979 resultados para plateau airway pressure


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Even though mortality among preterm infants has decreased, their risk for chronic complications such as bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) and neurological disability remains significant. One common risk factor for these is exposure to inflammation. The fetus may be exposed prenatally during maternal chorioamnionitis. Pre-eclampsia is also associated with low-grade maternal inflammation. Postnatally, local and systemic inflammation is present during respiratory distress syndrome (RDS). Furthermore, septic infections in the preterm infant are an important source of inflammatory stimuli and can lead to death in only a few hours. The diagnosis of septic infection is difficult, since reliable diagnostic markers are unavailable. This thesis evaluates peri- and postnatal systemic inflammation in preterm infants in septic infections, in RDS treated with mechanical ventilation and surfactant treatment, and in preterm infants prenatally exposed to chorioamnionitis and pre-eclampsia. Surface expressions of the activation markers CD11b, CD54, and CD62L, determined by flow cytometry on circulating phagocytes and T lymphocytes, serve as indicators of systemic inflammation. The main findings: I) In preterm infants with developing late-onset sepsis and fulminant necrotizing enterocolitis, a significant increase in CD11b expression on circulating phagocytes is already present on the day of onset of clinical symptoms. II) In preterm infants with RDS, circulating phagocytes become activated within hours after start of mechanical ventilation. In preterm infants treated for RDS with nasal continuous positive airway pressure, no such activation occurs. III) In preterm infants, RDS is associated during the first days of life with fewer circulating helper and cytotoxic T lymphocytes, of which the greater proportions are activated. Even greater proportions of circulating T cells are activated in infants subsequently developing BPD. IV) In preterm infants born after maternal pre-eclampsia, RDS-associated phagocyte CD11b up-regulation is greater than in preterm infants not exposed to pre-eclampsia during the first week of life. These findings suggest that I) an increase in CD11b expression on circulating phagocytes can identify preterm infants with late-onset sepsis as early as at sampling for blood culture and may thus aid in the diagnosis. II) In preterm infants with RDS, initiation of mechanical ventilation, but not the use of nasal continuous positive airway pressure, promotes a systemic inflammatory reaction; exogenous surfactant does not seem to promote inflammation. III) In addition to activation of circulating cells of the innate immunity in preterm infants with RDS, the circulating cells of the adaptive immunity are activated. The activation of adaptive immunity may link acute inflammation and development of chronic inflammation-associated problems such as BPD. IV) Maternal pre-eclampsia may prime neonatal immunity to react more strongly to postnatal stimuli. In conclusion, the preterm infant is exposed to numerous potentially injurious events such as intrauterine inflammation, respiratory distress syndrome (RDS), and systemic infections, all evoking systemic inflammation. Due to ongoing development of the lung and the brain, this may, in addition to acute injury, lead to aberrant lung and brain development and to clinical syndromes of BPD and neurologic sequelae.


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Objective: Aerosol delivery holds potential to release surfactant or perfluorocarbon (PFC) to the lungs of neonates with respiratory distress syndrome with minimal airway manipulation. Nevertheless, lung deposition in neonates tends to be very low due to extremely low lung volumes, narrow airways and high respiratory rates. In the present study, the feasibility of enhancing lung deposition by intracorporeal delivery of aerosols was investigated using a physical model of neonatal conducting airways. Methods: The main characteristics of the surfactant and PFC aerosols produced by a nebulization system, including the distal air pressure and air flow rate, liquid flow rate and mass median aerodynamic diameter (MMAD), were measured at different driving pressures (4-7 bar). Then, a three-dimensional model of the upper conducting airways of a neonate was manufactured by rapid prototyping and a deposition study was conducted. Results: The nebulization system produced relatively large amounts of aerosol ranging between 0.3 +/- 0.0 ml/min for surfactant at a driving pressure of 4 bar, and 2.0 +/- 0.1 ml/min for distilled water (H(2)Od) at 6 bar, with MMADs between 2.61 +/- 0.1 mu m for PFD at 7 bar and 10.18 +/- 0.4 mu m for FC-75 at 6 bar. The deposition study showed that for surfactant and H(2)Od aerosols, the highest percentage of the aerosolized mass (similar to 65%) was collected beyond the third generation of branching in the airway model. The use of this delivery system in combination with continuous positive airway pressure set at 5 cmH(2)O only increased total airway pressure by 1.59 cmH(2)O at the highest driving pressure (7 bar). Conclusion: This aerosol generating system has the potential to deliver relatively large amounts of surfactant and PFC beyond the third generation of branching in a neonatal airway model with minimal alteration of pre-set respiratory support.


