974 resultados para non-Cartesian stimuli


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Whereas humans have three types of cone photoreceptor, birds have four types of single cones and, unlike humans, are sensitive to ultraviolet light (UV, 320-400 run). Most birds are thought to have either a violet-sensitive single cone that has some sensitivity to UV wavelengths (for example, many non-passerine species) or a single cone that has maximum sensitivity to UV (for example, oscine passerine. species). UV sensitivity is possible because, unlike humans, avian ocular media do not absorb UV light before it reaches the retina. The different single cone types and their sensitivity to UV light give birds the potential to discriminate reflectance spectra that look identical to humans. It is clear that birds use UV signals for a number of visual tasks, but there are few studies that directly demonstrate a role for UV in the detection of chromaticity differences (i.e. colour vision) as opposed to achromatic brightness. If the output of the violet/UV cone is used in achromatic visual tasks, objects reflecting more UV will appear brighter to the bird. 11, however, the output is used in a chromatic mechanism, birds will be able to discriminate spectral stimuli according to the amount of reflected light in the UV part of the spectrum relative to longer wavelengths. We have developed a UV 'colour blindness' test, which we have given to a passerine (European starling) and a non-passerine (Japanese quail) species. Both species learnt to discriminate between a longwave control of orange vs red stimuli and UV vs 'non-UV' stimuli, which were designed to be impossible to differentiate by achromatic mechanisms. We therefore conclude that the output of the violet/UV cone is involved in a chromatic colour vision system in these two species.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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A "second generation" matching-to-sample procedure that minimizes past sources of artifacts involves (1) successive discrimination between sample stimuli, (2) stimulus displays ranging from four to 16 comparisons, (3) variable stimulus locations to avoid unwanted stimulus-location control, and (4) high accuracy levels (e.g., 90% correct on a 16-choice task in which chance accuracy is 6%). Examples of behavioral engineering with experienced capuchin monkeys included four-choice matching problems with video images of monkeys with substantially above-chance matching in a single session and 90% matching within six sessions. Exclusion performance was demonstrated by interspersing non-identical sample-comparison pairs within a baseline of a nine-comparison identity-matching-to-sample procedure with pictures as stimuli. The test for exclusion presented the newly "mapped" stimulus in a situation in which exclusion was not possible. Degradation of matching between physically non-identical forms occurred while baseline identity accuracy was sustained at high levels, thus confirming that Cebus cf. apella is capable of exclusion. Additionally, exclusion performance when baseline matching relations involved non-identical stimuli was shown.


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O presente estudo avaliou a formação de classes de estímulos através de um treino de duas discriminações condicionais (AB e AC) com pareamento consistente modelo-comparação correta, sem conseqüências diferenciais imediatas e fading, aplicando-se testes de simetria e de equivalência após cada bloco de treino. Participaram quatro crianças do pré-escolar que foram expostas ao procedimento de ensino, em duas etapas: na Etapa 1, com estímulos usuais e na Etapa 2 com estímulos não usuais Para cada modelo, três estímulos de comparação foram apresentados simultaneamente. Cada modelo foi emparelhado consistentemente, com os estímulos de comparação, sendo que o estímulo de comparação correto e o modelo apareceram em fading ao longo do treino. Relações simétricas foram demonstradas com dois participantes na Etapa 1, mas não ocorreram relações emergentes na Etapa 2. Dois participantes transferiram o desempenho obtido de uma etapa para outra com o treino discriminativo, como uma espécie de learning set arbitrário. Os resultados indicam que a sequência de treino com estímulos usuais e não usuais e a natureza dos estímulos na Etapa 1 foram variáveis relevantes.


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The harm upon the central auditory pathways of workers exposed to occupational noise has been scarcely studied. Objective: To assess the central auditory pathways by testing the long latency auditory evoked potentials (P300) of individuals exposed to occupational noise and controls. Method: This prospective study enrolled 25 individuals with normal hearing thresholds. The subjects were divided into two groups: individuals exposed to occupational noise (13 subjects; case group) and individuals not exposed to occupational noise (12 subjects; control group). The P300 test was used with verbal and non-verbal stimuli. Results: No statistically significant differences were found between ears for any of the stimuli or between groups. The groups had no statistically significant difference for verbal or non-verbal stimuli. Case group subjects had longer latencies than controls. In qualitative analysis, a greater number of altered P300 test results for verbal and non-verbal stimuli was seen in the case group, despite the absence of statistically significant differences between case and control subjects. Conclusion: Individuals exposed to high sound pressure levels had longer P300 latencies in verbal and non-verbal stimuli when compared to controls.


