995 resultados para regional pain syndromes
Over the last few decades, advances have been made in the understanding of myofascial pain syndrome epidemiology, clinical characteristics and aetiopathogenesis, but many unknowns remain. An integrated hypothesis has provided a greater understanding of the physiopathology of trigger points, which may allow the development of new diagnostic, and above all, therapeutic methods, as well as the establishment of prevention policies and protocols by the health profession. Nevertheless, randomized studies are needed to provide a better understanding and detection of the different factors involved in the origin of trigger points.
During the last decades the advance in knowledge of myofascial pain has been constant in the medical and dental community. However, although several aspects have been clarified in relation to its epidemiology, clinical characteristics and etiopathogenesis, many uncertainties remain. Many clinical conditions are included in the differential diagnosis of myofascial pain associated to trigger points. A good anamnesis and clinical exploration is thus required in order to ensure correct diagnosis and treatment. Among the numerous treatments used in application to trigger points, the spray-and-stretch technique and direct injection targeted to such trigger points have been found to be the most effective options. In chronic cases, psychosocial intervention is required, due to the high incidence of mood disorders and/or anxiety observed in these patients, who in turn present a poorer prognosis. This underscores the importance of early diagnosis and treatment.
El propósito de esta revisión fue demostrar que el Síndrome Doloroso Regional Complejo, se convirtió en el recurso seudocientífico que explica una evolución no convencional de patologías relativamente anodinas, diagnosticándose sin la rigurosidad ajustada a los criterios, esencialmente clínicos, propuestos por las organizaciones internacionales que estudian este problema. Para probar esa hipótesis, los investigadores efectuamos revisión de historias clínicas de pacientes que, habiendo presentado una contingencia de origen ocupacional, de la que se derivaron distinto tipo de lesiones que denominamos diagnóstico primario, en algún momento de su evolución y sin importar la especialidad que los estuviere tratando, se les realizó un diagnóstico de SDRC con el cual fueron remitidos a Clínica del Dolor para valoración y manejo. La revisión de los expedientes se realizó a la luz de tres distintas, aunque entrañablemente relacionadas, escalas para el diagnóstico de presunción del mencionado síndrome: La propuesta por Gibbons en el año 1992, la formulada por la Asociación Internacional para el Estudio del Dolor (IASP) en 1994 y la emanada del Consenso de Budapest en el 2003, que pretende llenar las imprecisiones de la escala IASP. Los investigadores revisamos 89 expedientes de los cuales 63 cumplieron con los criterios de selección de caso; encontrando que en el 68% de estos, los criterios diagnósticos propuestos por las tres escalas, no se cumplieron y que en el 28,5%, las Clínicas del Dolor tampoco cumplieron con su rol de autoridad técnica, en la medida en que avalaron una condición no probada suficientemente.
Por sus múltiples causas y su sintomatología inespecífica, el síndrome doloroso regional complejo es una de las situaciones clínicas que mayor dificultad genera en el tratamiento fisioterapéutico. Este síndrome se define como una disfunción vasomotora, mediada por el sistema simpático en donde su manifestación primaria es un dolor que aumenta y permanece en el tiempo y que no tolera las diferentes modalidades y técnicas utilizadas por los Fisioterapeutas como herramientas de intervención. A través del tiempo el Fisioterapeuta ha tenido una acción relevante en el manejo del usuario con dolor, sin importar la causa o consecuencia del mismo. Por esta razón con esta revisión se quiere, integrar acciones terapéuticas como la carga de peso, la desensibilización y la relajación, que han dado excelentes resultados, a las prácticas tradicionales (medios físicos, ultrasonido, masaje sedativo y diferentes tipos de corrientes) aplicables a quienes padecen dolor secundario, traumático o visceral que compromete el sistema simpático en forma refleja.