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INTRODUCTION: Bronchiolitis is the most common lower respiratory tract infection in infants, occurring in a seasonal pattern, with highest incidence in the winter in temperate climates and in the rainy season in warmer countries. Bronchiolitis is a common reason for attendance at and admission to hospital.

METHODS AND OUTCOMES: We conducted a systematic review and aimed to answer the following clinical questions: What are the effects of prophylactic interventions for bronchiolitis in high-risk children? What are the effects of measures to prevent transmission of bronchiolitis in hospital? What are the effects of treatments for children with bronchiolitis? We searched: Medline, Embase, The Cochrane Library, and other important databases up to July 2010 (Clinical Evidence reviews are updated periodically, please check our website for the most up-to-date version of this review). We included harms alerts from relevant organisations such as the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA).

RESULTS: We found 59 systematic reviews, RCTs, or observational studies that met our inclusion criteria. We performed a GRADE evaluation of the quality of evidence for interventions.

CONCLUSIONS: In this systematic review we present information relating to the effectiveness and safety of the following interventions: antibiotics, bronchodilators (oral, inhaled salbutamol, inhaled adrenaline [epinephrine], hypertonic saline), chest physiotherapy, continuous positive airway pressure, corticosteroids, fluid management, heliox, montelukast, nasal decongestants, nursing interventions (cohort segregation, hand washing, gowns, masks, gloves, and goggles), oxygen, respiratory syncytial virus immunoglobulins, pooled immunoglobulins, or palivizumab (monoclonal antibody), ribavirin, or surfactants.


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The lack of suitable donors for all solid-organ transplant programs is exacerbated in lung transplantation by the low utilization of potential donor lungs, due primarily to donor lung injury and dysfunction, including pulmonary edema. The current studies were designed to determine if intravenous clinical-grade human mesenchymal stem (stromal) cells (hMSCs) would be effective in restoring alveolar fluid clearance (AFC) in the human ex vivo lung perfusion model, using lungs that had been deemed unsuitable for transplantation and had been subjected to prolonged ischemic time. The human lungs were perfused with 5% albumin in a balanced electrolyte solution and oxygenated with continuous positive airway pressure. Baseline AFC was measured in the control lobe and if AFC was impaired (defined as


