884 resultados para process query language


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In the vision of Mark Weiser on ubiquitous computing, computers are disappearing from the focus of the users and are seamlessly interacting with other computers and users in order to provide information and services. This shift of computers away from direct computer interaction requires another way of applications to interact without bothering the user. Context is the information which can be used to characterize the situation of persons, locations, or other objects relevant for the applications. Context-aware applications are capable of monitoring and exploiting knowledge about external operating conditions. These applications can adapt their behaviour based on the retrieved information and thus to replace (at least a certain amount) the missing user interactions. Context awareness can be assumed to be an important ingredient for applications in ubiquitous computing environments. However, context management in ubiquitous computing environments must reflect the specific characteristics of these environments, for example distribution, mobility, resource-constrained devices, and heterogeneity of context sources. Modern mobile devices are equipped with fast processors, sufficient memory, and with several sensors, like Global Positioning System (GPS) sensor, light sensor, or accelerometer. Since many applications in ubiquitous computing environments can exploit context information for enhancing their service to the user, these devices are highly useful for context-aware applications in ubiquitous computing environments. Additionally, context reasoners and external context providers can be incorporated. It is possible that several context sensors, reasoners and context providers offer the same type of information. However, the information providers can differ in quality levels (e.g. accuracy), representations (e.g. position represented in coordinates and as an address) of the offered information, and costs (like battery consumption) for providing the information. In order to simplify the development of context-aware applications, the developers should be able to transparently access context information without bothering with underlying context accessing techniques and distribution aspects. They should rather be able to express which kind of information they require, which quality criteria this information should fulfil, and how much the provision of this information should cost (not only monetary cost but also energy or performance usage). For this purpose, application developers as well as developers of context providers need a common language and vocabulary to specify which information they require respectively they provide. These descriptions respectively criteria have to be matched. For a matching of these descriptions, it is likely that a transformation of the provided information is needed to fulfil the criteria of the context-aware application. As it is possible that more than one provider fulfils the criteria, a selection process is required. In this process the system has to trade off the provided quality of context and required costs of the context provider against the quality of context requested by the context consumer. This selection allows to turn on context sources only if required. Explicitly selecting context services and thereby dynamically activating and deactivating the local context provider has the advantage that also the resource consumption is reduced as especially unused context sensors are deactivated. One promising solution is a middleware providing appropriate support in consideration of the principles of service-oriented computing like loose coupling, abstraction, reusability, or discoverability of context providers. This allows us to abstract context sensors, context reasoners and also external context providers as context services. In this thesis we present our solution consisting of a context model and ontology, a context offer and query language, a comprehensive matching and mediation process and a selection service. Especially the matching and mediation process and the selection service differ from the existing works. The matching and mediation process allows an autonomous establishment of mediation processes in order to transfer information from an offered representation into a requested representation. In difference to other approaches, the selection service selects not only a service for a service request, it rather selects a set of services in order to fulfil all requests which also facilitates the sharing of services. The approach is extensively reviewed regarding the different requirements and a set of demonstrators shows its usability in real-world scenarios.


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Objective: We want to support enterprise service modelling and generation using a more end user-friendly metaphor than current approaches, which fail to scale to large organisations with key issues of "cobweb" and "labyrinth" problems and large numbers of hidden dependencies. Method: We present and evaluate an integrated visual approach for business process modelling using a novel tree-based overlay structure that effectively mitigate complexity problems. A tree-overlay based visual notation (EML) and its integrated support environment (MaramaEML) supplement and integrate with existing solutions. Complex business architectures are represented as service trees and business processes are modelled as process overlay sequences on the service trees. Results: MaramaEML integrates EML and BPMN to provide complementary, high-level business service modelling and supports automatic BPEL code generation from the graphical representations to realise web services implementing the specified processes. It facilitates generated service validation using an integrated LTSA checker and provides a distortion-based fisheye and zooming function to enhance complex diagram navigation. Evaluations of EML show its effectiveness. Conclusions: We have successfully developed and evaluated a novel tree-based metaphor for business process modelling and enterprise service generation. Practice implications: a more user-friendly modelling approach and support tool for business end users.


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The purpose of this article is to analyse the linguistic situation in Brazil and to discuss the relationship between Portuguese and the 200 other languages, about 170 indigenous, spoken in the country. It focuses on three points: the historical process of language unification, recent official language policy initiatives, and linguistic prejudice. I examine two manifestations of linguistic prejudice, one against external elements, and the other against supposedly inferior internal elements, pointing out to a common origin: the myth that the Portuguese language in Brazil is characterised by an astonishing unity. © 2004 Kluwer Academic Publishers.


