996 resultados para object manipulation


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The majority of commercially available haptic devices offer a single point of haptic interaction. These devices are limited when it is desirable to grasp with multiple fingers in applications including virtual training, telesurgery and telemanipulation. Multipoint haptic devices serve to facilitate a greater range of interactions. This paper presents a gripper attachment to enable multi-point haptic grasping in virtual environments. The approach employs two Phantom Omni haptic devices to independently render forces to the user's thumb and other fingers. Compared with more complex approaches to multi-point haptics, this approach provides a number of advantages including low-cost, reliability and ease of programming. The ability of the integrated multi-point haptic platform to interact within a CHAI 3D virtual environment is also presented.


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This work presents a multi-point haptic platform that employs two Phantom Omni haptic devices. A gripper attachment connects to both devices and enables multi-point haptic grasping in virtual environments. In contrast to more complex approaches, this setup benefits from low-cost, reliability, and ease of programming while being capable of independently rendering forces to each of the user’s fingertips. The ability to grasp with multiple points potentially lends itself to applications such as virtual training, telesurgery and telemanipulation.


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Tabletop computers featuring multi-touch input and object tracking are a common platform for research on Tangible User Interfaces (also known as Tangible Interaction). However, such systems are confined to sensing activity on the tabletop surface, disregarding the rich and relatively unexplored interaction canvas above the tabletop. This dissertation contributes with tCAD, a 3D modeling tool combining fiducial marker tracking, finger tracking and depth sensing in a single system. This dissertation presents the technical details of how these features were integrated, attesting to its viability through the design, development and early evaluation of the tCAD application. A key aspect of this work is a description of the interaction techniques enabled by merging tracked objects with direct user input on and above a table surface.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Skin segmentation is a challenging task due to several influences such as unknown lighting conditions, skin colored background, and camera limitations. A lot of skin segmentation approaches were proposed in the past including adaptive (in the sense of updating the skin color online) and non-adaptive approaches. In this paper, we compare three skin segmentation approaches that are promising to work well for hand tracking, which is our main motivation for this work. Hand tracking can widely be used in VR/AR e.g. navigation and object manipulation. The first skin segmentation approach is a well-known non-adaptive approach. It is based on a simple, pre-computed skin color distribution. Methods two and three adaptively estimate the skin color in each frame utilizing clustering algorithms. The second approach uses a hierarchical clustering for a simultaneous image and color space segmentation, while the third approach is a pure color space clustering, but with a more sophisticated clustering approach. For evaluation, we compared the segmentation results of the approaches against a ground truth dataset. To obtain the ground truth dataset, we labeled about 500 images captured under various conditions.