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RESUMO: A hipertensão arterial (HA) é uma patologia altamente prevalente, embora claramente subdiagnosticada, em doentes com síndrome de apneia obstrutiva do sono (SAOS). Estas duas patologias apresentam uma estreita relação e a monitorização ambulatória da pressão arterial (MAPA), por um período de 24 horas, parece ser o método mais preciso para o diagnóstico de hipertensão em doentes com SAOS. No entanto, esta ferramenta de diagnóstico para além de ser dispendiosa e envolver um número acrescido de meios técnicos e humanos, é mais morosa e, por conseguinte, não é utilizada por rotina no contexto do diagnóstico da SAOS. Por outro lado, apesar da aplicação de pressão positiva contínua nas vias aéreas (CPAP – Continous Positive Airway Pressure) ser considerada a terapêutica de eleição para os doentes com SAOS, o seu efeito no abaixamento da pressão arterial (PA) parece ser modesto, exigindo, por conseguinte, a implementação concomitante de terapêutica anti-hipertensora. Acontece que são escassos os dados relativos aos regimes de fármacos anti-hipertensores utilizados em doentes com SAOS e, acresce ainda que, as guidelines terapêuticas para o tratamento farmacológico da HA, neste grupo particular de doentes, permanecem, até ao momento, inexistentes. A utilização de modelos animais de hipóxia crónica intermitente (CIH), que mimetizam a HA observada em doentes com SAOS, revela-se extremamente importante, uma vez que se torna imperativo identificar fármacos que promovam um controle adequado da PA neste grupo de doentes. No entanto, estudos concebidos com o intuito de investigar o efeito anti-hipertensor dos fármacos neste modelo animal revelam-se insuficientes e, por outro lado, os escassos estudos que testaram fármacos anti-hipertensores neste modelo não foram desenhados para responder a questões de natureza farmacológica. Acresce ainda que se torna imprescindível garantir a escolha de um método para administração destes fármacos que seja não invasivo e que minimize o stress do animal. Embora a gavagem seja uma técnica indiscutivelmente eficaz e amplamente utilizada para a administração diária de fármacos a animais de laboratório, ela compreende uma sequência de procedimentos geradores de stress para os animais e, que podem por conseguinte, constituir um viés na interpretação dos resultados obtidos. O objectivo global da presente investigação translacional foi contribuir para a identificação de fármacos anti-hipertensores mais efectivos para o tratamento da HT nos indivíduos com SAOS e investigar mecanismos subjacentes aos efeitos sistémicos associadas à SAOS bem como a sua modulação por fármacos anti-hipertensores. Os objectivos específicos foram: em primeiro lugar,encontrar novos critérios, baseados nas medidas antropométricas, que permitam a identificação de doentes com suspeita de SAOS, que erroneamente se auto-classifiquem como nãohipertensos, e desta forma promover um uso mais criterioso do MAPA; em segundo lugar, investigar a existência de uma hipotética associação entre os esquemas de fármacos antihipertensores e o controle da PA (antes e após a adaptação de CPAP) em doentes com SAOS em terceiro lugar, avaliar a eficácia do carvedilol (CVD), um fármaco bloqueador β-adrenérgico não selectivo com actividade antagonista α1 intrínseca e propriedades anti-oxidantes num modelo animal de hipertensão induzida pela CIH; em quarto lugar, explorar os efeitos da CIH sobre o perfil farmacocinético do CVD; e, em quinto lugar, investigar um método alternativo à gavagem para a administração crónica de fármacos anti-hipertensores a animais de laboratório. Com este intuito, na primeira fase deste projecto, fizemos uso de uma amostra com um número apreciável de doentes com SAOS (n=369), que acorreram, pela primeira vez, à consulta de Patologia do Sono do CHLN e que foram submetidos a um estudo polissonográfico do sono, à MAPA e que preencheram um questionário que contemplava a obtenção de informação relativa ao perfil da medicação anti-hipertensora em curso. Numa segunda fase, utilizámos um modelo experimental de HT no rato induzida por um paradigma de CIH. Do nosso trabalho resultaram os seguintes resultados principais: em primeiro lugar, o índice de massa corporal (IMC) e o perímetro do pescoço (PP) foram identificados como preditores independentes de “auto-classificação errónea” da HA em doentes com suspeita de SAOS; em segundo lugar, não encontramos qualquer associação com significado estatístico entre os vários esquemas de fármacos anti-hipertensores bem como o número de fármacos incluídos nesse esquemas, e o controle da PA (antes e depois da adaptação do CPAP); em terceiro lugar, apesar das doses de 10, 30 e 50 mg/kg de carvedilol terem promovido uma redução significativa da frequência cardíaca, não foi observado qualquer decréscimo na PA no nosso modelo animal; em quarto lugar, as razões S/(R+S) dos enantiómeros do CVD nos animais expostos à CIH e a condições de normóxia revelaram-se diferentes; e, em quinto lugar, a administração oral voluntária mostrou ser um método eficaz para a administração diária controlada de fármacos anti-hipertensores e que é independente da manipulação e contenção do animal. Em conclusão, os resultados obtidos através do estudo clínico revelaram que o controle da PA, antes e após a adaptação do CPAP, em doentes com SAOS é independente, quer do esquema de fármacos anti-hipertensores, quer do número de fármacos incluídos num determinado esquema. Os nossos resultados salientam ainda a falta de validade da chamada self-reported hypertension e sugerem que em todos os doentes com suspeita de SAOS, com HA não diagnosticada e com um IMC e um PP acima de 27 kg/m2 e 39 cm, respectivamente, a confirmação do diagnóstico de HA deverá ser realizada através da MAPA, ao invés de outros métodos que com maior frequência são utilizados com este propósito. Os resultados obtidos no modelo animal de HA induzida pela CIH sugerem que o bloqueio do sistema nervoso simpático, juntamente com os supostos efeitos pleiotrópicos do CVD, não parece ser a estratégia mais adequada para reverter este tipo particular de hipertensão e indicam que as alterações farmacocinéticas induzidas pela CIH no ratio S/(R+S) não justificam a falta de eficácia anti-hipertensora do CVD observada neste modelo animal. Por último, os resultados do presente trabalho suportam ainda a viabilidade da utilização da administração oral voluntária, em alternativa à gavagem, para a administração crónica de uma dose fixa de fármacos anti-hipertensores.---------------------------- ABSTRACT: Hypertension (HT) is a highly prevalent condition, although under diagnosed, in patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). These conditions are closely related and 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) seems to be the most accurate measurement for diagnosing hypertension in OSA. However, this diagnostic tool is expensive and time-consuming and, therefore, not routinely used. On the other hand, although continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is considered the gold standard treatment for symptomatic OSA, its lowering effect on blood pressure (BP) seems to be modest and, therefore, concomitant antihypertensive therapy is still required. Data on antihypertensive drug regimens in patients with OSA are scarce and specific therapeutic guidelines for the pharmacological treatment of hypertension in these patients remain absent. The use of animal models of CIH, which mimic the HT observed in patients with OSA, is extremely important since it is imperative to identify preferred compounds for an adequate BP control in this group of patients. However, studies aimed at investigating the antihypertensive effect of antihypertensive drugs in this animal model are insufficient, and most reports on CIH animal models in which drugs have been tested were not designed to respond to pharmacological issues. Moreover, when testing antihypertensive drugs (AHDs) it becomes crucial to ensure the selection of a non-invasive and stress-free method for drug delivery. Although gavage is effective and a widely performed technique for daily dosing in laboratory rodents, it comprises a sequence of potentially stressful procedures for laboratory animals that may constitute bias for the experimental results. The overall goal of the present translational research was to contribute to identify more effective AHDs for the treatment of hypertension in patients with OSA and investigate underlying mechanisms of systemic effects associated with OSA, as well as its modulation by AHDs. The specific aims were: first, to find new predictors based on anthropometric measures to identify patients that misclassify themselves as non-hypertensive, and thereby promote the selective use of ABPM; second, to investigate a hypothetical association between ongoing antihypertensive regimens and BP control rates in patients with OSA, before and after CPAP adaptation; third, to determine, in a rat model of CIH-induced hypertension, the efficacy of carvedilol (CVD), a nonselective beta-blocker with intrinsic anti-α1-adrenergic activity and antioxidant properties; fourth, to explore the effects of CIH on the pharmacokinetics profile of CVD and fifth, to investigate an alternative method to gavage, for chronic administration of AHDs to laboratory rats. For that, in the first phase of this project, we used a sizeable sample of patients with OSA (n=369), that attended a first visit at Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Norte, EPE Sleep Unit, and underwent overnight polysomnography, 24-h ABPM and filled a questionnaire that included ongoing antihypertensive medication profile registration. In the second phase, a rat experimental model of HT induced by a paradigm of CIH that simulates OSA was used. The main findings of this work were: first, body mass index (BMI) and neck circumference (NC) were identified as independent predictors of hypertension misclassification in patients suspected of OSA; second, in patients with OSA, BP control is independent of both the antihypertensive regimen and the number of antihypertensive drugs, either before or after CPAP adaptation; third, although the doses of 10, 30 and 50 mg/Kg of CVD promoted a significant reduction in heart rate, no decrease in mean arterial pressure was observed; fourth, the S/(R+S) ratios of CVD enantiomers, between rats exposed to CIH and normoxic conditions, were different and fifth, voluntary ingestion proved to be an effective method for a controlled daily dose administration, with a define timetable, that is independent of handling and restraint procedures. In conclusion, the clinical study showed that BP control in OSA patients is independent of both the antihypertensive regimen and the number of antihypertensive drugs. Additionally, our results highlight the lack of validity of self-reported hypertension and suggest that all patients suspected of OSA with undiagnosed hypertension and with a BMI and NC above 27 Kg/m2 and 39 cm should be screened for hypertension, through ABPM. The results attained in the rat model of HT related to CIH suggest that the blockade of the sympathetic nervous system together with the putative pleiotropic effects of carvedilol is not able to revert hypertension induced by CIH and point out that the pharmacokinetic changes induced by CIH on S/(R+S) ratio are not apparently responsible for the lack of efficacy of carvedilol in reversing this particular type of hypertension. Finally, the results here presented support the use of voluntary oral administration as a viable alternative to gavage for chronic administration of a fixed dose of AHDs.


