987 resultados para service dominant logic


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Purpose This study aims to explore the scope of consumers’ defective co-creation behaviour in professional service encounters. One of the founding premises of service-dominant logic (Vargo and Lusch, 2004, 2008) is that consumers co-create the value they derive from service encounters. In practice, however, dysfunctional consumer behaviour can obstruct value co-creation. Extant research has not yet investigated consumers’ defective co-creation behaviour in highly relational services, such as professional services, that are heavily reliant on co-creation. Design/methodology/approach To investigate defective co-creation in professional services, 164 critical incidents were collected from 38 health-care and financial service providers using the critical incident technique within semi-structured, in-depth interviews. Thematic coding was used to identify emergent themes and patterns of consumer behaviour. Findings Thematic coding resulted in a comprehensive typology of consumers’ defective co-creation behaviour that both confirms the prevalence of previously identified dysfunctional behaviours (e.g. verbal abuse and physical aggression) and identifies two new forms of consumer misbehaviour: underparticipation and overparticipation. Further, these behaviours can vary, escalate and co-occur during service encounters. Originality/value Both underparticipation and overparticipation are newly identified forms of defective co-creation that need to be examined within the broader framework of service-dominant logic (SDL).


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With the introduction of the PCEHR (Personally Controlled Electronic Health Record), the Australian public is being asked to accept greater responsibility for the management of their health information. However, the implementation of the PCEHR has occasioned poor adoption rates underscored by criticism from stakeholders with concerns about transparency, accountability, privacy, confidentiality, governance, and limited capabilities. This study adopts an ethnographic lens to observe how information is created and used during the patient journey and the social factors impacting on the adoption of the PCEHR at the micro-level in order to develop a conceptual model that will encourage the sharing of patient information within the cycle of care. Objective: This study aims to firstly, establish a basic understanding of healthcare professional attitudes toward a national platform for sharing patient summary information in the form of a PCEHR. Secondly, the studies aims to map the flow of patient related information as it traverses a patient’s personal cycle of care. Thus, an ethnographic approach was used to bring a “real world” lens to information flow in a series of case studies in the Australian healthcare system to discover themes and issues that are important from the patient’s perspective. Design: Qualitative study utilising ethnographic case studies. Setting: Case studies were conducted at primary and allied healthcare professionals located in Brisbane Queensland between October 2013 and July 2014. Results: In the first dimension, it was identified that healthcare professionals’ concerns about trust and medico-legal issues related to patient control and information quality, and the lack of clinical value available with the PCEHR emerged as significant barriers to use. The second dimension of the study which attempted to map patient information flow identified information quality issues, clinical workflow inefficiencies and interoperability misconceptions resulting in duplication of effort, unnecessary manual processes, data quality and integrity issues and an over reliance on the understanding and communication skills of the patient. Conclusion: Opportunities for process efficiencies, improved data quality and increased patient safety emerge with the adoption of an appropriate information sharing platform. More importantly, large scale eHealth initiatives must be aligned with the value proposition of individual stakeholders in order to achieve widespread adoption. Leveraging an Australian national eHealth infrastructure and the PCEHR we offer a practical example of a service driven digital ecosystem suitable for co-creating value in healthcare.


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Purpose The paper examines the concept of silent communication and its implications in marketing communication. It defines silent communication and proposes an analytic framework enabling an expanded view of marketing communication. Design/methodology/approach By explicitly adopting a customer-oriented perspective, combined with insights from service marketing and relationship communication, the paper extends current models of marketing communication. Findings The paper identifies different types of silent communication and presents new perspectives on marketing communication. The authors outline a framework for understanding how the company can/cannot control different forms of marketing communication and discuss the implications of this. Research implications/limitations The paper concentrates on a conceptual analysis, offering a number of empirical illustrations. The conceptual development creates new research issues that should lead to a deeper understanding of customers’ meaning creation, actions and reactions. Practical implications Silent communication constitutes a managerial challenge as it is often invisible to the management. The paper points to the need to develop methods to reveal the effects of silent communication as well as create guidelines for managerially handling silent communication. Originality/value The customer-based perspective and the focus on silent communication provide a completely new approach to analysing and understanding marketing communication. The paper contributes to service marketing and marketing communication research by introducing conceptualisations of silent communication that have an interest for both academic research and practitioners.