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Esta tesis se centra en desarrollo de tecnologías para la interacción hombre-robot en entornos nucleares de fusión. La problemática principal del sector de fusión nuclear radica en las condiciones ambientales tan extremas que hay en el interior del reactor, y la necesidad de que los equipos cumplan requisitos muy restrictivos para poder aguantar esos niveles de radiación, magnetismo, ultravacío, temperatura... Como no es viable la ejecución de tareas directamente por parte de humanos, habrá que utilizar dispositivos de manipulación remota para llevar a cabo los procesos de operación y mantenimiento. En las instalaciones de ITER es obligatorio tener un entorno controlado de extrema seguridad, que necesita de estándares validados. La definición y uso de protocolos es indispensable para regir su buen funcionamiento. Si nos centramos en la telemanipulación con algo grado de escalado, surge la necesidad de definir protocolos para sistemas abiertos que permitan la interacción entre equipos y dispositivos de diversa índole. En este contexto se plantea la definición del Protocolo de Teleoperación que permita la interconexión entre dispositivos maestros y esclavos de distinta tipología, pudiéndose comunicar bilateralmente entre sí y utilizar distintos algoritmos de control según la tarea a desempeñar. Este protocolo y su interconectividad se han puesto a prueba en la Plataforma Abierta de Teleoperación (P.A.T.) que se ha desarrollado e integrado en la ETSII UPM como una herramienta que permita probar, validar y realizar experimentos de telerrobótica. Actualmente, este Protocolo de Teleoperación se ha propuesto a través de AENOR al grupo ISO de Telerobotics como una solución válida al problema existente y se encuentra bajo revisión. Con el diseño de dicho protocolo se ha conseguido enlazar maestro y esclavo, sin embargo con los niveles de radiación tan altos que hay en ITER la electrónica del controlador no puede entrar dentro del tokamak. Por ello se propone que a través de una mínima electrónica convenientemente protegida se puedan multiplexar las señales de control que van a través del cableado umbilical desde el controlador hasta la base del robot. En este ejercicio teórico se demuestra la utilidad y viabilidad de utilizar este tipo de solución para reducir el volumen y peso del cableado umbilical en cifras aproximadas de un 90%, para ello hay que desarrollar una electrónica específica y con certificación RadHard para soportar los enormes niveles de radiación de ITER. Para este manipulador de tipo genérico y con ayuda de la Plataforma Abierta de Teleoperación, se ha desarrollado un algoritmo que mediante un sensor de fuerza/par y una IMU colocados en la muñeca del robot, y convenientemente protegidos ante la radiación, permiten calcular las fuerzas e inercias que produce la carga, esto es necesario para poder transmitirle al operador unas fuerzas escaladas, y que pueda sentir la carga que manipula, y no otras fuerzas que puedan influir en el esclavo remoto, como ocurre con otras técnicas de estimación de fuerzas. Como el blindaje de los sensores no debe ser grande ni pesado, habrá que destinar este tipo de tecnología a las tareas de mantenimiento de las paradas programadas de ITER, que es cuando los niveles de radiación están en sus valores mínimos. Por otro lado para que el operador sienta lo más fielmente posible la fuerza de carga se ha desarrollado una electrónica que mediante el control en corriente de los motores permita realizar un control en fuerza a partir de la caracterización de los motores del maestro. Además para aumentar la percepción del operador se han realizado unos experimentos que demuestran que al aplicar estímulos multimodales (visuales, auditivos y hápticos) aumenta su inmersión y el rendimiento en la consecución de la tarea puesto que influyen directamente en su capacidad de respuesta. Finalmente, y en referencia a la realimentación visual del operador, en ITER se trabaja con cámaras situadas en localizaciones estratégicas, si bien el humano cuando manipula objetos hace uso de su visión binocular cambiando constantemente el punto de vista adecuándose a las necesidades visuales de cada momento durante el desarrollo de la tarea. Por ello, se ha realizado una reconstrucción tridimensional del espacio de la tarea a partir de una cámara-sensor RGB-D, lo cual nos permite obtener un punto de vista binocular virtual móvil a partir de una cámara situada en un punto fijo que se puede proyectar en un dispositivo de visualización 3D para que el operador pueda variar el punto de vista estereoscópico según sus preferencias. La correcta integración de estas tecnologías para la interacción hombre-robot en la P.A.T. ha permitido validar mediante pruebas y experimentos para verificar su utilidad en la aplicación práctica de la telemanipulación con alto grado de escalado en entornos nucleares de fusión. Abstract This thesis focuses on developing technologies for human-robot interaction in nuclear fusion environments. The main problem of nuclear fusion sector resides in such extreme environmental conditions existing in the hot-cell, leading to very restrictive requirements for equipment in order to deal with these high levels of radiation, magnetism, ultravacuum, temperature... Since it is not feasible to carry out tasks directly by humans, we must use remote handling devices for accomplishing operation and maintenance processes. In ITER facilities it is mandatory to have a controlled environment of extreme safety and security with validated standards. The definition and use of protocols is essential to govern its operation. Focusing on Remote Handling with some degree of escalation, protocols must be defined for open systems to allow interaction among different kind of equipment and several multifunctional devices. In this context, a Teleoperation Protocol definition enables interconnection between master and slave devices from different typologies, being able to communicate bilaterally one each other and using different control algorithms depending on the task to perform. This protocol and its interconnectivity have been tested in the Teleoperation Open Platform (T.O.P.) that has been developed and integrated in the ETSII UPM as a tool to test, validate and conduct experiments in Telerobotics. Currently, this protocol has been proposed for Teleoperation through AENOR to the ISO Telerobotics group as a valid solution to the existing problem, and it is under review. Master and slave connection has been achieved with this protocol design, however with such high radiation levels in ITER, the controller electronics cannot enter inside the tokamak. Therefore it is proposed a multiplexed electronic board, that through suitable and RadHard protection processes, to transmit control signals through an umbilical cable from the controller to the robot base. In this theoretical exercise the utility and feasibility of using this type of solution reduce the volume and weight of the umbilical wiring approximate 90% less, although it is necessary to develop specific electronic hardware and validate in RadHard qualifications in order to handle huge levels of ITER radiation. Using generic manipulators does not allow to implement regular sensors for force feedback in ITER conditions. In this line of research, an algorithm to calculate the forces and inertia produced by the load has been developed using a force/torque sensor and IMU, both conveniently protected against radiation and placed on the robot wrist. Scaled forces should be transmitted to the operator, feeling load forces but not other undesirable forces in slave system as those resulting from other force estimation techniques. Since shielding of the sensors should not be large and heavy, it will be necessary to allocate this type of technology for programmed maintenance periods of ITER, when radiation levels are at their lowest levels. Moreover, the operator perception needs to feel load forces as accurate as possible, so some current control electronics were developed to perform a force control of master joint motors going through a correct motor characterization. In addition to increase the perception of the operator, some experiments were conducted to demonstrate applying multimodal stimuli (visual, auditory and haptic) increases immersion and performance in achieving the task since it is directly correlated with response time. Finally, referring to the visual feedback to the operator in ITER, it is usual to work with 2D cameras in strategic locations, while humans use binocular vision in direct object manipulation, constantly changing the point of view adapting it to the visual needs for performing manipulation during task procedures. In this line a three-dimensional reconstruction of non-structured scenarios has been developed using RGB-D sensor instead of cameras in the remote environment. Thus a mobile virtual binocular point of view could be generated from a camera at a fixed point, projecting stereoscopic images in 3D display device according to operator preferences. The successful integration of these technologies for human-robot interaction in the T.O.P., and validating them through tests and experiments, verify its usefulness in practical application of high scaling remote handling at nuclear fusion environments.