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This paper presents a methodology and a specialist tool for failure probability analysis of induction type watt-hour meters, considering the main variables related to their measurement degradation processes. The database of the metering park of a distribution company, named Elektro Electricity and Services Co., was used for determining the most relevant variables and to feed the data in the software. The modeling developed to calculate the watt-hour meters probability of failure was implemented in a tool through a user friendly platform, written in Delphi language. Among the main features of this tool are: analysis of probability of failure by risk range; geographical localization of the meters in the metering park, and automatic sampling of induction type watt-hour meters, based on a risk classification expert system, in order to obtain information to aid the management of these meters. The main goals of the specialist tool are following and managing the measurement degradation, maintenance and replacement processes for induction watt-hour meters. © 2011 IEEE.


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Pós-graduação em Ciência da Computação - IBILCE


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Current commercial and academic OLAP tools do not process XML data that contains XLink. Aiming at overcoming this issue, this paper proposes an analytical system composed by LMDQL, an analytical query language. Also, the XLDM metamodel is given to model cubes of XML documents with XLink and to deal with syntactic, semantic and structural heterogeneities commonly found in XML documents. As current W3C query languages for navigating in XML documents do not support XLink, XLPath is discussed in this article to provide features for the LMDQL query processing. A prototype system enabling the analytical processing of XML documents that use XLink is also detailed. This prototype includes a driver, named sql2xquery, which performs the mapping of SQL queries into XQuery. To validate the proposed system, a case study and its performance evaluation are presented to analyze the impact of analytical processing over XML/XLink documents.


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Il lavoro è stato suddiviso in tre macro-aree. Una prima riguardante un'analisi teorica di come funzionano le intrusioni, di quali software vengono utilizzati per compierle, e di come proteggersi (usando i dispositivi che in termine generico si possono riconoscere come i firewall). Una seconda macro-area che analizza un'intrusione avvenuta dall'esterno verso dei server sensibili di una rete LAN. Questa analisi viene condotta sui file catturati dalle due interfacce di rete configurate in modalità promiscua su una sonda presente nella LAN. Le interfacce sono due per potersi interfacciare a due segmenti di LAN aventi due maschere di sotto-rete differenti. L'attacco viene analizzato mediante vari software. Si può infatti definire una terza parte del lavoro, la parte dove vengono analizzati i file catturati dalle due interfacce con i software che prima si occupano di analizzare i dati di contenuto completo, come Wireshark, poi dei software che si occupano di analizzare i dati di sessione che sono stati trattati con Argus, e infine i dati di tipo statistico che sono stati trattati con Ntop. Il penultimo capitolo, quello prima delle conclusioni, invece tratta l'installazione di Nagios, e la sua configurazione per il monitoraggio attraverso plugin dello spazio di disco rimanente su una macchina agent remota, e sui servizi MySql e DNS. Ovviamente Nagios può essere configurato per monitorare ogni tipo di servizio offerto sulla rete.


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We examine the current workflow modelling capability from a new angle and demonstrate a weakness of current workflow specification languages in relation to execution of activities. This shortcoming is mainly due to serious limitations of the corresponding computational/execution model behind the business process modelling language constructs. The main purpose of this paper is the introduction of new specification/modelling constructs allowing for more precise representation of complex activity states during its execution. This new concept enables visibility of a new activity state–partial completion of activity, which in turn allows for a more flexible and precise enforcement/monitoring of automated business processes.


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A graphical process control language has been developed as a means of defining process control software. The user configures a block diagram describing the required control system, from a menu of functional blocks, using a graphics software system with graphics terminal. Additions may be made to the menu of functional blocks, to extend the system capability, and a group of blocks may be defined as a composite block. This latter feature provides for segmentation of the overall system diagram and the repeated use of the same group of blocks within the system. The completed diagram is analyzed by a graphics compiler which generates the programs and data structure to realise the run-time software. The run-time software has been designed as a data-driven system which allows for modifications at the run-time level in both parameters and system configuration. Data structures have been specified to ensure efficient execution and minimal storage requirements in the final control software. Machine independence has been accomodated as far as possible using CORAL 66 as the high level language throughout the entire system; the final run-time code being generated by a CORAL 66 compiler appropriate to the target processor.


