995 resultados para n-type doping


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ZnO has proven to be a multifunctional material with important nanotechnological applications. ZnO nanostructures can be grown in various forms such as nanowires, nanorods, nanobelts, nanocombs etc. In this work, ZnO nanostructures are grown in a double quartz tube configuration thermal Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) system. We focus on functionalized ZnO Nanostructures by controlling their structures and tuning their properties for various applications. The following topics have been investigated: 1. We have fabricated various ZnO nanostructures using a thermal CVD technique. The growth parameters were optimized and studied for different nanostructures. 2. We have studied the application of ZnO nanowires (ZnONWs) for field effect transistors (FETs). Unintentional n-type conductivity was observed in our FETs based on as-grown ZnO NWs. We have then shown for the first time that controlled incorporation of hydrogen into ZnO NWs can introduce p-type characters to the nanowires. We further found that the n-type behaviors remained, leading to the ambipolar behaviors of hydrogen incorporated ZnO NWs. Importantly, the detected p- and n- type behaviors are stable for longer than two years when devices were kept in ambient conditions. All these can be explained by an ab initio model of Zn vacancy-Hydrogen complexes, which can serve as the donor, acceptors, or green photoluminescence quencher, depend on the number of hydrogen atoms involved. 3. Next ZnONWs were tested for electron field emission. We focus on reducing the threshold field (Eth) of field emission from non-aligned ZnO NWs. As encouraged by our results on enhancing the conductivity of ZnO NWs by hydrogen annealing described in Chapter 3, we have studied the effect of hydrogen annealing for improving field emission behavior of our ZnO NWs. We found that optimally annealed ZnO NWs offered much lower threshold electric field and improved emission stability. We also studied field emission from ZnO NWs at moderate vacuum levels. We found that there exists a minimum Eth as we scale the threshold field with pressure. This behavior is explained by referring to Paschen’s law. 4. We have studied the application of ZnO nanostructures for solar energy harvesting. First, as-grown and (CdSe) ZnS QDs decorated ZnO NBs and ZnONWs were tested for photocurrent generation. All these nanostructures offered fast response time to solar radiation. The decoration of QDs decreases the stable current level produced by ZnONWs but increases that generated by NBs. It is possible that NBs offer more stable surfaces for the attachment of QDs. In addition, our results suggests that performance degradation of solar cells made by growing ZnO NWs on ITO is due to the increase in resistance of ITO after the high temperature growth process. Hydrogen annealing also improve the efficiency of the solar cells by decreasing the resistance of ITO. Due to the issues on ITO, we use Ni foil as the growth substrates. Performance of solar cells made by growing ZnO NWs on Ni foils degraded after Hydrogen annealing at both low (300 °C) and high (600 °C) temperatures since annealing passivates native defects in ZnONWs and thus reduce the absorption of visible spectra from our solar simulator. Decoration of QDs improves the efficiency of such solar cells by increasing absorption of light in the visible region. Using a better electrolyte than phosphate buffer solution (PBS) such as KI also improves the solar cell efficiency. 5. Finally, we have attempted p-type doping of ZnO NWs using various growth precursors including phosphorus pentoxide, sodium fluoride, and zinc fluoride. We have also attempted to create p-type carriers via introducing interstitial fluorine by annealing ZnO nanostructures in diluted fluorine gas. In brief, we are unable to reproduce the growth of reported p-type ZnO nanostructures. However; we have identified the window of temperature and duration of post-growth annealing of ZnO NWs in dilute fluorine gas which leads to suppression of native defects. This is the first experimental effort on post-growth annealing of ZnO NWs in dilute fluorine gas although this has been suggested by a recent theory for creating p-type semiconductors. In our experiments the defect band peak due to native defects is found to decrease by annealing at 300 °C for 10 – 30 minutes. One of the major future works will be to determine the type of charge carriers in our annealed ZnONWs.


