557 resultados para pulping kraft


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Kraft pulp is currently bleached largely by the elemental chlorine free (ECF) technology with oxygen, chlorine dioxide, and hydrogen as active agents. This technology brought about significant environmental improvements in relation to standard processes based on chlorine gas and hypochlorite, but there is still need for further improvements. This study presents a novel environmentally friendly bleaching stage - the so-called `hydrogen peroxide in supercritical carbon dioxide`, P((SC-CO2)) - that can be adapted to current ECF bleaching processes, with preference in cases where hydrogen peroxide is already used. In this study, the P((SC-CO2)) stage was evaluated as a replacement to the last peroxide stage of the D(EP)DP bleaching sequence and to the first peroxide stage of the D(EP)DP sequence, for an oxygen delignified eucalypt kraft-O(2) pulp. The P((SC-CO2)) stage was run with 0.5% hydrogen peroxide, at 15% consistency, 70 degrees C, and 73 bar. The reaction time was 30 min. The performances of regular P stages and the new P((SC-CO2)) stage were compared. Promising results were observed with the DEP((SC-CO2))DP sequence; the P((SC-CO2)) decreased kappa number from 2.7 to 2.1, and the hexenuronic acid groups from 17.0 to 12.4 mmol kg(-1). The P((SC-CO2)) stage showed poor performance when applied in the D(EP)DP((SC-CO2)) sequence. It is concluded that the process presents potential but requires further optimization to improve selectivity and efficiency.


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2015 kommer Skid-VM att hållas i Falun. TV-bolagen kräver redundant kraft som standard för denna typ av arrangemang. Detta sköts normalt med dieselgeneratorer och eventuellt UPS:er. För att utreda detaljerna kring, och möjligheterna med, att ersätta några eller alla dieselgeneratorer med elkraft från elfordon, har en förstudie gjorts. Förstudien skall besvara en rad frågeställningar som togs upp vid ett förmöte i maj 2011. Slutsatsen är att det finns tre olika sätt att lösa behovet av avbrottsfri kraft med elfordon. Dessa möjligheter är personbilar med låg effekt ut, personbilar med hög effekt ut och tunga fordon med hög effekt ut. Det finns för- och nackdelar med samtliga, men alla kostar betydligt mer än en konventionell lösning. Därför måste, om detta ska bli verklighet, samarbete sökas med parter som ser ett stort PR-värde i en realisering av ett smart elnät med elfordon vid Lugnet.


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The power of homosociality: how young men “do” masculinity in groups and individually Using young men’s narratives, about other men, friends, dates and girlfriends, this article discusses the following questions: Can the interpretation – the understanding of young men’s collective presentations of masculinity as a surface that hides a more complex masculinity – undermine how we interpret young men’s talk about and interaction with other men, as well as with women? Can this disassembling understanding have an impact on how young men interpret and relive the interactions with other men, as well as with women? Can this disassembling of the homosocially created masculinity from the more individually created masculinity shape secondary gains for the young men, such as e.g. a more flexible and stretchable arena of responsibility, as well as more flexible space of acting? Thomas Johansson, Professor of Social Work social work, states that if we only focus the homosocially created masculinity, this will reshape a less nuanced picture of young men’s way of doing masculinity (Johansson 2005). Thus, young men’s vulnerability and difficulties remain hidden. However, this disassembling of the homosocially created masculinity from the more individually based doings of masculinity could possibly also give secondary gains, such as e.g. a more flexible and stretchable field of responsibility, as well as more flexible space of acting. This article shows that using a fragmentised and situated masculinity, as a way of understanding the complexity and the ambivalence in young men’s project of doing masculinity, makes evident – on the one hand – the vulnerability in young men’s process of doing masculinity. On the other hand, however, this view also makes it possible for young men to avoid responsibility for their actions. Instead the situated context – e.g. if in a peer group or alone, and what kind of relations the young man has – will be significant for how the act will be interpreted. The empirical material consists of six individual interviews and one group interview with four men. The age span of the participants is 16 to 24 years old. The overall theme for the discussions is heterosexual practice and relations.


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Exposure of fish to stressors can elicit biochemical and organismal changes at multiple levels of biological organization collectively known as stress responses. The organismal (plasma glucose and cortisol levels) and cellular (hepatic hsp70) stress responses in fish have been studied in several species, but little is known about sex-related differences in these responses. In this study, we exposed sexually immature juvenile chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) to bleached kraft mill effluent (BKME: 0%, 1%, and 10% v/v) for 30 days and then measured components of their organismal and cellular stress responses. Males exposed to 1% BKME had higher levels of plasma glucose than females. Plasma cortisol levels were unaffected in females exposed to BKME, but males exposed to 10% BKME had significantly higher levels of plasma cortisol relative to non-exposed males. While exposure to BKME did not affect hsp70 levels in males, females exposed to 1% BKME had higher levels of hsp70 relative to non-exposed and 10% BKME groups. Within any given treatment, females had higher levels of hsp70 relative to males. This study demonstrates that sex-related differences exist in commonly used indicators of stress in fish, and points out the importance of considering the sex of the fish in stress research.


