47 resultados para preposition
Tanto en los estudios sincrónicos como en los diacrónicos queda en evidencia que el español posee diferentes formas de expresar el tiempo futuro. Por ejemplo, la desinencia del futuro morfológico (-ré) alterna en el español actual con la perífrasis verbal ir+a+infinitivo tal y como se ve en los siguientes ejemplos de la variedad rioplatense: (1) CFK advirtió que "Vamos a sostener este modelo de crecimiento con todas las decisiones que haya que tomar" (Diario Digital 25-04-2012); (2) Rossi aseguró que votarán a favor de YPF unos doscientos diputados (La Nación 28-04-2012). Este hecho ha sido analizado por innumerables estudios y autores, muchos de los cuales se han aproximado a este tema desde la perspectiva variacionista que relaciona significados y contextos (Martínez 1987, Sedano 1994, Company 1999, Alaniz 2010); esta perspectiva explica dicha alternancia por medio de un continuum de factualidad el cual va desde la mayor factualidad de la perífrasis a la menor factualidad de la forma sintética. El análisis de los datos de acuerdo con dichos significados básicos postulados parecía confirmar la hipótesis, al menos en los contextos relacionados con la comunicación oral cotidiana (Martínez 1987). Sin embargo, un estudio más profundo sobre los usos de dichas formas en otros géneros discursivos (Mailhes 2010) nos lleva a replantearnos los significados básicos. En este sentido, la hipótesis que nos interesa confirmar es que las formas se encuentran vinculadas a la evaluación de los hechos por medio de la posibilidad de ejercer control sobre los mismos . Si existe control, se puede seleccionar la perífrasis; si no existe, la forma sintética será más apropiada. La ausencia de control puede dar lugar a una posibilidad más o menos remota así como a la profecía, dos esferas donde la variación es explotada
Este artículo forma parte de una investigación mayor cuyo propósito es estudiar el empleo y la evolución de las preposiciones con y sin en la historia de la lengua española peninsular y americana. Además de describir el empleo de las preposiciones en diferentes contextos formales y pragmáticos, el trabajo tiene un propósito explicativo en tanto intenta dar cuenta de frecuencias de uso de las formas lingüísticas en relación con el género y el tema del discurso. Considera, asimismo, la equivalencia funcional (parcial) de con / contra; con / no sin para delimitar estrategias de selección y propone la posibilidad de estudiar la variación de formas (parcialmente) antónimas como reflejo de perspectiva cognitiva.
Este artículo forma parte de una investigación mayor cuyo propósito es estudiar el empleo y la evolución de las preposiciones con y sin en la historia de la lengua española peninsular y americana. Además de describir el empleo de las preposiciones en diferentes contextos formales y pragmáticos, el trabajo tiene un propósito explicativo en tanto intenta dar cuenta de frecuencias de uso de las formas lingüísticas en relación con el género y el tema del discurso. Considera, asimismo, la equivalencia funcional (parcial) de con / contra; con / no sin para delimitar estrategias de selección y propone la posibilidad de estudiar la variación de formas (parcialmente) antónimas como reflejo de perspectiva cognitiva.
