993 resultados para portfolio theory


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The evaluation of investment fund performance has been one of the main developments of modern portfolio theory. Most studies employ the technique developed by Jensen (1968) that compares a particular fund's returns to a benchmark portfolio of equal risk. However, the standard measures of fund manager performance are known to suffer from a number of problems in practice. In particular previous studies implicitly assume that the risk level of the portfolio is stationary through the evaluation period. That is unconditional measures of performance do not account for the fact that risk and expected returns may vary with the state of the economy. Therefore many of the problems encountered in previous performance studies reflect the inability of traditional measures to handle the dynamic behaviour of returns. As a consequence Ferson and Schadt (1996) suggest an approach to performance evaluation called conditional performance evaluation which is designed to address this problem. This paper utilises such a conditional measure of performance on a sample of 27 UK property funds, over the period 1987-1998. The results of which suggest that once the time varying nature of the funds beta is corrected for, by the addition of the market indicators, the average fund performance show an improvement over that of the traditional methods of analysis.


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Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT) has been advocated as a more rational approach to the construction of real estate portfolios. The application of MPT can now be achieved with relative ease using the powerful facilities of modern spreadsheet, and does not necessarily need specialist software. This capability is to be found in the use of an add-in Tool now found in several spreadsheets, called an Optimiser or Solver. The value in using this kind of more sophisticated analysis feature of spreadsheets is increasingly difficult to ignore. This paper examines the use of the spreadsheet Optimiser in handling asset allocation problems. Using the Markowitz Mean-Variance approach, the paper introduces the necessary calculations, and shows, by means of an elementary example implemented in Microsoft's Excel, how the Optimiser may be used. Emphasis is placed on understanding the inputs and outputs from the portfolio optimisation process, and the danger of treating the Optimiser as a Black Box is discussed.


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In the 1970s Real Estate represented over 17% of the average pension funds total assets. Today such funds hold less than 4%, a figure not seen since the 1960s. This reduction in Real Estate holdings is mainly attributable to the relatively poor performance of Real Estate against other asset classes since the 1980s. Whether pension funds will increase their holding at any point in the future depends therefore on the expected return of Real Estate by comparison with that required to justify a particular asset holding. Using the technique of Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT), this paper assesses the required return that Real Estate would have to offer to justify a 15% holding in a mixed asset portfolio. This figure and the risk/return characteristics of the major asset classes is taken from survey data. Under a number of scenarios it is found that Real Estate can play a part in a mixed asset portfolio at the 15% level. In some cases however, the expected returns of Real Estate are not sufficient to justify a weight of 15% in this asset.


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The position of Real Estate within a multi-asset portfolio has received considerable attention recently. Previous research has concentrated on the percentage holding property would achieve given its risk/return characteristics. Such studies have invariably used Modern Portfolio Theory and these approaches have been criticised for both the quality of the real estate data and problems with the methodology itself. The first problem is now well understood, and the second can be addressed by the use of realistic constraints on asset holdings. This paper takes a different approach. We determine the level of return that Real Estate needs to achieve to justify an allocation within the multi asset portfolio. In order to test the importance of the quality of the data we use historic appraisal based and desmoothed returns to examine the sensitivity of the results. Consideration is also given to the Holding period and the imposition of realistic constraints on the asset holdings in order to model portfolios held by pension fund investors. We conclude, using several benchmark levels of portfolio risk and return, that using appraisal based data the required level of return for Real Estate was less than that achieved over the period 1972-1993. The use of desmoothed series can reverse this result at the highest levels of desmoothing although within a restricted holding period Real Estate offered returns in excess of those required to enter the portfolio and might have a role to play in the multi-asset portfolio.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to test the hypothesis that investment decision making in the UK direct property market does not conform to the assumption of economic rationality underpinning portfolio theory. Design/methodology/approach – The developing behavioural real estate paradigm is used to challenge the idea that investor “man” is able to perform with economic rationality, specifically with reference to the analysis of the spatial dispersion of the entire UK “investible stock” and “investible locations” against observed spatial patterns of institutional investment. Location quotients are derived, combining different data sets. Findings – Considerably greater variation in institutional property holdings is found across the UK than would be expected given the economic and stock characteristics of local areas. This appears to provide evidence of irrationality (in the strict traditional economic sense) in the behaviour of institutional investors, with possible herding underpinning levels of investment that cannot be explained otherwise. Research limitations/implications – Over time a lack of distinction has developed between the cause and effect of comparatively low levels of development and institutional property investment across the regions. A critical examination of decision making and behaviour in practice could break this cycle, and could in turn promote regional economic growth. Originality/value – The entire “population” of observations is used to demonstrate the relationships between economic theory and investor performance exploring, for the first time, stock and local area characteristics.


