983 resultados para professor-tutor
A educação a distância na sociedade da informação e o processo de comunicação na sala de aulavirtual
Pós-graduação em Comunicação - FAAC
A educação interprofissional na graduação de medicina e enfermagem: vivênvias e percepções de alunos
Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB
O presente estudo de natureza qualitativa tem por objetivo explicitar as implicações da relação pedagógica com a construção do conhecimento na tutoria à distância com foco nas relações entre professores tutores e alunos da EAD da Universidade Metodista de São Paulo. Analisa a complexidade que envolve o trabalho educativo em ambiente virtual de aprendizagem e a relação estabelecida entre esses sujeitos na prática pedagógica. A partir dos pressupostos metodológicos e das abordagens multirreferencial, dialógica e transpessoal observadas sob a perspectiva da modalidade a distância na construção dos referenciais teóricos. Realizada na UMESP e no polo regional de apoio presencial Mauá-SP, a pesquisa foi desenvolvida por meio de observações, questionários exploratórios e entrevistas de aprofundamento, contou com a participação de quatro professoras tutoras do curso de Pedagogia a distância e dez alunas desse mesmo curso, além da leitura crítica de documentos, considerando a legislação educacional e diretrizes curriculares vigentes. Procurou responder aos seguintes questionamentos: O que é a relação pedagógica? Qual a importância da relação pedagógica quando a concepção educativa assumida trabalha na perspectiva de educar na/para a inteireza? Quais as possibilidades, as dificuldades e limites desta proposta de relação pedagógica na EAD considerando as relações entre professores tutores e alunos? Buscando identificar os conflitos e desafios vividos e experimentados nessa relação, foram problematizados alguns intervenientes no processo de ensino e aprendizagem para a construção do conhecimento na modalidade, desvelando características do discurso e das práticas repletas de sentido e significados. A pesquisa permitiu concluir que, apesar da distância, o aluno não está isolado, ele tem a possibilidade de participar ativamente junto a tutoria na construção de seu conhecimento e de sua formação, essa interação, no entanto, é influenciada pela relação pedagógica entre esses sujeitos e por demais fatores que podem afetar o desenvolvimento do trabalho na educação a distância. Para educar na inteireza, é necessário reconhecer a complexidade presente em todo ato educativo e o caráter da pluralidade, do multiculturalismo e da diversidade presente no contexto da realidade brasileira, bem como a emergência de autoconhecimento e formação continuada para professores na área.(AU)
This thesis was elaborated in the scenario of Digital Metropolis Institute (IMD) – a supplementary unit at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte in the training of personnel with technical and higher level courses whose technical level training is associated with a process of digital inclusion, with the purpose of attracting young people to this area, with emphasis on Software and Hardware Development. It aims to investigate the cognitive change of young apprentice on technological education and his/her entrance into the labor market, through the formation and the social inclusion proposed by the Instituto Metrópole Digital; understanding the juvenile subjectivity production through the Instituto Metrópole Digital’s education by performance in the labor market; recognizing the Brazilian professional qualification public policies for youth and identifying the role of Tutoring in the learning process during the course of formation of the young apprentice of the technological education proposed by the Instituto Metrópole Digital.The clipping of the object of investigation was the process of cognitive change and constitution of subjectivity of the young apprentice in information technology (IT) in the IMD. It was searched support in theory Freireana as proposal that problematizes the policies and the process of formation and professional qualification, in the perspective of a citizen and liberating consciousness. By qualitative and ethnographic nature, descriptive-explanatory, it counts with the participation of young people, high school students from public and private schools, aged between 15 and 18 years. There are strong aspects: a cognitive change on the young apprentice of technological education onto overdrive high school as the student of the Instituto Metrópole Digital; it happened the social integration for those who remain in the course, both in the neighborhood where they reside and at school where he attended high school, the young man is recognized and becomes reference to other young, favoring him a life projection which when the activities of mentoring is learning motivator, it exerts a positive influence to the young on the continuity of studies, it provides intellectual and institutional affiliation and continuity in the investments to the academic life for a better insertion in the labor market, which refers to the modification of the life project-invest in academic training, in exchange for a technical job in the labor market. There are weak aspects: the absence of professor in the course, in his most important role, which involves awareness of his/her condition in action, in explicit position that the professional practice constitutes as this constitution requires reciprocity of its students and the context in which it operates; fragile formation of mentoring, absence of dialogues in the classroom that favors the formation of subject learning, mainly in guiding action, mediator of the young; There is a lack of methodological proposal to develop real projects on the labor market with problem solving and collaborative learning. It considers that without converting information into knowledge cannot discern clearly enough that there is no direct causal relationship between Professional and technological Education and the level of employability of the young worker certificate. It suggests to the evasion: a greater knowledge of the reality of the student of the Institute Metropolis Digital; better knowledge of youth and their expectations of life project; the Tutoring will be Teacher-tutor; investing in employability conditions effective the young into the labor market.
