958 resultados para quality of services (QoS)
Multicast is an efficient approach to save network bandwidth for multimedia streaming services. To provide Quality of Services (QoS) for the multimedia services while maintain the advantage of multicast in bandwidth efficiency, admission control for multicast sessions are expected. Probe-based multicast admission control (PBMAC) schemes are of a sort of scalable and simple admission control for multicast. Probing scheme is the essence of PBMAC. In this paper, after a detailed survey on three existing probing schemes, we evaluate these schemes using simulation and analysis approaches in two aspects: admission correctness and group scalability. Admission correctness of the schemes is compared by simulation investigation. Analytical models for group scalability are derived, and validated by simulation results. The evaluation results illustrate the advantages and weaknesses of each scheme, which are helpful for people to choose proper probing scheme for network.
This paper focuses on the problem of providing efficient scheduling mechanisms for IP packets encapsulated in the frames of a real-time fieldbus network - the PROFIBUS. The approach described consists on a dual-stack approach encompassing both the controlrelated traffic ("native" fieldbus traffic) and the IPrelated traffic. The overall goal is to maintain the hard real-time guarantees of the control-related traffic, while at the same time providing the desired quality of service (QoS) to the coexistent IP applications. We start to describe the work which have been up to now carried out in the framework of the European project RFieldbus (High Performance Wireless Fieldbus in Industrial Multimedia-Related Environments - IST-1999-11316). Then we identify its limitations and point out solutions that are now being addressed out of the framework of the above-mentioned European project.
In order to successfully deploy multicast services in QoS-aware networks, pricing architectures must take into account the particular characteristics of multicast sessions. With this objective, we propose a charging scheme for QoS multicast services, assuming that the unicast cost of each interconnecting link is determined and that such cost is expressed in terms of quality of service (QoS) parameters. Our scheme allows determining the cost distribution of a multicast session along a cost distribution tree (CDT), and basing such distribution in those pre-existing unicast cost functions. The paper discusses in detail the main characteristics of the problem in a realistic interdomain scenario and how the proposed scheme would contribute to its solution
IP-verkkojen hyvin tunnettu haitta on, että nämä eivät pysty takaamaan tiettyä palvelunlaatua (Quality of Service) lähetetyille paketeille. Seuraavat kaksi tekniikkaa pidetään lupaavimpina palvelunlaadun tarjoamiselle: Differentiated Services (DiffServ) ja palvelunlaatureititys (QoS Routing). DiffServ on varsin uusi IETF:n määrittelemä Internetille tarkoitettu palvelunlaatumekanismi. DiffServ tarjoaa skaalattavaa palvelujen erilaistamista ilman viestintää joka hypyssä ja per-flow –tilan ohjausta. DiffServ on hyvä esimerkki hajautetusta verkkosuunnittelusta. Tämän palvelutasomekanismin tavoite on viestintäjärjestelmien suunnittelun yksinkertaistaminen. Verkkosolmu voidaan rakentaa pienestä hyvin määritellystä rakennuspalikoiden joukosta. Palvelunlaatureititys on reititysmekanismi, jolla liikennereittejä määritellään verkon käytettävissä olevien resurssien pohjalta. Tässä työssä selvitetään uusi palvelunlaatureititystapa, jota kutsutaan yksinkertaiseksi monitiereititykseksi (Simple Multipath Routing). Tämän työn tarkoitus on suunnitella palvelunlaatuohjain DiffServille. Tässä työssä ehdotettu palvelunlaatuohjain on pyrkimys yhdistää DiffServ ja palvelunlaatureititysmekanismeja. Työn kokeellinen osuus keskittyy erityisesti palvelunlaatureititysalgoritmeihin.
