294 resultados para premedical advisor


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Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitettiin Varkauden talousalueen pk-yritysten rahoituspalveluiden kehitystarpeita. Kuvailevaa tutkimusta käyttämällä selvitettiin mitä ongelmakohtia yritykset näkevät rahaliikenteessään, miten rahoitusrakennetta suunnitellaan ja minkälaisia tuotteita yrityksillä on käytössään. Mittareina tutkimuksessa käytettiin mm. kasvutavoitetta, pääomarakennetta ja tuottovaatimusten muodostamista. Tavoitteena oli tutkia mitkä tekijät vaikuttavat sijoituspäätöksentekoon ja mitä tekijöitä arvostetaan pankista saadussa palvelussa. Tutkimukseen valittiin Varkauden talousalueen suurimmat ja parhaan luottoluokituksen omaavat yritykset. Aineisto kerättiin luomalla sähköinen kyselylomake, joka lähetettiin 48 yritykseen tammikuussa 2009. Tutkimustulosten mukaan yritykset näkivät suurimmat kehitystarpeet sähköisessä taloushallinnossa, eri investointirahoitusvaihtoehdoissa ja julkisten sekä yksityisten rahoittajien yhteistyössä. Parempaa rahoitusneuvontaa kaivattiin investointirahoitukseen ja yrityskauppoihin liittyen. Suurimmalla osalla yrityksistä oli selkeät kasvutavoitteet sekä suunniteltu pääomarakenne. Suurimpia puutteita havaittiin mm. korkosuojaus- ja kassanhallinnan ratkaisuissa. Varainhoidon tuotteista mielenkiintoisimpana nähtiin pääomaturvatut ja kiinteää tuottoa maksavat vaihtoehdot. Sijoituspäätöksiin vaikuttavat paljon pankin luotettavuus sekä toimihenkilön asiantuntemus. Vastaavasti sijoituspäätös voi jäädä tekemättä, mikäli tuote on liian monimutkainen tai prosessi vaatii paljon aikaa ja paneutumista. Pankin palveluissa arvostetaan niin ikään luotettavuutta, helppoa asiointia sekä henkilökohtaista palvelua. Vastaajien koulutustaustalla ei näytä valittujen mittareiden perusteella olevan vaikutusta rahoitusosaamiseen. Alueella rahoitusongelmia kohdanneista yrityksistä lähes kaikki olivat kasvuhakuisia.


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The purpose of this study was to investigate the nature of co-operation between a project owner and an outside engineering consultant in combined heat and power plant implementation projects. Moreover, as another focal subject of the study was to familiarize the purchasing behavior of the energy producer and how an outside engineering consultant participated into different stages of the purchasing process. The study was carried out as a multiple case study including altogether six Finnish power plant implementation projects that had been taken into commercial use during 1995 – 2015. By adjusting the findings of empirical interview data and comparing those to the theoretical framework concerning, among others, Finnish energy production, engineering consulting businesses, delivery methods of construction project and finally the purchasing process, it can be concluded that especially in the power plant implementation projects in the past have a great influence to decisions made during the project. The role of the main engineering consultant is to act as an assistant, who helps to achieve the project goals successfully rather than an advisor who only knows how the project should be conducted. At least in these five project cases this was the case, meaning that the final decision power always remaining with project owner.


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Tutkimus tarkastelee innovatiivisuutta johtoryhmätyöskentelyssä. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää innovatiivisen tiimityön prosessiin liittyviä tekijöitä johtoryhmätyöskentelyssä ja kuinka näitä tekijöitä voidaan kehittää. Tässä tutkimuksessa innovatiivisen tiimityön prosessiin liittyvät seuraavat tekijät: tiimin innovoinnin säännöt, refleksiivisyys, johtajuus, ristiriitojen johtaminen, eri tiimien yhteistyö, tiimin ulkopuoliset suhteet sekä vähemmistön ja enemmistön näkökulmat. Tutkimus toteutettiin laadullisena tapaustutkimuksena ja aineistonkeruumenetelmänä oli teemahaastattelu. Tutkimuksessa haastateltiin kymmentä johtoryhmän jäsentä. Kohderyhmänä oli Kymenlaakson ammattikorkeakoulun johtoryhmä. Tutkimuksen tulokset tukevat teoriassa esitettyjä määritelmiä ja luovat pohjan johtoryhmätyöskentelyn innovatiivisuuden kehittämiseen. Innovatiivisuus johtoryhmätyöskentelyssä perustuu johtoryhmätyöskentelyn erityispiirteiden huomioon ottamiseen, joita ovat johtoryhmän toiminnan reunaehdot ja johtoryhmän rooli toimia toimitusjohtajan avustajana päätöksenteossa. Johtajan rooli innovointiin ja avoimuuteen rohkaisevan läpinäkyvyyden kulttuurin luomisessa on merkittävä.