En los nuevos planes de estudio la función tutorial alcanza un papel clave en el proceso de aprendizaje del estudiante. A diferencia del viejo concepto de acción tutorial que existía en los antiguos estudios de licenciatura, actualmente la tutorización del estudiante por parte del profesor es parte esencial de su profesor de aprendizaje. En el caso de los trabajos fin de grado esta función toma un mayor protagonismo al ser necesario que el profesor realice un seguimiento del alumno para orientarle desde su inicio hasta la finalización del trabajo fin de grado. A través de este trabajo expondremos cuáles son las funciones que el profesor-tutor debe desarrollar durante la tutorización del trabajo fin de grado y cuál es la valoración que podemos realizar de su regulación y funcionamiento en la titulación de Grado en Derecho de la Universidad de Málaga, tras dos años de experiencia.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Saúde, 2016.
Módulo 1 do curso de Especialização em Nefrologia Multidisciplinar, produzido pela UNA-SUS/UFMA. Aborda as principais características relacionadas à Educação à distância, as tecnologias e os meios de comunicação utilizados neste tipo de modalidade de ensino, como os Ambientes Virtuais de Aprendizagem – AVA e a sua função dentro da EAD, o papel do professor, tutor e aluno na EAD e apresenta também a Educação à distância como fortalecedora do SUS.
Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n
Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n
Resumo Este artigo visa discutir a relação entre o segundo imperador do Brasil, Pedro d'Alcântara, e seu último mestre de línguas semíticas e orientais, o alemão Christian Friedrich Seybold (1859-1921). Uma leitura preliminar dos diários do monarca nos chamou a atenção para a enorme quantidade de menções e referências àquele orientalista alemão, o que revela, de certa forma, a importância que o professor ocupava na vida de d. Pedro II. No entanto, ao passo que Seybold está presente em numerosas páginas dos diários, nos causa certa estranheza que tal fato tenha merecido pouca ou nenhuma consideração por parte dos biógrafos do imperador, já que o contato frequente entre eles durante cinco anos se resume a algumas poucas linhas e alusões esparsas. Partindo de uma releitura crítica do material disponível na historiografia brasileira sobre Seybold, pretendemos aportar novos dados para o estudo bio-bibliográfico daquele que foi uma figura atuante na vida intelectual de d. Pedro II, presente até os últimos dias de vida do soberano.
