1000 resultados para schooling plan
This research project was commissioned by the Commonwealth Department of Education, Science and Training to investigate the perceived efficacy of middle years programs in all States and Territories in improving the quality of teaching, learning and student outcomes - especially in literacy and numeracy and for student members of particular target groups. The latter groups included students from lower socio-economic communities, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (Indigenous) communities, students with a Language Background Other than English (hereafter LBOTE), rural and remote students, and students struggling with the transition from middle/upper primary to the junior secondary years.
The Great Barrier Reef Water Quality Protection Plan (the Reef Plan) is a joint initiative of the Australian and Queensland Governments. The Reef Plan aims to progress an integrated approach to natural resource management planning by building on the existing partnerships between the different levels of government, industry groups, the community and research providers within the Reef catchments, principally through partnerships with the regional natural resource management (NRM) bodies.
Gender equity: A framework for Australian schools is the most recent policy dealing with gender in schools at the national level in Australia. This paper provides a critical discourse analysis of the policy document, tracking two themes: 'the construction of gender', and 'equity: a discourse of education for all boys and girls'. Through this analysis the authors argue that the policy signals a substantial shift in focus-from girls and boys in relation to girls, to both girls and boys-within a framework of presumptive equality. It is also argued that the policy shuts down federal involvement in policy for girls' schooling. In the process, responsibility is devolved to the states and territories where, in many cases, gender equity programs will be struggled over at a local, school-based level. At the same time, however, spaces have been created which potentially enable new strategies for gender equity policies in Australian schools.
The middle years of schooling are receiving increased attention. This paper gives some background to 'middle schooling' and begin discussion if physical education is to be involved in the shift that an increasing number of schools are attempting to make in order to enhance student learning. It addresses findings, innovations and changes to the field of physical education. A set of questions are posed about the relationship between the middle years of schooling, health and physical education.
Based on discussions with Asian-Australian young women at a mixed-sex, Australia State high school, this article argues that the pro-school conformity of Asian-Australian young women sets them in a problematic and precarious relationship to the material and symbolic and processes of racialisation. The first part of the article identifies the limitations of research into the pro-school/anti-school orientations of minority students, arguing that most accounts are based on theories of culture, acculturation, class and gender, and class and race that neglect an analysis of race and sex. I then argue that practices of racialisation and sexualisation actually sustain pro-school culture and Asian female group associations. While these formations are effective in securing Asian female educational success, they are also problematic because they limit the educational possibilities and employment opportunities of Asian young women in Australia.
O presente Plano Anual de A????o (PAA 2014) inscreve-se em clara continuidade com os precedentes exerc??cios program??ticos do programa EUROsocial II. No entanto, na medida que se passou o equador e se entra na reta final do Programa, se realizou um grande esfor??o para concentrar a????es e se focar em pa??ses que apresentam menos riscos e maiores condi????es de viabilidade para o alcance dos resultados esperados. Neste sentido, no ano 2014 vai representar um ponto de inflex??o, no que culminar?? grande parte das a????es do Programa, documentar-se-?? uma boa parte dos resultados conseguidos, projetando para o ano 2015 linhas de trabalho mais intersetoriais e estrat??gicas. Por conseguinte tem-se um PAA mais simplificado e melhor estruturado (de 10 ??reas tem??ticas passou-se a 4 macro-??reas), com uma dimens??o regional mais potente que tem permitido elevar a dimens??o estrat??gica do programa, e com a????es mais interconectadas e coerentes que respondem melhor a uma vis??o unit??ria do Programa. Neste exerc??cio de programa????o tanto os s??cios operativos como os s??cios coordenadores t??m sabido conjugar melhor os dif??ceis equil??brios que deve manter o programa: orienta????o a demanda vs. gest??o para resultados; dimens??o regional vs. abordagem de problem??ticas a n??vel nacional; dimens??o estrat??gica vs. dimens??o operativa. Tamb??m se incorporou algumas das recomenda????es realizadas por parte da avalia????o de meio de percurso que se realizou no segundo semestre do 2013.
El artículo analiza los intereses y prioridades de la política económica externa de los Estados Unidos y las complejas relaciones entre Washington y el gobierno de Buenos Aires en relación a la puesta en marcha del Plan Marshall de reconstrucción de Europa Occidental. La no participación de la Argentina en él dificultó su proceso de industrialización al restringir su comercio con el viejo continente e impedirle obtener las divisas necesarias para comprar en los EEUU, proveedor fundamental de los bienes que necesitaba.
Abstract In the present article we analyze the characteristics and the reception of the first plan for global governance, the New Cyneas by Émeric Crucé. With this goal in mind, we examine the history of its readings and the possible influence on the Duke of Sully's project for European confederation, the case most often cited by historians of ideas. Our analysis takes into consideration the 17th century reception, the scant dissemination of the work and the possible causes of its limited impact. Our conclusions support, on the one hand, the novelty of Crucé's principal ideas, and on the other, their limited impact over the time with the exception of the period surrounding the creation of the League of Nations.
A dissertação incidiu na diferenciação pedagógica inclusiva, especificamente, num grupo/turma com diferentes anos de escolaridade, com aprendizagens diferentes, e alunos com Necessidades Educativas Especiais (NEE) de índole comportamental e cognitivo, tendo como objectivo constituir alternativa ao problema. As professoras titulares de turma e de educação especial, em cooperação, planificaram e implementaram este estudo, cujo ponto de partida consistia em promover o desenvolvimento pessoal e social, tendo por base um livro pertencente ao Plano Nacional de Leitura (PNL). Foram desenvolvidas estruturas cooperativas de forma a melhorar comportamentos e aprendizagens em todos os alunos e em especial dos alunos com NEE. Neste processo de observação e reflexão, a experiência foi conceptualizada e analisada com o objectivo de contribuir para a mudança. A análise de dados do trabalho individual e de grupo dos alunos, onde se inferiu uma maior ajuda, autonomia, responsabilidade, envolvimento e interesse, pelas actividades, permitiu-nos verificar que os objectivos foram alcançados na sua maioria O estudo permitiu evidenciar a diminuição de conflitos comportamentais, contribuindo para um clima de entreajuda englobando todos os alunos, onde a partilha de conhecimentos coadjuvou para melhorar as aprendizagens de todos.