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In mammals, the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) and the intergeniculate leaflet (IGL) are the main components of the circadian timing system. The SCN is the site of the endogenous biological clock that generates rhythms and synchronizes them to environmental cues. The IGL is a key structure that modulates SCN activity and is responsible for the transmission of non-photic information to the SCN, thus participating in the integration between photic and non-photic stimuli. Both the SCN and IGL receive projections of retinal ganglion cells and the IGL is connected to the SCN through the geniculohypothalamic tract. Little is known about these structures in the primate brain and the pregeniculate nucleus (PGN) has been suggested to be the primate equivalent of the rodent IGL. The aim of this study was to characterize the PGN of a primate, the common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus), and to analyze its retinal afferents. Here, the marmoset PGN was found to be organized into three subsectors based on neuronal size, pattern of retinal projections, and the distribution of neuropeptide Y-, GAD-, serotonin-, enkephalin- and substance P-labeled terminals. This pattern indicates that the marmoset PGN is equivalent to the IGL. This detailed description contributes to the understanding of the circadian timing system in this primate species considering the importance of the IGL within the context of circadian regulation. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Ziel war die Entwicklung und Erprobung von Varianten des emotionalen Strooptests zur Analyse angstbezogener Aufmerksamkeitsprozesse bei Grundschulkindern. Dabei wurde überprüft, ob dieses kognitiv-experimentelle Verfahren zukünftig als objektives Testverfahren zur Diagnostik von Ängstlichkeit im Kindesalter geeignet ist. Ausgangspunkt waren zahlreiche Befunde für die Gruppe Erwachsener, wonach die Zuwendung auf bedrohliche Situationsmerkmalen für Ängstliche charakteristisch ist. Für das Kindesalter liegen hierzu nur wenige Studien mit zudem inkonsistenten Befundmuster vor. In insgesamt drei Studien wurde der emotionale Strooptest für das Grundschulalter adaptiert, indem Bilder bzw. altersentsprechendes Wortmaterial als Stimuli eingesetzt wurden. An den Studien nahmen nicht-klinische, nicht-ausgelesene Stichproben mit Kindern der zweiten bis vierten Grundschulklassen teil. Sowohl Ängstlichkeit als auch Zustandsangst der Kinder wurden jeweils über Selbst- und Fremdeinschätzungen (Eltern, Klassenlehrer, Versuchsleiter) erhoben. Die Ergebnisse sprechen für eine nur unzureichende Reliabilität emotionaler Interferenzeffekte. Auch ergaben sich (möglichenfalls infolge) keine substantiellen Hinweise auf differentielle angstbezogene Interferenzeffekte. Die Befunde sprechen vielmehr dafür, dass alle Kinder unabhängig von der Ängstlichkeit höhere Benennungszeiten für bedrohliche Stimuli im Vergleich zur Kontrollbedingung mit neutralen oder freundlichen Stimuli zeigten, wobei zugleich methodische Einflussfaktoren des Strooptests von Relevanz waren. Die Diskussion konzentriert sich auf entwicklungspsychologische Überlegungen sowie mögliche Bedingungen emotionaler Interferenzeffekte unter kritischer Berücksichtigung der Reliabilität emotionaler Stroopinterferenz.