Tanto en los estudios sincrónicos como en los diacrónicos queda en evidencia que el español posee diferentes formas de expresar el tiempo futuro. Por ejemplo, la desinencia del futuro morfológico (-ré) alterna en el español actual con la perífrasis verbal ir+a+infinitivo tal y como se ve en los siguientes ejemplos de la variedad rioplatense: (1) CFK advirtió que "Vamos a sostener este modelo de crecimiento con todas las decisiones que haya que tomar" (Diario Digital 25-04-2012); (2) Rossi aseguró que votarán a favor de YPF unos doscientos diputados (La Nación 28-04-2012). Este hecho ha sido analizado por innumerables estudios y autores, muchos de los cuales se han aproximado a este tema desde la perspectiva variacionista que relaciona significados y contextos (Martínez 1987, Sedano 1994, Company 1999, Alaniz 2010); esta perspectiva explica dicha alternancia por medio de un continuum de factualidad el cual va desde la mayor factualidad de la perífrasis a la menor factualidad de la forma sintética. El análisis de los datos de acuerdo con dichos significados básicos postulados parecía confirmar la hipótesis, al menos en los contextos relacionados con la comunicación oral cotidiana (Martínez 1987). Sin embargo, un estudio más profundo sobre los usos de dichas formas en otros géneros discursivos (Mailhes 2010) nos lleva a replantearnos los significados básicos. En este sentido, la hipótesis que nos interesa confirmar es que las formas se encuentran vinculadas a la evaluación de los hechos por medio de la posibilidad de ejercer control sobre los mismos . Si existe control, se puede seleccionar la perífrasis; si no existe, la forma sintética será más apropiada. La ausencia de control puede dar lugar a una posibilidad más o menos remota así como a la profecía, dos esferas donde la variación es explotada
Tanto en los estudios sincrónicos como en los diacrónicos queda en evidencia que el español posee diferentes formas de expresar el tiempo futuro. Por ejemplo, la desinencia del futuro morfológico (-ré) alterna en el español actual con la perífrasis verbal ir+a+infinitivo tal y como se ve en los siguientes ejemplos de la variedad rioplatense: (1) CFK advirtió que "Vamos a sostener este modelo de crecimiento con todas las decisiones que haya que tomar" (Diario Digital 25-04-2012); (2) Rossi aseguró que votarán a favor de YPF unos doscientos diputados (La Nación 28-04-2012). Este hecho ha sido analizado por innumerables estudios y autores, muchos de los cuales se han aproximado a este tema desde la perspectiva variacionista que relaciona significados y contextos (Martínez 1987, Sedano 1994, Company 1999, Alaniz 2010); esta perspectiva explica dicha alternancia por medio de un continuum de factualidad el cual va desde la mayor factualidad de la perífrasis a la menor factualidad de la forma sintética. El análisis de los datos de acuerdo con dichos significados básicos postulados parecía confirmar la hipótesis, al menos en los contextos relacionados con la comunicación oral cotidiana (Martínez 1987). Sin embargo, un estudio más profundo sobre los usos de dichas formas en otros géneros discursivos (Mailhes 2010) nos lleva a replantearnos los significados básicos. En este sentido, la hipótesis que nos interesa confirmar es que las formas se encuentran vinculadas a la evaluación de los hechos por medio de la posibilidad de ejercer control sobre los mismos . Si existe control, se puede seleccionar la perífrasis; si no existe, la forma sintética será más apropiada. La ausencia de control puede dar lugar a una posibilidad más o menos remota así como a la profecía, dos esferas donde la variación es explotada
Este artículo forma parte de una investigación mayor cuyo propósito es estudiar el empleo y la evolución de las preposiciones con y sin en la historia de la lengua española peninsular y americana. Además de describir el empleo de las preposiciones en diferentes contextos formales y pragmáticos, el trabajo tiene un propósito explicativo en tanto intenta dar cuenta de frecuencias de uso de las formas lingüísticas en relación con el género y el tema del discurso. Considera, asimismo, la equivalencia funcional (parcial) de con / contra; con / no sin para delimitar estrategias de selección y propone la posibilidad de estudiar la variación de formas (parcialmente) antónimas como reflejo de perspectiva cognitiva.