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International Student Advisor John Kaethler at his desk.


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A seated Ed Davis points out to (form left to right) Dr. Gunther Doeker, Fencing Coach; Mr. Les Korchok, Basketball Coach; Prof. A. G. Lowenberger, Director of Physical Education and Recreation; Mr. Tony Biernacki, Rowing Coach; Dr. E. Mirynech, Faculty Advisor; and Dr. Cam Lewis, Curling Coach when Brock will open its 1967-68 Ontario Intercollegiate hockey season.


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The quantitative component of this study examined the effect of computerassisted instruction (CAI) on science problem-solving performance, as well as the significance of logical reasoning ability to this relationship. I had the dual role of researcher and teacher, as I conducted the study with 84 grade seven students to whom I simultaneously taught science on a rotary-basis. A two-treatment research design using this sample of convenience allowed for a comparison between the problem-solving performance of a CAI treatment group (n = 46) versus a laboratory-based control group (n = 38). Science problem-solving performance was measured by a pretest and posttest that I developed for this study. The validity of these tests was addressed through critical discussions with faculty members, colleagues, as well as through feedback gained in a pilot study. High reliability was revealed between the pretest and the posttest; in this way, students who tended to score high on the pretest also tended to score high on the posttest. Interrater reliability was found to be high for 30 randomly-selected test responses which were scored independently by two raters (i.e., myself and my faculty advisor). Results indicated that the form of computer-assisted instruction (CAI) used in this study did not significantly improve students' problem-solving performance. Logical reasoning ability was measured by an abbreviated version of the Group Assessment of Lx)gical Thinking (GALT). Logical reasoning ability was found to be correlated to problem-solving performance in that, students with high logical reasoning ability tended to do better on the problem-solving tests and vice versa. However, no significant difference was observed in problem-solving improvement, in the laboratory-based instruction group versus the CAI group, for students varying in level of logical reasoning ability.Insignificant trends were noted in results obtained from students of high logical reasoning ability, but require further study. It was acknowledged that conclusions drawn from the quantitative component of this study were limited, as further modifications of the tests were recommended, as well as the use of a larger sample size. The purpose of the qualitative component of the study was to provide a detailed description ofmy thesis research process as a Brock University Master of Education student. My research journal notes served as the data base for open coding analysis. This analysis revealed six main themes which best described my research experience: research interests, practical considerations, research design, research analysis, development of the problem-solving tests, and scoring scheme development. These important areas ofmy thesis research experience were recounted in the form of a personal narrative. It was noted that the research process was a form of problem solving in itself, as I made use of several problem-solving strategies to achieve desired thesis outcomes.


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This study probed for an answer to the question, "How do you identify as early as possible those students who are at risk of failing or dropping out of college so that intervention can take place?" by field testing two diagnostic instruments with a group of first semester Seneca College Computer Studies students. In some respects, the research approach was such as might be taken in a pilot study. Because of the complexity of the issue, this study did not attempt to go beyond discovery, understanding and description. Although some inferences may be drawn from the results of the study, no attempt was made to establish any causal relationship between or among the factors or variables represented here. Both quantitative and qualitative data were gathered during. four resea~ch phases: background, early identification, intervention, and evaluation. To gain a better understanding of the problem of student attrition within the School of Computer Studies at Seneca College, several methods were used, including retrospective analysis of enrollment statistics, faculty and student interviews and questionnaires, and tracking of the sample population. The significance of the problem was confirmed by the results of this study. The findings further confirmed the importance of the role of faculty in student retention and support the need to improve the quality of teacher/student interaction. As well, the need __f or ~~ills as~e:ss_~ent foll,,-~ed }JY supportiv e_c_ounsell~_I'l9_ ~~d_ __ placement was supported by the findings from this study. strategies for reducing student attrition were identified by faculty and students. As part of this study, a project referred to as "A Student Alert project" (ASAP) was undertaken at the School of Computer Studies at Seneca College. Two commercial diagnostic instruments, the Noel/Levitz College Student Inventory (CSI) and the Learning and Study Strategies Inventory (LASSI), provided quantitative data which were subsequently analyzed in Phase 4 in order to assess their usefulness as early identification tools. The findings show some support for using these instruments in a two-stage approach to early identification and intervention: the CSI as an early identification instrument and the LASSI as a counselling tool for those students who have been identified as being at risk. The findings from the preliminary attempts at intervention confirmed the need for a structured student advisement program where faculty are selected, trained, and recognized for their advisor role. Based on the finding that very few students acted on the diagnostic results and recommendations, the need for institutional intervention by way of intrusive measures was confirmed.