This thesis describes and analyzes the trajectory of education of an educator-teacher group to become tutor of memorials (final work of the course Normal Superior in Instituto de Educação superior President Kennedy IFESP-Natal-RN). The writing of memorials (self-biographical writing) propitiates to the pupil that writes a reflection on his/her student and professional life, and to whom guides an evolution in his/her professional education. From the methodological point of view, we adopt an etnomethodological perspective of qualitative approach which describes the reality of real citizens inserted in a real situation of education. It is constituted of participants of the research of 32 educator-teachers, deriving of three different areas of academic formation. The instruments of data collection consist of eight life histories, 32 contextualization applications of the participants of the research, interviews with two consultants of the project, as well as some documents. The results of the analyses put in evidence that the education of the educator-teacher goes for two parallel ways: the first deals with the experiences, interactions and elements of daily practice; the second with the academy experiences where the educator-teacher searches the post-graduation courses. The integration of these two ways defines the educator-teacher identity with foundation in knowings that constitute in the exercise of guidance of memorials. The teachers knowings are considered insufficient by the majority and others knowings are mobilized to the knowing to be educator-teacher, memorial tutor. The thesis concludes that the trajectory of the educator-teacher constitutes an educator experience, in the direction of that implies an articulation among the learnings, abilities and knowings, to support the pupil in self-discovery, and that these multiple experiences favor the education of these teachers
This research aimed to analyze the dynamics established between the activity of the teacher in Distance Education (DE) and professional gender of teaching, in terms of impact of DE in teacher s usual professional activity. Previous studies showed that one of the central discussions concerning DE refers to the role that the teacher is called to perform. The present research, based on theoretical and methodological assumptions issued from Clinic of Activity, analyzed the impact referred above. This central aim was operationally executed along three main stages: 1) survey study for description of socio-professional profile of teachers working in DE in two universities from Natal (RN-Brazil), 2) clinical analysis of professional activity of teachers working in DE, taking into account four simultaneous levels of psychological constitution and development of human activity: personal, interpersonal, transpersonal and impersonal; 3) analytical focus on transpersonal context in order to understand the influence of pedagogical practice in DE on professional gender of teaching. Documental research, audio recorded voice data and a multiple choice Likert scale questionnaire concerning socio-professional information were used as procedural tools. The qualitative-clinical procedural tool of instruction to the double , firstly proposed by Clinic of Activity research group, was used in order to obtain oral productions concerning professional activity. Data issued from stage 1 (n=70, 28 men and 41 women) was submitted to descriptive and inferential statistical analyzes. 65.7% of the sample worked in a public institution, 30% in a private institution, and 4.3% in public and private institutions. 31.4% of the sample of participants was formed by teachers having a master degree, 28.6% were doctors and 26.3% had degrees of specialists. 54.3% of participants acted as remote tutor, and 44.3% were regents teachers. After descriptive multidimensional cluster analysis, two groups emerged (remote tutors and regents teachers), the most important variables in terms of contributions to this distinction being: professional function, level of graduate formation, level of income, activities and forms of entry in DE. Clinical analysis of data produced by two participant-teachers of each group, issued from instruction to the double technique, was performed. This analysis indicated the existence of different models of distance education. A general concern referring to the need of both taking into account information technology and pedagogical attitudes was detected. On the other hand, participant-teachers considered that participation in DE activities could bring relevant contributions to general professional gender of teaching. . Finally, teachers warned against certain formats of organization of teachers professional activity, as found in the domain of DE, since these activities could promote the intensification and individualization of teachers` work activity, and even the worsening of relations, rather than exchanges and shares through collective bargaining. This process could compromise the renew of the professional gender, by losing its historical roots and diminishing activity possibilities of teachers in their labor context
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Recibido 27 de julio de 2010 • Aceptado 31 de agosto de 2010 • Corregido 25 de noviembre de 2010 En el siglo XXI crece el interés por elevar la calidad de los sistemas educativos, lo que plantea la urgencia de profesionalizar el rol del docente, mientras se hace patente la necesidad de una superación apoyada en la autogestión del aprendizaje, por lo que se requiere que estas actividades constituyan modelos de la práctica pedagógica. Partiendo de los presupuestos que enfatizan el cambio hacia acciones de superación por consenso y no directivas, como generalmente se ha hecho, y desde el enfoque histórico cultural, es que se introduce un visón de la superación profesional del enfermero, el cual trasciende la trasmisión de conocimientos, hacia un desarrollo de sus necesidades educativas diagnosticadas.