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Este trabalho examinou as características de carteiras compostas por ações e otimizadas segundo o critério de média-variância e formadas através de estimativas robustas de risco e retorno. A motivação para isto é a distribuição típica de ativos financeiros (que apresenta outliers e mais curtose que a distribuição normal). Para comparação entre as carteiras, foram consideradas suas propriedades: estabilidade, variabilidade e os índices de Sharpe obtidos pelas mesmas. O resultado geral mostra que estas carteiras obtidas através de estimativas robustas de risco e retorno apresentam melhoras em sua estabilidade e variabilidade, no entanto, esta melhora é insuficiente para diferenciar os índices de Sharpe alcançados pelas mesmas das carteiras obtidas através de método de máxima verossimilhança para estimativas de risco e retorno.


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Some of The Modern Portfolio Theory hypotheses are tested in the Brazilian capital market. Econometric tests and a risk-return relation analysis were made over 79 Brazilian and American financial time series from January to November 1995. The main conclusion is that the series are not described according to the MPT and the Brazilian and American series have different behavior.


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This work aims to identify the impacts brought about by legislation alterations regarding assets allocation by Pension Funds Companies. Focused on that, this work carried on a detailed review on the existing literature concerning Modern Portfolio Theory, Pension Funds Investment Strategies and on Brazilian Legislation for Financial Market and Pension Funds. On a second moment, the work identified asset allocation differences when comparing national financial market players and the data released by the official Social Security Secretary - SPC - regarding the 35 Pension Funds analyzed. In accordance with what the literature indicates, the work also reveals that Pension Funds pursue asset allocation policies different than those adopted by other market players due to the Fund¿s long term investment characteristics. No major impacts were identified on the legislation issued by the National Monetary Council ¿ CMN - in what it concerns asset allocation and impacts were only identified on the legislation regarding - CPMF - taxes on financial operations - which led Pension Funds to allocate expressive part of their assets on investment funds.


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This work aims to identify the impacts brought about by legislation alterations regarding assets allocation by Pension Funds Companies. Focused on that, this work carried on a detailed review on the existing literature concerning Modern Portfolio Theory, Pension Funds Investment Strategies and on Brazilian Legislation for Financial Market and Pension Funds. On a second moment, the work identified asset allocation differences when comparing national financial market players and the data released by the official Social Security Secretary ¿ SPC ¿ regarding the 35 Pension Funds analyzed. In accordance with what the literature indicates, the work also reveals that Pension Funds pursue asset allocation policies different than those adopted by other market players due to the Fund¿s long term investment characteristics. No major impacts were identified on the legislation issued by the National Monetary Council ¿ CMN - in what it concerns asset allocation and impacts were only identified on the legislation regarding ¿CPMF¿ ¿ taxes on financial operations ¿ which led Pension Funds to allocate expressive part of their assets on investment funds


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This research evaluated the quality of the management of Brazilian stock funds on the period from January 1997 to October 2006. The analysis was based on the Modern Portfolio Theory measures of performance. In addition, this research evaluated the relevance of the performance measures The sample with 21 funds was extracted from the 126 largest Brasilian stock options funds because they were the only with quotas on the whole period. The monthly mean rate of return and the following indexes were calculated: total return, mean monthly return, Jensen Index, Treynor Index, Sharpe Index, Sortino Index, Market Timing and the Mean Quadratic Error. The initial analysis showed that the funds in the sample had different objectives and limitations. To make valuable comparisons, the ANBID (National Association of Investment Banks) categories were used to classify the funds. The measured results were ranked. The positions of the funds on the rankings based on the mean monthly return and the indexes of Jensen, Treynor, Sortino and Sharpe were similar. All of the ten ACTIVE funds of this research were above the benchmark (IBOVESPA index) in the measures above. Based on the CAPM, the managers of these funds got superior performance because they might have compiled the available information in a superior way. The six funds belonging to the ANBID classification of INDEXED got the first six positions in the ranking based on the Mean Quadratic Error. None of the researched funds have shown market timing skills to move the beta of their portfolios in the right direction to take the benefit of the market movements, at the significance level of 5%.