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La tesi sviluppa le proposte teoriche della Linguistica Cognitiva a proposito della metafora e propone una loro possibile applicazione in ambito didattico. La linguistica cognitiva costituisce la cornice interpretativa della ricerca, a partire dai suoi concetti principali: la prospettiva integrata, l’embodiment, la centralità della semantica, l’attenzione per la psicolinguistica e le neuroscienze. All’interno di questo panorama, prende vigore un’idea di metafora come punto d’incontro tra lingua e pensiero, come criterio organizzatore delle conoscenze, strumento conoscitivo fondamentale nei processi di apprendimento. A livello didattico, la metafora si rivela imprescindibile sia come strumento operativo che come oggetto di riflessione. L’approccio cognitivista può fornire utili indicazioni su come impostare un percorso didattico sulla metafora. Nel presente lavoro, si indaga in particolare l’uso didattico di stimoli non verbali nel rafforzamento delle competenze metaforiche di studenti di scuola media. Si è scelto come materiale di partenza la pubblicità, per due motivi: il diffuso impiego di strategie retoriche in ambito pubblicitario e la specificità comunicativa del genere, che permette una chiara disambiguazione di fenomeni che, in altri contesti, non potrebbero essere analizzati con la stessa univocità. Si presenta dunque un laboratorio finalizzato al miglioramento della competenza metaforica degli studenti che si avvale di due strategie complementari: da una parte, una spiegazione ispirata ai modelli cognitivisti, sia nella terminologia impiegata che nella modalità di analisi (di tipo usage-based); dall’altra un training con metafore visive in pubblicità, che comprende una fase di analisi e una fase di produzione. È stato usato un test, suddiviso in compiti specifici, per oggettivare il più possibile i progressi degli studenti alla fine del training, ma anche per rilevare le difficoltà e i punti di forza nell’analisi rispetto sia ai contesti d’uso (letterario e convenzionale) sia alle forme linguistiche assunte dalla metafora (nominale, verbale, aggettivale).


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This thesis aimed at addressing some of the issues that, at the state of the art, avoid the P300-based brain computer interface (BCI) systems to move from research laboratories to end users’ home. An innovative asynchronous classifier has been defined and validated. It relies on the introduction of a set of thresholds in the classifier, and such thresholds have been assessed considering the distributions of score values relating to target, non-target stimuli and epochs of voluntary no-control. With the asynchronous classifier, a P300-based BCI system can adapt its speed to the current state of the user and can automatically suspend the control when the user diverts his attention from the stimulation interface. Since EEG signals are non-stationary and show inherent variability, in order to make long-term use of BCI possible, it is important to track changes in ongoing EEG activity and to adapt BCI model parameters accordingly. To this aim, the asynchronous classifier has been subsequently improved by introducing a self-calibration algorithm for the continuous and unsupervised recalibration of the subjective control parameters. Finally an index for the online monitoring of the EEG quality has been defined and validated in order to detect potential problems and system failures. This thesis ends with the description of a translational work involving end users (people with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis-ALS). Focusing on the concepts of the user centered design approach, the phases relating to the design, the development and the validation of an innovative assistive device have been described. The proposed assistive technology (AT) has been specifically designed to meet the needs of people with ALS during the different phases of the disease (i.e. the degree of motor abilities impairment). Indeed, the AT can be accessed with several input devices either conventional (mouse, touchscreen) or alterative (switches, headtracker) up to a P300-based BCI.


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Learning by reinforcement is important in shaping animal behavior, and in particular in behavioral decision making. Such decision making is likely to involve the integration of many synaptic events in space and time. However, using a single reinforcement signal to modulate synaptic plasticity, as suggested in classical reinforcement learning algorithms, a twofold problem arises. Different synapses will have contributed differently to the behavioral decision, and even for one and the same synapse, releases at different times may have had different effects. Here we present a plasticity rule which solves this spatio-temporal credit assignment problem in a population of spiking neurons. The learning rule is spike-time dependent and maximizes the expected reward by following its stochastic gradient. Synaptic plasticity is modulated not only by the reward, but also by a population feedback signal. While this additional signal solves the spatial component of the problem, the temporal one is solved by means of synaptic eligibility traces. In contrast to temporal difference (TD) based approaches to reinforcement learning, our rule is explicit with regard to the assumed biophysical mechanisms. Neurotransmitter concentrations determine plasticity and learning occurs fully online. Further, it works even if the task to be learned is non-Markovian, i.e. when reinforcement is not determined by the current state of the system but may also depend on past events. The performance of the model is assessed by studying three non-Markovian tasks. In the first task, the reward is delayed beyond the last action with non-related stimuli and actions appearing in between. The second task involves an action sequence which is itself extended in time and reward is only delivered at the last action, as it is the case in any type of board-game. The third task is the inspection game that has been studied in neuroeconomics, where an inspector tries to prevent a worker from shirking. Applying our algorithm to this game yields a learning behavior which is consistent with behavioral data from humans and monkeys, revealing themselves properties of a mixed Nash equilibrium. The examples show that our neuronal implementation of reward based learning copes with delayed and stochastic reward delivery, and also with the learning of mixed strategies in two-opponent games.