Basándonos en la recopilación inicial de preposiciones, locuciones preposicionales, términos con preposición dependiente y phrasal verbs utilizados en el texto técnico realizada en otros proyectos anteriores del Departamento de Lingüística Aplicada a la Ciencia y a la Tecnología, el objetivo de este trabajo es completar, organizar, actualizar y dar visibilidad a esta información inicial. Tras realizar un proceso exhaustivo de verificación, unificación, clasificación y ampliación de la información existente, en caso necesario, el listado resultante se utiliza para elaborar un glosario de términos con preposición. El objetivo final de este proyecto es que este glosario esté a disposición de los usuarios, a través de una consulta on-line, en la página del ILLLab (http://illlab.euitt.upm.es/wordpress/), dependiente del Departamento de Lingüística Aplicada a la Ciencia y a la Tecnología. Para incluir en el glosario ejemplos actualizados de textos técnicos, se ha recopilado un corpus lingüístico de textos técnicos, tomando como base diferentes números de la revista IEEE Spectrum, en su edición digital, publicados entre los años 2009 y 2012. El objetivo de esta recopilación es la de ofrecer al consultante diferentes ejemplos de uso en el texto técnico de los distintos términos con preposición que componen el glosario, de manera que pueda acceder de manera rápida y sencilla a ejemplos de uso real de los términos que está buscando, con objeto de clarificar aspectos relacionados con su uso o, en su caso, facilitar su aprendizaje. Toda esta información, tanto el listado de términos con preposición como las frases pertenecientes al corpus recopilado, se incorpora a una base de datos, alojada dentro de la misma página web del ILLLab. A través de un formulario de consulta, a disposición del usuario en dicha página, se pueden obtener todos los términos recopilados que coincidan con los criterios de búsqueda introducidos. El usuario puede realizar dos tipos de búsqueda principales: por preposición o por término completo. Además, puede elegir una búsqueda global (entre todos los términos que integran el glosario) o parcial (en una sola de las categorías en las que se han dividido los diferentes términos, de acuerdo con su función gramatical). Por último, se presentan unas estadísticas de uso de los términos recopilados dentro de los diferentes textos que integran el corpus lingüístico, de manera que pueda establecerse una relación de los que aparecen con más frecuencia en el texto técnico. ABSTRACT. Based on the initial collection of prepositions, prepositional phrases, dependent prepositions and phrasal verbs used in technical texts collected on previous projects in the Department of Applied Linguistics to Science and Technology, the aim of this project is to improve, organize, update and provide visibility to this initial information. Following a process of verification, unification, classification and extension of existing information, if necessary, a glossary of terms with preposition is built. The ultimate objective of this project is to make this glossary available to users through an online consultation in the ILLLab webpage (http://illlab.euitt.upm.es/wordpress/). The administration of tis webpage depends of the Department of Applied Linguistics in Science and Technology. A linguistic corpus of technical texts has been compiled, based on different numbers of the IEEE Spectrum magazine, in its online edition, published between the years 2009 and 2012. The aim of this collection is to provide different examples of use in the technical text for the terms included in the glossary, so that examples of the actual use of the terms consulted can be easily and quickly accessed, in order to clarify doubts regarding their meaning or translation into Spanish and facilitate learning. All this information, both the list of terms with prepositional phrases as well as the corpus developed, is incorporated in a database. Through a searching form, the ILLLab's user may obtain all the terms matching the search criteria entered. The user can perform two types of main search: by preposition or by full term. Additionally, a global search can be selected (including all terms included in the glossary) or a partial one (including only one of the glossary's categories). Finally, some statistics of use are presented according to the various texts included in the corpus, so a relation of the most frequent prepositions in the technical text can be established.
Genetic factors are important in the etiology of bipolar disorder (BD). However, first-degree relatives of BD patients are at risk for a number of psychiatric conditions, most commonly major depressive disorder (MDD), although the majority remain well. The purpose of the present study was to identify potential brain structural correlates for risk and resilience to mood disorders in patients with BD, type I (BD-I) and their relatives. Structural magnetic resonance imaging scans were acquired from 30 patients with BD-I, 50 of their firstdegree relatives (28 had no Axis I disorder, while 14 had MDD) and 52 controls. We used voxel-based morphometry, implemented in SPM5 to identify group differences in regional gray matter volume. From the identified clusters, potential differences were further examined based on diagnostic status (BD-I patients, MDD relatives, healthy relatives, controls). Whole-brain voxel-based analysis identified group differences in the left hemisphere in the insula, cerebellum, and substantia nigra. Increased left insula volume was associated with genetic preposition to BD-I independent of clinical phenotype. In contrast, increased left substantia nigra volume was observed in those with the clinical phenotype of BD-I. Changes uniquely associated with the absence of a clinical diagnosis in BD relatives were observed in the left cerebellum. Our data suggest that in BD, genetic and phenotype-related influences on brain structure are dissociable; if replicated, these findings may help with early identification of high-risk individuals who are more likely to transition to syndromal states. Copyright © 2009 Society for Neuroscience.
