertitude management... in all these activities and systems, context understanding and adaptability are what allow human beings to survive: contrarily to the traditional robotics, people do not evaluate obstacles according to their position but according to the potential risk their presence imply. In this sense, human perception looks for information which goes beyond location, speed and dynamics (the usual data used in traditional obstacle avoidance systems). Specific features in the behaviour of a particular element allows the understanding of that element’s nature and therefore the comprehension of the risk posed by it. This process defines the second main difference between traditional obstacle avoidance systems and human behaviour: the ability to understand a situation/scenario allows to get to know the implications of the elements and their relationship with the observer. Establishing these semantic relationships -named cognition- is the only way to estimate the actual danger level of an element. Furthermore, only the application of this knowledge allows the generation of coherent, suitable and adjusted responses to deal with any risk faced. The research presented in this thesis summarizes the work done towards translating these human cognitive/reasoning procedures to the field of robotics. More specifically, the work done has been focused on employing human-based methodologies to enable aerial robots to navigate safely. To this effect, human perception, cognition and reaction processes concerning risk management have been experimentally studied; as well as the acquisition and processing of stimuli. How psychological, sociological and anthropological factors modify, balance and give shape to those stimuli has been researched. And finally, the way in which these factors motivate the human behaviour according to different mindsets and priorities has been established. This associative workflow has been reproduced by establishing an equivalent structure and defining similar factors and sources. Besides, all the knowledge obtained experimentally has been applied in the form of algorithms, techniques and strategies which emulate the analogous human behaviours. As a result, a framework capable of understanding and reacting in response to stimuli has been implemented and validated.


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Federal Highway Administration, Office of Safety and Traffic Operations Research and Development, McLean, Va.


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The duration of movements made to intercept moving targets decreases and movement speed increases when interception requires greater temporal precision. Changes in target size and target speed can have the same effect on required temporal precision, but the response to these changes differs: changes in target speed elicit larger changes in response speed. A possible explanation is that people attempt to strike the target in a central zone that does not vary much with variation in physical target size: the effective size of the target is relatively constant over changes in physical size. Three experiments are reported that test this idea. Participants performed two tasks: (1) strike a moving target with a bat moved perpendicular to the path of the target; (2) press on a force transducer when the target was in a location where it could be struck by the bat. Target speed was varied and target size held constant in experiment 1. Target speed and size were co-varied in experiment 2, keeping the required temporal precision constant. Target size was varied and target speed held constant in experiment 3 to give the same temporal precision as experiment 1. Duration of hitting movements decreased and maximum movement speed increased with increases in target speed and/or temporal precision requirements in all experiments. The effects were largest in experiment 1 and smallest in experiment 3. Analysis of a measure of effective target size (standard deviation of strike locations on the target) failed to support the hypothesis that performance differences could be explained in terms of effective size rather than actual physical size. In the pressing task, participants produced greater peak forces and shorter force pulses when the temporal precision required was greater, showing that the response to increasing temporal precision generalizes to different responses. It is concluded that target size and target speed have independent effects on performance.


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When viewing a drifting plaid stimulus, perceived motion alternates over time between coherent pattern motion and a transparent impression of the two component gratings. It is known that changing the intrinsic attributes of such patterns (e.g. speed, orientation and spatial frequency of components) can influence percept predominance. Here, we investigate the contribution of extrinsic factors to perception; specifically contextual motion and eye movements. In the first experiment, the percept most similar to the speed and direction of surround motion increased in dominance, implying a tuned integration process. This shift primarily involved an increase in dominance durations of the consistent percept. The second experiment measured eye movements under similar conditions. Saccades were not associated with perceptual transitions, though blink rate increased around the time of a switch. This indicates that saccades do not cause switches, yet saccades in a congruent direction might help to prolong a percept because i) more saccades were directionally congruent with the currently reported percept than expected by chance, and ii) when observers were asked to make deliberate eye movements along one motion axis, this increased percept reports in that direction. Overall, we find evidence that perception of bistable motion can be modulated by information from spatially adjacent regions, and changes to the retinal image caused by blinks and saccades.


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The rapid growth of off-premise dining and, consequently, drive- thru service, presents the challenge of building customer loyalty in a highly competitive marketplace. In this study, customer perceptions of drive-thru service associated with quick service restaurants were examined. Results suggest that service time appears to differ among quick service restaurants, even those within the same chain. Employee courtesy was rated positively at all restaurants, as was food quality. The implications of these results for restaurateurs who offer drive-thru service are discussed.


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Previous research on person perception has shown that people form first impressions with remarkable speed and accuracy, but relatively little is known about the speed and accuracy of trustworthiness judgments across cultures. The present research examined these by asking Chinese and Canadians to infer trustworthiness from faces of criminals and non-criminals from different cultural backgrounds across two domains (i.e., financial crime in Study 1 and violent crime in Study 2). Across both studies, we found that when participants were given time and opportunity, Chinese tended to take a longer time than Canadians to make trustworthiness judgments (although this difference did not reach statistical significance in Study 2). In Study 1, we found that perceivers from both cultures were accurate at judging European North Americans (ENA) corporate criminals as less trustworthy than ENA non-criminal executives, although they did not differentiate Asian corporate criminals from Asian non-criminal executives. In Study 2, we found that perceivers from both cultures were accurate at judging both Asian and ENA violent criminals as less trustworthy than Asian and ENA non-criminals. Chinese were also accurate at rating Middle Eastern violent criminals as less trustworthy than Middle Eastern non-criminals, but Canadians did not differentiate them in terms of their trustworthiness ratings. In terms of their crime likelihood ratings, however, both Chinese and Canadians accurately rated all the criminals as more likely to commit violent crimes than the non-criminals, regardless of the targets’ ethnicities. Finally, we discussed some of the practical implications of our findings on detection of deception, as well as how providing a context for trustworthiness judgments might have played an important role in people’s judgmental accuracy.


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Objectives: Patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) may have difficulties in time perception, which in turn might contribute to some of their symptoms, especially memory deficits. The aim of this study was to evaluate perception of interval length and subjective passage of time in MCI patients as compared to healthy controls. Methods: Fifty-five MCI patients and 57 healthy controls underwent an experimental protocol for time perception on interval length, a questionnaire for the subjective passage of time and a neuropsychological evaluation. Results: MCI patients presented no changes in the perception of interval length. However, for MCI patients, time seemed to pass more slowly than it did for controls. This experience was significantly correlated with memory deficits but not with performance in executive tests, nor with complaints of depression or anxiety. Conclusions: Memory deficits do not affect the perception of interval length, but are associated with alterations in the subjective passage of time.