960 resultados para puppy factory
Introduction: This article aims to show an alternative intervention for the prevention and control of back pain to the people of a production plant of geotextiles for the construction exposed to handling and awkward postures through the implementation of the Back School using the CORE technique. This technique being understood as trainer of the stability musculature of the spine; whose benefit is proportionate the muscular complex of the back, stability and avoid osteomuscular lesions and improved posture. Objective: To present the results about the implementation of the back school by the CORE technique for prevention of back pain in a population of forty-eight male collaborators. Materials and methods: The back school began with talks of awareness by the occupational health physician explaining the objectives and benefits of it to all participants. Once this activity was done, was continued to evaluate all plant employees to establish health status through the PAR-Q questionnaire, who were surveyed for the perception of pain using visual analog scale (VAS) and stability was determined column through the CORE assessment, to determine the training plan. Then, were made every six months the revaluations and implementation of a survey of assistant public perception to identify the impact of the implementation of the school back on the two variables referred (pain perception and stability of column). Results: The pain perception according VAS increased in the number of workers asymptomatic in 12% and based in the satisfaction survey 94% of population reported that with the development of this technique decrease the muscle fatigue in lumbar level; and 96% of population reported an improvement in the performance of their work activities. Discussion: Posterior to the analysis of all results, it is interpreted that back schools practice through CORE technique, contributes to the prevention and / or control of symptoms at the lumbar level in population of productive sector exposed to risks derived from the physical load, provided that ensure its continuously development and supervised for a competent professional.
La historia se centra en torno a Max y su familia. A Dizzy, el cachorro de Max, le encanta correr. Indicado principalmente para niños que no están haciendo los avances esperados en la lectura y tienen la necesidad de consolidar sus habilidades antes de convertirse en lectores con fluidez.
Cuando el papá de Mandy, veterinario, diagnostica como sordo a un cachorro de perro pastor, Mandy se siente triste por ello. Pero no es hasta que encuentra otros cachorros de perro pastor abandonados y en un estado lamentable, que ella y James empiezan a sospechar si un criador local podría ser el culpable del estado de estos cachorros.
El “Caso Factory” es el nombre con el que se denomina a la tragedia ocurrida en la discoteca Factory, en la cual murieron 19 jóvenes debido al incendio que se produjo en las instalaciones del centro musical el día del concierto de premiación a la mejor banda de música de rock gótico en el país.[1] En el momento en que se da nombre a un hecho social, cualquiera que sea, éste cobra realidad, se hace, se construye, empieza a tener sentido. Así, el significante primero que nombre ese suceso es el que va a articular el sentido del mismo y a configurarlo como realidad social. El Caso Factory es el significante desde el que se construye el sentido, es decir el relato, de lo sucedido el 19 de abril. Cuando este enunciado se hace presente en nuestra mente, sea por que lo oímos o lo leemos, de manera inmediata aparecen junto a él un conjunto de otros significantes como Rockeros, jóvenes, góticos, drogas, satánicos, muerte, anarquía, irresponsabilidad, instituciones, Estado, exclusión, etc., que dependiendo de la conexión que tengan con el significante rígido van articulando una cadena de significación que es la que establece el significado del Caso Factory. El significado de un hecho que termina por imponerse socialmente, es decir que lo hace realidad, depende de al menos dos cosas: a) quien tiene la voz para nominarlo, y, a partir de ahí, ir haciendo las conexiones significantes y tejiendo el sentido que éste tendrá en la conciencia de la gente, y b) ligado a lo anterior, quien o quienes tienen los canales de transmisión discursiva que permita que el discurso sobre el hecho pueda socializarse y de esta forma convertirlo en realidad socialmente aceptada.
The idea that supercomputers are an important part of making forecasts of the weather and climate is well known amongst the general population. However, the details of their use are somewhat mysterious. A concept used to illustrate many undergraduate numerical weather prediction courses is the idea of a giant 'forecast factory,' conceived by Lewis Fry Richardson in 1922. In this article, a way of using the same idea to communicate key ideas in numerical weather prediction to the general public is outlined and tested amongst children from local schools.
The building industry is often berated for its short comings in meeting up with the demand for the provision of new housing. Addressing the need for new housing stock is a challenge that has led to debates among professional bodies, the construction sector, housing industry and government. The introduction of new manufacturing technologies is often offered as a solution, but the challenges of increasing the amount of off-site construction in residential building are well known and well-rehearsed. The modern flying factory (MFF) is a concept that involves the manufacture of specific components or modules in temporary off- or near- site locations using relatively simple and quick to set up and dismantle technologies and processes. The aim is to produce short batches and hence achieve some of the benefits of off-site manufacture on a much smaller scale than in dedicated factory environments. A case study of a modern flying factory being set up to produce pre-assembled utility cupboards for a large residential development in London is presented, involving participant observation and informal interviews with key actors on the design and operationalising of the process. The case reveals that although there are costs, efficiency and health and safety benefits to using MFF approaches, there are also challenges to overcome over the time required to set up and establish the process for relatively short runs, and in evaluating whether the MFF or traditional site based production is most effective for particular aspects of projects.
Group Exhibition including Auto Italia South East, The Bureau of Melodramatic Research, Torsten Lauschmann, John Russell, Marika Troili. Curated by Benjamin Fallon. Screening of ‘Vermillion Vortex' 2011.
The workplace is a manageable community-based setting for ensuring proper nutrition. This study aimed to evaluate dietary quality and associated factors among adult workers at a cosmetics factory in the metropolitan area of Sao Paulo, Brazil. This factory was actively participating in the Brazilian Workers` Meal Program, which was created to ensure workers` nutritional health. In this cross-sectional study, data on 202 adult workers were assessed using questionnaires (sociodemographic, anthropometric, and lifestyle characteristics) administered during August and September 2006. Dietary intake, measured by 24-hour dietary recall, was used to calculate the modified Healthy Eating Index (HEI). A repeated administration of the 24-hour dietary recall was applied in a random subsample to calculate the modified HEI adjusted for the within-person variation in intake. Mean adjusted modified HEI scores were analyzed using multiple linear regression adjusted for energy. The mean adjusted modified HEI score was 72.3 +/- 8.0. The lowest adjusted modified HEI components scores were ""milk and dairy products"" (4.4 +/- 3.2) and ""sodium"" (3.7 +/- 3.1). Two percent of workers had ""poor diet"" (adjusted modified HEI score <51 points) and the majority (87%) had ""diet that needs modification"" (adjusted modified HEI score between 51 and 80), despite their participation in the meal program. Adjusted modified HEI scores were considerably higher for men (74.7 +/- 7.0) than for women (66.9 +/- 8.2) and for normal body mass index (calculated as kg/m(2)) (73.3 +/- 7.8) than for overweight/obese (70.9 +/- 8.1). Based on these results, the vast majority of workers were found to have diets that needed improvement. Individuals with higher-quality diets were more likely to have lower body mass index and to be male. J Am Diet Assoc. 2010;110:786-790.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)