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From the accusation of plagiarism in The Da Vinci Code, to the infamous hoaxer in the Yorkshire Ripper case, the use of linguistic evidence in court and the number of linguists called to act as expert witnesses in court trials has increased rapidly in the past fifteen years. An Introduction to Forensic Linguistics: Language in Evidence provides a timely and accessible introduction to this rapidly expanding subject. Using knowledge and experience gained in legal settings – Malcolm Coulthard in his work as an expert witness and Alison Johnson in her work as a West Midlands police officer – the two authors combine an array of perspectives into a distinctly unified textbook, focusing throughout on evidence from real and often high profile cases including serial killer Harold Shipman, the Bridgewater Four and the Birmingham Six. Divided into two sections, 'The Language of the Legal Process' and 'Language as Evidence', the book covers the key topics of the field. The first section looks at legal language, the structures of legal genres and the collection and testing of evidence from the initial police interview through to examination and cross-examination in the courtroom. The second section focuses on the role of the forensic linguist, the forensic phonetician and the document examiner, as well as examining in detail the linguistic investigation of authorship and plagiarism. With research tasks, suggested reading and website references provided at the end of each chapter, An Introduction to Forensic Linguistics: Language in Evidence is the essential textbook for courses in forensic linguistics and language of the law.


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This thesis addressed the problem of risk analysis in mental healthcare, with respect to the GRiST project at Aston University. That project provides a risk-screening tool based on the knowledge of 46 experts, captured as mind maps that describe relationships between risks and patterns of behavioural cues. Mind mapping, though, fails to impose control over content, and is not considered to formally represent knowledge. In contrast, this thesis treated GRiSTs mind maps as a rich knowledge base in need of refinement; that process drew on existing techniques for designing databases and knowledge bases. Identifying well-defined mind map concepts, though, was hindered by spelling mistakes, and by ambiguity and lack of coverage in the tools used for researching words. A novel use of the Edit Distance overcame those problems, by assessing similarities between mind map texts, and between spelling mistakes and suggested corrections. That algorithm further identified stems, the shortest text string found in related word-forms. As opposed to existing approaches’ reliance on built-in linguistic knowledge, this thesis devised a novel, more flexible text-based technique. An additional tool, Correspondence Analysis, found patterns in word usage that allowed machines to determine likely intended meanings for ambiguous words. Correspondence Analysis further produced clusters of related concepts, which in turn drove the automatic generation of novel mind maps. Such maps underpinned adjuncts to the mind mapping software used by GRiST; one such new facility generated novel mind maps, to reflect the collected expert knowledge on any specified concept. Mind maps from GRiST are stored as XML, which suggested storing them in an XML database. In fact, the entire approach here is ”XML-centric”, in that all stages rely on XML as far as possible. A XML-based query language allows user to retrieve information from the mind map knowledge base. The approach, it was concluded, will prove valuable to mind mapping in general, and to detecting patterns in any type of digital information.


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Today, databases have become an integral part of information systems. In the past two decades, we have seen different database systems being developed independently and used in different applications domains. Today's interconnected networks and advanced applications, such as data warehousing, data mining & knowledge discovery and intelligent data access to information on the Web, have created a need for integrated access to such heterogeneous, autonomous, distributed database systems. Heterogeneous/multidatabase research has focused on this issue resulting in many different approaches. However, a single, generally accepted methodology in academia or industry has not emerged providing ubiquitous intelligent data access from heterogeneous, autonomous, distributed information sources. ^ This thesis describes a heterogeneous database system being developed at High-performance Database Research Center (HPDRC). A major impediment to ubiquitous deployment of multidatabase technology is the difficulty in resolving semantic heterogeneity. That is, identifying related information sources for integration and querying purposes. Our approach considers the semantics of the meta-data constructs in resolving this issue. The major contributions of the thesis work include: (i) providing a scalable, easy-to-implement architecture for developing a heterogeneous multidatabase system, utilizing Semantic Binary Object-oriented Data Model (Sem-ODM) and Semantic SQL query language to capture the semantics of the data sources being integrated and to provide an easy-to-use query facility; (ii) a methodology for semantic heterogeneity resolution by investigating into the extents of the meta-data constructs of component schemas. This methodology is shown to be correct, complete and unambiguous; (iii) a semi-automated technique for identifying semantic relations, which is the basis of semantic knowledge for integration and querying, using shared ontologies for context-mediation; (iv) resolutions for schematic conflicts and a language for defining global views from a set of component Sem-ODM schemas; (v) design of a knowledge base for storing and manipulating meta-data and knowledge acquired during the integration process. This knowledge base acts as the interface between integration and query processing modules; (vi) techniques for Semantic SQL query processing and optimization based on semantic knowledge in a heterogeneous database environment; and (vii) a framework for intelligent computing and communication on the Internet applying the concepts of our work. ^


