996 resultados para prima minimoa


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RESUMEN: El objetivo de este trabajo es calcular el importe de la prima pura periódica que debe cobrar el reasegurador a la cedente en un reaseguro finite risk en ambiente financiero estocástico. El problema de la convolución de las diferentes variables aleatorias que intervienen en el cálculo de la prima lo hemos solucionado simulando, por Monte-Carlo, trayectorias de siniestralidad para el reasegurador aplicando posteriormente, en cada trayectoria simulada, los criterios de decisión financieros, esperanza, varianza y desviación. En los criterios de la varianza y de la desviación proponemos utilizar una ecuación de recurrencia estocástica para evitar el problema de la dependencia que existe entre los factores de capitalización estocásticos, obteniendo la prima de reaseguro en función del nivel de aversión al riesgo del reasegurador y de la volatilidad del tipo de interés. Palabras clave: Finite risk, ambiente estocástico, ecuación de recurrencia, simulación de Monte-Carlo, prima pura periódica.


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Simananniemen käsikirjoituskokoelma.


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Nel contributo è pubblicata la prima redazione conosciuta dell'Orazione con cui Giovanni della Casa nel 1549 chiese all'imperatore Carlo V la restituzione di Piacenza ai Farnese, loro sottratta dopo l'uccisione di Pier Luigi nel 1547. L'edizione documenta l'elaborazione d'autore con un apparato evolutivo del testo trasmesso dal manoscritto Vaticano Chigiano O vi 80. This article provides an edition of the first known version of Giovanni della Casa's request to the Emperor Charles V (1549) for the restitution of Piacenza to the Farnese family after Pier Luigi's murder in 1547. This edition documents the Author's working out with an evolutional apparatus of the text transmitted by the manuscript Chigiano O vi 80.


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The world reserves of petroleum will finish in about 100 years. For a tropical country like Brazil, biomass will be the natural substitute for petroleum. For the best utilization of biomass, it first needs to be separated into its principal components: cellulose, hemicelluloses, lignins, vegetable and essential oils, non-structural carbohydrates, bark and foliage. All feedstocks for the chemical industry can be obtained from these biomass components, as shown in the first part of this paper. In the second part we discuss how the major products from petrochemicals can be obtained from the different biomass components. We show that Brazil can use different strategies, compared to other countries, to obtain petrochemical products, which could result in innovations. However, it is necessary that the government starts to invest immediately in order to keep the petrochemical industries competitive with foreign industries, so that they continue to be one of Brazil's major employers.


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The characterization of rice husk ash, a deriving by-product of the burning of the rice husk during the rice processing is the object of this study. This by-product, for being rich in silica, can be an important raw material for the production of siliceous ceramics, such as thermal insulators and refractory. A combination of surface analysis, thermal analysis and microscopy analysis techniques was used for the characterization. The characterized by-product presented as main component the silica, under amorphous form, with a maximum content of alkalis around 1%, features that become it potentially interesting for the production of ceramic materials.


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The selective ion monitoring acquisition mode in mass spectrometry was applied to identify, in the diesel complex matrix, the raw materials (vegetable oil and alcohol) that originate biodiesel. Biodiesel samples obtained from babassu, castor, palm and soybean vegetable oils and pure fatty acid methyl and ethyl esters were used to develop this method, using specific fragments in mass spectrometry and the "window system" in gas chromatography. The commercial Brazilian B2 samples were found to be produced with soybean oil, transesterified with methanol.


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A HPLC method was developed to quantify thymine and thymidine impurities in stavudine bulk drug. The separation was carried out in isocratic mode using methanol/water (20:80) as mobile phase, a C18 column and UV detection at 266 nm. The method provided selectivity based on peak purities and resolution among peaks. It was linear over the range of 0.5-5.0 µg/mL. The quantitation limits were 0.021 µg/mL for thymine and 0.134 µg/mL for thymidine. The average accuracies of three concentrations ranged from 97.06 to 102.61% and precision was close to 1%. The method showed robustness, remaining unaffected by deliberate variations in relevant parameters.


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Invocatio: Deo duce.


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Dedicatio: Anders Törnquist [ruots. pr.], Cathar. Törnquist s. Sevon [ruots. pr.].


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In this work, the fatty acid quantity and composition of six freshwater microalgae and soybean grains was determined by direct transesterification and gas chromatography analysis. The results showed that all the freshwater microalgae species presented a higher quantity of fatty acid than soybean grain. Choricystis sp. (A) provides 115% more fatty acids per gram of biomass than soybean grain. With regard to the fatty acid composition, Choricystis sp. (A) showed an adequate proportion of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, with lower quantity of polyunsaturated fatty acids and, akin to some marine microalgae, constitutes an alternative raw material for biodiesel production.


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O ponto de partida da Philosophia prima de Hobbes tem como referência a Física e a Metafísica de Aristóteles. O desenvolvimento posterior de sua Philosophia prima, porém, põe em marcha uma crítica da metafísica aristotélica que conduzirá a um remanejamentoteórico de uma série de princípios e conceitos herdados da tradição. Considerada em seu conjunto, a filosofia primeira hobbesiana é constituída por uma definição ampla, isto é, a metafísica definida como ciência do ente enquanto ente (ao invés da clássica definição de ciência do ser enquanto ser), sobre a qual duas definições strictu sensu são erigidas: a metafísica como física geral - dizer o ente (ens) é dizer o corpo (corpus) - e a metafísica como representação. Este paper é um esforço no sentido de compreender essas e outras questões concernentes aos estudos hobbesianos sobre a forma como conhecemos o mundo, as coisas e nós mesmos.