983 resultados para pelvis radiography


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Laser driven proton beams have been used to diagnose transient fields and density perturbations in laser produced plasmas. Grid deflectometry techniques have been applied to proton radiography to obtain precise measurements of proton beam angles caused by electromagnetic fields in laser produced plasmas. Application of proton radiography to laser driven implosions has demonstrated that density conditions in compressed media can be diagnosed with million electron volt protons. This data has shown that proton radiography can provide unique insight into transient electromagnetic fields in super critical density plasmas and provide a density perturbation diagnostics in compressed matter.


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All patients having undergone a coronarography during 1984 have been surveyed in Switzerland. This retrospective study has used existing data in the 13 centers practicing this diagnostic procedure. 4921 coronarographies were carried out in 1984, amongst 4359 patients. In terms of population-based rates, the national figures are 77 procedures/100,000 residents, and 68 patients/100,000 residents. Female rates are one fourth of the male rates (27/100,000 versus 112/100,000). For both sexes, the highest utilization rates are for the age groups 60-64. Swiss figures are relatively low when compared with other developed countries. However, patterns of utilization are very different within the country: according to the Canton of residence of the patient, the utilization rates (standardized for age and sex) vary from 8/100,000 to 160/100,000. There is a distinct gradient from south-west to north-east, which closely corresponds to the distribution of centers practicing the procedure. More intriguing is the fact that cardiovascular mortality shows an inverse geographical gradient, with the highest mortality in Cantons having the lowest rate of coronarography. Various reasons for the observed variations are discussed, in relation with differences in supply of diagnostic and therapeutic equipments, but also in relation with various patterns of demand related to differential morbidity rates and/or differential patterns of clinical decision.


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Transitional-cell carcinoma of the renal pelvis or ureter is a relatively rare disease. Several risk factors are smoking, occupational carcinogens, analgesic abuse or Balkan nephropathy. The grade and stage of the disease have the most significant impact on the outcome. The treatment of renal pelvis and ureter tumours is open or laparoscopic surgery varying from conservative to more extensive surgical procedures, i.e. radical nephroureterectomy including removal of the contents of Gerota's fascia with ipsilateral ureter and a cuff of bladder at its distal extent. Most available data are from retrospective studies and surgery is the mainstay of treatment. Chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy are possible adjuvant or primary treatment for selected patients; however, prospective studies are needed to confirm their use.


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La scoliose idiopathique de l’adolescence (SIA) est une déformation tridimensionnelle de la colonne vertébrale et de la cage thoracique dont la cause est inconnue. Il semble que la ceinture pelvienne soit impliquée dans la pathogénie de la SIA, car des différences géométriques des os coxaux ont été observées. Notamment, une rotation du bassin ou une inclinaison latérale dans le sens de la courbe scoliotique ont été mises en évidence en plus des distorsions osseuses. Il est difficile de dissocier la rotation du bassin de son asymétrie, car la majorité des études porte sur des données radiologiques bidimensionnelles. Une analyse tridimensionnelle de la morphologie du bassin de patientes ayant une SIA, mais n’ayant pas reçu de traitement par corset ou chirurgie permettrait d’identifier le rôle du bassin dans la progression de la scoliose. Dix-sept jeunes filles atteintes de la SIA ont participé à cette étude pour lesquelles des radiographies bi-planaires en station debout étaient disponibles au moment du diagnostic par un chirurgien orthopédiste pédiatrique et à l’instant de la prescription d'un corset. Des radiographies postéro-antérieures et latérales avaient été prises au moyen du système EOS®. Douze repères anatomiques du bassin ont été identifiés sur les paires de radiographies, alors que quatre repères ont été identifiés sur la radiographie postéro-antérieure uniquement. Ces quatre derniers n’étaient pas identifiables sur la radiographie latérale à cause de la superposition des repères droits et gauches. La reconstruction tridimensionnelle du bassin a été réalisée à partir de deux clichés radiographiques des 12 premiers repères osseux. Au total, neuf paramètres tridimensionnels ont été calculés afin de quantifier l’asymétrie et la distorsion du bassin entre les deux temps donnés. Des paramètres bidimensionnels ont également été mesurés sur les quatre derniers repères osseux afin de documenter des déformations du bassin pertinentes à la pratique clinique, telle que la rotation axiale de celui-ci. Dans le but d'évaluer une possible asymétrie entre les os coxaux du bassin, les paramètres tridimensionnels du bassin gauche ont été comparés à ceux du côté droit à chaque temps, au moyen d'un test-t pour échantillon apparié. La morphologie pelvienne a été également évaluée par l'analyse multivariée (MANOVA) à mesures répétées à deux conditions (côté*temps). En conséquence, nous avons constaté une croissance osseuse statistiquement significative du bassin dans l’intervalle de temps entre le diagnostic de la scoliose et le port du corset (p=0,033). Une asymétrie significative entre les côtés gauche et droit du bassin (p=0,013) a également été constatée. En ce qui concerne les paramètres bidimensionnels, nous avons constaté une augmentation de la version pelvienne (p=0,024) au cours de la croissance des jeunes filles. Finalement, le bassin n'a pas présenté de distorsion, puisqu'une valeur de p de 0,763 a été observée. En conclusion, la croissance des jeunes filles atteintes de la scoliose idiopathique de l'adolescence est accompagnée d'une asymétrie morphologique entre les deux os coxaux du bassin. Cette asymétrie constatée au moment du diagnostic de la scoliose des filles a évolué jusqu'à l’instant où le port du corset a été prescrit. Quant aux paramètres bidimensionnels, nous pouvons conclure que la rotation du bassin vers l'arrière a augmenté au cours de la croissance des jeunes filles, produisant ainsi une rétroversion pelvienne dans le plan sagittal. La distorsion tridimensionnelle du bassin n'a toutefois pas été observée au cours de la croissance des jeunes filles.