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Neurally adjusted ventilatory assist (NAVA) is a ventilation assist mode that delivers pressure in proportionality to electrical activity of the diaphragm (Eadi). Compared to pressure support ventilation (PS), it improves patient-ventilator synchrony and should allow a better expression of patient's intrinsic respiratory variability. We hypothesize that NAVA provides better matching in ventilator tidal volume (Vt) to patients inspiratory demand. 22 patients with acute respiratory failure, ventilated with PS were included in the study. A comparative study was carried out between PS and NAVA, with NAVA gain ensuring the same peak airway pressure as PS. Robust coefficients of variation (CVR) for Eadi and Vt were compared for each mode. The integral of Eadi (ʃEadi) was used to represent patient's inspiratory demand. To evaluate tidal volume and patient's demand matching, Range90 = 5-95 % range of the Vt/ʃEadi ratio was calculated, to normalize and compare differences in demand within and between patients and modes. In this study, peak Eadi and ʃEadi are correlated with median correlation of coefficients, R > 0.95. Median ʃEadi, Vt, neural inspiratory time (Ti_ ( Neural )), inspiratory time (Ti) and peak inspiratory pressure (PIP) were similar in PS and NAVA. However, it was found that individual patients have higher or smaller ʃEadi, Vt, Ti_ ( Neural ), Ti and PIP. CVR analysis showed greater Vt variability for NAVA (p < 0.005). Range90 was lower for NAVA than PS for 21 of 22 patients. NAVA provided better matching of Vt to ʃEadi for 21 of 22 patients, and provided greater variability Vt. These results were achieved regardless of differences in ventilatory demand (Eadi) between patients and modes.