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This study probed for an answer to the question, "How do you identify as early as possible those students who are at risk of failing or dropping out of college so that intervention can take place?" by field testing two diagnostic instruments with a group of first semester Seneca College Computer ,Studies students. In some respects, the research approach was such as might be taken in a pilot study_ Because of the complexity of the issue, this study did not attempt to go beyond discovery, understanding and description. Although some inferences may be drawn from the results of the study, no attempt was made to establish any causal relationship between or among the factors or variables represented here. Both quantitative and qualitative data were gathered during four resea~ch phases: background, early identification, intervention, and evaluation. To gain a better understanding of the problem of student attrition within the School of Computer Studies at Seneca College, several methods were used, including retrospective analysis of enrollment statistics, faculty and student interviews and questionnaires, and tracking of the sample population. The significance of the problem was confirmed by the results of this study. The findings further confirmed the importance of the role of faculty in student retention and support the need to improve the quality of teacher/student interaction. As well, the need for skills assessmen~-followed by supportive counselling, and placement was supported by the findings from this study. strategies for reducing student attrition were identified by faculty and students. As part of this study, a project referred to as "A Student Alert Project" (ASAP) was undertaken at the School of Computer Studies at Seneca college. Two commercial diagnostic instruments, the Noel/Levitz College Student Inventory (CSI) and the Learning and Study Strategies Inventory (LASSI), provided quantitative data which were subsequently analyzed in Phase 4 in order to assess their usefulness as early identification tools. The findings show some support for using these instruments in a two-stage approach to early identification and intervention: the CSI as an early identification instrument and the LASSI as a counselling tool for those students who have been identified as being at risk. The findings from the preliminary attempts at intervention confirmed the need for a structured student advisement program where faculty are selected, trained, and recognized for their advisor role. Based on the finding that very few students acted on the diagnostic results and recommendations, the need for institutional intervention by way of intrusive measures was confirmed.


