99 resultados para rumination


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The objectives were to assess the degree of thermolysis capacity as a characteristic of heat tolerance of the Simmental beef cattle and evaluate the effects of shade and shade type (artificial: AS, trees: TS, or no shade: NS) on daily behavior patterns during summer. Black globe temperature (BGT) was different under the two types of shade (P < 0.05) and was lower under the TS (P < 0.01) and under AS (P > 0.01) than average BGT in the sun. Animals when in AS used more intensely the shade (P = 0.002) mostly lying down under it (10.00-14.00 hours), while time standing was similar (P = 0.107) between TS and NS. Bulls without shade (NS) spent significantly more time at the water trough and most part of the day standing idle (72.4%, 10.1 h/14 h). TS bulls spent more time grazing/standing (P < 0.001). The Simmental bulls that were in TS and AS spent more time ruminating than bulls that stay without shade (NS). The availability of shade changes grazing, rumination and idling behavior of cattle in response to environmental conditions. Shade provided by trees can be more efficient than artificial shading as cattle spent more time grazing when tree shade was available. Thermolysis capacity can be used to select heat-tolerant animals.


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Brooding rumination is associated with depressed mood, increased negative affect, prolonged anger and inhibited cardiovascular (CV) recovery. Distraction from rumination on a stressful interpersonal encounter is associated with faster CV recovery and decreased negative affect. Studies have suggested that a concurrent visuospatial (VS) task inhibits the maintenance of imagery associated with the perseveration of intrusive negative memories. 120 healthy participants were recruited for the study. As an analogue of repeated angry rumination, the authors explored the effects of repeated visual recall of a provocative confederate and the subsequent impact of two visuospatial (VS) distraction tasks on negative affect, blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR). Repeated recall of the provocation generated repeatedly elevated HR with a cumulative trend that may have CV disease risk implications for chronic ruminators. VS distraction did not aid recovery compared with the Control task.


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Previous studies have found an inverse relationship between mindfulness and problem gambling severity. This paper presents the findings from two studies of treatment seeking problem gamblers designed to explore the role of mindfulness in problem gambling. Treatment-seeking problem gamblers displayed significantly lower mindfulness scores than adult community members and university students. Mindfulness was significantly related to most indices of gambling, and psychological distress was an important mechanism in these relationships. Rumination, emotion dysregulation and thought suppression were also implicated as mediators in the inverse relationship between mindfulness and psychological distress. Taken together, the findings provide theoretical support for existing models of mindfulness which suggest that mindfulness operates by reducing psychological distress through these cognitive mechanisms. They also suggest that mindfulness training may be a new and innovative avenue for therapy to improve treatment effectiveness for problem


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Avaliou-se o efeito da inclusão de aditivos na ensilagem de cana-de-açúcar (Saccharum officinarum L.) sobre a composição químico-bromatológica das silagens, o comportamento ingestivo, o consumo voluntário e a digestibilidade em bovinos de corte. Utilizaram-se cinco novilhos da raça Nelore providos de cânula ruminal, alocados em delineamento quadrado latino 5 ´ 5 e alimentados com dietas com 65% de volumoso na MS. Foram avaliadas cinco silagens (base úmida): controle - cana-de-açúcar sem aditivos; uréia - cana-de-açúcar + 0,5% uréia; benzoato - cana-de-açúcar + 0,1% de benzoato de sódio; LP - cana-de-açúcar inoculada com Lactobacillus plantarum (1 ´ 10(6) ufc/g MV); LB - cana-de-açúcar inoculada com L. buchneri (3,6 ´ 10(5) ufc/g forragem). A forragem foi armazenada em silos do tipo poço por 90 dias antes do fornecimento aos animais. A composição químico-bromatológica da cana-de-açúcar foi alterada após a ensilagem, em relação à cana-de-açúcar original, com redução no teor de carboidratos solúveis e na digestibilidade in vitro e elevação relativa nos teores de FDN e FDA. Os teores de etanol (0,30% da MS) e ácidos orgânicos (0,99% de ácido lático e 2,31% de acético) foram baixos e semelhantes entre as silagens. Os aditivos aplicados na ensilagem não promoveram alterações no consumo e na digestibilidade aparente da MS (7,2 kg/dia e 63,6%, respectivamente). O comportamento ingestivo dos animais também não foi alterado, com tempos médios de 230,6; 519,6 e 672,8 minutos/dia despendidos com ingestão de ração, ruminação e ócio, respectivamente. Os aditivos acrescidos à cana-de-açúcar promoveram pequenas alterações na maioria das variáveis avaliadas.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the chemical characteristics of the forage and ingestive behavior of Nellore heifers fed hydrolyzed sugarcane in different periods of storage. Twenty-four heifers with initial body weight of 119.6±8.1 kg were utilized. The experimental design was completely randomized, in which the treatments were diets with fresh sugarcane and hydrolyzed sugarcane (5 g of lime kg-1 of chopped sugarcane) stored for 24, 48 or 72 hours as the only roughage. The addition of lime to sugarcane associated with its storage up to 72 hours provided an increase of 20% of the potentially degradable cell wall of carbohydrates, from 382.4 to 458.8 g kg-1 of total carbohydrates. The in vitro digestibility of dry matter was altered by the storage of hydrolyzed sugarcane, increasing 7.08% when the storage time was increased from 24 to 72 hours. Heifers fed fresh sugarcane remained more time consuming compared with heifers fed other diets. The time used for water intake was not influenced by the diet. The rumination time presented a quadratic variation in relation to storage time of the hydrolyzed sugarcane, with higher values for the of hydrolyzed sugarcane diets stored for 48 hours. Heifers fed hydrolyzed sugarcane spent more time on other activities than those fed fresh sugarcane. The supply of hydrolyzed sugarcane stored up to 72 hours in the proportion of 600 g kg-1 of dry matter in the diet, alters the intake patterns, reducing the feed intake in Nellore heifers.