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A low arousal threshold is believed to predispose to breathing instability during sleep. The present authors hypothesised that trazodone, a nonmyorelaxant sleep-promoting agent, would increase the effort-related arousal threshold in obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) patients. In total, nine OSA patients, mean+/-sd age 49+/-9 yrs, apnoea/hypopnoea index 52+/-32 events.h(-1), were studied on 2 nights, one with trazodone at 100 mg and one with a placebo, in a double blind randomised fashion. While receiving continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), repeated arousals were induced: 1) by increasing inspired CO(2) and 2) by stepwise decreases in CPAP level. Respiratory effort was measured with an oesophageal balloon. End-tidal CO(2 )tension (P(ET,CO(2))) was monitored with a nasal catheter. During trazodone nights, compared with placebo nights, the arousals occurred at a higher P(ET,CO(2)) level (mean+/-sd 7.30+/-0.57 versus 6.62+/-0.64 kPa (54.9+/-4.3 versus 49.8+/-4.8 mmHg), respectively). When arousals were triggered by increasing inspired CO(2) level, the maximal oesophageal pressure swing was greater (19.4+/-4.0 versus 13.1+/-4.9 cm H(2)O) and the oesophageal pressure nadir before the arousals was lower (-5.1+/-4.7 versus -0.38+/-4.2 cm H(2)O) with trazodone. When arousals were induced by stepwise CPAP drops, the maximal oesophageal pressure swings before the arousals did not differ. Trazodone at 100 mg increased the effort-related arousal threshold in response to hypercapnia in obstructive sleep apnoea patients and allowed them to tolerate higher CO(2) levels.


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PRINCIPLES: Respiratory care is universally recognised as useful, but its indications and practice vary markedly. In order to improve the appropriateness of respiratory care in our hospital, we developed evidence-based local guidelines in a collaborative effort involving physiotherapists, physicians and health service researchers. METHODS: Recommendations were developed using the standardised RAND appropriateness method. A literature search was conducted based on terms associated with guidelines and with respiratory care. A working group prepared proposals for recommendations which were then independently rated by a multidisciplinary expert panel. All recommendations were then discussed in common and indications for procedures were rated confidentially a second time by the experts. The recommendations were then formulated on the basis of the level of evidence in the literature and on the consensus among these experts. RESULTS: Recommendations were formulated for the following procedures: non-invasive ventilation, continuous positive airway pressure, intermittent positive pressure breathing, intrapulmonary percussive ventilation, mechanical insufflation-exsufflation, incentive spirometry, positive expiratory pressure, nasotracheal suctioning and non-instrumental airway clearance techniques. Each recommendation referred to a particular medical condition and was assigned to a hierarchical category based on the quality of the evidence from the literature supporting the recommendation and on the consensus among the experts. CONCLUSION: Despite a marked heterogeneity of scientific evidence, the method used allowed us to develop commonly agreed local guidelines for respiratory care. In addition, this work fostered a closer relationship between physiotherapists and physicians in our institution.