In order to successfully deploy multicast services in QoS-aware networks, pricing architectures must take into account the particular characteristics of multicast sessions. With this objective, we propose a charging scheme for QoS multicast services, assuming that the unicast cost of each interconnecting link is determined and that such cost is expressed in terms of quality of service (QoS) parameters. Our scheme allows determining the cost distribution of a multicast session along a cost distribution tree (CDT), and basing such distribution in those pre-existing unicast cost functions. The paper discusses in detail the main characteristics of the problem in a realistic interdomain scenario and how the proposed scheme would contribute to its solution
Triple-Play (3P) and Quadruple-Play (4P) services are being widely offered by telecommunication services providers. Such services must be able to offer equal or higher quality levels than those obtained with traditional systems, especially for the most demanding services such as broadcast IPTV. This paper presents a matrix-based model, defined in terms of service components, user perceptions, agent capabilities, performance indicators and evaluation functions, which allows to estimate the overall quality of a set of convergent services, as perceived by the users, from a set of performance and/or Quality of Service (QoS) parameters of the convergent IP transport network
Background: Since establishing universal free access to antiretroviral therapy in 1996, the Brazilian Health System has increased the number of centers providing HIV/AIDS outpatient care from 33 to 540. There had been no formal monitoring of the quality of these services until a survey of 336 AIDS health centers across 7 Brazilian states was undertaken in 2002. Managers of the services were asked to assess their clinics according to parameters of service inputs and service delivery processes. This report analyzes the survey results and identifies predictors of the overall quality of service delivery. Methods: The survey involved completion of a multiple-choice questionnaire comprising 107 parameters of service inputs and processes of delivering care, with responses assessed according to their likely impact on service quality using a 3-point scale. K-means clustering was used to group these services according to their scored responses. Logistic regression analysis was performed to identify predictors of high service quality. Results: The questionnaire was completed by 95.8% (322) of the managers of the sites surveyed. Most sites scored about 50% of the benchmark expectation. K-means clustering analysis identified four quality levels within which services could be grouped: 76 services (24%) were classed as level 1 (best), 53 (16%) as level 2 (medium), 113 (35%) as level 3 (poor), and 80 (25%) as level 4 (very poor). Parameters of service delivery processes were more important than those relating to service inputs for determining the quality classification. Predictors of quality services included larger care sites, specialization for HIV/AIDS, and location within large municipalities. Conclusion: The survey demonstrated highly variable levels of HIV/AIDS service quality across the sites. Many sites were found to have deficiencies in the processes of service delivery processes that could benefit from quality improvement initiatives. These findings could have implications for how HIV/AIDS services are planned in Brazil to achieve quality standards, such as for where service sites should be located, their size and staffing requirements. A set of service delivery indicators has been identified that could be used for routine monitoring of HIV/AIDS service delivery for HIV/AIDS in Brazil (and potentially in other similar settings).
Due to the growing complexity and adaptability requirements of real-time systems, which often exhibit unrestricted Quality of Service (QoS) inter-dependencies among supported services and user-imposed quality constraints, it is increasingly difficult to optimise the level of service of a dynamic task set within an useful and bounded time. This is even more difficult when intending to benefit from the full potential of an open distributed cooperating environment, where service characteristics are not known beforehand and tasks may be inter-dependent. This paper focuses on optimising a dynamic local set of inter-dependent tasks that can be executed at varying levels of QoS to achieve an efficient resource usage that is constantly adapted to the specific constraints of devices and users, nature of executing tasks and dynamically changing system conditions. Extensive simulations demonstrate that the proposed anytime algorithms are able to quickly find a good initial solution and effectively optimise the rate at which the quality of the current solution improves as the algorithms are given more time to run, with a minimum overhead when compared against their traditional versions.
OBJECTIVE To assess the inequalities in access, utilization, and quality of health care services according to the socioeconomic status. METHODS This population-based cross-sectional study evaluated 2,927 individuals aged ≥ 20 years living in Pelotas, RS, Southern Brazil, in 2012. The associations between socioeconomic indicators and the following outcomes were evaluated: lack of access to health services, utilization of services, waiting period (in days) for assistance, and waiting time (in hours) in lines. We used Poisson regression for the crude and adjusted analyses. RESULTS The lack of access to health services was reported by 6.5% of the individuals who sought health care. The prevalence of use of health care services in the 30 days prior to the interview was 29.3%. Of these, 26.4% waited five days or more to receive care and 32.1% waited at least an hour in lines. Approximately 50.0% of the health care services were funded through the Unified Health System. The use of health care services was similar across socioeconomic groups. The lack of access to health care services and waiting time in lines were higher among individuals of lower economic status, even after adjusting for health care needs. The waiting period to receive care was higher among those with higher socioeconomic status. CONCLUSIONS Although no differences were observed in the use of health care services across socioeconomic groups, inequalities were evident in the access to and quality of these services.