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Introducción. Las imágenes obtenidas mediante rayos X, determinan una conducta clínica en ortopedia y son analizadas por parte del cirujano en el momento previo a realizar un acto quirúrgico. El planeamiento pre quirúrgico basado en radiografías de cadera, permite predecir el tamaño de los componentes protésicos a utilizar en un reemplazo de cadera. Con el advenimiento de las radiografías digitales, existe la falsa percepción de que estas tienen corregido el factor de magnificación. La corrección de dicho factor requiere un protocolo de calibración de imágenes, aún no implementado en la Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá (FSFB). Como consecuencia, las radiografías de cadera actualmente resultan magnificadas. Materiales y métodos. Fueron seleccionados 73 pacientes con reemplazo articular total de la cadera intervenidos en la FSFB. Para cada paciente, se estableció la dimensión de la cabeza protésica en la radiografía de cadera obtenida mediante el sistema de radiología digital (PACS-IMPAX) y su tamaño fue comparado con el de la cabeza femoral implantada. Resultados. La concordancia entre los dos observadores al medir la dimensión radiológica de los componentes protésicos fue excelente y el coeficiente de magnificación promedio de 1.2 (20%). Este será introducido al PACS-IMPAX para ajustar el tamaño definitivo de la radiografía. Conclusión. El ajuste del PACS-IMPAX permite obtener radiografías en las cuales se refleja con mayor precisión el tamaño de los segmentos anatómicos y de los componentes protésicos.


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Introducción: Conocer y diagnosticar las variaciones más frecuentes de la vasculatura renal es de gran importancia para la planificación de la nefrectomía laparoscópica en el donante y para la reconstrucción vascular en el trasplante renal. De igual forma, considerar las variaciones vasculares −especialmente las del sistema venoso− es indispensable en reconstrucción vascular debido a la gran proporción de variaciones venosas asociadas a aneurismas de la aorta abdominal; además, es ideal en el estudio de condiciones clínicas tales como el síndrome de congestión pélvica y la hematuria. Metodología: Se trata de una revisión de la bibliografía sobre la proporción, diagnóstico, procedimientos quirúrgicos y síndromes clínicos asociados a las variaciones de la vasculatura renal, basada en el material encontrado con la siguiente estrategia de búsqueda: “Renal Artery/abnormalities”[Mesh] OR Renal Veins/abnormalities”[Mesh] AND “surgery”[Mesh] OR “transplantation”[Mesh] OR “radiography”[Mesh] “Kidney Pelvis/abnormalities”[Mesh] AND “Kidney Pelvis/blood supply”[Mesh]. Esta estrategia se modificó de acuerdo con las bases de datos: MEDLINE/PubMed, MEDLINE OVID, SCIENCEDIRECT, HINARI y LILACS. Desarrollo: Se revisó el origen y los tipos más frecuentes de variaciones de la vasculatura renal. Se investigó sobre las implicaciones quirúrgicas y los síndromes clínicos asociados.


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Introduction: The aim of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of two imaging methods in diagnosing apical periodontitis (AP) using histopathological findings as a gold standard. Methods: The periapex of 83 treated or untreated roots of dogs` teeth was examined using periapical radiography (PR), cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans, and histology. Sensitivity, specificity, predictive values, and accuracy of PR and CBCT diagnosis were calculated. Results: PR detected AP in 71% of roots, a CBCT scan detected AP in 84%, and AP was histologically diagnosed in 93% (p = 0.001). Overall, sensitivity was 0.77 and 0.91 for PR and CBCT, respectively. Specificity was 1 for both. Negative predictive value was 0.25 and 0.46 for PR and CBCT, respectively. Positive predictive value was 1 for both. Diagnostic accuracy (true positives + true negatives) was 0.78 and 0.92 for PR and CBCT (p = 0.028), respectively. Conclusion: A CBCT scan was more sensitive in detecting AP compared with PR, which was more likely to miss AP when it was still present. (J Endod 2009;35:1009-1012)


