980 resultados para near-field scanning optical microscopy


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Using the finite-difference-time-domain method, the near-field optical distribution and properties of Sb thin film thermal lens are calculated and simulated. The results show as follows. Within the near-field distance to the output plane of thermal lens, the spot size is approximately 100 nm, and its intensity is greatly enhanced, which is higher than that of incident light. The spot shape gradually changes from ellipse to round at the distance of more than 12 nm to the output plane. The above-simulated results are further demonstrated by the static optical recording experiment. (C) 2005 American Institute of Physics.


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A novel metallized azo dye has been synthesized. The absorption spectra of the thin film and thermal characteristic are measured. Static optical recording properties with and without the Bi mask layer super-resolution near-field structure (Super-RENS) of the metal-azo dye are investigated. The results show that the metal-azo dye film has a broad absorbance band in the region of 450-650 nm and the maximum absorbance wavelength is located at 603 nm. It is also found that the new metallized azo dye occupies excellent thermal stability, initiatory decomposition temperature is at 270 degrees C and the mass loss is about 48% in a narrow temperature region (15 degrees C). The complex refractive index N (N = n + ik) is measured. High refractive index (n = 2.45) and low extinction coefficient (k = 0.2) at the recording wavelength 650nm are attained. Static optical recording tests with and without Super-RENS are carried out using a 650nm semiconductor diode laser with recording power of 7mW and laser pulse duration of 200ns. The AFM images show that the diameter of recording mark on the dye film with the Bi mask layer is reduced about 42%, compared to that of recorded mark on the dye film without Super-RENS. It is indicated that Bi can well performed as a mask layer of the dye recording layer and the metallized azo dye can be a promising candidate for recording media with the super-resolution near-field structure.


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Multi-layer dielectric (MLD) gratings for pulse compressors in high-energy laser systems should provide high diffraction efficiency as well as high laser induced damage thresholds (LIDT). Nonuniform optical near-field distribution is one of the important factors to limit their damage resistant capabilities. Electric field distributions in the gratings and multi-layer film region are analyzed by using Fourier modal method. Optimization of peak electric field in the gratings ridge is performed with a merit function, including both diffraction efficiency and electric field enhancement when the top layer material is HfO2 and SiO2, respectively. A set of optimized gratings parameters is obtained for each structure, which reduce the peak electric field within the gratings ridge to being respective 1.39 and 1.84 times the value of incident light respectively. Finally, we also discuss the effects of gratings refractive index, gratings sidewall angle and incident angle on peak electric field in the gratings ridge. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Self-assembled InAs/AlAs quantum dots embedded in a resonant tunneling diode device structure are grown by molecular beam epitaxy. Through the selective etching in a C6H8O7 center dot H2O-K3C6H5O7 center dot H2O-H2O2 buffer solution, 310 nm GaAs capping layers are removed and the InAs/AlAs quantum dots are observed by field-emission scanning electron microscopy. It is shown that as-fabricated quantum dots have a diameter of several tens of nanometers and a density of 10(10) cm(-2) order. The images taken by this means are comparable or slightly better than those of transmission electron microscopy. The undercut of the InAs/AlAs layer near the edges of mesas is detected and that verifies the reliability of the quantum dot images. The inhomogeneous oxidation of the upper AlAs barrier in H2O2 is also observed. By comparing the morphologies of the mesa edge adjacent regions and the rest areas of the sample, it is concluded that the physicochemical reaction introduced in this letter is diffusion limited.


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Optical transmission of a two-dimensional array of subwavelength holes in a metal film has been numerically studied using a differential method. Transmission spectra have been calculated showing a significant increase of the transmission in certain spectral ranges corresponding to the excitation of the surface polariton Bloch waves on a metal surface with a periodic hole structure. Under the enhanced transmission conditions, the near-field distribution of the transmitted light reveals an intensity enhancement greater than 2 orders of magnitude in localized (similar to 40 nm) spots resulting from the interference of the surface polaritons Bragg scattered by the holes in an array.


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A new far-field optical microscopy capable of reaching nanometer-scale resolution is developed using the in-plane image magnification by surface plasmon polaritons. This approach is based on the optical properties of a metal-dielectric interface that may provide extremely large values of the effective refractive index neff up to 103 as seen by surface polaritons, and thus the diffraction limited resolution can reach nanometer-scale values of lambda/2neff. The experimental realization of the microscope has demonstrated the optical resolution better than 60 nm at 515 nm illumination wavelength.


