973 resultados para pairwise movement patterns


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Disorganized behavior is a key symptom of schizophrenia. The objective assessment of disorganized behavior is particularly challenging. Actigraphy has enabled the objective assessment of motor behavior in various settings. Reduced motor activity was associated with negative syndrome scores, but simple motor activity analyses were not informative on other symptom dimensions. The analysis of movement patterns, however, could be more informative for assessing schizophrenia symptom dimensions. Here, we use time series analyses on actigraphic data of 100 schizophrenia spectrum disorder patients. Actigraphy recording intervals were set at 2 s. Data from 2 defined 60-min periods were analyzed, and partial autocorrelations of the actigraphy time series indicated predictability of movements in each individual. Increased positive syndrome scores were associated with reduced predictability of movements but not with the overall amount of movement. Negative syndrome scores were associated with low activity levels but unrelated with predictability of movement. The factors disorganization and excitement were related to movement predictability but emotional distress was not. Thus, the predictability of objectively assessed motor behavior may be a marker of positive symptoms and disorganized behavior. This behavior could become relevant for translational research.


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Background: Motor symptoms are frequent phenomena across the entire course of schizophrenia1. Some have argued that disorganized behavior was associated with aberrant motor behavior. We have studied the association of motor disturbances and disorganization in two projects focusing on the timing of movements. Method: In two studies, we assessed motor behavior and psychopathology. The first study applied a validated test of upper limb apraxia in 30 schizophrenia patients2,3. We used standardized video assessments of hand gestures by a blinded rater. The second study tested the stability of movement patterns using time series analysis in actigraphy data of 100 schizophrenia patients4. Both stability of movement patterns and the overall amount of movement were calculated from data of two hours with high degrees of social interaction comparable across the 100 subjects. Results: In total, 67% of the patients had gesture performance deficits3. Most frequently, they made spatial, temporal and body-part-as-object errors. Gesture performance relied on frontal lobe function2. Poor gesture performance was associated with increased disorganization scores. In the second study, we found disorganization to be predicted only by more irregular movement patterns irrespective of the overall amount of movement4. Conclusion : Both studies provide evidence for a link between aberrant timing of motor behavior and disorganization. Disturbed movement control seems critical for disorganized behavior in schizophrenia.


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My thesis examines fine-scale habitat use and movement patterns of age 1 Greenland cod (Gadus macrocephalus ogac) tracked using acoustic telemetry. Recent advances in tracking technologies such as GPS and acoustic telemetry have led to increasingly large and detailed datasets that present new opportunities for researchers to address fine-scale ecological questions regarding animal movement and spatial distribution. There is a growing demand for home range models that will not only work with massive quantities of autocorrelated data, but that can also exploit the added detail inherent in these high-resolution datasets. Most published home range studies use radio-telemetry or satellite data from terrestrial mammals or avian species, and most studies that evaluate the relative performance of home range models use simulated data. In Chapter 2, I used actual field-collected data from age-1 Greenland cod tracked with acoustic telemetry to evaluate the accuracy and precision of six home range models: minimum convex polygons, kernel densities with plug-in bandwidth selection and the reference bandwidth, adaptive local convex hulls, Brownian bridges, and dynamic Brownian bridges. I then applied the most appropriate model to two years (2010-2012) of tracking data collected from 82 tagged Greenland cod tracked in Newman Sound, Newfoundland, Canada, to determine diel and seasonal differences in habitat use and movement patterns (Chapter 3). Little is known of juvenile cod ecology, so resolving these relationships will provide valuable insight into activity patterns, habitat use, and predator-prey dynamics, while filling a knowledge gap regarding the use of space by age 1 Greenland cod in a coastal nursery habitat. By doing so, my thesis demonstrates an appropriate technique for modelling the spatial use of fish from acoustic telemetry data that can be applied to high-resolution, high-frequency tracking datasets collected from mobile organisms in any environment.


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[EN]The Revillegigedo Archipelago Biosphere Reserve is home to several shark species that spend at least part of their life history associated with oceanic islands associated with hotspots of pelagic biodiversity and in particular with apex predators. Silvertip sharks (Carcharhinus albimarginatus) are is commonly found in all the islands of the archipelago. However, very little is known about the spatial and temporal scales of their habitat use and associated ecological role. In this study, we employed passive acoustic telemetry to investigate the residency patterns and migration dynamics of 35 silvertip sharks tagged in three islands of the archipelago (San Benedicto, Socorro and Roca Partida) and monitored for a period of between 7 and 1165 (mean ± SD: 553.7± 354.2) days.


