977 resultados para selective laser sintering,


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Selective laser sintering has been used to fabricate an aluminium alloy powder preform which is subsequently debound and infiltrated with a second aluminium alloy. This represents a new rapid manufacturing system for aluminium that can be used to fabricate large, intricate parts. The base powder is an alloy such as AA6061. The infiltrant is a binary or higher-order eutectic based on either Al-Cu or At-Si. To ensure that infiltration occurs without loss of dimensional precision, it is important that a rigid skeleton forms prior to infiltration. This can be achieved by the partial transformation of the aluminium to aluminium nitride. In order for this to occur throughout the component, magnesium powder must be added to the alumina support powder which surrounds the part in the furnace. The magnesium scavenges the oxygen and thereby creates a microclimate in which aluminium nitride can form. The replacement of the ionocovalent Al2O3 with the covalent AlN on the surface of the aluminium powders also facilitates wetting and thus spontaneous and complete infiltration. (C) 2004 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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Laser sintering was carried out using a high power continuous-wave CO2 laser to prepare pellets of zirconia (ZrO2), hafnia (HfO2) and yttria (Y2O3) mixed oxides as starting materials in the deposition of optical coatings. Hardened recrystallized pellets appeared to have been formed during laser treatment. X-ray diffraction analysis revealed a monoclinic-to-tetragonal phase transformation in the binary system while the ternary system was found to have a mixture of two crystalline phases. Cross-sectional scanning electron microscopy showed two isothermal crystalline regions in the ternary system. The optical inhomogeneity was low in the films deposited from the laser-fused pellets, but the absorption at a wavelength of 351 nm increased with increasing HfO2 content. The films deposited from laser-fused pellets were analysed by electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis and found to be stoichiometric and homogeneous.


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BACKGROUND: Diabetic retinopathy is an important cause of visual loss. Laser photocoagulation preserves vision in diabetic retinopathy but is currently used at the stage of proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR).

OBJECTIVES: The primary aim was to assess the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of pan-retinal photocoagulation (PRP) given at the non-proliferative stage of diabetic retinopathy (NPDR) compared with waiting until the high-risk PDR (HR-PDR) stage was reached. There have been recent advances in laser photocoagulation techniques, and in the use of laser treatments combined with anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) drugs or injected steroids. Our secondary questions were: (1) If PRP were to be used in NPDR, which form of laser treatment should be used? and (2) Is adjuvant therapy with intravitreal drugs clinically effective and cost-effective in PRP?

ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) for efficacy but other designs also used.

REVIEW METHODS: Systematic review and economic modelling.

RESULTS: The Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS), published in 1991, was the only trial designed to determine the best time to initiate PRP. It randomised one eye of 3711 patients with mild-to-severe NPDR or early PDR to early photocoagulation, and the other to deferral of PRP until HR-PDR developed. The risk of severe visual loss after 5 years for eyes assigned to PRP for NPDR or early PDR compared with deferral of PRP was reduced by 23% (relative risk 0.77, 99% confidence interval 0.56 to 1.06). However, the ETDRS did not provide results separately for NPDR and early PDR. In economic modelling, the base case found that early PRP could be more effective and less costly than deferred PRP. Sensitivity analyses gave similar results, with early PRP continuing to dominate or having low incremental cost-effectiveness ratio. However, there are substantial uncertainties. For our secondary aims we found 12 trials of lasers in DR, with 982 patients in total, ranging from 40 to 150. Most were in PDR but five included some patients with severe NPDR. Three compared multi-spot pattern lasers against argon laser. RCTs comparing laser applied in a lighter manner (less-intensive burns) with conventional methods (more intense burns) reported little difference in efficacy but fewer adverse effects. One RCT suggested that selective laser treatment targeting only ischaemic areas was effective. Observational studies showed that the most important adverse effect of PRP was macular oedema (MO), which can cause visual impairment, usually temporary. Ten trials of laser and anti-VEGF or steroid drug combinations were consistent in reporting a reduction in risk of PRP-induced MO.

LIMITATION: The current evidence is insufficient to recommend PRP for severe NPDR.

CONCLUSIONS: There is, as yet, no convincing evidence that modern laser systems are more effective than the argon laser used in ETDRS, but they appear to have fewer adverse effects. We recommend a trial of PRP for severe NPDR and early PDR compared with deferring PRP till the HR-PDR stage. The trial would use modern laser technologies, and investigate the value adjuvant prophylactic anti-VEGF or steroid drugs.