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Learning by reinforcement is important in shaping animal behavior. But behavioral decision making is likely to involve the integration of many synaptic events in space and time. So in using a single reinforcement signal to modulate synaptic plasticity a twofold problem arises. Different synapses will have contributed differently to the behavioral decision and, even for one and the same synapse, releases at different times may have had different effects. Here we present a plasticity rule which solves this spatio-temporal credit assignment problem in a population of spiking neurons. The learning rule is spike time dependent and maximizes the expected reward by following its stochastic gradient. Synaptic plasticity is modulated not only by the reward but by a population feedback signal as well. While this additional signal solves the spatial component of the problem, the temporal one is solved by means of synaptic eligibility traces. In contrast to temporal difference based approaches to reinforcement learning, our rule is explicit with regard to the assumed biophysical mechanisms. Neurotransmitter concentrations determine plasticity and learning occurs fully online. Further, it works even if the task to be learned is non-Markovian, i.e. when reinforcement is not determined by the current state of the system but may also depend on past events. The performance of the model is assessed by studying three non-Markovian tasks. In the first task the reward is delayed beyond the last action with non-related stimuli and actions appearing in between. The second one involves an action sequence which is itself extended in time and reward is only delivered at the last action, as is the case in any type of board-game. The third is the inspection game that has been studied in neuroeconomics. It only has a mixed Nash equilibrium and exemplifies that the model also copes with stochastic reward delivery and the learning of mixed strategies.


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The influence of the immediate prestimulus EEG microstate (sub-second epoch of stable topography/map landscape) on the map landscape of visually evoked 47-channel event-related potential (ERP) microstates was examined using the frequent, non-target stimuli of a cognitive paradigm (12 volunteers). For the two most frequent prestimulus microstate classes (oriented left anterior-right posterior and right anterior-left posterior), ERP map series were selectively averaged. The post-stimulus ERP grand average map series was segmented into microstates; 10 were found. The centroid locations of positive and negative map areas were extracted as landscape descriptors. Significant differences (MANOVAs and t-tests) between the two prestimulus classes were found in four of the ten ERP microstates. The relative orientation of the two ERP microstate classes was the same as prestimulus in some ERP microstates, but reversed in others. — Thus, brain electric microstates at stimulus arrival influence the landscapes of the post-stimulus ERP maps and therefore, information processing; prestimulus microstate effects differed for different post-stimulus ERP microstates.


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Comprehending speech is one of the most important human behaviors, but we are only beginning to understand how the brain accomplishes this difficult task. One key to speech perception seems to be that the brain integrates the independent sources of information available in the auditory and visual modalities in a process known as multisensory integration. This allows speech perception to be accurate, even in environments in which one modality or the other is ambiguous in the context of noise. Previous electrophysiological and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) experiments have implicated the posterior superior temporal sulcus (STS) in auditory-visual integration of both speech and non-speech stimuli. While evidence from prior imaging studies have found increases in STS activity for audiovisual speech compared with unisensory auditory or visual speech, these studies do not provide a clear mechanism as to how the STS communicates with early sensory areas to integrate the two streams of information into a coherent audiovisual percept. Furthermore, it is currently unknown if the activity within the STS is directly correlated with strength of audiovisual perception. In order to better understand the cortical mechanisms that underlie audiovisual speech perception, we first studied the STS activity and connectivity during the perception of speech with auditory and visual components of varying intelligibility. By studying fMRI activity during these noisy audiovisual speech stimuli, we found that STS connectivity with auditory and visual cortical areas mirrored perception; when the information from one modality is unreliable and noisy, the STS interacts less with the cortex processing that modality and more with the cortex processing the reliable information. We next characterized the role of STS activity during a striking audiovisual speech illusion, the McGurk effect, to determine if activity within the STS predicts how strongly a person integrates auditory and visual speech information. Subjects with greater susceptibility to the McGurk effect exhibited stronger fMRI activation of the STS during perception of McGurk syllables, implying a direct correlation between strength of audiovisual integration of speech and activity within an the multisensory STS.