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Dr. James A. Gibson was born in Ottawa on January 29, 1912 to John W. and Belle Gibson. At an early age the family moved to Victoria, B.C. where John W. Gibson was a director of the Elementary Agricultural Education Branch, Department of Education. Gibson received his early education in Victoria, receiving a B.A. (honours) at UBC in 1931. In 1931 he was awarded the Rhodes scholarship and received his B.A., M.A., B.Litt and D. Phil at New College, Oxford. This was to be the beginning of a long and dedicated relationship with the Rhodes Scholar Association. Upon his return to Canada, Dr. Gibson lectured in Economics and Government at the University of British Columbia. In 1938 he was married to Caroline Stein in Philadelphia, and the same year joined the staff of the Department of External Affairs as a Foreign Service officer. Within twenty minutes of his arrival he was seconded to the Office of the Prime Minister and Secretary of State for External Affairs, W. L. Mackenzie King in charge of War Records and Liaison Officer. This was a critical time in the history of Canada, and Dr. Gibson experienced firsthand several milestones, including the Royal Visit of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth in 1939. Dr. Gibson was present at the formation of the United Nations in San Francisco in 1945, being part of the Prime Minister’s professional staff as well as attending conferences in Washington, Quebec and London as an advisor to the Canadian delegation. Gibson contributed many articles to the publication bout de papier about his experiences during these years. After his resignation in 1947, Gibson joined the staff of the fledgling Carleton College, as a lecturer. In 1949 he was appointed a professor and in 1951 became Dean of Arts and Sciences. Dr. Gibson acted as President from 1955 to 1956 upon the sudden death of Dr. MacOdrum. In 1963 Dr. Gibson accepted the invitation of the Brock University Founders’ Committee, chaired by Arthur Schmon, to become the founding president. Dr. Gibson guided the new University from a converted refrigeration plant, to an ever expanding University campus on the brow of the Niagara Escarpment. Dr. Gibson remained firmly “attached” to Brock University. Even after official retirement, in 1974, he retained the title President Emeritus. Gibson’s final official contribution was an unpublished ten year history of the University. In retirement Gibson remained active in scholarly pursuits. He was a visiting scholar at the Center of Canadian Studies, University of Edinburgh; continued his ongoing research activities focusing on W. L. Mackenzie King, the Office of the Governor General of Canada, and political prisoners transported to Van Dieman’s Land. He remained active in the Canadian Association of Rhodes Scholars, becoming editor from 1975 to 1994 and was appointed Editor Emeritus and Director for Life in 1995 in honour of his dedicated and outstanding service. In 1993 he was awarded one of Canada’s highest achievements, the Order of Canada. Gibson retained close ties with Brock University and many of its faculty. He maintained an office in the Politics Department where he became a vital part of the department. In 1996 Brock University honoured Gibson by naming the University Library in his honour. James A. Gibson Library staff was instrumental in celebrating the 90th birthday of Gibson in 2002, with a widely attended party in the Pond Inlet where many former students, including Silver Badgers. The attendees also included former and current colleagues from Brock University, Canadian Rhodes Scholars Association, family and friends. Gibson was later to remark that the highlight of this event was the gift of his original academic robe which he had personally designed in 1964. In 2003 Dr. Gibson moved to Ottawa to be near some of his children and the city of his birth and early career. In that year “two visits to Brock ensued: the first, to attend a special celebration of the James A. Gibson Library; his late to attend the 74th Convocation on Saturday, October 18, 2003. A week later, in Ottawa, he went for a long walk, returned to his residence, Rideau Gardens, went into the lounge area, took off his coat and folded it up, put it on the back of his chair, sat down, folded his hands in his lap, closed his eyes, and died”. With sources from: Carleton University The Charlatan, Gibson CV, and Memorial Service Programme


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Joseph Pope was born in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island in 1854. He was the private secretary to Sir John A. Macdonald from 1882-1891. He worked as the assistant clerk to the Privy Council and undersecretary of state for Canada from 1896-1909. He was appointed a Companion of the Order of St. Michael and St. George in 1901. He was later knighted as a Knight Commander of the same order. Joseph Pope was the first permanent head of the Department of External Affairs (now Foreign Affairs and Internal Trade) 1909-1925. He was an advisor to Prime Ministers from Macdonald to King. He died in Ottawa, in 1926. As well as Confederation, Pope also penned: Memoirs of Sir John A. Macdonald : A Chronicle of the First Prime Minister of the Dominion; The Day of Sir John Macdonald; Jacques Cartier, his life and voyages; Traditions and Sir John A. MacDonald vindicated : a review of the Right Honourable Sir Richard Cartwright's reminiscences as well as other books Pope’s son, Maurice Arthur Pope wrote a book about Joseph entitled Public Servant: the Memoirs of Sir Joseph Pope”.


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A photograph from the album put together by Wine Advisor Peter J. Morrell with pictures from the Vinexpo Asia-Pacific of 2001. The photograph appears to be of several chefs holding Inniskillin wine with Donald Ziraldo in the centre. The date stamp on the photograph is 4/27/01