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The monkey premotor cortex contains neurons that discharge during action execution and during observation of actions made by others. Transcranial magnetic stimulation experiments suggest that a similar observation/execution matching system also is present in humans. We recorded neuromagnetic oscillatory activity of the human precentral cortex from 10 healthy volunteers while (i) they had no task to perform, (ii) they were manipulating a small object, and (iii) they were observing another individual performing the same task. The left and right median nerves were stimulated alternately (interstimulus interval, 1.5 s) at intensities exceeding motor threshold, and the poststimulus rebound of the rolandic 15- to 25-Hz activity was quantified. In agreement with previous studies, the rebound was strongly suppressed bilaterally during object manipulation. Most interestingly, the rebound also was significantly diminished during action observation (31–46% of the suppression during object manipulation). Control experiments, in which subjects were instructed to observe stationary or moving stimuli, confirmed the specificity of the suppression effect. Because the recorded 15- to 25-Hz activity is known to originate mainly in the precentral motor cortex, we concluded that the human primary motor cortex is activated during observation as well as execution of motor tasks. These findings have implications for a better understanding of the machinery underlying action recognition in humans.


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The organisation of the human neuromuscular-skeletal system allows an extremely wide variety of actions to be performed, often with great dexterity. Adaptations associated with skill acquisition occur at all levels of the neuromuscular-skeletal system although all neural adaptations are inevitably constrained by the organisation of the actuating apparatus (muscles and bones). We quantified the extent to which skill acquisition in an isometric task set is influenced by the mechanical properties of the muscles used to produce the required actions. Initial performance was greatly dependent upon the specific combination of torques required in each variant of the experimental task. Five consecutive days of practice improved the performance to a similar degree across eight actions despite differences in the torques required about the elbow and forearm. The proportional improvement in performance was also similar when the actions were performed at either 20 or 40% of participants' maximum voluntary torque capacity. The skill acquired during practice was successfully extrapolated to variants of the task requiring more torque than that required during practice. We conclude that while the extent to which skill can be acquired in isometric actions is independent of the specific combination of joint torques required for target acquisition, the nature of the kinetic adaptations leading to the performance improvement in isometric actions is influenced by the neural and mechanical properties of the actuating muscles.