An emergency is a deviation from a planned course of events that endangers people, properties, or the environment. It can be described as an unexpected event that causes economic damage, destruction, and human suffering. When a disaster happens, Emergency Managers are expected to have a response plan to most likely disaster scenarios. Unlike earthquakes and terrorist attacks, a hurricane response plan can be activated ahead of time, since a hurricane is predicted at least five days before it makes landfall. This research looked into the logistics aspects of the problem, in an attempt to develop a hurricane relief distribution network model. We addressed the problem of how to efficiently and effectively deliver basic relief goods to victims of a hurricane disaster. Specifically, where to preposition State Staging Areas (SSA), which Points of Distributions (PODs) to activate, and the allocation of commodities to each POD. Previous research has addressed several of these issues, but not with the incorporation of the random behavior of the hurricane's intensity and path. This research presents a stochastic meta-model that deals with the location of SSAs and the allocation of commodities. The novelty of the model is that it treats the strength and path of the hurricane as stochastic processes, and models them as Discrete Markov Chains. The demand is also treated as stochastic parameter because it depends on the stochastic behavior of the hurricane. However, for the meta-model, the demand is an input that is determined using Hazards United States (HAZUS), a software developed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) that estimates losses due to hurricanes and floods. A solution heuristic has been developed based on simulated annealing. Since the meta-model is a multi-objective problem, the heuristic is a multi-objective simulated annealing (MOSA), in which the initial solution and the cooling rate were determined via a Design of Experiments. The experiment showed that the initial temperature (T0) is irrelevant, but temperature reduction (δ) must be very gradual. Assessment of the meta-model indicates that the Markov Chains performed as well or better than forecasts made by the National Hurricane Center (NHC). Tests of the MOSA showed that it provides solutions in an efficient manner. Thus, an illustrative example shows that the meta-model is practical.
In this work we present the description and analysis of the clitics collocation patterns in prepositional infinitive sentences within the Brazilian writing in the centuries XIX and XX. The corpus in analysis is comprised of letters of newspaper readers and newspaper writers, as well as of advertisements (ads) taken from Brazilian newspapers from different regions / states – Rio de Janeiro, Bahia, Ceará and Pernambuco – and written in the Centuries XIX and XX. They belong to the common minimum corpus of the project named Projeto para a História do Português Brasileiro (PHPB or Project to the History of the Brazilian Portuguese, in English). Its analysis is based on theoreticalmethodological postulates of the Theory of Variation and Change (WEINREICH; LABOV; HERZOG, 1968[2006]; LABOV, 1972[2008]); on the Theory of Principles and Parameters (CHOMSKY, 1981, 1986) and on the model of Grammar Competition (KROCH, 1989; 2001). By trying to articulate those presuppositions from both the theories we present a proposition of theoretical interface between the Variation Theory and the Grammar one. Concerning the empirical results achieved by means of this research, we could figure that, in the context in which there were prepositional infinitive sentences, the most significant independent variable to the occurrence of the proclisis is the type of preposition that comes before the verb in the infinitive. Before that, we found out that there are prepositions which strongly direct the proclisis, as it is the case of the prepositions in Portuguese sem, por, de and para, with all of them presenting Relative Weights over 0,52. Another important result is the one attested in the data referring the state of Rio de Janeiro (RJ). This state is the only one of the sample which is located in the Southeastern region and also presents itself as the main proclisis conditioner amongst the localities pertaining to the sample. In order to explain those results, we raised the hypothesis that the proclisis implementation may be more advanced in the Southeastern than in the Northeastern Brazil, however that hypothesis must be confirmed or refuted in future works. We also present, in this work, a theoretical explanation about the clitics colocation in prepositional infinitive sentences within the Brazilian writing in the XIX and XX centuries. The theoretical explanation we found to interpret the achieved results associates Magro’s proposition (2005), regarding the existence of prepositions occupying the nucleus PP and the existence of prepositions which can play the role of a completer and occupy the nucleus CP, according to Galves (2000; 2001), regarding the existent relation between the clitic colocation and the association of traits-phi to the functional categories COMP, Tense and Person. Our proposition is that the occurrence of prepositions which occupy the nucleus CP causes changes in the values attributed to the traits-phi and to the strong Vtraits in the functional categories COMP, Tense and Person. Thus, we defend that proclisis in Brazilian Portuguese (BP) is derived from the movement of the verb to the functional category tense in which there is the association of traits +V and traits +AGR, what legitimates the proclisis according to Galves´s proposition (2000; 2001).