Aims: To test for an association between rhythmic masticatory muscle activity during sleep, as assessed according to polysomnographic criteria for sleep bruxism (RMMA-SB), and myofascial pain (MFP), as well as the chance of occurrence of MFP in patients with RMMA-SB. Methods: Thirty MFP patients (diagnosed according to the Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders) and 30 age- and gender-matcbed asymptomatic controls underwent a polysomnographic examination. Also, any self-reporting of daytime clenching (DC) was registered in 58 of these subjects. Results: Most MFP patients reported mild or moderate pain (46.67% and 43.33%, respectively), and only 3 (10%) reported severe pain. Pain duration ranged from 2 to 120 months (mean 34.67 +/- 36.96 months). Significant associations were observed between RMMA-SB and MFP as well as between DC and MFP. Conclusions: (1) RMMA-SB is significantly associated with MFP; (2) although RMMA-SB represents a risk factor for MFP, this risk is low; and (3) DC probably constitutes a stronger risk factor for MFP than RMMA-SB.
JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A Síndrome Dolorosa Complexa Regional (SDCR), assim denominada a partir de 1994 pelo Consenso da Associação Internacional para o Estudo da Dor (AIED) e anteriormente denominada de várias formas, tais como Distrofia Simpático Reflexa, Causalgia, Algodistrofia ou Atrofia de Sudeck, é uma doença cuja compreensão dos limites clínicos, fisiopatologia e implicações de patogenia ainda é pobre. Disto resulta a enorme insatisfação não só para os pacientes como para os profissionais da saúde quanto aos métodos terapêuticos atualmente disponíveis. O objetivo deste trabalho é rever a literatura e atualizar um conjunto de informações com o intuito da melhor compreensão desta importante síndrome dolorosa. CONTEÚDO: Este é um trabalho de revisão da literatura nos diversos aspectos da SDCR, com ênfase em suas causas, definição e taxonomia, fisiopatologia, características clínicas, testes diagnósticos e propostas de tratamentos mais recentes. CONCLUSÕES: Poucos são os estudos controlados adequadamente, encobertos e aleatórios, publicados com grandes amostras, havendo muitas dúvidas sobre esta doença. Desta forma, ainda há enorme empirismo na sua terapêutica, e os resultados obtidos são insatisfatórios.
The Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS), has a multifactorial etiology and affects approximately 7 to 15% of the population, mostly women, youth, adults and active persons. PFPS causes anterior or retropatelar pain that is exacerbated during functional motor gestures, such as up and down stairs or spending long periods of time sitting, squatting or kneeling. As the diagnostic evaluation of this syndrome is still indirect, different mechanisms and methodologies try to make a classification that distinguishes patients with PFPS in relation to asymptomatic. Thereby, the purpose of this investigation was to determine the characteristics of the electromyographic (EMG) signal in the frequency domain of the vastus medialis oblique (VMO) and vastus lateralis (VL) in patients with PFPS, during the ascent of stairs. 33 young women (22 control group and 11 PFPS group), were evaluated by EMG during ascent of stairs. The VMO mean power frequency (MPF) and the VL frequency 95% (F95) were lower in symptomatic individuals. This may be related to the difference in muscle recruitment strategy exerted by each muscle in the PFPS group compared to the control group.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Abstract Background Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) is responsible for major epidemics worldwide. Autochthonous cases were recently reported in several European countries. Acute infection is thought to be monophasic. However reports on chronic pain related to CHIKV infection have been made. In particular, the fact that many of these patients do not respond well to usual analgesics suggests that the nature of chronic pain may be not only nociceptive but also neuropathic. Neuropathic pain syndromes require specific treatment and the identification of neuropathic characteristics (NC) in a pain syndrome is a major step towards pain control. Methods We carried out a cross-sectional study at the end of the major two-wave outbreak lasting 17 months in Réunion Island. We assessed pain in 106 patients seeking general practitioners with confirmed infection with the CHIK virus, and evaluated its impact on quality of life (QoL). Results The mean intensity of pain on the visual-analogical scale (VAS) was 5.8 ± 2.1, and its mean duration was 89 ± 2 days. Fifty-six patients fulfilled the definition of chronic pain. Pain had NC in 18.9% according to the DN4 questionnaire. Conversely, about two thirds (65%) of patients with NC had chronic pain. The average pain intensity was similar between patients with or without NC (6.0 ± 1.7 vs 6.1 ± 2.0). However, the total score of the Short Form-McGill Pain Questionnaire (SF-MPQ)(15.5 ± 5.2 vs 11.6 ± 5.2; p < 0.01) and both the affective (18.8 ± 6.2 vs 13.4 ± 6.7; p < 0.01) and sensory subscores (34.3 ± 10.7 vs 25.0 ± 9.9; p < 0.01) were significantly higher in patients with NC. The mean pain interference in life activities calculated from the Brief Pain Inventory (BPI) was significantly higher in patients with chronic pain than in patients without it (6.8 ± 1.9 vs 5.9 ± 1.9, p < 0.05). This score was also significantly higher in patients with NC than in those without such a feature (7.2 ± 1.5 vs 6.1 ± 1.9, p < 0.05). Conclusions There exists a specific chronic pain condition associated to CHIKV. Pain with NC seems to be associated with more aggressive clinical picture, more intense impact in QoL and more challenging pharmacological treatment.
