981 resultados para single-electron logic


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This paper proposes novel fast addition and multiplication circuits that are based on non-binary redundant number systems and single electron (SE) devices. The circuits consist of MOSFET-based single-electron (SE) turnstiles. We use the number of electrons to represent discrete multiple-valued logic states and we finish arithmetic operations by controlling the number of electrons transferred. We construct a compact PD2,3 adder and a 12x12bit multiplier using the PD2,3 adder. The speed of the adder can be as high as 600MHz with 400nW power dissipation. The speed of the adder is regardless of its operand length. The proposed circuits have much smaller transistors than conventional circuits.


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Single-electron devices (SEDs) have ultra-low power dissipation and high integration density, which make them promising candidates as basic circuit elements of the next generation VLSI circuits. In this paper, we propose two novel circuit single-electron architectures: the single-electron simulated annealing algorithm (SAA) circuit and the single-electron cellular neural network (CNN). We used the MOSFET-based single-electron turnstile [1] as the basic circuit element. The SAA circuit consists of the voltage-controlled single-electron random number generator [2] and the single-electron multiple-valued memories (SEMVs) [3]. The random-number generation and variable variations in SAA are easily achieved by transferring electrons using the single-electron turnstile. The CNN circuit used the floating-gate single-electron turnstile as the neural synapses, and the number of electrons is used to represent the cells states. These novel circuits are promising in future nanoscale integrated circuits.


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In this paper we consider the continuous weak measurement of a solid-state qubit by single electron transistors (SET). For single-dot SET, we find that in nonlinear response regime the signal-to-noise ratio can violate the universal upper bound imposed quantum mechanically on any linear response detectors. We understand the violation by means of the cross-correlation of the detector currents. For double-dot SET, we discuss its robustness against wider range of temperatures, quantum efficiency, and the relevant open issues unresolved.


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Real-time detection of single electron tunneling through a T-shaped double quantum dot is simulated, based on a Monte Carlo scheme. The double dot is embedded in a dissipative environment and the presence of electrons on the double dot is detected with a nearby quantum point contact. We demonstrate directly the bunching behavior in electron transport, which leads eventually to a super-Poissonian noise. Particularly, in the context of full counting statistics, we investigate the essential difference between the dephasing mechanisms induced by the quantum point contact detection and the coupling to the external phonon bath. A number of intriguing noise features associated with various transport mechanisms are revealed.


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This paper proposes a novel single electron random number generator (RNG). The generator consists of multiple tunneling junctions (MTJ) and a hybrid single electron transistor (SET)/MOS output circuit. It is an oscillator-based RNG. MTJ is used to implement a high-frequency oscillator,which uses the inherent physical randomness in tunneling events of the MTJ to achieve large frequency drift. The hybrid SET and MOS output circuit is used to amplify and buffer the output signal of the MTJ oscillator. The RNG circuit generates high-quality random digital sequences with a simple structure. The operation speed of this circuit is as high as 1GHz. The circuit also has good driven capability and low power dissipation. This novel random number generator is a promising device for future cryptographic systems and communication applications.


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A reproducible terahertz (THz) photocurrent was observed at low temperatures in a Schottky wrap gate single electron transistor with a normal-incident of a CH_3OH gas laser with the frequency 2. 54THz.The change of source-drain current induced by THz photons shows that a satellite peak is generated beside the resonance peak. THz photon energy can be characterized by the difference of gate voltage positions between the resonance peak and satellite peak. This indicates that the satellite peak exactly results from the THz photon-assisted tunneling. Both experimental results and theoretical analysis show that a narrow spacing of double barriers is more effective for the enhancement of THz response.


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A realistic measurement setup for a system such system measured by a mesoscopie detector,is theoretically as a charged two-state (qubit) or multi-state quantum studied. To properly describe the measurement-induced back-action,a detailed-balance preserved quantum master equation treatment is developed. The established framework is applicable for arbitrary voltages and temperatures.


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Single-electron capture in 14 keV q(-1) Ar15+...18++He collisions is investigated both experimentally and theoretically. Partial cross sections and projectile scattering angle dependencies have been deduced from the target ion recoil momenta measured by the COLTRIMS technique. The comparison with close-coupling results obtained from a two-centre extension of the basis generator method yields good overall agreement, demonstrating the applicability of close-coupling calculations to collision systems involving highly charged ions in charge states up to 18+.


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Recent measurements of electron escape from a nonequilibrium charged quantum dot are interpreted within a two-dimensional (2D) separable model. The confining potential is derived from 3D self-consistent Poisson-Thomas-Fermi calculations. It is found that the sequence of decay lifetimes provides a sensitive test of the confining potential and its dependence on electron occupation


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Perturbation theory in the lowest non-vanishing order in interelectron interaction has been applied to the theoretical investigation of double-ionization decays of resonantly excited single-electron states. The formulae for the transition probabilities were derived in the LS coupling scheme, and the orbital angular momentum and spin selection rules were obtained. In addition to the formulae, which are exact in this order, three approximate expressions, which correspond to illustrative model mechanisms of the transition, were derived as limiting cases of the exact ones. Numerical results were obtained for the decay of the resonantly excited Kr 1 3d^{-1}5p[^1P] state which demonstrated quite clearly the important role of the interelectron interaction in double-ionization processes. On the other hand, the results obtained show that low-energy electrons can appear in the photoelectron spectrum below the ionization threshold of the 3d shell. As a function of the photon frequency, the yield of these low-energy electrons is strongly amplified by the resonant transition of the 3d electron to 5p (or to other discrete levels), acting as an intermediate state, when the photon frequency approaches that of the transition.


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The thermal dependence of the zero-bias conductance for the single electron transistor is the target of two independent renormalization-group approaches, both based on the spin-degenerate Anderson impurity model. The first approach, an analytical derivation, maps the Kondo-regime conductance onto the universal conductance function for the particle-hole symmetric model. Linear, the mapping is parametrized by the Kondo temperature and the charge in the Kondo cloud. The second approach, a numerical renormalization-group computation of the conductance as a function the temperature and applied gate voltages offers a comprehensive view of zero-bias charge transport through the device. The first approach is exact in the Kondo regime; the second, essentially exact throughout the parametric space of the model. For illustrative purposes, conductance curves resulting from the two approaches are compared.


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We have realized a Data Acquisition chain for the use and characterization of APSEL4D, a 32 x 128 Monolithic Active Pixel Sensor, developed as a prototype for frontier experiments in high energy particle physics. In particular a transition board was realized for the conversion between the chip and the FPGA voltage levels and for the signal quality enhancing. A Xilinx Spartan-3 FPGA was used for real time data processing, for the chip control and the communication with a Personal Computer through a 2.0 USB port. For this purpose a firmware code, developed in VHDL language, was written. Finally a Graphical User Interface for the online system monitoring, hit display and chip control, based on windows and widgets, was realized developing a C++ code and using Qt and Qwt dedicated libraries. APSEL4D and the full acquisition chain were characterized for the first time with the electron beam of the transmission electron microscope and with 55Fe and 90Sr radioactive sources. In addition, a beam test was performed at the T9 station of the CERN PS, where hadrons of momentum of 12 GeV/c are available. The very high time resolution of APSEL4D (up to 2.5 Mfps, but used at 6 kfps) was fundamental in realizing a single electron Young experiment using nanometric double slits obtained by a FIB technique. On high statistical samples, it was possible to observe the interference and diffractions of single isolated electrons traveling inside a transmission electron microscope. For the first time, the information on the distribution of the arrival time of the single electrons has been extracted.