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Trata dos principais aspectos da administração ativa de portfólio de crédito a pessoa jurídica por bancos comerciais, que vem tomando o lugar do modo tradicional de administrar crédito. Inicialmente, apresenta a definição de administração ativa de portfólio de crédito, compara com a abordagem tradicional e aponta as motivações para o surgimento desta nova abordagem. Segue demonstrando as adaptações dos conceitos da Teoria Moderna de Portfólios aos portfólios de crédito e apresenta alguns modelos para a determinação de variáveis importantes para a mensuração do risco de crédito, tais como probabilidades de inadimplência, correlações entre ativos de crédito e risco de crédito de portfólio. Apresenta, ainda, o conceito de capital econômico e o Risk-Adjusted Return on Capital (RAROC) relativamente ao risco de crédito. Discute as responsabilidades e funções a serem desempenhadas pela administração ativa de portfólio de crédito e, como contribuição, apresenta, à luz das considerações deste trabalho, uma estrutura hipotética de um banco comercial que adota a administração ativa de portfólio de crédito.


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A teoria tradicional de finanças indica a diversificação como uma maneira de tirar a exposição que um investidor tem ao risco específico das firmas. Ao investidor caberia a tarefa de construir um portfolio composto de N ativos tal que a parcela de risco idiossincrático tenda a zero. Os retornos desta carteira seriam advindos da remuneração pelo risco sistemático, ou de mercado. Estudos têm mostrado que o N necessário para atingir o benefício satisfatório de diversificação tem aumentado ao longo dos anos. O motivo para tal fenômeno seria a presença cada vez mais forte da parcela de risco idiossincrático, verificado empiricamente através de estudos das séries históricas dos retornos. O risco idiossincrático tem estado presente mesmo sem ter havido um crescimento no risco do mercado como um todo. O objetivo deste estudo é discorrer sobre a literatura disponível acerca do assunto, mostrando como a partir da Modern Portfolio Theory o desafio de alcançar a diversificação tem sido cada vez mais complexo, como têm sido feitas as análises da presença o risco idiossincrático e quais motivos levaram isto a acontecer.


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O presente trabalho tem por objetivo subsidiar o investidor de Fundos de Investimento Imobiliário na escolha de uma carteira de aplicação de FIIs, visando obter performance igual ou superior ao índice de referência do setor (IFIX). Tal subsídio é constituído, inicialmente, por uma metodologia que considera que o conceito de Carteira Eficiente (Risco/Retorno) preconizada por Markowitz pode trabalhar em conjunto com a dimensão do conceito das Finanças Comportamentais, liderada por Daniel Kahneman, constituindo as bases de orientação do investidor. Acrescentamos o caminho metodológico com as indicações, sugeridas por Bazerman e Moore, no processo de tomada de decisão, que reduza os efeitos de heurísticas e vieses.


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The consumption of energy on the planet is currently based on fossil fuels. They are responsible for adverse effects on the environment. Renewables propose solutions for this scenario, but must face issues related to the capacity of the power supply. Wind energy offshore emerging as a promising alternative. The speed and stability are greater winds over oceans, but the variability of these may cause inconvenience to the generation of electric power fluctuations. To reduce this, a combination of wind farms geographically distributed was proposed. The greater the distance between them, the lower the correlation between the wind velocity, increasing the likelihood that together achieve more stable power system with less fluctuations in power generation. The efficient use of production capacity of the wind park however, depends on their distribution in marine environments. The objective of this research was to analyze the optimal allocation of wind farms offshore on the east coast of the U.S. by Modern Portfolio Theory. The Modern Portfolio Theory was used so that the process of building portfolios of wind energy offshore contemplate the particularity of intermittency of wind, through calculations of return and risk of the production of wind farms. The research was conducted with 25.934 observations of energy produced by wind farms 11 hypothetical offshore, from the installation of 01 simulated ocean turbine with a capacity of 5 MW. The data show hourly time resolution and covers the period between January 1, 1998 until December 31, 2002. Through the Matlab R software, six were calculated minimum variance portfolios, each for a period of time distinct. Given the inequality of the variability of wind over time, set up four strategies rebalancing to evaluate the performance of the related portfolios, which enabled us to identify the most beneficial to the stability of the wind energy production offshore. The results showed that the production of wind energy for 1998, 1999, 2000 and 2001 should be considered by the portfolio weights calculated for the same periods, respectively. Energy data for 2002 should use the weights derived from the portfolio calculated in the previous time period. Finally, the production of wind energy in the period 1998-2002 should also be weighted by 1/11. It follows therefore that the portfolios found failed to show reduced levels of variability when compared to the individual production of wind farms hypothetical offshore