El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en comparar las funciones pragmáticas de una estructura intensificadora en español peninsular formada con la partícula venga (venga a + infinitivo) con estructuras intensificadoras en inglés. Para ello, analizamos los factores sintácticos, semánticos y pragmáticos que el traductor tiene en cuenta a la hora de usar esta estructura en la traducción al español. El corpus lo componen fragmentos de obras literarias extraídas en Google Books. Los resultados demuestran que con esta construcción se consigue transferir al español no sólo efectos semánticos (iteración), sino también pragmáticos, como la evaluación del hablante (desacuerdo, sorpresa, etc.).
This PhD thesis examines a phenomenon known as Monosyllabic Circumflexion (MC, hereafter) from a historical linguistics / phonological point of view. MC denotes a Lithuanian or Balto-Slavic phenomenon according to which long vowels and diphthongs in monosyllabic words exhibit a circumflex tone instead of the expected acute tone. It is observed in the following four categories: I. 3rd person future forms of monosyllabic stems (e.g., šõks ― šókti `to jump;' vy͂s ― výti `to drive') II. reflexes of PIE root nouns (e.g., Latv. gùovs `cow;' Lith. šuõ `dog') III. prepositions/adverbs (e.g., nuõ `from' ~ nùotaka `bride;' vė͂l `again' ~ Latv. vêl `still, yet,' tė͂ (permissive particle) < *teh1) IV. pronominal forms (e.g., tuõ ~ gerúoju `the good (m.~sg.~instr.),' tie͂ ~ tíeji `id. (pl.nom)'). The unexpected circumflex tone in these categories is problematic and important for the solution of a Balto-Slavic accentological question on the etymological background of acute and non-acute tones. The aim of this thesis is to partially contribute to the solution of this problem by establishing the existence of MC and its relative chronology. The first category, the 3rd person future forms, provides a substantial number of examples and counterexamples. The examination of them has revealed the fact that the counterexamples constitute a morpho-semantic group of verbs whose future stems underwent considerable morphological changes in the prehistory, hence not exhibiting MC. This shows that the regular tonal reflex of the 3rd person future forms of monosyllabic acute stem must be circumflex, allowing for the establishment of MC as a regular phonological process, although this category does not provide much information on the relative chronology of MC. The second category, the reflexes of Proto-Indo-European root nouns, gives an important clue as to where MC is located in the relative chronology of Balto-Slavic sound changes. Next, there is a discussion of whether the results of the examinations of the first two categories can be maintained for the data of the third and fourth categories, which show an irregular distribution of the acute and circumflex tones in monosyllabic forms. It is shown that various morphological factors, such as homonymic clashes within the paradigms for pronouns, can explain why some monosyllabic forms have acute tone. Also, the linguistic feature of West Aukštaitian dialects of Lithuanian that tend to preserve the results of MC is revealed. These dialects are known to have played an important role in the formation of standard Lithuanian. In this way, the monosyllabic forms with unexpected circumflex tone in Lithuanian are explained as a combination of MC in the Proto-Balto-Slavic time and the dialectal tendency of West Aukštaitian dialects of Lithuanian.
