985 resultados para similar tests
The identification of appropriate laboratory measures to confirm clinical hypotheses is important in routine paracoccidioidomycosis medical care. The clinical records and laboratory reports of 401 paracoccidioidomycosis patients attended at the Tropical Diseases Area, Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu, from 1974 to 2008 were reviewed. Direct mycological (DM), cell block (CB), histopathological (HP), and double immunodiffusion (DID) tests were evaluated before treatment. Typical Paracoccidioides brasiliensis yeast forms were observed in clinical specimens of 86% of the patients, but 14% were detected only by serological test. DM of 51 different tissue specimens produced 74.5% sensitivity, and 62.5% sensitivity was observed in 112 sputum samples. CB in 483 sputum samples generated 55.3% sensitivity. HP performed in 239 samples from different tissues revealed 96.7% sensitivity. Serology carried out in 351 patients and 200 healthy controls provided 90.0% sensitivity, 100.0% specificity, 100.0% positive predictive value, 85.1% negative predictive value and 93.6% accuracy. Comparisons of laboratory measurements performed in the same patient showed that sensitivity decreases from HP to DID to CB and DM, with the last two assays providing similar sensitivities. This study demonstrated that P. brasiliensis identification by HP, CB, and/or DM associated with DID is sufficient to establish the laboratorial diagnosis of paracoccidioidomycosis in practically all cases. (C) 2011 Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
We have investigated if a new LEDs system has enough efficient energy to promote efficient shear and tensile bonding strength resistance under standardized tests. LEDs 470 +/- 10 nm can be used to photocure composite during bracket fixation. Advantages considering resistance to tensile and shear bonding strength when these systems were used are necessary to justify their clinical use. Forty eight human extracted premolars teeth and two light sources were selected, one halogen lamp and a LEDs system. Brackets for premolar were bonded through composite resin. Samples were submitted to standardized tests. A comparison between used sources under shear bonding strength test, obtained similar results; however, tensile bonding test showed distinct results: a statistical difference at a level of 1% between exposure times (40 and 60 seconds) and even to an interaction between light source and exposure time. The best result was obtained with halogen lamp use by 60 seconds, even during re-bonding; however LEDs system can be used for bonding and re-bonding brackets if power density could be increased.
With recent advances in technology and research into drug delivery, the modernization of tests and greater emphasis on the predictability of therapeutic effect by means of in vitro tests, the dissolution test and the study of dissolution profiles are gaining more and more importance. Though introduced initially as a way of characterizing the release profile of poorly soluble drugs, dissolution tests are currently part of pharmacopoeial monographs on almost all the oral solid pharmaceutical forms. The objective of this study was to determine the dissolution profile (percent drug dissolved versus time) of the pioneer brand, generic and similar pharmaceutical capsules containing 500mg cephalexin. Three pharmaceutical brands (reference, generic and similar) were subjected to the dissolution test and in vitro dissolution profiles were recorded. From the results of the dissolution test, it was concluded that the samples met the acceptance criterion, as no difference was observed in the percentage of the drug dissolved in a standard time. The dissolution profile indicated that this medicine, in this pharmaceutical form, dissolves readily (85% of the drug dissolved in 15 minutes) and the curves showed great similarity, suggesting that the 3 brands are pharmaceutically equivalent.