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We present here a detailed study of the complex relationship between the electromagnetic near-field and far-field responses of "real" nanostructured metallic surfaces. The near-field and far-field responses are specified in terms of (spectra of) the surface-enhanced Raman-scattering enhancement factor (SERS EF) and optical extinction, respectively. First, it is shown that gold nanorod- and nanotube-array substrates exhibit three distinct localized surface plasmon resonances (LSPRs): a longitudinal, a transverse, and a cavity mode. The cavity mode simultaneously has the largest impact on the near-field behavior (as observed through the SERS EF) and the weakest optical interaction: It has a "near-field-type" character. The transverse and longitudinal modes have a significant impact on the far-field behavior but very little impact on SERS: They have a "far-field-type" character. We confirm the presence of the cavity mode using a combination of SERS EF spectra, electron microscopy, and electromagnetic modeling and thus clearly illustrate and explain the (lack of) correlation between the SERS EF spectra and the optical response in terms of the contrasting character of the three LSPRs. In doing so, we experimentally demonstrate that, for a surface that supports multiple LSPRs, the near-field and far-field properties can in fact be tuned almost independently. It is further demonstrated that small changes in geometrical parameters that tune the spectral location of the LPSRs can also drastically influence the character of these modes, resulting in certain unusual behavior, such as the far-field resonance redshift as the near-field resonance blueshifts. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevX.3.011001


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The crystallization of well-defined poly(L-lactide)-b-poly(epsilon-caprolactone) diblock copolymers, PLLA-b-PCL, was investigated by time-resolved X-ray techniques, polarized optical microscopy (POM), and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Two compositions were studied that contained 44 and 60 wt % poly(L-lactide), PLLA (they are referred to as (L44C5614)-C-11 and (L60C409)-C-12, respectively, with the molecular weight of each block in kg/mol as superscript). The copolymers were found to be initially miscible in the melt according to small-angle X-ray scattering measurements (SAXS). Their thermal behavior was also indicative of samples whose crystallization proceeds from a mixed melt. Sequential isothermal crystallization from the melt at 100 degreesC (for 30 min) and then at 30 degreesC (for 15 min) was measured. At 100 degreesC only the PLLA block is capable of crystallization, and its crystallization kinetics was followed by both WAXS and DSC; comparable results were obtained that indicated an instantaneous nucleation with three-dimensional superstructures (Avrami index of approximately 3). The spherulitic nature of the superstructure was confirmed by POM. When the temperature was decreased to 30 degreesC, the PCL block was able to crystallize within the PLLA negative spherulites (with an Avrami index of 2, as opposed to 3 in homo-PCL), and its crystallization rate was much slower than an equivalent homo-PCL. Time-resolved SAXS experiments in (L60C409)-C-12 revealed an initial melt mixed morphology at 165 degreesC that upon cooling transformed into a transient microphase-separated lamellar structure prior to crystallization at 100 degreesC.


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The magnetic response of the near-band-edge optical properties is studied in EuTe layers. In several magneto-optical experiments, the absorption and emission are described as well as the related Stokes shift. Specifically, we present the first experimental report of the photoluminescence excitation (PLE) spectrum in Faraday configuration. The PLE spectra shows to be related with the absorption spectra through the observation of resonance between the excitation light and the zero-field band-gap. A new emission line appears at 1.6 eV at a moderate magnetic field in the photoluminescence (PL) spectra. Furthermore, we examine the absorption and PL red-shift induced by the magnetic field in the light of the d-f exchange interaction energy involved in these processes. Whereas the absorption red-shift shows a quadratic dependence on the field, the PL red-shift shows a linear dependence which is explained by spin relaxation of the excited state.


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In the present work, the anodic oxide films of Al, Al-Cu 4.5% and Al-Si 6.5% alloys are formed using direct and pulse current. In the case of Al-Cu and Al-Si alloys, the electrolyte used contains sulfuric acid and oxalic acid, meanwhile for Al the electrolyte contains sulfuric acid only. Al-Cu alloy was submitted to a heat treatment in order to decrease the effect of inter metallic phase theta upon the anodic film structure. Fractured samples were observed using a field emission gun scanning electron microscope JSM-6330F at (LME)/Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS), Campinas, SP, Brazil. The oxide film images enable evaluation of the pore size and form with a resolution similar to the transmission electron microscope (TEM) resolution. It is also observed that the anodizing process using pulse current produces an irregular structure of pore walls, and by direct cur-rent it is produced a rectilinear pore wall. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.