Plantea lo que debe ser una identidad de las ciencias sociales desde visiones novedosas de abordar la temática ambiental. Parte de la premisa de que el saber ambiental va más allá del diagnóstico, es decir, va a la preposición, a la generación de un conocimiento nuevo que mixtura los conocimientos populares con los científicos para permitir un cambio real en la relación de las personas con otras manifestaciones de vida. Abstract The article presents what it should be an identity for Social Sciences from very novel approaches towards the environmental subject-matter. The starting pont of the article is the premise that the environmental knowledge goes far beyond the diagnostics i.e., it goes to the preposition, to the production of new knowledge that mixes the knowledhe of the people with the scientific knowledge to allow a real change in the realtionship between people and other life manifestations.
This dissertation investigates the acquisition of oblique relative clauses in L2 Spanish by English and Moroccan Arabic speakers in order to understand the role of previous linguistic knowledge and its interaction with Universal Grammar on the one hand, and the relationship between grammatical knowledge and its use in real-time, on the other hand. Three types of tasks were employed: an oral production task, an on-line self-paced grammaticality judgment task, and an on-line self-paced reading comprehension task. Results indicated that the acquisition of oblique relative clauses in Spanish is a problematic area for second language learners of intermediate proficiency in the language, regardless of their native language. In particular, this study has showed that, even when the learners’ native language shares the main properties of the L2, i.e., fronting of the obligatory preposition (Pied-Piping), there is still room for divergence, especially in production and timed grammatical intuitions. On the other hand, reaction time data have shown that L2 learners can and do converge at the level of sentence processing, showing exactly the same real-time effects for oblique relative clauses that native speakers had. Processing results demonstrated that native and non-native speakers alike are able to apply universal processing principles such as the Minimal Chain Principle (De Vincenzi, 1991) even when the L2 learners still have incomplete grammatical representations, a result that contradicts some of the predictions of the Shallow Structure Hypothesis (Clahsen & Felser, 2006). Results further suggest that the L2 processing and comprehension domains may be able to access some type of information that it is not yet available to other grammatical modules, probably because transfer of certain L1 properties occurs asymmetrically across linguistic domains. In addition, this study also explored the Null-Prep phenomenon in L2 Spanish, and proposed that Null-Prep is an interlanguage stage, fully available and accounted within UG, which intermediate L2 as well as first language learners go through in the development of pied-piping oblique relative clauses. It is hypothesized that this intermediate stage is the result of optionality of the obligatory preposition in the derivation, when it is not crucial for the meaning of the sentence, and when the DP is going to be in an A-bar position, so it can get default case. This optionality can be predicted by the Bottleneck Hypothesis (Slabakova, 2009c) if we consider that these prepositions are some sort of functional morphology. This study contributes to the field of SLA and L2 processing in various ways. First, it demonstrates that the grammatical representations may be dissociated from grammatical processing in the sense that L2 learners, unlike native speakers, can present unexpected asymmetries such as a convergent processing but divergent grammatical intuitions or production. This conclusion is only possible under the assumption of a modular language system. Finally, it contributes to the general debate of generative SLA since in argues for a fully UG-constrained interlanguage grammar.
The origin of pleonastic that can be traced back to Old English where it could appear in syntactic constructions consisting of a preposition + demonstrative pronoun (i.e. for þy þat, for þæm þe) or a subordinator (i.e. oþ þat). Its diffusion with other subordinators is considered an early Middle English development as a result of the standardization of this item as the general subordinator in the period, which motivated its use as a pleonastic word in combination with all kinds of conjunctions (i.e. now that, gif that, when that, etc.) and prepositions (i.e. before that, save that, in that). Its use considerably increased in late Middle English, declining throughout the 17th century. The list of subordinating elements includes relativizers (i.e. this that), adverbial relatives (i.e. there that) and a number of subordinators (i.e. after, as, because, before, beside, for, if, since, sith, though, until, when, while, etc.). The present paper pursues the following objectives: a) to analyse the use and distribution of pleonastic that in a corpus of early English medical writing (in the period 1375-1700); b) to classify the construction in terms of the two different varieties of medical texts, i.e. treatises and recipes; and c) to assess the decline of the construction with the different conjunctive words. The data used as sources of evidence come from The Corpus of Early English Medical Writing, i.e. Middle English Medical Texts (MEMT for the period 1375-1500) and Early Modern English Medical Texts (EMEMT for the period 1500-1700).