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The purpose of this study was to compare the favorable outcome of root canal treatment determined by periapical radiographs (PRs) and cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans. Ninety-six roots of dogs` teeth were used to form four groups (n = 24). In group 1, root canal treatments were performed in healthy teeth. Root canals in groups 2 through 4 were infected until apical periodontitis (AP) was radiographically confirmed. Roots with AP were treated by one-visit therapy in group 2, by two-visit therapy in group 3, and left untreated in group 4. The radiolucent area in the PRs and the volume of CBCT-scanned periapical lesions were measured before and 6 months after the treatment. In groups 1, 2, and 3, a favorable outcome (lesions absent or reduced) was shown in 57 (79%) roots using PRs but only in 25 (35%) roots using CBCT scans (p = 0.0001). Unfavorable outcomes occurred more frequently after one-visit therapy than two-visit therapy when determined by CBCT scans (p = 0.023). (J Endod 2009; 35:723-726)


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Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the genotoxic effects of X-rays on epithelial gingival cells during panoramic dental radiography using a differentiated protocol for the micronucleus test. Methods: 40 healthy individuals who underwent this procedure for diagnostic purposes on request from their dentists agreed to participate in this study. All of them answered a questionnaire before the examination. Epithelial gingival cells were obtained from the keratinized mucosa of the upper dental arcade by gentle scraping with a cervical brush immediately before exposure and 10 days later. Cytological preparations were stained according to the Feulgen-Rossenbeck reaction, counterstained with fast green 1% for 1 min and analysed under a light microscope. Micronuclei, nuclear projections (broken eggs) and degenerative nuclear alterations (pyknosis, karyolysis, karyorrhexis and condensed chromatin) were scored. Results: The frequency of micronuclei was significantly higher after exposure (P < 0.05), as were frequencies of nuclear alterations indicate of apoptosis (P < 0.001). Conclusions: These results indicate that X-ray radiation emitted during panoramic dental radiography induces a genotoxic effect on epithelial gingival cells that increases the frequency of chromosomal damage and nuclear alterations indicative of apoptosis.


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Digital radiography in the inspection of welded pipes to be installed under deep water offshore gas and oil pipelines, like a presalt in Brazil, in the paper has been investigated. The aim is to use digital radiography for nondestructive testing of welds as it is already in use in the medical, aerospace, security, automotive, and petrochemical sectors. Among the current options, the DDA (Digital Detector Array) is considered as one of the best solutions to replace industrial films, as well as to increase the sensitivity to reduce the inspection cycle time. This paper shows the results of this new technique, comparing it to radiography with industrial films systems. In this paper, 20 test specimens of longitudinal welded pipe joints, specially prepared with artificial defects like cracks, lack of fusion, lack of penetration, and porosities and slag inclusions with varying dimensions and in 06 different base metal wall thicknesses, were tested and a comparison of the techniques was made. These experiments verified the purposed rules for parameter definitions and selections to control the required digital radiographic image quality as described in the draft international standard ISO/DIS 10893-7. This draft is first standard establishing the parameters for digital radiography on weld seam of welded steel pipes for pressure purposes to be used on gas and oil pipelines.


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A 6-year-old male, Belgian shepherd dog was presented with lethargy, oliguria, hematuria, and reluctance to move. The dog developed hypertrophic osteopathy secondary to renal pelvis transitional cell carcinoma. A nephrectomy was performed and after a year, the dog was completely asymptomatic, and no evidence of metastatic disease was present.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Background: Accurate early diagnosis of lung metastases is important for establishing therapeutic measures. Therefore, the present study aimed to compare survey thoracic radiographs and computerized tomography (CT) scans to specifically identify lung metastases in female dogs with mammary tumors.Methods: Twenty-one female dogs, weighing 3 to 34 kg and aged from 5 years to 14 years and 10 months, with mammary tumors were studied. In all dogs before the imaging examinations, fine-needle aspiration cytology of the mammary tumors was performed to confirm the diagnosis. Three-view thoracic radiographs were accomplished: right lateral, left lateral and ventrodorsal views. Sequential transverse images of the thorax were acquired on a spiral Scanner, before and after intravenous bolus injection of nonionic iodine contrast. Soft-tissue and lung windows were applied. All the mammary tumors were surgically removed and examined histologically.Results: The correlation between the cytological and histological results regarding presence of malignancy was observed in only 17 cases. In radiographic examinations, no dog displayed signs of lung metastases or thorax chest lesions. CT detected lung metastasis in two cases, while small areas of lung atelectasis located peripherally were found in 28.57% of the dogs.Conclusion: In this study population, spiral CT showed higher sensitivity than chest radiographies to detect lung metastasis; this indicates that CT should be performed on all female dogs with malignant mammary tumors.