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Background: Athletic groin pain (AGP) is prevalent in sports involving repeated accelerations, decelerations, kicking and change-of-direction movements. Clinical and radiological examinations lack the ability to assess pathomechanics of AGP, but three-dimensional biomechanical movement analysis may be an important innovation. Aim: The primary aim was to describe and analyse movements used by patients with AGP during a maximum effort change-of-direction task. The secondary aim was to determine if specific anatomical diagnoses were related to a distinct movement strategy. Methods: 322 athletes with a current symptom of chronic AGP participated. Structured and standardised clinical assessments and radiological examinations were performed on all participants. Additionally, each participant performed multiple repetitions of a planned maximum effort change-of-direction task during which whole body kinematics were recorded. Kinematic and kinetic data were examined using continuous waveform analysis techniques in combination with a subgroup design that used gap statistic and hierarchical clustering. Results: Three subgroups (clusters) were identified. Kinematic and kinetic measures of the clusters differed strongly in patterns observed in thorax, pelvis, hip, knee and ankle. Cluster 1 (40%) was characterised by increased ankle eversion, external rotation and knee internal rotation and greater knee work. Cluster 2 (15%) was characterised by increased hip flexion, pelvis contralateral drop, thorax tilt and increased hip work. Cluster 3 (45%) was characterised by high ankle dorsiflexion, thorax contralateral drop, ankle work and prolonged ground contact time. No correlation was observed between movement clusters and clinically palpated location of the participant's pain. Conclusions: We identified three distinct movement strategies among athletes with long-standing groin pain during a maximum effort change-of-direction task. These movement strategies were not related to clinical assessment findings but highlighted targets for rehabilitation in response to possible propagative mechanisms. Trial registration number NCT02437942, pre results.


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As variações circadianas no comportamento animal e o seu impacto nas populações constituem desafios importantes em ecologia e conservação. Nesta tese documentam-se as variações circadianas no uso do habitat e padrões de movimento pelo rato de Cabrera, em habitats Mediterrânicos fragmentados. O estudo baseou-se no radio-seguimento de indivíduos em habitats dominados por herbáceas e arbustos. Os resultados indicaram que a proporção de tempo despendido em deslocações, a distância percorrida, e a selecção do tipo de vegetação, estão fortemente interrelacionados, variando consideravelmente ao longo de diferentes períodos do dia. Os ratos movimentaram-se mais frequentemente e maiores distâncias nos períodos diurnos, durante os quais as áreas dominadas por herbáceas foram usadas mais intensivamente. Durante a estação seca houve alguma tendência para a diminuição dos movimentos durante as horas mais quentes. Estes resultados são discutidos no sentido de mostrar como indicadores comportamentais podem contribuir para melhorar a gestão e conservação da espécie; ABSTRACT: Understanding the circadian variations in species behaviour and its impacts on population is a challenging topic in ecology and conservation. This thesis documents the circadian variations in habitat use and movement patterns by Cabrera voles in fragmented Mediterranean farmland. The study was based on radiotracking data of individuals living in habitat patches dominated by wet grasses and shrubs. Results indicated that the proportion of time animals spent moving, the distance moved and the selection strength of vegetation were closely linked behavioural traits, which varied considerably across the 24 hour cycle. Voles moved more frequently and over larger distances during daytime, which was when wet grasses were used more intensively. During the dry season there was some tendency for a decrease in movement activity during the hottest hours of the day. These results are used to discuss how behavioural indicators may be useful to improve conservation management of the species.


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Worldwide, most populations of migratory shorebirds are in jeopardy, none more so than those of the East Asian-Australasian Flyway (EAAF). In order to preserve these highly mobile species a detailed understanding of their use of feeding and resting sites along the flyway is required. In this study we used light-level geolocators and new analytical tools to reveal individual breeding locations and migration routes of 13 Sanderlings (Calidris alba) that spend their non-breeding season in South Australia. We then used these individual migration routes to identify the timing and location of important stopping areas and compared this with assessments based on resightings of leg-flagged birds and count data. During both northward and southward migration, Sanderlings were found to make extensive use of five main areas of the Chinese coastline, the Yellow Sea and the northern end of the Sakhalin Peninsula. Insights gained from the individual migration routes highlight inherent biases in using only count and resighting data to identify important feeding and resting sites along the Flyway. These findings suggest that data on individual movements may be crucial to effective conservation planning of shorebirds in the EAAF and elsewhere in the world.