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[ES] Este trabajo trata de profundizar en la comprensión del concepto de marketing interno (MI), considerado como un recurso operante desde la óptica de la Lógica Dominante del Servicio (LDS), así como en su influencia en la obtención de resultados empresariales superiores a los de la competencia. Para ello, se examina el efecto del MI en la predisposición de las empresas analizadas a que sus clientes y empleados de primera línea participen en el desarrollo de innovaciones de servicio, ampliando de este modo, de acuerdo con la LDS, las oportunidades de co-creación de valor disponibles para las organizaciones. Para contrastar las hipótesis planteadas se aplica un análisis de ecuaciones estructurales a la información facilitada por los gerentes de 240 hoteles de una muestra de ámbito nacional.


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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En este proyecto analizaremos como las organizaciones se relacionan con el medio y marketing. La idea es determinar cuáles son los métodos de análisis de las comunidades de clientes mediante la relación estratégica comunitaria y el marketing. Por medio del mercadeo se puede conocer el entorno y determinar qué métodos de análisis utilizar para conocer a la comunidad de clientes. Las personas de mercadeo se ocupan de todo lo que ocurre en el entorno, de estar al tanto para saber cuándo hay oportunidades que puedan ser provechosas para la organización o por otro lado cuando hay amenazas de las que debe tener cuidado. Dependiendo del entorno, la organización diseña sus actividades de mercadeo enfocadas en satisfacer las necesidades del consumidor. Las actividades del consumidor se conceptualizan en producto, precio, promoción y plaza que se definen y diseñan basados en la comunidad en la que este inmersa la organización. Es importante buscar información confiable sobre el grupo objetivo al cual se le va ofrecer el producto o servicio, ya que toca analizarlos y comprender a estas personas para diseñar una buena oferta que satisfaga sus necesidades y deseos. Esta persona que recibe el producto o servicio por parte de la organización es el cliente. Los clientes son las personas que llegan a una organización en búsqueda de satisfacer necesidades a través de los bienes y servicios que las empresas ofrecen. Es esencial determinar que los clientes viven en comunidad, es decir comparten ideas por la comunicación tan estrecha que tienen y viven en conjunto bajo las mismas costumbres. Debido a estos es que hoy en día, los consumidores se conglomeran en comunidades de clientes, y para saberles llegar a estos clientes, toca analizarlos por medio de diversos métodos. El uso de las estrategias comunitarias es necesario ya que por medio del marketing se analiza el entorno y se buscan los métodos para analizar a la comunidad de clientes, que comparten características y se analizan en conjunto no por individuo. Es necesario identificar los métodos para relacionarse con la comunidad de clientes, para poder acercarnos a estos y conocerlos bien, saber sus necesidades y deseos y ofrecerles productos y servicios de acuerdo a éstos. En la actualidad estos métodos no son muy comunes ni conocidos, es por esto que nuestro propósito es indagar e identificar estos métodos para saber analizar a las comunidades. En este proyecto se utilizara una metodología de estudio tipo teórico-conceptual buscando las fuentes de información necesarias para llevar a cabo nuestra investigación. Se considera trabajar con El Grupo de Investigación en Perdurabilidad Empresarial y se escogió la línea de gerencia ya que permite entrar en la sociedad del conocimiento, siendo capaces de identificar oportunidades gerenciales en el entorno. Es interesante investigar sobre estos métodos, ya que los clientes esperan un servicio excelente, atento y que se preocupe por ellos y sus necesidades.