STUDY REGISTRATION: This study is registered as PROSPERO CRD42013005408.

FUNDING: The National Institute for Health Research Health Technology Assessment programme.


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Additive, pulverbasierte Schichtbauverfahren, wie das Selektive Masken- oder La-sersintern, ermöglichen die Fertigung von komplexen Bauteilen ohne Werkzeug und Form. Aufgrund der hohen, verarbeitungsbedingten Bauraumtemperaturen kommt es während der Verarbeitung zu physikalischem und thermisch-oxidativem Abbau der eingesetzten Kunststoffpulver. Das im Bauraum nicht aufgeschmolzene Material, der so genannte Partcake, kann nach dem Bauprozess vom fertigen Bauteil entfernt und für weitere Bauprozesse verwendet werden. Zur Realisierung reproduzierbarer Bau-teileigenschaften ist jedoch eine Aufbereitung („Refreshen“) des Partcake-Pulvers notwendig. Im Rahmen des Beitrags werden Erkenntnisse zum Alterungsverhalten von Kunst-stoffpulvern vorgestellt. In einem Modellversuch wurde der Verarbeitungsprozess für PA12-Pulver nachgestellt und somit verschiedene Alterungsstufen generiert. Beson-deres Augenmerk wurde auf den Einfluss einer Materialvorbehandlung gelegt. Die gealterten Pulver wurden physikalisch und thermoanalytisch hinsichtlich ihrer verar-beitungsrelevanten Materialeigenschaften untersucht.


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Beim Laser-Sintern wird das Pulverbett durch Heizstrahler vorgeheizt, um an der Pulveroberfläche eine Temperatur knapp unterhalb des Materialschmelzpunktes zu erzielen. Dabei soll die Temperaturverteilung auf der Oberfläche möglichst homogen sein, um gleiche Bauteileigenschaften im gesamten Bauraum zu erzielen und den Bauteilverzug gering zu halten. Erfahrungen zeigen jedoch sehr inhomogene Temperaturverteilungen, weshalb oftmals die Integration von neuen oder optimierten Prozessüberwachungssystemen in die Anlagen gefordert wird. Ein potentiell einsetzbares System sind Thermographiekameras, welche die flächige Aufnahme von Oberflächentemperaturen und somit Aussagen über die Temperaturen an der Pulverbettoberfläche erlauben. Dadurch lassen sich kalte Bereiche auf der Oberfläche identifizieren und bei der Prozessvorbereitung berücksichtigen. Gleichzeitig ermöglicht die Thermografie eine Beobachtung der Temperaturen beim Lasereingriff und somit das Ableiten von Zusammenhängen zwischen Prozessparametern und Schmelzetemperaturen. Im Rahmen der durchgeführten Untersuchungen wurde ein IR-Kamerasystem erfolgreich als Festeinbau in eine Laser-Sinteranlage integriert und Lösungen für die hierbei auftretenden Probleme erarbeitet. Anschließend wurden Untersuchungen zur Temperaturverteilung auf der Pulverbettoberfläche sowie zu den Einflussfaktoren auf deren Homogenität durchgeführt. In weiteren Untersuchungen wurden die Schmelzetemperaturen in Abhängigkeit verschiedener Prozessparameter ermittelt. Auf Basis dieser Messergebnisse wurden Aussagen über erforderliche Optimierungen getroffen und die Nutzbarkeit der Thermografie beim Laser-Sintern zur Prozessüberwachung, -regelung sowie zur Anlagenwartung als erster Zwischenstand der Untersuchungen bewertet.