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High intrinsic carrier concentration (n-type) • Efforts to reduce this effect: • Homoepitaxy1 • Non-polar orientations • Similar samples exhibit residual doping as low as ~1014 cm-3 (2) The path to p-type doping • Many dopants proposed • N is a promising candidate • Simple NO is a deep level • Complex levels have shallower energies • N-related levels observed near the VB by many groups • Energies between 130 meV and 160 meV from VBM


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The present thesis has been devoted to the synthesis and investigation of functional properties of silicon carbide thin films and nanowires. The work took profit from the experience of the research group in the synthesis of 3C-SiC from vapour phase. 3C-SiC thin films Thin films heteroepitaxy on silicon substrates was carried out in a vapour phase epitaxy reactor. The initial efforts were committed to the process development in order to enhance the crystal quality of the epi-layer. The carbonization process and a buffer layer procedure were optimized in order to obtain good quality monocrystalline 3C-SiC layers. The films characterization was used not only to improve the entire process, but also to assess the crystalline quality and to identify the defects. Methyltrichlorosilane (MTS) was introduced during the synthesis to increase the growth rate and enhance crystalline quality. The effect of synthesis parameters such as MTS flow and process temperature was studied in order to promote defect density reduction and the release of the strain due to lattice mismatch between 3C-SiC and silicon substrate. In-growth n-type doping was implemented using a nitrogen gas line and the effect of different synthesis parameters on doping level was studied. Raman measurements allowed a contactless characterization and evaluation of electrically active dopant. The effect of MTS on nitrogen incorporation was investigated and a promotion of dopant concentration together with a higher growth rate were demonstrated. This result allows to obtain higher doping concentrations without deteriorating crystal quality in 3C-SiC and, to the best of our knowledge, it has never been demonstrated before. 3C-SiC nanowires Core-shell SiC-SiO2 nanowires were synthesized using a chemical vapour deposition technique in an open tube configuration reactor on silicon substrates. Metal catalyst were used to promote a uniaxial growth and a dense bundle of nanowires 100 µm long and 60 nm thick was obtained. Substrate preparation was found to be fundamental in order to obtain a uniform nanowire density. Morphological characterization was carried out using scanning electron microscopy and the analysis of structural, compositional, optical properties is reported.