A major aspect in geosynthetics creep analysis is the load level applied to the specimen, usually referred as a percentage of the geosynthetic ultimate tensile strength (UTS). Since both tensile and creep standard tests are performed with in-isolation specimens, they may not reproduce the possibly significant effect of soil-geosynthetic interaction. A new creep testing machine was recently developed and successfully addressed this concern. However, further developments allowed tensile tests to be performed in the same conditions used in nonconventional creep ones. This paper presents the results of nonconventional tensile tests performed with a woven biaxial polyester geogrid. They were used to define its UTS in the same conditions employed in creep tests performed with the new equipment. Despite changes in tensile curves shapes were found, the UTS from confined, accelerated and confined-accelerated tensile tests were quite similar to those obtained with standard tensile test procedure.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The insecticide imidacloprid and the herbicide sulfentrazone are two different classes of pesticides that are used for pest control in sugarcane agriculture. To evaluate the genotoxic potential of low concentrations of these two pesticides alone and in mixture, the comet assay and the micronucleus (MN) test employing fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with a centromeric probe were applied in human hepatoma cell lines (HepG2), in a 24-h assay. Mutagenicity was assessed by Salmonella/microsome assay with TA98 and TA100 strains in the absence and presence of an exogenous metabolizing system (S9). The results showed significant inductions of MN in HepG2 cells by both pesticides, for all the tested concentrations. As evidenced in the comet assay, only the imidacloprid presented significant responses. When the two pesticides were associated, a significant induction of damage was observed in the HepG2 cells by the comet assay, but not by the MN test. Moreover, the MN induced by the mixtures of the pesticides appeared at lower levels than those induced by sulfentrazone and imidacloprid when tested alone. According to the FISH results, the damage induced by imidacloprid in the HepG2 cells resulted from a clastogenic action of this insecticide (76.6% of the MN did not present a centromeric signal). For the herbicide sulfentrazone and for the mixture of the pesticides, a similar frequency of MN with and without the presence of the centromeric signal (herbicide: 52.45% of the MN without centromeric signal and 47.54% of the MN with centromeric signal; mixture: 48.71% of the MN without centromeric signal and 51.42% of the MN with centromeric signal) was verified. Based on these results, it was concluded that each one of the pesticides evaluated interacts with the DNA of HepG2 cells and causes irreparable alterations in the cells. However, the combination of the pesticides showed an antagonistic effect on the cells and the damage induced was milder and not persistent in HepG2 cells. The results obtained by the Ames test did not point out significant results.
Background: The negative sensory properties of casein hydrolysates (HC) often limit their usage in products intended for human consumption, despite HC being nutritious and having many functional benefits. Recent, but taxonomically limited, evidence suggests that other animals also avoid consuming HC when alternatives exist. Methodology/Principal Findings: We evaluated ingestive responses of five herbivorous species (guinea pig, mountain beaver, gopher, vole, and rabbit) and five omnivorous species (rat, coyote, house mouse, white-footed mouse, and deer mouse; N = 16–18/species) using solid foods containing 20% HC in a series of two-choice preference tests that used a nonprotein, cellulose-based alternative. Individuals were also tested with collagen hydrolysate (gelatin; GE) to determine whether it would induce similar ingestive responses to those induced by HC. Despite HC and GE having very different nutritional and sensory qualities, both hydrolysates produced similar preference score patterns. We found that the herbivores generally avoided the hydrolysates while the omnivores consumed them at similar levels to the cellulose diet or, more rarely, preferred them (HC by the white-footed mouse; GE by the rat). Follow-up preference tests pairing HC and the nutritionally equivalent intact casein (C) were performed on the three mouse species and the guinea pigs. For the mice, mean HC preference scores were lower in the HC v C compared to the HC v Cel tests, indicating that HC’s sensory qualities negatively affected its consumption. However, responses were species-specific. For the guinea pigs, repeated exposure to HC or C (4.7-h sessions; N = 10) were found to increase subsequent HC preference scores in an HC v C preference test, which was interpreted in the light of conservative foraging strategies thought to typify herbivores. Conclusions/Significance: This is the first empirical study of dietary niche-related taxonomic differences in ingestive responses to protein hydrolysates using multiple species under comparable conditions. Our results provide a basis for future work in sensory, physiological, and behavioral mechanisms of hydrolysate avoidance and on the potential use of hydrolysates for pest management.