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Many emerging applications benefit from the extraction of geospatial data specified at different resolutions for viewing purposes. Data must also be topologically accurate and up-to-date as it often represents real-world changing phenomena. Current multiresolution schemes use complex opaque data types, which limit the capacity for in-database object manipulation. By using z-values and B+trees to support multiresolution retrieval, objects are fragmented in such a way that updates to objects or object parts are executed using standard SQL (Structured Query Language) statements as opposed to procedural functions. Our approach is compared to a current model, using complex data types indexed under a 3D (three-dimensional) R-tree, and shows better performance for retrieval over realistic window sizes and data loads. Updates with the R-tree are slower and preclude the feasibility of its use in time-critical applications whereas, predictably, projecting the issue to a one-dimensional index allows constant updates using z-values to be implemented more efficiently.


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Two novel studies examining the capacity and characteristics of working memory for object weights, experienced through lifting, were completed. Both studies employed visually identical objects of varying weight and focused on memories linking object locations and weights. Whereas numerous studies have examined the capacity of visual working memory, the capacity of sensorimotor memory involved in motor control and object manipulation has not yet been explored. In addition to assessing working memory for object weights using an explicit perceptual test, we also assessed memory for weight using an implicit measure based on motor performance. The vertical lifting or LF and the horizontal GF applied during lifts, measured from force sensors embedded in the object handles, were used to assess participants’ ability to predict object weights. In Experiment 1, participants were presented with sets of 3, 4, 5, 7 or 9 objects. They lifted each object in the set and then repeated this procedure 10 times with the objects lifted either in a fixed or random order. Sensorimotor memory was examined by assessing, as a function of object set size, how lifting forces changed across successive lifts of a given object. The results indicated that force scaling for weight improved across the repetitions of lifts, and was better for smaller set sizes when compared to the larger set sizes, with the latter effect being clearest when objects were lifting in a random order. However, in general the observed force scaling was poorly scaled. In Experiment 2, working memory was examined in two ways: by determining participants’ ability to detect a change in the weight of one of 3 to 6 objects lifted twice, and by simultaneously measuring the fingertip forces applied when lifting the objects. The results showed that, even when presented with 6 objects, participants were extremely accurate in explicitly detecting which object changed weight. In addition, force scaling for object weight, which was generally quite weak, was similar across set sizes. Thus, a capacity limit less than 6 was not found for either the explicit or implicit measures collected.


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This paper presents a new theoretical development and modelling related to the requirement of the minimum number of sensors necessary for slippage prevention in robotic grasping. A fundamental experimental investigation has been conducted to support the newly developed postulate. A series of basic experiments proved that it is possible to evaluate the contributions of various sensors to slippage prevention and control in robotic grasping. The use of three discrete physical sensors, one for each of the three sensing functions (normal, tangential and slippage), has been proven to be the most reliable combination for slippage prevention in robotic grasping. It was also proven that the best performance from a two-sensor combination can be achieved when normal grasp force and tangential force are both monitored in the grasping process.


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Oberon-2 is an object-oriented language with a class structure based on type extension. The runtime structure of Oberon-2 is described and the low-level mechanism for dynamic type checking explained. It is shown that the superior type-safety of the language, when used for programming styles based on heterogeneous, pointer-linked data structures, has an entirely negligible cost in runtime performance.


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Object segmentation is one of the fundamental steps for a number of robotic applications such as manipulation, object detection, and obstacle avoidance. This paper proposes a visual method for incorporating colour and depth information from sequential multiview stereo images to segment objects of interest from complex and cluttered environments. Rather than segmenting objects using information from a single frame in the sequence, we incorporate information from neighbouring views to increase the reliability of the information and improve the overall segmentation result. Specifically, dense depth information of a scene is computed using multiple view stereo. Depths from neighbouring views are reprojected into the reference frame to be segmented compensating for imperfect depth computations for individual frames. The multiple depth layers are then combined with color information from the reference frame to create a Markov random field to model the segmentation problem. Finally, graphcut optimisation is employed to infer pixels belonging to the object to be segmented. The segmentation accuracy is evaluated over images from an outdoor video sequence demonstrating the viability for automatic object segmentation for mobile robots using monocular cameras as a primary sensor.