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The PhD activity described in this Thesis was focused on the study of metal-oxide wide-bandgap materials, aiming at fabricating new optoelectronic devices such as solar-blind UV photodetectors, high power electronics, and gas sensors. Photocurrent spectroscopy and DC photocurrent time evolution were used to investigate the performance of prototypes under different atmospheres, temperatures and excitation wavelengths (or dark conditions). Cathodoluminescence, absorption spectroscopy, XRD and SEM were used to assess structural, morphologic, electrical and optical properties of materials. This thesis is divided into two main sections, each describing the work done on a different metal-oxide semiconductor. 1) MOVPE-grown Ga2O3 thin films for UV solar-blind photodetectors and high power devices The semiconducting oxides, among them Ga2O3, have been employed for several decades as transparent conducting oxide (TCO) electrodes for fabrication of solar cells, displays, electronic, and opto-electronic devices. The interest was mainly confined to such applications, as these materials tend to grow intrinsically n-type, and attempts to get an effective p-type doping has consistently failed. The key requirements of TCO electrodes are indeed high electrical conductivity and good transparency, while crystallographic perfection is a minor issue. Furthermore, for a long period no high-quality substrates and epi-layers were available, which in turn impeded the development of a truly full-oxide electronics. Recently, Ga2O3 has attracted renewed interest, as large single crystals and high-quality homo- and hetero-epitaxial layers became available, which paved the way to novel application areas. Our research group spent the last two years in developing a low temperature (500-700°C) MOVPE growth procedure to obtain thin films of Ga2O3 on different substrates (Dept. of Physics and IMEM-CNR at UNIPR). We obtained a significant result growing on oriented sapphire epitaxial films of high crystalline, undoped, pure phase -Ga2O3 (hexagonal). The crystallographic properties of this phase were investigated by XRD, in order to clarify the lattice parameters of the hexagonal cell. First design and development of solar blind UV photodetectors based on -phase was carried out and the optoelectronic performance is evaluated by means of photocurrent spectroscopy. The UV-response is adequately fast and reliable to render this unusual phase a subject of great interest for future applications. The availability of a hexagonal phase of Ga2O3 stable up to 700°C, belonging to the same space group of gallium nitride, with high crystallinity and tunable electrical properties, is intriguing in view of the development of nitride-based devices, by taking advantage of the more favorable symmetry and epitaxial relationships with respect to the monoclinic β-phase. In addition, annealing at temperatures higher than 700°C demonstrate that the hexagonal phase converts totally in the monoclinic one. 2) ZnO nano-tetrapods: charge transport mechanisms and time-response in optoelectronic devices and sensors Size and morphology of ZnO at the nanometer scale play a key role in tailoring its physical and chemical properties. Thanks to the possibility of growing zinc oxide in a variety of different nanostructures, there is a great variety of applications, among which gas sensors, light emitting diodes, transparent conducting oxides, solar cells. Even if the operation of ZnO nanostructure-based devices has been recently demonstrated, the mechanisms of charge transport in these assembly is still under debate. The candidate performed an accurate investigation by photocurrent spectroscopy and DC-photocurrent time evolution of electrical response of both single-tetrapod and tetrapod-assembly devices. During the research done for this thesis, a thermal activation energy enables the performance of samples at high temperatures (above about 300°C). The energy barrier is related to the leg-to-leg interconnection in the assembly of nanotetrapods. Percolation mechanisms are responsible for both the very slow photo-response (minutes to hours or days) and the significant persistent photocurrent. Below the bandgap energy, electronic states were investigated but their contribution to the photocurrent are two-three order of magnitude lower than the band edge. Such devices are suitable for employ in photodetectors as well as in gas sensors, provided that the mechanism by which the photo-current is generated and gas adsorption on the surface modify the conductivity of the material are known.