An Adaptive Optic (AO) system is a fundamental requirement of 8m-class telescopes. We know that in order to obtain the maximum possible resolution allowed by these telescopes we need to correct the atmospheric turbulence. Thanks to adaptive optic systems we are able to use all the effective potential of these instruments, drawing all the information from the universe sources as best as possible. In an AO system there are two main components: the wavefront sensor (WFS) that is able to measure the aberrations on the incoming wavefront in the telescope, and the deformable mirror (DM) that is able to assume a shape opposite to the one measured by the sensor. The two subsystem are connected by the reconstructor (REC). In order to do this, the REC requires a “common language" between these two main AO components. It means that it needs a mapping between the sensor-space and the mirror-space, called an interaction matrix (IM). Therefore, in order to operate correctly, an AO system has a main requirement: the measure of an IM in order to obtain a calibration of the whole AO system. The IM measurement is a 'mile stone' for an AO system and must be done regardless of the telescope size or class. Usually, this calibration step is done adding to the telescope system an auxiliary artificial source of light (i.e a fiber) that illuminates both the deformable mirror and the sensor, permitting the calibration of the AO system. For large telescope (more than 8m, like Extremely Large Telescopes, ELTs) the fiber based IM measurement requires challenging optical setups that in some cases are also impractical to build. In these cases, new techniques to measure the IM are needed. In this PhD work we want to check the possibility of a different method of calibration that can be applied directly on sky, at the telescope, without any auxiliary source. Such a technique can be used to calibrate AO system on a telescope of any size. We want to test the new calibration technique, called “sinusoidal modulation technique”, on the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT) AO system, which is already a complete AO system with the two main components: a secondary deformable mirror with by 672 actuators, and a pyramid wavefront sensor. My first phase of PhD work was helping to implement the WFS board (containing the pyramid sensor and all the auxiliary optical components) working both optical alignments and tests of some optical components. Thanks to the “solar tower” facility of the Astrophysical Observatory of Arcetri (Firenze), we have been able to reproduce an environment very similar to the telescope one, testing the main LBT AO components: the pyramid sensor and the secondary deformable mirror. Thanks to this the second phase of my PhD thesis: the measure of IM applying the sinusoidal modulation technique. At first we have measured the IM using a fiber auxiliary source to calibrate the system, without any kind of disturbance injected. After that, we have tried to use this calibration technique in order to measure the IM directly “on sky”, so adding an atmospheric disturbance to the AO system. The results obtained in this PhD work measuring the IM directly in the Arcetri solar tower system are crucial for the future development: the possibility of the acquisition of IM directly on sky means that we are able to calibrate an AO system also for extremely large telescope class where classic IM measurements technique are problematic and, sometimes, impossible. Finally we have not to forget the reason why we need this: the main aim is to observe the universe. Thanks to these new big class of telescopes and only using their full capabilities, we will be able to increase our knowledge of the universe objects observed, because we will be able to resolve more detailed characteristics, discovering, analyzing and understanding the behavior of the universe components.
Weltweit existiert keine zum Tierversuch alternative Methode, um adsorbierte Pertussis-Impfstoffe auf restliche Toxin-Aktivität hin zu untersuchen. Der im Europäischen Arzneibuch vorgeschriebene Tierversuch besitzt nach Erfahrungen der Industrie, internationaler Prüfbehörden sowie des Paul-Ehrlich-Institutes eine schlechte Aussagekraft. Er ist wenig standardisierbar und weist häufig ein zweifelhaftes Ergebnis auf, so dass Wiederholungen und damit einhergehend ein hoher Verbrauch an Versuchstieren unumgänglich sind. Enthält der Impfstoff Reste von nicht-inaktiviertem Pertussis-Toxin (PTx), muss mit schweren und schwersten Nebenwirkungen bei den Impflingen gerechnet werden. In dieser Arbeit wurde ein In vitro-Nachweis für aktives PTx entwickelt. rnAngeregt durch Publikationen, wonach Pertussis-Toxin humane Monozyten aktiviert, wurde zunächst