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Depuis quelques années, plusieurs didacticiens du français se penchent sur l’enseignement et l’évaluation de l’oral, mais peu d’informations sont encore disponibles concernant les pratiques effectives des enseignants à cet égard. Notre recherche vise à décrire les croyances de deux enseignants de français au secondaire et leurs pratiques au sujet de l’évaluation de l’oral, plus particulièrement de l’oral dans une situation d’interaction entre pairs. Une entrevue dirigée a permis d’avoir accès à leurs croyances et à leurs pratiques déclarées, alors que le think-aloud a été employé pour observer leur pratique d’évaluation, à l’étape du jugement, d’une situation d’interaction entre pairs. Nos résultats montrent que, du point de vue de leurs croyances, les enseignants ont tous deux des préoccupations concernant les tâches et les instruments d’évaluation, et que leurs pratiques d’évaluation déclarées sont assez semblables en ce qui a trait aux tâches retenues, à leur fréquence et à l’intention poursuivie. Du côté de leurs pratiques d’évaluation observées à l’étape du jugement, nous exposons de façon détaillée les gestes d’enseignants en situation authentique, en identifiant les principaux processus cognitifs et métacognitifs impliqués dans cette tâche complexe. Des divergences entre les deux enseignants ont été observées relativement à leurs croyances, pratiques déclarées et pratiques observées durant le jugement. Tout d’abord, les critères retenus pour l’évaluation (pratique déclarée) ne tiennent pas toujours compte de ce qu’ils croient important d’enseigner en classe (croyance). De plus, malgré une pratique déclarée positive concernant l’autoévaluation, ces enseignants n’y ont peu ou pas eu recours durant leur jugement. Enfin, les gestes de l’un, durant le jugement, tendaient vers la posture d’instructeur-contrôleur, alors que ceux de l’autre s’inscrivaient davantage dans la posture de conseiller-didacticien. De façon générale, nous constatons que les pratiques de ces enseignants sont plus influencées par les situations rencontrées en tant qu’élèves et les traditions d’enseignement de la discipline que par le programme en vigueur.


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Formar a los psicólogos en programación. Servir de introducción en entornos informáticos no clásicos, como el desarrollo de programas con interacción inteligente. Estudio del desarrollo del prototipo de sistema informático SPICP (Sistema de Programación Interactiva en el Campo de la Psicología-, orientado a la formación de los psicólogos. Aplicación del mismo a estudiantes de Psicología de la Universidad de Oviedo. Se basa en el sistema de utilización 'vertical' del software educativo, donde un mismo paquete de programas es utilizado en cursos de diferentes niveles de dificultad. Dicho sistema consta de tres fases: un primer nivel donde los alumnos manejan programas ya creados con objeto de observar las posibilidades que ofrecen en el campo estadístico; un segundo nivel donde se estudian y modifican los programas y subrutinas existentes; y un tercer nivel donde ya desarrollan programas propios. Bibliografía. Ordenadores y programas informáticos en lenguaje Basic y/o Fortran. Estudio de las copias literales de las sesiones mantenidas por cada alumno, generadas por un mecanismo creado ad hoc. En la primera parte de la tesis se describen las aplicaciones del ordenador al campo de la Educación y la Psicología. Con respecto a la Educación, se describen las características de los lenguajes utilizados y algunos sistemas expertos como por ejemplo la base de datos Geobase. Con respecto a la Psicología, se describen: las aplicaciones prácticas del ordenador para hacer análisis estadísticos, controlar, recoger, almacenar y consultar información y hacer diagnósticos psicológicos; sus aplicaciones teóricas y, por último, algunos sistemas y programas que sirven como introductores al uso de la informática dentro del campo de la Psicología de forma general -Eureka, Items, Psychnet, SPSSX-l, etc.-. En la segunda parte se explica cómo crear y utilizar sistemas interactivos en programas estadísticos, en modelos simulados por ordenador y en el uso del paquete SPSS. En los tres casos se describen tanto los programas centrales como los secundarios. Por último se describe el funcionamiento y características de un entorno de programación destinado a crear sistemas expertos, y se añade un listado parcial de programas que constituyen algunos de dichos sistemas: 1st-Class-Advisor, Qnucleo, Qvarlist, Qttest, Se1, Se2. Se comprueba que el uso del sistema interactivo consigue que los alumnos manejen los programas adecuadamente en un lapso de tiempo menor que el que necesitan para hacerse con el manejo de un paquete estadístico tradicional. Durante este estudio se obtuvo además, información sobre la demanda de formación informática por parte de los alumnos de Psicología, comprobándose la incapacidad del Departamento para dar un acceso mayoritario a dicha formación.