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Today, databases have become an integral part of information systems. In the past two decades, we have seen different database systems being developed independently and used in different applications domains. Today's interconnected networks and advanced applications, such as data warehousing, data mining & knowledge discovery and intelligent data access to information on the Web, have created a need for integrated access to such heterogeneous, autonomous, distributed database systems. Heterogeneous/multidatabase research has focused on this issue resulting in many different approaches. However, a single, generally accepted methodology in academia or industry has not emerged providing ubiquitous intelligent data access from heterogeneous, autonomous, distributed information sources. This thesis describes a heterogeneous database system being developed at Highperformance Database Research Center (HPDRC). A major impediment to ubiquitous deployment of multidatabase technology is the difficulty in resolving semantic heterogeneity. That is, identifying related information sources for integration and querying purposes. Our approach considers the semantics of the meta-data constructs in resolving this issue. The major contributions of the thesis work include: (i.) providing a scalable, easy-to-implement architecture for developing a heterogeneous multidatabase system, utilizing Semantic Binary Object-oriented Data Model (Sem-ODM) and Semantic SQL query language to capture the semantics of the data sources being integrated and to provide an easy-to-use query facility; (ii.) a methodology for semantic heterogeneity resolution by investigating into the extents of the meta-data constructs of component schemas. This methodology is shown to be correct, complete and unambiguous; (iii.) a semi-automated technique for identifying semantic relations, which is the basis of semantic knowledge for integration and querying, using shared ontologies for context-mediation; (iv.) resolutions for schematic conflicts and a language for defining global views from a set of component Sem-ODM schemas; (v.) design of a knowledge base for storing and manipulating meta-data and knowledge acquired during the integration process. This knowledge base acts as the interface between integration and query processing modules; (vi.) techniques for Semantic SQL query processing and optimization based on semantic knowledge in a heterogeneous database environment; and (vii.) a framework for intelligent computing and communication on the Internet applying the concepts of our work.


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Edge-labeled graphs have proliferated rapidly over the last decade due to the increased popularity of social networks and the Semantic Web. In social networks, relationships between people are represented by edges and each edge is labeled with a semantic annotation. Hence, a huge single graph can express many different relationships between entities. The Semantic Web represents each single fragment of knowledge as a triple (subject, predicate, object), which is conceptually identical to an edge from subject to object labeled with predicates. A set of triples constitutes an edge-labeled graph on which knowledge inference is performed. Subgraph matching has been extensively used as a query language for patterns in the context of edge-labeled graphs. For example, in social networks, users can specify a subgraph matching query to find all people that have certain neighborhood relationships. Heavily used fragments of the SPARQL query language for the Semantic Web and graph queries of other graph DBMS can also be viewed as subgraph matching over large graphs. Though subgraph matching has been extensively studied as a query paradigm in the Semantic Web and in social networks, a user can get a large number of answers in response to a query. These answers can be shown to the user in accordance with an importance ranking. In this thesis proposal, we present four different scoring models along with scalable algorithms to find the top-k answers via a suite of intelligent pruning techniques. The suggested models consist of a practically important subset of the SPARQL query language augmented with some additional useful features. The first model called Substitution Importance Query (SIQ) identifies the top-k answers whose scores are calculated from matched vertices' properties in each answer in accordance with a user-specified notion of importance. The second model called Vertex Importance Query (VIQ) identifies important vertices in accordance with a user-defined scoring method that builds on top of various subgraphs articulated by the user. Approximate Importance Query (AIQ), our third model, allows partial and inexact matchings and returns top-k of them with a user-specified approximation terms and scoring functions. In the fourth model called Probabilistic Importance Query (PIQ), a query consists of several sub-blocks: one mandatory block that must be mapped and other blocks that can be opportunistically mapped. The probability is calculated from various aspects of answers such as the number of mapped blocks, vertices' properties in each block and so on and the most top-k probable answers are returned. An important distinguishing feature of our work is that we allow the user a huge amount of freedom in specifying: (i) what pattern and approximation he considers important, (ii) how to score answers - irrespective of whether they are vertices or substitution, and (iii) how to combine and aggregate scores generated by multiple patterns and/or multiple substitutions. Because so much power is given to the user, indexing is more challenging than in situations where additional restrictions are imposed on the queries the user can ask. The proposed algorithms for the first model can also be used for answering SPARQL queries with ORDER BY and LIMIT, and the method for the second model also works for SPARQL queries with GROUP BY, ORDER BY and LIMIT. We test our algorithms on multiple real-world graph databases, showing that our algorithms are far more efficient than popular triple stores.