versucht, diesen Effekt zum Toxin-Nachweis auszunutzen. Die vorliegende Arbeit zeigt jedoch eindeutig, dass Pertussis-Toxin selbst nicht zur Stimulation humaner Monozyten führt. Vielmehr konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass die Aktivierung dieser Immunzellen auf Kontaminationen durch Lipopolysaccharide zurückzuführen ist. Damit wurden die Aussagen in den oben erwähnten Veröffentlichungen widerlegt. Dieses Ergebnis wurde bereits zur Publikation eingereicht.rnNunmehr wurden verschiedene Ansätze zum Nachweis von Pertussis-Toxin entwickelt, welche seine enzymatischen Aktivitäten als NAD-Glycohydrolase und ADP-Ribosyltransferase ausnutzen. Zunächst wurde versucht, die Hydrolyse von NAD zu ADP-Ribose und Nicotinamid photometrisch nachzuweisen. Wegen unbefriedigender Sensitivität wurde dieses Verfahren zu einem fluorometrischen Nachweis weiterentwickelt. Verwendet wurde hier fluorogenes etheno-NAD, welches von Pertussis-Toxin als Substrat akzeptiert wird. Letzteres Prinzip ist zum In vitro-Nachweis von Pertussis-Toxin geeignet, wird jedoch durch das in Impfstoffen häufig verwendete Adsorbens Aluminiumhydroxid gestört. Deshalb wurde dieser Ansatz aufgegeben und ein neuer Weg verfolgt, welcher am Energiestoffwechsel von humanen Zellen ansetzt. Eine Konsequenz des Angriffs von Pertussis-Toxin auf seine Zielzellen im Respirationstrakt besteht – nach komplexen Reaktionen des Signaltransduktionsweges – im Absenken des ATP-Gehaltes. Als menschliche Surrogat-Zellen wurden frisch isolierte periphere mononukleäre Zellen (PBMCs) sowie die permanente Lymphozyten-Zelllinie Jurkat eingesetzt und deren ATP-Gehalt mittels Luziferin-Luziferase-Lumineszenz gemessen. Der Test wird nicht durch Lipopolysaccharid gestört und auch Aluminiumhydroxid übt erst nach mehreren Stunden Inkubation einen interferierenden Einfluss aus. Ebenso konnte aktives Pertussis-Toxin mit Hilfe kryokonservierter PBMCs detektiert werden, auch in orientierenden Versuchen mit komplexen Impfstoffen. Der Pertussis-ATP-Test kommt der In vivo-Situation in der Zelle sehr nahe, weil beide Untereinheiten des Toxins in einem Test überprüft werden. Demnach soll er Bestandteil einer geplanten internationalen Studie zu alternativen Pertussis-Toxin-Testungen sein.
To quickly localize defects, we want our attention to be focussed on relevant failing tests. We propose to improve defect localization by exploiting dependencies between tests, using a JUnit extension called JExample. In a case study, a monolithic white-box test suite for a complex algorithm is refactored into two traditional JUnit style tests and to JExample. Of the three refactorings, JExample reports five times fewer defect locations and slightly better performance (-8-12\%), while having similar maintenance characteristics. Compared to the original implementation, JExample greatly improves maintainability due the improved factorization following the accepted test quality guidelines. As such, JExample combines the benefits of test chains with test quality aspects of JUnit style testing.
Two unusual Actinobacillus isolates were recovered from pigs with no clinical signs, no lesions and no history of swine pleuropneumonia. Two representative strains (9953L55 and 0347) analyzed in this study were initially biochemically and antigenically identified as A. pleuropneumoniae serotypes 1 and 9, respectively, by traditional identification methods. Both strains presented, however, negative results with three A. pleuropneumoniae-specific PCR tests and revealed in particular the absence of the apxIV toxin genes. However, both strains produced and secreted ApxII toxin although they only harbored the toxin genes apxIICA, which is an uncommon feature for any of the known A. pleuropneumoniae serotypes. Upon experimental inoculation of pigs, these strains proved to be totally non-pathogenic. Animals infected with one of the strains produced antibodies that cross-react with A. pleuropneumoniae serotypes 1-9-11-specific LC-LPS ELISA. Phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis revealed that these strains form a separate phylogenetic group that is distinct from other Actinobacillus species and is particularly different from A. pleuropneumoniae.
Discussing new or recently reformed citizenship tests in the USA, Australia, and Canada, this article asks whether they amount to a restrictive turn of new world citizenship, similar to recent developments in Europe. I argue that elements of a restrictive turn are noticeable in Australia and Canada, but only at the level of political rhetoric, not of law and policy, which remain liberal and inclusive. Much like in Europe, the restrictive turn is tantamount to Muslims and Islam moving to the center of the integration debate.