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This dissertation is concerned with the implications of the learning processes for the technological capability accumulation at the firm level. This relationship was examined in Kvaerner Pulping over the period from 1980 to 2000. The firm is located in Curitiba/PR and supplies equipment and complete plants (capital goods) for pulp mills. In other words, based on an individual case study, this dissertation examines how the learning processes influence the building and accumulation of technological capability. The accumulation of technological capabilities is crucial for the survival and the competitive performance of the firms. An analytical framework already available in the literature was used to describe the paths (way and speed) of technological capability accumulation in the firm studied. However, the framework was adapted specifically for the capital goods industry for the pulp & paper sector. The paths of technological capability accumulation are analysed for three different technological functions: ¿engineering activities and project management¿, ¿operational processes and practices¿ and ¿process equipment¿. The learning mechanisms were examined in the light of four key features: variety, intensity, functioning and interaction. During the 1980s and 1990s the firm accumulated different levels of technological capability in the technological functions studied. It was only when the firm started to coordinate systematically the efforts to acquire and convert the knowledge from the individual to the organizational level, at the mid 1990s, that the accumulation of technological capability was accelerated. By the end of this decade the firm was able to accumulate innovative capabilities in all the functions analysed. Similarly to previous studies that investigated other types of firms, the conclusion of this dissertation suggests that the way and rate by which the firm accumulates technological capability can be explained by the learning process and its key features over time.


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The study analyzed the wood basic density effect in two Eucalyptus grandis x Eucalyptus urophylla hybrid clones (440 kg/m(3) e 508 kg/m(3)) on bleached pulp quality (fiber dimensions and physical-mechanical properties). The woods performance on pulping, bleaching and beating results were analyzed. The Kraft pulping was carried out in forced circulation digester in order to obtain 17 +/- 1 kappa number targets. The pulps were bleached to 90 +/- 1 using delignification oxygen and D0EOPD1 bleaching sequence. Bleached pulp of low basic density clone showed, significantly, lowest revolutions number in the PFI mill to reach tensile index of 70 N.m/g, low Schopper Riegler degree and generated sheets with higher values to bulk and opacity. These characteristics and properties allow concluding that bleached pulp of low basic density clone was the most indicated to produce printing and writing sheets. The bleached pulp of high basic density clone showed higher values of bulk and capillarity Klemm and lower water retention value when analyzed without beating. The bleached pulp of high basic density clone showed more favorable characteristics to the production of tissue papers.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Application of the xylanase in the pulp bleaching process has been shown to be effective in decreasing the amount of chlorinating agents in the process and improving the brightness of the pulp. The use of thermostable cellulase-free xylanase might enhance both the technical and economic feasibility of the process. In this work an alkalophylic strain of Bacillus sp 77-2, was isolated which showed a high production of xylanase and free cellulases. The xylanase of Bacillus sp displayed an optimum pH of 6.0 (with 70% activity at pH 9.0), all optimum temperature of 60 degrees C, pH stability in the range 5-10 and thermal stability of 50 degrees C. These characteristics are important to the kraft pulp bleaching because they are similar to those found in the industrial paper environment.


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Alkalophilic Bacillus licheniformis 77-2 produced an extracellular alkali-tolerant xylanase with negligible cellulase activity in medium containing corn straw. The effectiveness of crude xylanase on treatment of eucalyptus Kraft pulp was evaluated. A biobleaching experiment was carried out to compare the chlorine saving with pulp treated and untreated by the enzyme. Two-stage bleaching was employed, using a ClO2 chlorination and NaOH extraction (DE sequence). With the enzymatic treatment, in order to obtain the same value of Kappa number and brightness, respectively 28.5 and 30% less ClO2 was required in comparison to the enzymatically untreated samples.