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Rationnelle. La ventilation mécanique invasive (VI) s’accompagne lorsqu’elle se prolonge, d’une augmentation de la morbimortalité. Jusqu’à 64% des enfants hospitalisés aux soins intensifs sont ventilés et peu de données épidémiologiques existent afin d’estimer précocement la durée du support ventilatoire. Objectifs. Déterminer l’incidence et les facteurs de risque précoces de ventilation mécanique invasive prolongée aux soins intensifs pédiatriques. Méthode. Nous avons conduit une étude descriptive rétroélective sur un an. Tous les épisodes de VI aux soins intensifs du Centre hospitalier universitaire Sainte Justine de Montréal ont été inclus. Les facteurs de risque de VI prolongée (≥ 96 heures) ont été déterminés par régression logistique. Résultats. Parmi les 360 épisodes de VI, 36% ont duré ≥ 96 heures. Les facteurs de risques de ventilation prolongée en analyse multivariée sont : âge <12 mois, score de PRISM ≥ 15 à l’admission, pression moyenne dans les voies aériennes ≥13 cm H2O au jour 1 de ventilation, utilisation de la sédation intraveineuse continue au jour 1 de ventilation et ventilation non invasive avant intubation. Conclusion. La VI prolongée survient chez environ un tiers des patients ventilés. Les patients de moins de 12 mois semblent être plus à risque que les enfants plus âgés et devraient bénéficier de stratégies différentes pour diminuer leur durée de ventilation mécanique. La sévérité de la maladie, l’agressivité du support ventilatoire, l’utilisation d’une sédation continue au premier jour de ventilation sont également des facteurs à considérer dans les études visant à diminuer la durée de support ventilatoire.


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Le traitement de première ligne de l’apnée obstructive du sommeil est l’appareil à pression positive, soit le CPAP, qui est le plus souvent utilisé avec un masque nasal. Certains patients, incapables de tolérer le masque nasal, doivent se tourner vers le masque facial, qui peut parfois requérir une pression supérieure à celle utilisée avec le masque nasal pour éliminer tous les événements respiratoires. Nous supposons que l’ajustement serré du masque facial, dans le but de réduire les fuites, entraîne une pression de recul sur la mandibule; ceci diminuerait le calibre des voies aériennes supérieures, nécessitant donc une pression effective thérapeutique supérieure pour rétablir un passage de l’air. Nos objectifs étaient : 1) de démontrer s’il y avait une différence de pression effective entre le masque nasal et le masque facial, 2) de quantifier la fuite entre les deux masques, 3) d’évaluer l’effet d’une orthèse de rétention mandibulaire neutre (OMN), qui empêche le recul mandibulaire, sur la pression effective des deux masques et 4) d’évaluer s’il existait un lien entre la céphalométrie et les réponses variables des individus. Méthodologie : Lors de cette étude expérimentale croisée, huit sujets (2 femmes, 6 hommes) avec une moyenne d’âge de 56,3ans [33ans-65ans] ont reçu un examen orthodontique complet incluant une radiographie céphalométrique latérale. Ils ont ensuite passé deux nuits de polysomnographie au laboratoire du sommeil en protocole « split-night » où les deux masques ont été portés, seuls, la première nuit, et avec l’OMN, la deuxième nuit. Résultats : Nous avons trouvé que la pression effective thérapeutique était supérieure avec le masque facial comparativement au masque nasal de manière statistiquement significative. Nous avons observé une fuite supérieure avec le masque nasal, ce qui permet de dire que la fuite n’explique probablement pas cette différence de pression entre les deux masques. L’OMN n’a pas donné d’effet statistiquement significatif lorsque combinée au masque nasal, mais il aurait probablement été possible de trouver un effet positif avec le masque facial si le Bi-PAP avait été inclus dans le protocole de recherche. Conclusion : Nos résultats ne permettent pas de confirmer le rôle du recul mandibulaire, causé par la force exercée avec le masque facial, dans l’obtention de pressions supérieures avec ce masque, mais nous ne pouvons toutefois pas éliminer l’hypothèse. Les résultats suggèrent également que ce phénomène est peut-être plus fréquent qu’on ne le croit et qu’il pourrait y avoir un lien avec certains facteurs anatomiques individuels.