Children's performance estimation in mathematics and science tests over a school year: A pilot study
The metacognitve ability to accurately estimate ones performance in a test, is assumed to be of central importance for initializing task-oriented effort. In addition activating adequate problem-solving strategies, and engaging in efficient error detection and correction. Although school children's' ability to estimate their own performance has been widely investigated, this was mostly done under highly-controlled, experimental set-ups including only one single test occasion. Method: The aim of this study was to investigate this metacognitive ability in the context of real achievement tests in mathematics. Developed and applied by a teacher of a 5th grade class over the course of a school year these tests allowed the exploration of the variability of performance estimation accuracy as a function of test difficulty. Results: Mean performance estimations were generally close to actual performance with somewhat less variability compared to test performance. When grouping the children into three achievement levels, results revealed higher accuracy of performance estimations in the high achievers compared to the low and average achievers. In order to explore the generalization of these findings, analyses were also conducted for the same children's tests in their science classes revealing a very similar pattern of results compared to the domain of mathematics. Discussion and Conclusion: By and large, the present study, in a natural environment, confirmed previous laboratory findings but also offered additional insights into the generalisation and the test dependency of students' performances estimations.
Ovine bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMM) may express several IgG receptor (Fc gamma receptor; FcR) subsets. To study this, model particles (opsonized erythrocytes; EA), which are selectively handled by certain FcR subsets of human macrophages were used in cross-inhibition studies and found to react in a similar manner with FcR subsets of sheep macrophages. In experiments with monoclonal antibodies against subsets of human FcR, human erythrocytes (E) treated with human anti-D-IgG (anti-D-EAhu) and sheep E treated with bovine IgG1 (Bo1-EAs) were handled selectively by human macrophage FcRI and FcRII, respectively. Rabbit-IgG-coated sheep E (Rb-EAs) were recognized by FcRI, FcRII and possibly also by FcRIII of human macrophages. Anti-D-EAhu, Bo1-EAs and Rb-EAs were also ingested by sheep BMM. Competitive inhibition tests, using various homologous and heterologous IgG isotypes as fluid phase inhibitors and the particles used as FcR-specific tools in man (anti-D-EAhu and Bo1-EAs), revealed a heterogeneity of FcR also in sheep BMM. Thus, ingestion of anti-D-EAhu by ovine BMM was inhibited by low concentrations of competitor IgG from rabbit or man in the fluid phase, but not at all by bovine IgG1, whereas ingestion of Bo1-EAs was inhibited by bovine IgG1. This suggested that anti-D-EAhu were recognized by a FcR subset distinct from that recognizing bovine-IgG1. It was concluded that sheep BMM express functional analogs of human macrophage FcRI and FcRII and that Bo1-EAs and anti-D-EAhu are handled by distinct subsets of BMM FcR. All EAhu tested (EAhu treated with anti-D, sheep IgG1 or sheep IgG2) were ingested to a lower degree than EAs. This inefficient phagocytosis could be enhanced by treatment of EAhu with antiglobulin from the rabbit, suggesting that it is caused by a low degree of activity of opsonizing antibodies rather than special properties of the erythrocytes themselves. Several lines of evidence suggested that both FcR subsets of ovine BMM recognize both ovine IgG1 and IgG2. In contrast, bovine IgG1 reacts with one FcR subset and bovine IgG2 interacts inefficiently with all FcR of ovine BMM.
The sediment sequence at Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 910 (556 m water depth) on the Yermak Plateau in the Arctic Ocean features a remarkable "overconsolidated section" from ~19 to 70-95 m below sea floor (m bsf), marked by large increases in bulk density and sediment strength. The ODP Leg 151 Shipboard Scientific Party interpreted the overconsolidated section to be caused by (1) grounding of a marine-based ice sheet, derived from Svalbard and perhaps the Barents Sea ice sheet, and/or (2) coarser-grained glacial sedimentation, which allowed increased compaction. Here I present planktonic foraminiferal d18O data based on Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (sinistrally coiling) that date the termination of overconsolidation near the boundary between isotope stages 16 and 17 (ca. 660 ka). No evidence is found for coarser grained sedimentation, because lithic fragments >150 µm exhibit similar mean concentrations throughout the upper 24.5 m bsf. The overconsolidated section may reflect more extensive ice-sheet grounding prior to ca. 660 ka, suggesting a major change in state of the Svalbard ice sheets during the mid-Quaternary. Furthermore, continuous sedimentation since that time argues against a pervasive Arctic ice shelf impinged on the Yermak Plateau during the past 660 k.y. These findings suggest that Svalbard ice-sheet history was largely independent of circum-Arctic ice-sheet history during the middle to late Quaternary.