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Development of transparent oxide semiconductors (TOS) from Earth-abundant materials is of great interest for cost-effective thin film device applications, such as solar cells, light emitting diodes (LEDs), touch-sensitive displays, electronic paper, and transparent thin film transistors. The need of inexpensive or high performance electrode might be even greater for organic photovoltaic (OPV), with the goal to harvest renewable energy with inexpensive, lightweight, and cost competitive materials. The natural abundance of zinc and the wide bandgap ($sim$3.3 eV) of its oxide make it an ideal candidate. In this dissertation, I have introduced various concepts on the modulations of various surface, interface and bulk opto-electronic properties of ZnO based semiconductor for charge transport, charge selectivity and optimal device performance. I have categorized transparent semiconductors into two sub groups depending upon their role in a device. Electrodes, usually 200 to 500 nm thick, optimized for good transparency and transporting the charges to the external circuit. Here, the electrical conductivity in parallel direction to thin film, i.e bulk conductivity is important. And contacts, usually 5 to 50 nm thick, are optimized in case of solar cells for providing charge selectivity and asymmetry to manipulate the built in field inside the device for charge separation and collection. Whereas in Organic LEDs (OLEDs), contacts provide optimum energy level alignment at organic oxide interface for improved charge injections. For an optimal solar cell performance, transparent electrodes are designed with maximum transparency in the region of interest to maximize the light to pass through to the absorber layer for photo-generation, plus they are designed for minimum sheet resistance for efficient charge collection and transport. As such there is need for material with high conductivity and transparency. Doping ZnO with some common elements such as B, Al, Ga, In, Ge, Si, and F result in n-type doping with increase in carriers resulting in high conductivity electrode, with better or comparable opto-electronic properties compared to current industry-standard indium tin oxide (ITO). Furthermore, improvement in mobility due to improvement on crystallographic structure also provide alternative path for high conductivity ZnO TCOs. Implementing these two aspects, various studies were done on gallium doped zinc oxide (GZO) transparent electrode, a very promising indium free electrode. The dynamics of the superimposed RF and DC power sputtering was utilized to improve the microstructure during the thin films growth, resulting in GZO electrode with conductivity greater than 4000 S/cm and transparency greater than 90 %. Similarly, various studies on research and development of Indium Zinc Tin Oxide and Indium Zinc Oxide thin films which can be applied to flexible substrates for next generation solar cells application is presented. In these new TCO systems, understanding the role of crystallographic structure ranging from poly-crystalline to amorphous phase and the influence on the charge transport and optical transparency as well as important surface passivation and surface charge transport properties. Implementation of these electrode based on ZnO on opto-electronics devices such as OLED and OPV is complicated due to chemical interaction over time with the organic layer or with ambient. The problem of inefficient charge collection/injection due to poor understanding of interface and/or bulk property of oxide electrode exists at several oxide-organic interfaces. The surface conductivity, the work function, the formation of dipoles and the band-bending at the interfacial sites can positively or negatively impact the device performance. Detailed characterization of the surface composition both before and after various chemicals treatment of various oxide electrode can therefore provide insight into optimization of device performance. Some of the work related to controlling the interfacial chemistry associated with charge transport of transparent electrodes are discussed. Thus, the role of various pre-treatment on poly-crystalline GZO electrode and amorphous indium zinc oxide (IZO) electrode is compared and contrasted. From the study, we have found that removal of defects and self passivating defects caused by accumulation of hydroxides in the surface of both poly-crystalline GZO and amorphous IZO, are critical for improving the surface conductivity and charge transport. Further insight on how these insulating and self-passivating defects cause charge accumulation and recombination in an device is discussed. With recent rapid development of bulk-heterojunction organic photovoltaics active materials, devices employing ZnO and ZnO based electrode provide air stable and cost-competitive alternatives to traditional inorganic photovoltaics. The organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs) have already been commercialized, thus to follow in the footsteps of this technology, OPV devices need further improvement in power conversion efficiency and stable materials resulting in long device lifetimes. Use of low work function metals such as Ca/Al in standard geometry do provide good electrode for electron collection, but serious problems using low work-function metal electrodes originates from the formation of non-conductive metal oxide due to oxidation resulting in rapid device failure. Hence, using low work-function, air stable, conductive metal oxides such as ZnO as electrons collecting electrode and high work-function, air stable metals such as silver for harvesting holes, has been on the rise. Devices with degenerately doped ZnO functioning as transparent conductive electrode, or as charge selective layer in a polymer/fullerene based heterojunction, present useful device structures for investigating the functional mechanisms within OPV devices and a possible pathway towards improved air-stable high efficiency devices. Furthermore, analysis of the physical properties of the ZnO layers with varying thickness, crystallographic structure, surface chemistry and grain size deposited via various techniques such as atomic layer deposition, sputtering and solution-processed ZnO with their respective OPV device performance is discussed. We find similarity and differences in electrode property for good charge injection in OLEDs and good charge collection in OPV devices very insightful in understanding physics behind device failures and successes. In general, self-passivating surface of amorphous TCOs IZO, ZTO and IZTO forms insulating layer that hinders the charge collection. Similarly, we find modulation of the carrier concentration and the mobility in electron transport layer, namely zinc oxide thin films, very important for optimizing device performance.