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This conceptual paper aims to contribute to current services marketing, service-dominant logic and co-creation literature by investigating the co-creation of experiences and conceptualizing it in terms of three dimensions. A conceptual model is developed in the context of the heritage sector, with each of the three proposed dimensions discussed in-depth.


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Whilst the body of work around co-creation has grown, co-creation continues to be considered from a value perspective with key questions, such as what is actually being co-created, remaining unanswered. This article moves beyond value to experiences and explores co-creation of the consumption experience. The research examines the manifestations and antecedents of co-creation of the consumption experience from a consumer angle and presents a co-creation framework. Customer critic analysis with consumers from two exemplar heritage organisations is used to investigate co-creation. The findings illuminate three facets of co-creation: co- production, engagement, and personalisation. This paper addresses a gap in Service- Dominant Logic theory, arts/heritage, and broader marketing literature by distinguishing between co-creation of value and co-creation of the consumption experience and proposing a definitive conceptualisation of the latter. The proposed model progresses the co-creation discussion to an empirical level and provides a foundation for future research.


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The emergence of social media has profoundly impacted the delivery and consumption of sport. In the current review we analysed the existing body of knowledge of social media in the field of sport management from a service-dominant logic perspective, with an emphasis on relationship marketing. We reviewed 70 journal articles published in English-language sport management journals, which investigated new media technologies facilitating interactivity and co-creation that allow for the development and sharing of user-generated content among and between brands and individuals (i.e., social media). Three categories of social media research were identified: strategic, operational, and user-focussed. The findings of the review demonstrate that social media research in sport management aligns with service-dominant logic and illustrates the role of social media in cultivating relationships among and between brands and individuals. Interaction and engagement play a crucial role in cultivating these relationships. Discussion of each category, opportunities for future research as well as suggestions for theoretical approaches, research design and context are advanced.


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The emergence of social media has profoundly impacted the delivery and consumption of sport. In the current review we analysed the existing body of knowledge of social media in the field of sport management from a service-dominant logic perspective, with an emphasis on relationship marketing. We reviewed 70 journal articles published in English-language sport management journals, which investigated new media technologies facilitating interactivity and co-creation that allow for the development and sharing of user-generated content among and between brands and individuals (i.e., social media). Three categories of social media research were identified: strategic, operational, and user-focussed. The findings of the review demonstrate that social media research in sport management aligns with service-dominant logic and illustrates the role of social media in cultivating relationships among and between brands and individuals. Interaction and engagement play a crucial role in cultivating these relationships. Discussion of each category, opportunities for future research as well as suggestions for theoretical approaches, research design and context are advanced.


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This article explores how social entrepreneurs utilize their unique circumstances and resources at a micro level to facilitate the creation of shared value at the meso level, leading to inclusive growth at a macro level in the context of subsistence marketplaces. Drawing from explanatory case studies of two social enterprises—Waste Concern (Bangladesh) and Seven Women (Nepal)—the findings suggest that social entrepreneurs act as bricoleurs to integrate their operant and operand resources in subsistence marketplaces to facilitate inclusive growth. The authors further connect with and extend three discourses of research—social entrepreneurship, social bricolage, and service-dominant logic—to develop a framework providing insights into the “bottom-up” approach, the underlying dynamics of shared value creation, and inclusive growth in subsistence marketplaces by social entrepreneurs. The findings also strengthen Dees's (2001) definition of social entrepreneurship, confirming its applicability and relevance in subsistence marketplaces and further extending the theory of social bricolage. The authors discuss the implications of these findings, including tactical interventions aimed at providing better understanding of how social entrepreneurs create value in resource-constrained marketplaces, from a bottom-up perspective.