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
Objective: The objective of this study was to investigate the opinions of women regarding the satisfaction about the quality of maternity care received. We hope to establish whether health care technology increases satisfaction or whether it actually interferes with the construction of personal satisfaction in the process of care. Design and setting: Information was gathered using the focus group technique. The area of study comprised the post-natal groups run as part of the Sexual and Reproductive Health Programme of the Catalan Health Authority. (Spain) Participants: Five focus groups were held between May 2006 and July 2007. Findings: Quality of care is a complex concept in which a number of independent core features can be identified. We have grouped these core features into three basic categories. Safety: the hospital and its technological facilities, and the technical expertise of health professionals. The other two main pillars of quality of care are the human dimension of the relationship between the carers and the patient, and finally the structural aspects that determine the context in which the heath care is provided. Key conclusions and implications for practice: The mothers of our study feel satisfied with healthcare technology and view it as a source of security; technology become indispensable features in order to reduce the anxiety provoked by the perceived lack of confidence in their ability as mothers. In this study, women, both during pregnancy and especially when giving birth, believe their feelings and values should be understood by professionals, from whom they seek empathy and a personal commitment, and not just information.
Objective: The objective of this study was to investigate the opinions of women regarding the satisfaction about the quality of maternity care received. We hope to establish whether health care technology increases satisfaction or whether it actually interferes with the construction of personal satisfaction in the process of care. Design and setting: Information was gathered using the focus group technique. The area of study comprised the post-natal groups run as part of the Sexual and Reproductive Health Programme of the Catalan Health Authority. (Spain) Participants: Five focus groups were held between May 2006 and July 2007. Findings: Quality of care is a complex concept in which a number of independent core features can be identified. We have grouped these core features into three basic categories. Safety: the hospital and its technological facilities, and the technical expertise of health professionals. The other two main pillars of quality of care are the human dimension of the relationship between the carers and the patient, and finally the structural aspects that determine the context in which the heath care is provided. Key conclusions and implications for practice: The mothers of our study feel satisfied with healthcare technology and view it as a source of security; technology become indispensable features in order to reduce the anxiety provoked by the perceived lack of confidence in their ability as mothers. In this study, women, both during pregnancy and especially when giving birth, believe their feelings and values should be understood by professionals, from whom they seek empathy and a personal commitment, and not just information.
A multicompartment compliance aid (MCA) is a blister-type repackaging system that aims to facilitate drug administration and thereby increase patient adherence. One of the characteristics of the MCA that should be taken into account is the moisture permeability, since this atmospheric condition is one of the most important factors that can modify the stability of medicines. In the current paper we report the moisture permeability tests performed on a MCA according to the US Pharmacopeia. This information on the suitability of the device will help pharmacists implement a high-quality professional service.
Broadcasting systems are networks where the transmission is received by several terminals. Generally broadcast receivers are passive devices in the network, meaning that they do not interact with the transmitter. Providing a certain Quality of Service (QoS) for the receivers in heterogeneous reception environment with no feedback is not an easy task. Forward error control coding can be used for protection against transmission errors to enhance the QoS for broadcast services. For good performance in terrestrial wireless networks, diversity should be utilized. The diversity is utilized by application of interleaving together with the forward error correction codes. In this dissertation the design and analysis of forward error control and control signalling for providing QoS in wireless broadcasting systems are studied. Control signaling is used in broadcasting networks to give the receiver necessary information on how to connect to the network itself and how to receive the services that are being transmitted. Usually control signalling is considered to be transmitted through a dedicated path in the systems. Therefore, the relationship of the signaling and service data paths should be considered early in the design phase. Modeling and simulations are used in the case studies of this dissertation to study this relationship. This dissertation begins with a survey on the broadcasting environment and mechanisms for providing QoS therein. Then case studies present analysis and design of such mechanisms in real systems. The mechanisms for providing QoS considering signaling and service data paths and their relationship at the DVB-H link layer are analyzed as the first case study. In particular the performance of different service data decoding mechanisms and optimal signaling transmission parameter selection are presented. The second case study investigates the design of signaling and service data paths for the more modern DVB-T2 physical layer. Furthermore, by comparing the performances of the signaling and service data paths by simulations, configuration guidelines for the DVB-T2 physical layer signaling are given. The presented guidelines can prove useful when configuring DVB-T2 transmission networks. Finally, recommendations for the design of data and signalling paths are given based on findings from the case studies. The requirements for the signaling design should be derived from the requirements for the main services. Generally, these requirements for signaling should be more demanding as the signaling is the enabler for service reception.