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Films of amorphous silicon (a-Si) were prepared by r.f. sputtering in a Ne plasma without the addition of hydrogen or a halogen. The d.c. dark electrical conductivity, he optical gap and the photoconductivity of the films were investigated for a range of preparation conditions, the sputtering gas pressure, P, the target-substrate spacing, d, the self-bias voltage, Vsb, on the target and the substrate temperature, Ts. The dependence of the electrical and optical properties on these conditions showed that various combinations of P, d and Vsb, at a constant Ts, giving the same product (Pd/V sb) result in films with similar properties, provided that P, d and Vsb remain vithin a certain range. Variation of Pd/Vsb between about 0.2 and 0.8 rrTorr.cm!V varied the dark conductivity over about 4 orders of magnitude, the optical gap by 0.5 eV and the photoconductivity over 4-5 orders of magnitude. This is attributed to controlling the density-of-states distribution in the mobility gap. The temperature-dependence of photoconductivity and the photoresponse of undoped films are in support of this conclusion. Films prepared at relatively high (Pd/Vsb) values and Ts=300 ºc: exhibited low dark-conductivity and high thermal activation energy, optical gap and photoresponse, characteristic properties of a 'low density-of-states material. P-type doping with group-Ill elements (Al, B and Ga) by sputtering from a composite target or from a predoped target (B-.doped) was investigated. The systematic variation of room-temperature conductivity over many orders of magnitude and a Fermi-level shift of about 0.7 eV towards the valence-band edge suggest that substitutional doping had taken place. The effects of preparation conditions on doping efficiency were also investigated. The post-deposition annealing of undoped and doped films were studied for a temperature range from 250 ºC to 470 ºC. It was shown that annealing enhanced the doping efficiency considerably, although it had little effect on the basic material (a-Si) prepared at the optimum conditions (Pd/Vsb=0.8 mTorr.cm/V and Ts=300 $ºC). Preliminary experiments on devices imply potential applications of the present material, such as p-n and MS junctions.


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Shallow-trench isolation drain extended pMOS (STI-DePMOS) devices show a distinct two-stage breakdown. The impact of p-well and deep-n-well doping profile on breakdown characteristics is investigated based on TCAD simulations. Design guidelines for p-well and deep-n-well doping profile are developed to shift the onset of the first-stage breakdown to a higher drain voltage and to avoid vertical punch-through leading to early breakdown. An optimal ratio between the OFF-state breakdown voltage and the ON-state resistance could be obtained. Furthermore, the impact of p-well/deep-n-well doping profile on the figure of merits of analog and digital performance is studied. This paper aids in the design of STI drain extended MOSFET devices for widest safe operating area and optimal mixed-signal performance in advanced system-on-chip input-output process technologies.


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1.5 mu m. n-type modulation-doping InGaAsP/InGaAsP strained multiple quantum wells grown by low pressure metalorganic chemistry vapor decomposition technology is reported for the first time in the world. N-type modulation-doped lasers exhibit much lower threshold current densities than conventional lasers with undoped barrier layers. The lowest threshold current density we obtained was 1052.5 A/cm(2) for 1000 mu m long lasers with seven quantum wells. The estimated threshold current density for an infinite cavity length was 94.72A/cm(2)/well, reduced by 23.3% compared with undoped barrier lasers. The n-type modulation doping effects on the lasing characteristics in 1.5 mu m devices have been demonstrated.


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Sb-doped Zn1-xMgxO films were grown on c-plane sapphire substrates by radio-frequency magnetron sputtering. The p-type conduction of the films (0.05 <= x <= 0.13) was confirmed by Hall measurements, revealing a hole concentration of 10(15)-10(16) cm(-3) and a mobility of 0.6-4.5 cm(2)/V s. A p-n homojunction comprising an undoped ZnO layer and an Sb-doped Zn0.95Mg0.05O layer shows a typical rectifying characteristic. Sb-doped p-type Zn1-xMgxO films also exhibit a changeable wider band gap as a function of x, implying that they can probably be used for fabrication of ZnO-based quantum wells and ultraviolet optoelectronic devices. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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The effects of dislocations and Si doping on the electrical properties of n-type GaN grown by metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) are investigated. It is found that both electron mobility and carrier concentration are strongly influenced by edge dislocations. A moderate Si doping during the GaN growth improves the electron mobility, but the best doping effect depends on the dislocation density of the sample. High quality about 4-mu m-thick MOCVD-grown GaN film with a room temperature electron mobility as high as 1005 cm(2)/V s is obtained by optimizing growth conditions. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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We investigate the effects of lightly Si doping on the minority carrier diffusion length in n-type GaN films by analyzing photovoltaic spectra and positron annihilation measurements. We find that the minority carrier diffusion length in undoped n-type GaN is much larger than in lightly Si-doped GaN. Positron annihilation analysis demonstrates that the concentration of Ga vacancies is much higher in lightly Si-doped GaN and suggests that the Ga vacancies instead of dislocations are responsible for the smaller minority carrier diffusion length in the investigated Si-doped GaN samples due to the effects of deep level defects. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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The structural, optical, and gas-sensing properties of spray pyrolysis deposited Cu doped ZnO thin films were investigated. Gas response of the undoped and doped films to N02 (oxidizing) gas shows an increase and decrease in resistance, respectively, indicating p-type conduction in doped samples. The UV-Vis spectra of the films show decrease in the bandgap with increasing Cu concentration in ZnO. The observed p-type conductivity is attributed to the holes generated by incorporated Cu atoms on Zn sites in ZnO thin films. The X-ray diffraction spectra showed that samples are polycrystalline with the hexagonal wurtzite structure and increasing the concentration of Cu caused a decrease in the intensity of the dominant (002) peak. The surface morphology of films was studied by scanning electron microscopy and the presence of Cu was also confirmed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Seebeck effect measurements were utilized to confirm the p-type conduction of Cu doped ZnO thin films. Copyright © 2009 American Scientific Publishers All rights reserved.