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Das Laser-Sintern hat sich in den letzten Jahren zunehmend als Kleinserienfertigungsverfahren für Kunststoffbauteile etabliert. Dennoch entspricht die Bauteilqualität aufgrund von Verzug oder mangelnder Reproduzierbarkeit der Eigenschaften oftmals nicht den Anforderungen. Ein Grund hierfür ist die inhomogene Temperaturführung während des Prozesses. So ergeben sich aufgrund einer inhomogenen Temperaturverteilung auf der Pulverbettoberfläche sowie durch unterschiedliche Abkühlgeschwindigkeiten im Pulverbett zum Teil deutliche lokale Unterschiede im Temperatur-Zeit-Verhalten. Grundlegende Untersuchungen zu diesen Effekten fehlen jedoch bislang. Im Rahmen der dargestellten Untersuchungen gilt es daher zum einen die Reproduzierbarkeit verschiedener Laser-Sinter-Anlagen in Bezug auf die mechanischen Eigenschaften, die Maßhaltigkeit und die Bauteildichte zu analysieren und zum anderen diese Ergebnisse mit den lokalen Temperatur- und Abkühlbedingungen im Pulverbett zu korrelieren. Dabei werden durch thermografische Untersuchungen die Temperaturverteilung an der Pulverbett-oberfläche charakterisiert sowie durch Einsatz entsprechender Funk-Temperatur-messsensorik die lokalen Abkühlbedingungen von Bauteilen innerhalb des Pulverbettes analysiert. Diese lokalen Temperatur- und Abkühlbedingungen sollen anschließend mit positionsabhängigen Analysen zum Bauteilschrumpf korreliert werden. Abschließend werden Optimierungspotentiale für ein neuentwickeltes Temperaturführungssystem mit homogeneren Temperatur- und Abkühlbedingungen abgeleitet.


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In this paper, we report on the realisation of a free space deposition process (FSD). For the first time the use of a moving support structure to deposit tracks of metal starting from a substrate and extending into free space is characterised. The ability to write metal shapes in free space has wide ranging applications in additive manufacturing and rapid prototyping where the tracks can be layered to build overhanging features without the use of fixed support structures (such as is used in selective laser melting (SLM) and stereo lithography (SLA)). We demonstrate and perform a preliminary characterisation of the process in which a soldering iron was used to deposit lead free solder tracks. The factors affecting the stability of tracks and the effect of operating parameters, temperature, velocity, initial track starting diameter and starting volume were measured. A series of 10 tracks at each setting were compared with a control group of tracks; the track width, taper and variation between tracks were compared. Notable results in free space track deposition were that the initial track diameter and volume affected the repeatability and quality of tracks. The standard deviation of mean track width of tracks from the constrained initial diameter group were half that of the unconstrained group. The amount of material fed to the soldering iron before commencing deposition affected the taper of tracks. At an initial volume of 7 mm3 and an initial track diameter of 0.8 mm, none of the ten tracks deposited broke or showed taper > ∼1°. The maximum deposition velocity for free space track deposition using lead-free solder was limited to 1.5 mm s-1. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Titanium alloys are widely used in various engineering design application due to its superior material properties. The traditional manufacturing of titanium products is always difficult, time consuming, high material wastage and manufacturing costs. Selective laser melting (SLM), an additive manufacturing technology has widely gained attention due to its capability to produce near net shape components with less production time. In this technical paper,microstructure,chemical composition,tensile properties and hardness are studied for the wrought and additive manufactured SLM cylindrical bar. Microstructure,mechanical properties and hardness were studied in both the longitudinal and transverse directions of the bar to study the effect of orientation. It was found that additive manufactured bar have higher yield strength, ultimate tensile strength and hardness than the wrought bar. For both conventional and SLM test samples, the yield strength, ultimate tensile strength and hardness was found to be high in the transverse direction. The difference in the properties can be attributed to the difference in microstructure as a result of processing conditions. The tensile fracture area was quantified by careful examination of the fracture surfaces in the scanning electron microscope.


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The primary excited state absorption processes relating to the (5)I(6) -> (5)I(7) 3 mu m laser transition in singly Ho(3+)-doped fluoride glass have been investigated in detail using time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy. Selective laser excitation of the (5)I(6) and (5)I(7) energy levels established the occurrence of two excited state absorption transitions from these energy levels that compete with previously described energy transfer upconversion processes. The (5)I(7) -> (5)I(4) excited state absorption transition has peak cross sections at 1216 nm (sigma(esa)=2.8x10(-21) cm(2)), 1174 nm (sigma(esa)=1x10(-21) cm(2)), and 1134 nm (sigma(esa)=7.4x10(-22) cm(2)) which have a strong overlap with the (5)I(8) -> (5)I(6) ground state absorption. on the other hand, it was established that the excited state absorption transition (5)I(6) -> (5)S(2) had a weak overlap with ground state absorption. Using numerical solution of the rate equations, we show that Ho(3+)-doped fluoride fiber lasers employing pumping at 1100 nm rely on excited state absorption from the lowest excited state of Ho(3+) to maintain a population inversion and that energy transfer upconversion processes compete detrimentally with the excited state absorption processes in concentrated Ho(3+)-doped fluoride glass. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEIS


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)