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Este plan exportador proyectado a un plazo de 3 años, servirá a ITAC IT APPLICATIONS CONSULTING S.A. para direccionar sus actividades en el mercado internacional para los años 2009, 2010, 2011. La prioridad de los 2 primeros años será el mejoramiento interno de la empresa, que será la aplicación de estrategias en diferentes campos como: capital humano, capital intelectual, capital cultural, crecimiento económico, estrategia comercial en el área internacional, construcción de capital financiero para la generación de ingresos. Para tener participación en mercados internacionales, mostrar su potencial exportador y lograr las expectativas de crecimiento de las ventas independientes a las obtenidas en el marcado local; pretende empezar en el año 2009, en el mercado Peruano con exportaciones por $36.000 USD correspondiente a 30 unidades, aumentando a $ 72000 USD con 60 unidades en el 2010 y $ 108000 USD y 90 unidades en el 2011. El Servicio a exportar fue “SecureFile” a partir del cual se definieron factores de éxito como lo son las ventajas competitivas del producto en sí mismo enumeradas a continuación: 1) Precio muy competitivo en el mercado, 2) Automatización del proceso de intercambio de información, 3) Software basado en estándares, 4) Se ejecuta en cualquier sistema operativo. A su vez se realizaron consultorías donde se diagnosticó todas las áreas de la empresa arrojando algunos resultados: La estructura organizacional esta bien definida, pero por su crecimiento y necesidad de incluir nuevo personal, no hay claridad en las funciones dentro del organigrama y depende totalmente de la dirección general. Por esto la gerencia debe estructurar mejor los departamentos comerciales creando nuevos cargos de acuerdo al proceso de internacionalización. Las políticas de personal se trabajan de manera informal con criterios validos para promover trabajadores (mérito, antigüedad, etc.), se realizan actualizaciones Tecnológicas mensuales, reconocimiento y participación en la empresa a sus funcionarios, excelentes relaciones personales que permiten hacer evaluaciones de desempeño acorde a las metas, gran variedad de motivación y responsabilidad social encaminada a los niños de bajos recursos. Aunque se debe crear un área de gestión humana y definir la frecuencia de las capacitaciones. Los ingresos son provenientes de la prestación de servicios de IT con incrementando de 256% durante los tres años anteriores para obtener $ 2`032.784.683 millones de pesos en el 2007. El nivel de endeudamiento también ha ido en aumento, por la necesidad de capacidad instalada, contrataciones de personal, el cumplimiento de requisitos del mercado y la necesidad generar buena imagen crediticia con entidades financieras. Cuenta con un musculo financiero para respaldar sus obligaciones inmediatas con $4,42 por $1 comprometido en el 2007 a pesar de ser el año con mayor nivel de endeudamiento arrojando pasivos corrientes por $127.715.281,37. Los cuatro socios cuentan con un comportamiento de 164,67% (2006) y 132,97% (2007) de rendimiento de sobre la inversión antes de impuestos. Para este año más del 95% de su información financiera y contable se maneja de manera sistematizada. El área Financiera de la empresa no es la más débil, pero no existe un departamento financiero con un solo responsable a la cabeza, por esto deben destinar un área separada de la administrativa con un asesor financiero que tenga disponibilidad de 100%. En el caso particular del proyecto de exportación los costos de producción se centran en SecureFile versión 3.0 que no representa costos marginales, ya que la replica de este software puede hacerse cuantas veces sea requerido sin afectar en ninguna proporción los costos. La empresa no utiliza un método formal para calcular sus costos de operación y desarrollo de programas. Pero ha desarrollado un sistema de evaluación de costos en tablas de Excel que de manera organizada logran un costeo acorde a sus necesidades específicas. Para la selección de los países: objetivo, alterno y contingente; se realizó una matriz de Selección de 6 países basados en la exigencia gubernamental en términos de seguridad de la información vía internet, y la percepción de los empresarios, competencia y otros factores económicos; arrojando como resultado a Perú, Costa Rica y México.


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El propósito de la presente monografía es determinar la relación entre la degradación y navegación en los Grandes Lagos en la noción de seguridad ambiental de Estados Unidos y Canadá en un entorno de interdependencia entre 1995 - 2000. En ese sentido, se busca determinar como los recursos de poder de Canadá y Estados Unidos en la relación degradación-navegación transforma la noción de seguridad ambiental. De este modo, se analiza el concepto de seguridad ambiental desde la navegación, elemento esencial para entender la relación bilateral dentro del sistema de los Grandes Lagos. Esta investigación de tipo cualitativo que responde a las variables de la seguridad ambiental planteadas por Barry Buzan, Thomas Homer-Nixon, y Stephan Libiszewski, y a la teoría de la Interdependencia Compleja por Robert Keohane y Joseph Nye, pretende avanzar hacia la complejización de la dimensión ambiental lejos de la tradicional definición antropocéntrica.