Backgroud: It has been shown that different symptoms or symptom combinations of neuropathic pain (NeP) may correspond to different mechanistic backgrounds and respond differently to treatment. The Neuropathic Pain Symptom Inventory (NPSI) is able to detect distinct clusters of symptoms (i.e. dimensions) with a putative common mechanistic background. The present study described the psychometric validation of the Portuguese version (PV) of the NPSI. Methods: Patients were seen in two consecutive visits, three to four weeks apart. They were asked to: (i) rate their mean pain intensity in the last 24 hours on an 11-point (0-10) numerical scale; (ii) complete the PV-NPSI; (iii) provide the list of pain medications and doses currently in use. VAS and Global Impression of Change (GIC) were filled out in the second visit. Results: PV-NPSI underwent test-retest reliability, factor analysis, analysis of sensitivity to changes between both visits. The PV-NPSI was reliable in this setting, with a good intra-class correlation for all items. The factorial analysis showed that the PV-NPSI inventory assessed different components of neuropathic pain. Five different factors were found. The PV-NPSI was adequate to evaluate patients with neuropathic pain and to detect clusters of NeP symptoms. Conclusions: The psychometric properties of the PV-NPSI rendered it adequate to evaluate patients with both central and peripheral neuropathic pain syndromes and to detect clusters of NeP symptoms.
Nondermatomal somatosensory deficits (NDSDs) are frequently found in chronic pain patients and allude to pain sensitization and pain centralization. In the clinical examination NDSDs are as a rule accompanied by hyposensitivity to touch and heat perception often with a quadrantal or hemibody distribution. The majority of NDSD patients show a trigger episode with a somatic nociceptive trauma in the case history. These somatic findings, however, never fully explain the pain disorder, analogue to the complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS). Most patients with chronic pain disorders as well as those with NDSD often report an antecedent period of high psychobiological stress. The data from functional imaging reveal a complex pattern of a central nervous dysregulation.
Although chronic pelvic pain syndrome impairs the life of millions of people worldwide, the exact pathomechanisms involved remain to be elucidated. As with other chronic pain syndromes, the central nervous system may have an important role in chronic pelvic pain syndrome. Thus, we assessed brain alterations associated with abnormal pain processing in patients with chronic pelvic pain syndrome.