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Avaliou-se o comportamento de ovinos em pastagem de capim-tanzânia irrigado sob suplementação (0,0; 0,6; 1,2 e 1,8% PV) com concentrado. O delineamento utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado com seis repetições (ovinos). A porcentagem do tempo total sob o sombrite, pastejando, ruminando, em outras atividades, em ócio, o número de ingestões de suplemento/sal, de defecações, de micções e de ingestão de água e a taxa de bocado foram estimados dividindo-se o dia em oito períodos de 3 horas (das 5 às 8 h; 8 às 11 h; 11 às 14 h; 14 às 17 h; 17 às 20 h; 20 às 23 h; 23 às 2 h; 2 às 5 h). O tempo de pastejo foi maior entre os animais que não receberam suplementação e decresceu progressivamente, voltando a elevar somente com 1,8% de suplementação. O tempo de ruminação foi maior nos animais com suplementação de 0,6% PV, principalmente das 14 às 17 h e das 17 às 20 h, enquanto o tempo de ócio foi maior no nível de 1,2% PV. A ingestão de água elevou-se com o aumento da suplementação até 1,2% PV e concentrou-se entre 11 e 14 h. O número de micções e de defecações foi maior com suplementação no nível de 1,8% PV. A elevação progressiva na taxa de bocado até o nível de suplementação de 1,2% PV no período das 11 às 20 h com posterior redução sugere efeito aditivo do suplemento sobre o pasto até esse nível, no qual se inicia efeito substitutivo. O tempo sob o sombrite concentrou-se no período das 8 às 14 h e reduziu com a suplementação até 1,2% PV. A suplementação afeta o comportamento ingestivo de ovinos em pastejo, uma vez que, no nível de 1,2% PV, houve otimização da capacidade ingestiva dos animais. Níveis superiores de suplementação comprometem o comportamento ingestivo, por isso, são necessárias alterações na formulação do suplemento quando utilizados níveis mais elevados.


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This study assessed the behavior and the productive performance of lambs finished in feedlot receiving diets added with green propolis, brown propolis or monensin sodium. The experiment used a randomized block design that compared weight gain of 32 male lambs aged four months among four dietary treatments: (1) control, non-enriched diet; (2) with green propolis; (3) with brown propolis; and (4) with monensin sodium. The basic diet provided to all the groups was a total mixed ration (TMR) with a forage:concentrate ratio of 50:50, in which Tifton 85 (Cynodon spp.) grass was used as roughage feed and the concentrate was based on soybean meal, corn meal and minerals. The green propolis diet decreased rumination and increased resting time. The diets provided similar feeding rate (g/min). DM and aNDF intake (g/kg of body weight and g/kg of metabolic weight) were higher in the control treatment. Although the control group had the highest weight gain, the highest feed conversion and feed efficiency were found in lambs fed brown propolis and monensin sodium. Technically, brown propolis can substitute monensin sodium as a dietary additive for feedlot lambs. However, complementary studies are needed to identify the best levels of brown propolis to add to these diets. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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O objetivo neste trabalho foi estudar a influência do grupo genético do bezerro nas características comportamentais de vacas nelores e de seus bezerros em pastejo. Foram usadas 21 vacas nelores (primíparas e pluríparas): 13 com bezerros nelores; e 8 com bezerros mestiços Simental × Nelore. As observações do comportamento nas pastagens começaram pela manhã, no momento em que a luminosidade permitia a identificação dos animais, e terminaram ao final da tarde, quando não era mais possível a identificação, e foram realizadas nas semanas 3, 6, 12, 24 e 30 após o parto. Foram avaliados continuamente os seguintes eventos nas vacas e nos bezerros: pastejo, ruminação, ócio, consumo de água e de mistura mineral; e frequência e duração das mamadas. As vacas com bezerros nelores apresentaram menor tempo de ruminação e maior tempo de ócio e seus bezerros, menor tempo de pastejo e maior número de mamadas. O comportamento ingestivo de vacas nelores em pastejo é influenciado pelo grupo genético do bezerro, possivelmente em decorrência da frequência das mamadas.