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Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a quantidade de finos gerada por diferentes reagentes de branqueamento e seu efeito nas propriedades físicas e mecânicas da celulose kraft de eucalipto. A polpa foi branqueada por quatro sequências diferentes. Parte das amostras foi classificada em equipamento Bauer-McNett, sendo a parte não classificada (global) refinada para 40 ºSR, em moinho laboratorial PFI. As duas maiores porções de cada amostra proveniente da classificação foram também refinadas com o mesmo número de revoluções que a sua amostra global. Realizaram-se ensaios físicos e mecânicos das amostras refinadas, e suas fibras foram analisadas em equipamento FQA (Fiber Quality Analyser), antes e depois do refino. A maior quantidade de finos foi observada nas polpas refinadas e na sequência-referência. Os resultados de tração foram mais elevados e significativos nas amostras globais; as polpas classificadas não apresentaram diferença entre si, sendo atribuída a maior resistência à tração na presença de finos. A resistência ao rasgo foi afetada pelo comprimento das fibras e não pelo teor de finos. Os maiores valores de ascensão capilar Klemm ocorreram nas amostras classificadas em razão da ausência de finos e do maior comprimento de fibras.


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The alkalophilic Bacillus circulans D1 was isolated from decayed wood. It produced high levels of extracellular cellulase-free xylanase. The enzyme was thermally stable up to 60°C, with an optimal hydrolysis temperature of 70°C. It was stable over a wide pH range (5.5-10.5), with an optimum pH at 5.5 and 80% of its activity at pH 9.0. This cellulase-free xylanase preparation was used to biobleach kraft pulp. Enzymatic treatment of kraft pulp decreased chlorine dioxide use by 23 and 37% to obtain the same kappa number (κ number) and brightness, respectively. Separation on Sephadex G-50 isolated three fractions with xylanase activity with distinct molecular weights.


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Two extracellular xylanases produced by the thermotolerant fungus Aspergillus caespitosus grown in sugar cane bagasse were purified and characterized. Estimated molecular masses were 26.3 and 27 kDa (xyl I); 7.7 and 17.7 kDa (xyl II) for gel filtration and SDS-PAGE, respectively. Optimal temperature for both xylanases was 50-55°C. Optimal pH was 6.5-7.0 for xyl I, and 5.5-6.5 for xyl II. The thermostability (T half) at 55°C was 27.3 min (xyl I) and >90 min (xyl II). Xylanase activity was inhibited by several ions. β-mercaptoethanol activated 59 and 102% xyl I and xyl II activities, respectively. These enzymes preferentially hydrolyzed birchwood xylan, and the K m and V max values were 2.5 mg/ml and 1679 U/mg protein (xyl I), and 3.9 mg/ml and 113 U/mg protein (xyl II). The action of both xylanases mainly that of xyl II, on kraft pulp reduced kappa number and increased pulp viscosity. © 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this work, the efficiency of two-stage upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactors was evaluated in bench scale, for treating a liquid effluent from coffee pulping. Hydraulic detention times (HDT) were 4.0; 5.2 and 6.2 days, resulting in organic loading rates (OLR) of 5.8; 3.6 and 3.0g total COD per (L-d) in the first reactor (Rl) and HDT of 2.0; 2.6 and 3.1 days with OLR of 5.8; 0.5 and 0.4 g total COD per (L-d) in the second reactor (R2). The medium values of total COD affluent varied from 15.440 to 23.040 mg O 2/L, and in the effluent to the reactors 1 and 2 were from l.lOO to 11.500 mg 0 2/L and 420 to 9.000 mg O 2/L, respectively. The medium values of removal efficiencies of total COD and TSS varied from 66 to 98% and 93 to 97%, respectively, in the system of treatment with the UASB reactors, in two stages. The content of methane in the biogas varied from 69 to 89% in the Rl and from 52 to 73% in the R2. The maximum volumetric methane production of 0.483 m 3 CH 4per (m 3 reactor d) was obtained with OLR of 3.6 g total COD per (L reactor d) and HDT of 6.2 days in the Rl. The volatile fatty acids concentration was kept below 100mg/L with HDT of 5.2 and 6.2 days in the Rl and HDT of 2.6 and 3.1 days in the R2.


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Kraft pulp produced from juvenile and mature wood from thirty-two-year-old Corymbia citriodora trees was evaluated. The stem was subdivided into regions of juvenile and mature wood, and then it was transformed into chips. These materials were then cooked in the Laboratory of Pulp and Paper at São Paulo State University (UNESP, Botucatu, SP, Brazil) and the physico-mechanical properties of the pulps were determined. The results showed that: (1) the pulp yields of mature wood were up to 4.4% greater in comparison to the juvenile wood, (2) the juvenile wood pulp required a shorter refining time than mature wood to reach the same Schopper-Riegler degree, (3) the juvenile wood pulp presented lower specific volume, and (4) the mature wood pulp presented greater air resistance, tensile, tear and burst index values, stress-strain factor, and stretch than the juvenile wood pulp.