Background Chronic localized pain syndromes, especially chronic low back pain (CLBP), are common reasons for consultation in general practice. In some cases chronic localized pain syndromes can appear in combination with chronic widespread pain (CWP). Numerous studies have shown a strong association between CWP and several physical and psychological factors. These studies are population-based cross-sectional and do not allow for assessing chronology. There are very few prospective studies that explore the predictors for the onset of CWP, where the main focus is identifying risk factors for the CWP incidence. Until now there have been no studies focusing on preventive factors keeping patients from developing CWP. Our aim is to perform a cross sectional study on the epidemiology of CLBP and CWP in general practice and to look for distinctive features regarding resources like resilience, self-efficacy and coping strategies. A subsequent cohort study is designed to identify the risk and protective factors of pain generalization (development of CWP) in primary care for CLBP patients. Methods/Design Fifty-nine general practitioners recruit consecutively, during a 5 month period, all patients who are consulting their family doctor because of chronic low back pain (where the pain is lasted for 3 months). Patients are asked to fill out a questionnaire on pain anamnesis, pain-perception, co-morbidities, therapy course, medication, socio demographic data and psychosomatic symptoms. We assess resilience, coping resources, stress management and self-efficacy as potential protective factors for pain generalization. Furthermore, we raise risk factors for pain generalization like anxiety, depression, trauma and critical life events. During a twelve months follow up period a cohort of CLBP patients without CWP will be screened on a regular basis (3 monthly) for pain generalization (outcome: incident CWP). Discussion This cohort study will be the largest study which prospectively analyzes predictors for transition from CLBP to CWP in primary care setting. In contrast to the typically researched risk factors, which increase the probability of pain generalization, this study also focus intensively on protective factors, which decrease the probability of pain generalization.
The available literature consistently shows increased pain sensitivity after sensory stimulation of healthy tissues in patients who have various chronic pain conditions. This indicates a state of hypersensitivity of the CNS that amplifies the nociceptive input arising from damaged tissues. Experimental data indicate that central hypersensitivity is probably induced primarily by nociceptive input arising from a diseased tissue. In patients, imbalance of descending modulatory systems connected with psychologic distress may play a role. There is experimental support in animal studies for the persistence of central hypersensitivity after complete resolution of tissue damage. This is particularly true for neuropathic pain conditions, whereby potentially irreversible plasticity changes of the CNS have been documented in animal studies. Whether such changes are present in musculoskeletal pain states is at present uncertain. Despite the likely importance of central hypersensitivity in the pathophysiology of chronic pain, this mechanism should not be used to justify the lack of understanding on the anatomic origin of the pain complaints in several pain syndromes, which is mostly due to limitations of the available diagnostic tools. Treatment strategies for central hypersensitivity in patients have been investigated mostly in neuropathic pain states. Possible therapy modalities for central hypersensitivity in chronic pain of musculoskeletal origin are largely unexplored. The limited evidence available and everyday practice show, at best, modest efficacy of the available treatment modalities for central hypersensitivity. The gap between basic knowledge and clinical benefits remains large and should stimulate further intensive research.
BACKGROUND Chronic pain is associated with generalized hypersensitivity and impaired endogenous pain modulation (conditioned pain modulation; CPM). Despite extensive research, their prevalence in chronic pain patients is unknown. This study investigated the prevalence and potential determinants of widespread central hypersensitivity and described the distribution of CPM in chronic pain patients. METHODS We examined 464 consecutive chronic pain patients for generalized hypersensitivity and CPM using pressure algometry at the second toe and cold pressor test. Potential determinants of generalized central hypersensitivity were studied using uni- and multivariate regression analyses. Prevalence of generalized central hypersensitivity was calculated for the 5th, 10th and 25th percentile of normative values for pressure algometry obtained by a previous large study on healthy volunteers. CPM was addressed on a descriptive basis, since normative values are not available. RESULTS Depending on the percentile of normative values considered, generalized central hypersensitivity affected 17.5-35.3% of patients. 23.7% of patients showed no increase in pressure pain threshold after cold pressor test. Generalized central hypersensitivity was more frequent and CPM less effective in women than in men. Unclearly classifiable pain syndromes showed higher frequencies of generalized central hypersensitivity than other pain syndromes. CONCLUSIONS Although prevalent in chronic pain, generalized central hypersensitivity is not present in every patient. An individual assessment is therefore required in order to detect altered pain processing. The broad basic knowledge about central hypersensitivity now needs to be translated into concrete clinical consequences, so that patients can be offered an individually tailored mechanism-based treatment.