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Levitt (1960) apresentou o termo Miopia em Marketing e discutiu sobre o perigo de as organizações centralizarem seu foco no produto e descuidarem da real necessidade dos clientes, já que o produto é apenas um meio para atender à necessidade do cliente e não o fim em si. Na mesma linha, Shostack (1977), quase duas décadas mais tarde, enfatizou a urgência de se entender a posição do Marketing na economia pós-industrial de serviços, em que a lógica tradicional focada em produtos não mais atendia adequadamente o mercado. Portanto, não é recente a visão de que a posse do bem físico é secundária para o atendimento das necessidades do consumidor, sendo fundamental pensar no benefício que o bem proporciona ao cliente quando do seu uso. Mais recentemente, Vargo e Lusch (2004a) retomaram a discussão sobre a importância de as organizações atentarem para as necessidades dos clientes em vez de apenas focarem na transação, ou seja, na ideia de troca de um produto por um valor monetário. Estes autores emergiram novamente com a ideia de que as empresas precisam entregar benefícios aos seus clientes e a que apropriação do serviço gerado pela oferta da empresa é mais importante do que a transferência de posse do bem físico. Eles retomam, desta forma, as ideias de Levitt e Shostack e as modificam para criar a Service-Dominant Logic ou S-D Logic, como eles denominam. A ênfase desta proposta é que o Marketing deixe de considerar a transação de produtos ou serviços como central para a criação de valor, para uma lógica centrada no serviço produzido pelo bem – produto ou serviço. Assim, passa ser fundamental entender como o valor é percebido pelo cliente na fase de uso e focar os esforços na geração desse valor, possibilitando, assim, que empresas que entendam as reais necessidades do mercado, criem vantagem competitiva sustentável. Considerando a proposta destes autores, este trabalho testou a aplicação deste conceito na indústria de equipamentos de refrigeração para transporte de cargas com temperatura controlada no Brasil. Foram entrevistados seis importantes transportadores de carga frigorificada do país, os quais foram questionados sobre o valor do serviço usufruído pela posse do bem em contraposição ao valor percebido de usufruir o serviço sem ter que comprar o bem para tal. Os entrevistados associam muito valor à posse do bem, pois, para eles, isso garante que o serviço não sofrerá interrupções, algo muito valioso para eles. Isso evidencia uma falta de confiança nas alternativas possíveis à compra do ativo pela empresa. A confiança no prestador do serviço é, portanto, elemento chave na avaliação dos benefícios, reforçando achados de estudos anteriores. Foram identificadas diferenças de atribuição de valor para as propostas alternativas de fornecimento em razão da relevância do serviço de transporte refrigerado para a empresa – negócio central ou função de apoio para o negócio central da empresa.


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Esta dissertação analisar gestão de marketing no agronegócio, especificamente no contexto da Associação dos Produtores de Soja e Milho do Estado de Mato Grosso (Aprosoja/MT); trata-se de uma iniciativa que pode ser considerada um novo perfil de liderança no sistema cooperativista. O problema de pesquisa é identificar quais são os fundamentos da gestão de marketing da Aprosoja/MT. Para isso, foi realizado um estudo de caso único, com finalidade exploratória e enfoque qualitativo. Durante a coleta de dados, além da análise documental, foram realizadas vinte entrevistas pessoais, primeiramente utilizando o método da teoria fundamentada, para posterior elaboração de um roteiro semiestruturado. Os relatos das entrevistas e o estudo de caso foram interpretados tomando por base o referencial teórico proporcionado por autores como Kotler, Levy, Vargo, Lusch, Zylbersztajn, Bialoskorski e Tejon, dentre outros estudiosos das áreas da lógica dominante de serviços (LDS), do marketing de relacionamento e do marketing do agronegócio. Os resultados da pesquisa indicam que a Aprosoja/MT tem uma visão e entendimento bastante avançados sobre os conceitos mais modernos do campo do marketing, não se restringindo ao marketing tático. Dessa forma, pode-se concluir que a Aprosoja/MT opera no nível estratégico do marketing, com forte orientação para o marketing de relacionamento. É possível afirmar que a gestão de marketing da Aprosoja/MT está fundamentada no relacionamento com seus stakeholders, em função do modelo da LDS.