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Avaliaram-se os efeitos de diferentes porcentagens (0, 10, 20 e 30%) de inclusão da torta de macaúba (TM) no comportamento ingestivo de 24 cordeiros Santa Inês, com média de cinco meses de idade e peso vivo de 23,9kg, distribuídos em delineamento em blocos ao acaso, com quatro tratamentos e seis repetições, durante 60 dias de confinamento. Foram avaliados os tempos médios despendidos com alimentação, ruminação (TR), ócio (TO), tempo de mastigação total (TMT), eficiência de alimentação (EA MS e EA FDN) e eficiência de ruminação, além do número de bolos ruminados (NBR) e número diário de mastigações merícicas (MMnd). A adição de TM à dieta aumentou linearmente o TR, TMT, NBR, MMnd e EA FDN e reduziu de forma linear o TO, em consequência do maior teor de fibra em detergente neutro das dietas com o coproduto. Mesmo com o aumento no TMT, não foi verificada diferença no consumo e na eficiência de ruminação e alimentação da matéria seca, possivelmente em razão da baixa efetividade de fibra da TM, demonstrando o potencial de utilização desse coproduto na dieta de ovinos em crescimento.


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Este estudo foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar a influência da frequência no fornecimento de volumoso e concentrado e/ou da categoria animal sobre o comportamento ingestivo de bovinos. Foram utilizadas 16 novilhas e 16 vacas com idade média inicial de 20 e 66 meses e peso médio inicial de 338 e 432 kg, respectivamente. Os tratamentos foram representados pelas frequências de fornecimento do volumoso e do concentrado: 2 V/C - volumoso e concentrado duas vezes ao dia; 1 V/C - volumoso e concentrado uma vez ao dia; 1 V/2 C - volumoso uma vez ao dia e concentrado duas vezes ao dia; 1 V/3 C - volumoso uma vez ao dia e concentrado três vezes ao dia, ofertadas às categorias vacas e novilhas. A dieta foi composta de 60% de silagem de milho e 40% de concentrado com base na matéria seca (MS). O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado em arranjo fatorial 4 × 2 (frequências × categorias). Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância e as médias, comparadas pelo teste t. A interação frequência de fornecimento e categoria animal foi significativa para as características tempo de ruminação e ócio, eficiência de ruminação da matéria seca e da fibra detergente neutro, número de bolos diário e tempo diário de mastigação. em relação às vacas, as novilhas apresentaram maiores tempos de ócio e mastigação quando receberam a alimentação uma vez ao dia. A frequência de fornecimento da dieta não influenciou o tempo de consumo. As vacas apresentaram maior tempo consumindo alimento e taxa de ingestão em comparação às novilhas (4,38 vs 4,09 horas e 2,91 vs 2,35 kg de MS/hora de consumo, respectivamente). O aumento na frequência da alimentação estimula os animais a maior ingestão de alimento no momento do fornecimento.


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The ingestive behavior and performance of female lambs grazing on Marandu pasture submitted to different stocking rates during the rainy and transition season were evaluated. The experimental area with 4,500 m² was divided into 45 paddocks of 100 m². Twenty-seven Santa Ines female lambs (purebred) with 4 months age and 22 kg of initial body weight were distributed in a completely randomized design, with nine replicates. Lambs were divided into 9 groups with the same initial weight and submitted to three stocking rates: 2, 3 and 4 lambs/paddock, which corresponded to 40, 60 and 80 lambs/ha, respectively. Each group of animals had a module of five paddocks, managed on intermittent grazing system, with 7 days of occupation and 28 d of rest. Increase on time grazing and reduction on time ruminating and resting were observed as stocking rates increased. There was 14% raise in time grazing and 41% decline on time resting by lambs subjected to the highest stocking rate compared with those in the lower stocking rate. The number of animals/ha promoted linear effect on average daily gain, which was higher for animals in the lowest stocking rate of 90 g/d. For gain per area, the best result was obtained with 60 animals/ha featuring an average value of 426 kg/ha.