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Objetivo: Caracterizar a los pacientes que recibieron ventilación mecánica en las unidades de cuidado intensivo (UCI) de la Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá entre los años 2009 y 2013. Metodología: Se analizó una cohorte retrospectiva de los pacientes en UCI que requirieron soporte ventilatorio mecánico al ingreso a la unidad independientemente de la causa. Resultados: La media de edad de los pacientes fue 63,83 años; el diagnóstico más frecuente de ingreso fue revascularización miocárdica, seguido por neumonía y recambio valvular aórtico; en el 43% de los casos la causa de la falla fue el estado postoperatorio. Los modos ventilatorios más frecuentemente utilizados fueron SIMV (27,5%) y ventilación asistida controlada (26,12%). El 50% de los pacientes fueron ventilados con PEEP < 6 cmH2O. La mortalidad bruta fue del 15%. 22% de los pacientes tuvieron estancia prolongada en UCI. Se aplicó protocolo de retiro de ventilación mecánica en el 77% de los pacientes. La duración de la ventilación mecánica es mayor a medida que aumenta la edad del paciente entre los 60 y los 80 años. La mortalidad es cercana al 50% alrededor de los 50 años y mayor a 80% después de los 80 años. El soporte ventilatorio por cinco o más días aumentó la mortalidad a 80% o más. Discusión y Conclusiones: Estos resultados son comparables a los encontrados en estudios previos. Este estudio puede ser considerado como el primer paso para generar un registro adecuado de la ventilación de la mecánica de las unidades de cuidado intensivo del país.


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Introducción: Se conocen los beneficios del uso de los tubos endotraqueales con neumotaponador, aunque dicha práctica tiene un impacto sobre el trabajo respiratorio durante el acto anestésico sin embargo se propone estudiar las consecuencias físicas de la variación en la longitud de los tubos para compensar dicha perdida de flujo, con base en la ley de Hagen-Poiseuille. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio experimental in vitro, en el cual se realizaron mediciones repetidas de flujo, variando la longitud y diámetro de diferentes tubos endotraqueales pediátricos (desde calibre 3.5mm hasta 6.5mm), con longitudes de 20cm, 15 cm, 10 cm y manteniendo su longitud original. Se analizaron los datos con el fin de medir el impacto sobre el flujo. Resultados: A pesar que los resultados muestran diferencias estadísticamente significativas (p0,000), la variación en la longitud de los tubos endotraqueales pediátricos tiene mucho menor impacto sobre la variación en el flujo, que la modificación del diámetro. Discusión: Si bien la práctica de acortar la longitud de un tubo endotraqueal pediátrico puede ayudar a reducir el espacio muerto y la retención de CO2, el impacto que tiene sobre el flujo es poco. Cuando se trata de disminuir el trabajo respiratorio de un niño en ventilación espontánea durante el acto anestésico, se debe escoger de forma apropiada el calibre de tubo correspondiente para la edad.


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El objetivo de esta investigación es describir la calidad de vida y la calidad del sueño en los pacientes con diagnóstico de Síndrome de Apnea Hipoapnea del sueño, mediante el uso de un grupo de cuestionarios para obtener datos demográficos, la evaluación del grado de somnolencia diurna percibida, la percepción de la calidad del sueño y la percepción de la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud con encuestas en sus respectivas versiones validadas para Colombia.