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Customer participation has been studied for decades; however, it gained a postmodern perspective around the year 2000. Customers have become co-creators of personalized experiences, moving from the audience to the stage. In the educational context, students must take responsibility for their learning process and participate in the production of the service. This changing is providing opportunities and challenges for higher education institutions (HEIs) to redefine their relationship with stakeholders, especially with students. This study is based on the service dominant logic (SDL) perspective because students are assumed to take the role of co-creators of knowledge in the educational setting. The research uses adapted frameworks and concepts applied in organizational, knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS) and also medical studies to advance the understanding of value co-creation in the HEI context. The current study addresses a lack of research in the higher education context focusing on defining students’ participation and students’ empowerment in higher education context. An empirical investigation was developed with traditional schools in Brazil. This investigation allowed the description of the constructs in the specific context. The description of student participation in HEIs context reflects the relevance of three dimensions – information sharing, personal interaction and responsible behavior. In the Brazilian context, responsible behavior is the weakest dimension in the construct, because the responsibilities are unbalanced between students and professors. The main reasons identified for this unbalanced relation were cultural issues and local regulation. Student empowerment was described as composed by four dimensions – meaningfulness, competence, impact and choice; however, one of them – choice – was identified as the weakest dimension, facing cultural and bureaucratic barriers for implementation in the Brazilian educational context. Moreover, interviewees spontaneously cited the idea of trust in the faculty as an important antecedent of student participation that must be considered when analyzing student participation and empowerment mechanisms. An additional contribution was the proposal of a theory-based framework for understanding the service dominant logic perspective in the HEI context, in which student participation and student empowerment were explored as mechanisms leading to positive student behavior toward institution.


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O envolvimento do consumidor nos processos de criação de valor tornou-se um tema de des- taque na última década na esfera acadêmica do Marketing (Grönroos, 2006). Apresentada por Vargo e Lusch (2004a), a Lógica do Serviço Dominante (Lógica S-D) enfatiza que os consumido- res estruturam sua avaliação crítica de valor quando bens e serviços estão em uso. Este conceito, denominado valor em uso, é um dos elementos fundamentais relacionados aos processos de cocriação de valor entre empresas e consumidores (Prahalad & Ramaswamy, 2004). O presente trabalho baseia-se em dois estudos de casos realizados junto a grandes empresas do segmento de bens de consumo (Whirlpool e Tramontina). O objetivo principal da pesquisa foi analisar o conjunto de fatores considerados fundamentais para a ocorrência da cocriação de valor, incluin- do: cultura empresarial, características do mercado, intensidade competitiva, características dos produtos e habilidades específicas das empresas. A escolha das duas organizações foi baseada na intenção de comparar duas empresas com características distintas no que tange ao processo de cocriação (ocorrência versus não-ocorrência do fenômeno). A interpretação dos dados primá- rios obtidos nas entrevistas de profundidade com gestores das empresas, e de dados secundários oriundos de uma análise documental, proporcionou um conjunto de achados importantes para a compreensão do tema. Observou-se que a influência dos fatores fundamentais para a cocriação foram confirmados nos casos analisados, com preponderância da cultura organizacional e das habilidades da empresa. Além disto, um novo fator emergiu como relevante na implantação da cocriação de valor, denominado relação com a marca e caracterizado como um consistente sen- timento de pertencimento e de identidade do consumidor para com a marca. Como desdobra- mento deste estudo, evidencia-se que a cocriação não pode ser associada apenas a implantação de um conjunto de ferramentas, mas que está diretamente atrelada à presença de um conjunto de elementos capazes de assegurar a viabilidade real de sua implantação. A análise dos casos igualmente demonstra a necessidade das empresas se organizarem internamente, planejando ações e desenvolvendo mecanismos internos que permitam obter melhores resultados. Por fim, são apresentadas as implicações acadêmicas do estudo, bem como suas limitações.