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New glasses of 16.66SrO–16.66[(1 − x)Bi2O3–xSm2O3]–16.66Nb2O5–50Li2B4O7 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.5, in molar ratio), i.e., the pseudo-binary Sm2O3-doped SrBi2Nb2O9–Li2B4O7 glass system, giving the crystallization of Sm3+-doped SrBi2Nb2O9 nanocrystals are developed. It is found that the thermal stability of the glasses against the crystallization and the optical band gap energy increases with increasing Sm2O3 content. The formation of fluorite-type Sm3+-doped SrBi2Nb2O9 nanocrystals (diameters: 13–37 nm) with a cubic structure is confirmed in the crystallized (530 °C, 3 h) samples from X-ray powder diffraction analyses, Raman scattering spectrum measurements, and transmission electron microscope observations. The effect of Sm3+-doping on the microstructure, Raman scattering peak positions, and dielectric properties of composites comprising of fluorite-type SrBi2Nb2O9 nanocrystals and the Li2B4O7 glassy phase is clarified. It is found that fluorite-type SrBi2Nb2O9 nanocrystals transform to stable perovskite-type SrBi2Nb2O9 crystals with an orthorhombic structure by heat treatments at around 630 °C.


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Few-layer graphene films were grown by chemical vapor deposition and transferred onto n-type crystalline silicon wafers to fabricate graphene/n-silicon Schottky barrier solar cells. In order to increase the power conversion efficiency of such cells the graphene films were doped with nitric acid vapor and an antireflection treatment was implemented to reduce the sunlight reflection on the top of the device. The doping process increased the work function of the graphene film and had a beneficial effect on its conductivity. The deposition of a double antireflection coating led to an external quantum efficiency up to 90% across the visible and near infrared region, the highest ever reported for this type of devices. The combined effect of graphene doping and antireflection treatment allowed to reach a power conversion efficiency of 8.5% exceeding the pristine (undoped and uncoated) device performance by a factor of 4. The optical properties of the antireflection coating were found to be not affected by the exposure to nitric acid vapor and to remain stable over time.


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A theoretical model is proposed to determine the effects of Si substitution with Al on the oxygen diffusion in apatite-type lanthanum silicates based on density-functional theory (DFT) calculations for La10(SiO 4)4(AlO4)2O2. Substitution changes the stable configuration for excess oxygen from the split interstitial to a new cluster form with the original cluster. Al doping completely changes the migration mechanism from the interstitialcy one, which was proposed for the La9.33(SiO4)6O2 starting material, to a mechanism which contains an interstitial process. Nevertheless, the migration barrier is calculated to be 0.81 eV, which indicates small changes in oxygen conduction and is consistent with the observations. The present study indicates that the cation substitution on silicon site alone does not promise the improvement of the oxide ion conduction in the lanthanum silicate.