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Introdução: O uso da pressão expiratória positiva na via aérea (EPAP) não é sugerido como técnica de desmame. O EPAP pode previnir o colapso das vias aéreas durante a expiração. Objetivo: O objetivo deste trabalho é verificar se a utilização da pressão expiratória positiva na via aérea (EPAP) apresenta benefícios na redução da hiperinsuflação dinâmica com redução do trabalho respiratório e melhora da oxigenação em pacientes submetidos ao processo de desmame da ventilação mecânica. Material e Métodos: Quarenta pacientes submetidos à ventilação mecânica por um período maior que 48 horas em 2 unidades de terapia intensiva foram avaliados prospectivamente em um estudo randomizado controlado cruzado. Todos os pacientes foram submetidos métodos de ventilação de pressão de suporte (PSV), tubo-t e EPAP, durante 30 minutos, com um período de descanso de 30 minutos entre cada método. Os pacientes foram monitorizados pelo VenTrack (Novametrix, EUA). As variáveis estudadas, mensuradas no minuto 1, 15 e 30, foram: PEEP intínseca (PEEPi), trabalho respiratório (WOBtotal), frequência respiratória (f), volume de ar corrente (Vt) e saturação periférica de oxigênio (SaO2). A amostra geral foi analisada e dividida em subgrupos DPOC (n= 14) e não-DPOC (n=26), traqueostomizados (n=15) e não-traqueostomizados (n=25). As comparações foram feitas pela Análise de Variância (ANOVA) e teste-t. O nível de significância foi de 95%. Resultados: PEEPi DPOC e não-DPOC minuto 1 (0,014 + 0,03 versus 0,17 + 0,38 cmH2O) e minuto 15 (0,042 + 0,13 versus 0,41 + 0,78 cmH2O) (p<0,05). No subgrupo não-traqueo, nos métodos de PSV15 (0,26 + 0,5 cm H2O) e EPAP15 (0,02 + 0,07 cm H2O), assim como PSV 30 (0,21 + 0,4 cm H2O) e EPAP 30 (0,02 + 0,1 cm H2O) (p<0,05). Para traqueo vs não-traqueo, no método EPAP minuto 1 (PEEPi traqueo 0,58 + 0,94 cm H2O; PEEPi não-traqueo 0,08 + 0,28 cmH2O) e minuto 15 (PEEPi traqueo 0,91 + 2,06 cm H2O; PEEPi não-traqueo 0,02 + 0,07 cmH2O) (p<0,05). Em relação ao WOBtotal houve um aumento significativo no método EPAP em relação ao tubo-t na análise geral da amostra (p<0,05). A f mostrou-se maior no método EPAP para o subgrupo não-DPOC e não-traqueo (minutos 1, 15 e 30). A SaO2 foi maior no subgrupo PSV quando comparada com tubo-t na análise geral da amostra, (p<0,05) Conclusões: A EPAP não demonstrou redução na PEEPi na análise geral da amostra, subgrupo DPOC, não-DPOC e traqueostomizados. Houve redução na PEEPi no grupo não-traqueostomizados. Houve aumento do WOBtotal com o uso da EPAP. Neste estudo a EPAP não demonstrou vantagens em relação aos outros métodos.


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OBJETIVOS: Determinar a frequência de retinopatia da prematuridade no Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto (HCFMRP-USP) e verificar a associação da retinopatia da prematuridade com fatores de risco conhecidos. MÉTODOS: Foi realizada análise prospectiva de 70 pacientes, nascidos no HCFMRP-USP, com peso inferior a 1.500 gramas, no período de um ano. Os pacientes foram divididos em dois grupos (Retinopatia da prematuridade e Normal) para realização de análise estatística com relação a fatores de risco conhecidos. Adotou-se nível de significância de 5%. RESULTADOS: A frequência de retinopatia da prematuridade foi de 35,71% entre os pré-termos estudados. Os fatores pesquisados que apresentaram relação de risco para o desenvolvimento da doença foram: peso (p=0,001), idade gestacional (p=0,001), escore SNAPPE II (p=0,008), uso de oxigenoterapia por intubação (p=0,019) e por pressão positiva de vias aéreas (p=0,0017), múltiplas transfusões sanguíneas (p=0,01) e uso de diuréticos (p=0,01). CONCLUSÃO: A frequência de retinopatia da prematuridade foi de 35,71% entre os prétermos nascidos com menos de 1.500 g. Vários fatores de risco foram identificados nos recém-nascidos do HCFMRP-USP, sendo constatado que crianças mais pré-termos apresentam formas mais graves de retinopatia da prematuridade.