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Fifteen animals from Canchim group and fifteen from Nelore were observed in the following treatments: water (A), molasses soluble + magnesium oxide (V) and molasses soluble + magnesium oxide + sodium bicarbonate (V+B). They were observed during continuous 24 hours every 30 days up to 90 days periods. During the weighting, every 28 days blood samples were collected to determine metabolic outline. Treatments did not affect (P>.05) animal behaviour on metabolic and the obtained mean values were within the normal range. They were, respectively for Canchim and Nelore: Feeding 270 and 223 minutes; Rumination 374 and 356 minutes; Idleness 745 and 863 minutes; Glicose 86 and 88 mg/dl; Urea 10 and 23 mg/dl: Uric acid 1,3 and 1,2 mg/dl; Total protein 7,0 and 6,8 g/dl; Albumin 3,1 and 3,1 g/dl; Creatinin 1,5 and 1,6 mg/dl; Sodium 140 and 142 meq/dl; Potassium 4,2 and 4,3 meq/1 and Calcium 10,0 and 9,8 mg/dl. It was concluded that molasses soluble as a substitute of water has not changed the ethologic parameters neither metabolic outline of both genetic group when in finishing feedlot.


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Thirty-two Polwarth ewes, of ages up to 1 year, were observed in a climatic chamber (24 to 45° C) for eight periods of 5 h each. The observations were made through a window in the chamber wall. All animals were observed four times, then shorn and observed four times again. The animals were given weighed quantities of water and feed consisting of commercial concentrate plus Rhodes grass (Chloris gayana) hay. The water and feed remaining after 5 h of observation were weighed. The following traits were analysed: time eating hay (TEH), time eating concentrate (TEC), time drinking water (TDW), weight of hay eaten (WHE), weight of concentrate eaten (WCE), volume of ingested water (VIW), ruminating time standing up (RTS), ruminating time lying down (RTL), idling time standing up (ITS), and idling time lying down (ITL). Shearing had a significant effect for all traits except ITS. Shearing resulted in higher values for all traits except for ITS and ITL. Ingestion of hay (TEH and WHE) decreased with increased air temperature and humidity, while the ingestion of concentrate (TEC) and WHE) and water (TDW and VIW) increased. Rumination decreased with increased air temperature and humidity, and was higher in shorn than in unshorn sheep. © 1992 International Society of Biometeorology.


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The experiment was carried out at Piracicaba, São Paulo, Brazil, from January to February 1993, with the objective of evaluating the behavior responses of Holstein cows, with constant or limited access to shade. The experimental design used was completely randomized. Twenty four dairy cows were used, at different lactation stages and production levels, kept in two free stall barns, with or without protection against solar radiation in south-east and north-west edge. The behavior parameters studied were: alimentation, rumination, rest time and frequency and water ingestion frequency. The protection of the free stall barn didn't affect the behavior responses. The alimentation, rumination and rest time, daily, were 3.4, 7.0 e 9.0 hours, respectively. The highest alimentation frequencies were before and after milking. The rumination was mainly during nocturnal period; the rest was more frequent during the period with higher solar radiation. The animals stayed more time in the shelter (13.4 vs 2.5 h/day). The highest daily water ingestion frequencies were in the hot time and next milking, mainly.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate intake behavior of lambs in pasture systems: (1) lambs kept with their dams in ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) without supplementation; (2) lambs kept with their dams in the same pasture but supplemented in creep feeding; (3) lambs kept with their dams in the same pasture but supplemented in creep grazing with white clover. Three evaluations of intake behavior were performed to check the activities carried out by animals (grazing, rumination, suckling and other activities). Grazing, rumination and other activities times were different (p < 0.05) for non-supplemented lambs. For these lambs, grazing and rumination times were longer than other activities time compared to other systems. Creep feeding reduced grazing time (p < 0.05), probably due to easy access and quality of concentrate. Lambs in creep grazing had reduced (p < 0.05) rumination time. Bite mass in creep grazing was higher (p < 0.05), probably due to easy harvesting of leaves by lambs. It was concluded that the production system affects feeding strategy of lambs and the preference for legumes suggests the use of creep grazing for finishing lambs.