949 resultados para mussel meat
A randomised crossover dietary intervention study was performed to evaluate the effects of replacing meat protein in the diet with a soyabean product, tofu, on blood concentrations of testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, androstanediol glucuronide, oestradiol, sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG), and the free androgen index (total testosterone concentration/SHBG concentration x 100; FAI). Forty-two healthy adult males aged 35-62 years were studied. Diets were isoenergetic, with either 150 g lean meat or 290 g tofu daily providing an equivalent amount of macronutrients, with only the source of protein differing between the two diets. Each diet lasted for 4 weeks, with a 2-week interval between interventions. Fasting blood samples were taken between 07.00 and 09.30 hours. Urinary excretion of genistein and daidzein was significantly higher after the tofu diet (P
The progressive changes in the water distribution within rabbit muscles were studied by nuclear magnetic resonance microscopy during the first 24 h postmortem. T-2 images revealed development of interspersed lines with higher signal intensities in the muscle, reflecting formation of channels containing mobile water. The appearance of the interspersed lines progressed throughout the measuring period and became increasingly evident. After about 3 h postmortem the signal intensity also increased in areas near the surface of the samples, which reflects migration of the mobile water to the sample surface. Proton density images showed the presence of a chemical shift artifact in the interspersed lines, implying that the intrinsic development of water channels progressed in close proximity to the connective tissue. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Toxoplasma gondii causes severe disease both to man and livestock and its detection in meat after slaughtering requires PCR or biological tests. Meat packages contain retained exudate that could be used for serology due to its blood content. Similar studies reported false negative assays in those tests. We standardized an anti-T. gondii IgG ELISA in muscle juices from experimentally infected rabbits, with blood content determination by cyanhemoglobin spectrophotometry. IgG titers and immunoblotting profiles were similar in blood, serum or meat juice, after blood content correction. These assays were adequate regardless of the storage time up to 120 days or freeze-thaw cycles, without false negative results. We also found 1.35% (1/74) positive sample in commercial Brazilian rabbit meat cuts, by this assay. The blood content determination shows ELISA of meat juice may be useful for quality control for toxoplasmosis monitoring. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The biological cause of broiler PSE meat seems to be an excessive release of Ca(2+), promoted by a genetic mutation of ryanodine receptors located in the sarcoplasmic reticulum of skeletal muscle cells. Excessive Ca(2+), associated with protein denaturation in meat, enhances protease activity and influences the functional properties of PSE meat. Twenty-four-hour post-mortem Pectoralis major m. samples exhibited lower values for pH, water-holding capacity, and shear force than did control samples, in contrast to colour (L*) and cooking loss values. Protease activity, measured as myofibril fragmentation index, presented higher values in PSE meat than in control samples. Ultrastructural examination revealed shrinking and depolymerisation of myofilaments and Z-lines disorganisation within the sarcomere in PSE meat. Intense calpain activity was also observed, indicating that the process may initiate at the filaments, because of protein denaturation, and spread through Z-lines, resulting in the collapse of the sarcomere structure. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Male kids (110) from six goat genotypes, i.e. Boer x Angora (BA), Boer x Feral (1317), Boer x Saanen (BS), Feral x Feral (FF), Saanen x Angora (SA) and Saanen x Feral (SF) and two slaughter weight groups, i.e. Capretto and Chevon (liveweight at slaughter 14-22 and 30-35 kg, respectively) were compared for growth, carcass and meat quality characteristics. Due to their better growth rate, kids from BS and SF genotypes reached the required liveweight for slaughter earlier than kids from other Genotypes used in the study. Chevon kids had a significantly (P < 0.05) lower average daily gain (119 g per day) compared to Capretto kids (171 g per day). SA, SF and FF kids deposited more internal fat in comparison to kids from other genotypes. The dressing percentage of kids ranged from 51 to 54%, with significant differences between genotypes. BS and SF kids had longer carcasses. while BF kids had larger eye muscle area compared to other genotypes. Goat carcasses had a thin subcutaneous fat cover (1.6-2.2 mm). Genotype had a significant (P < 0.05) influence on cooking loss, pigment concentration and muscle colour parameters (CIE L*, a* and b* values). As denoted by the higher V and fibre optic probe values and lower subjective muscle score, the longissimus muscle colour was lighter for BS kids than other genotypes. Cooked meat from the BF kids had lower shear force values and better sensory scores compared to other genotypes. A significant (P < 0.05) decrease in muscle tenderness was observed from Capretto to Chevon carcasses, whereas cooked meat from these two slaughter weight groups was equally accepted (P > 0.05) by the panellists. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Conference: IMMR | International Meeting on Marine Research 2014. Peniche, Portugal, 10 Jul - 11 Jul, 2014. Presentation Type: Poster Presentation.
Tese de Doutoramento, Ciências do Mar, especialidade de Biologia Marinha, 18 de Dezembro de 2015, Universidade dos Açores.
Host-symbiont interactions in the deep-sea vent mussel Bathymodiolus azoricus : a molecular approach
Tese de Doutoramento, Ciências do Mar, especialidade de Biologia Marinha, 19 de Dezembro de 2015, Universidade dos Açores.
The impact of mycotoxins on human and animal health is well recognized. Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) is by far the most prevalent and the most potent natural carcinogen and is usually the major aflatoxin produced by toxigenic fungal strains. Data available, points to an increasing frequency of poultry feed contamination by aflatoxins. Since aflatoxin residues may accumulate in body tissues, this represents a high risk to human health. Samples from commercial poultry birds have already presented detectable levels of aflatoxin in liver. A descriptive study was developed in order to assess fungal contamination by species from Aspergillus flavus complex in seven Portuguese poultry units. Air fungal contamination was studied by conventional and molecular methods. Air, litter and surfaces samples were collected. To apply molecular methods, air samples of 300L were collected using the Coriolis μ air sampler (Bertin Technologies), at 300 L/min airflow rate. For conventional methodologies, all the collected samples were incubated at 27ºC for five to seven days. Through conventional methods, Aspergillus flavus was the third fungal species (7%) most frequently found in 27 indoor air samples analysed and the most commonly isolated species (75%) in air samples containing only the Aspergillus genus...
The aim of this study was to develop a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) protocol for the detection of Salmonella in artificially contaminated chicken meat. Tests were performed with different dilutions of Salmonella Typhimurium or Salmonella Enteritidis cells (10-7, 10-8 or 10-9 CFU/mL) inoculated in chicken meat samples, in order to establish the limits of detection, incubation times (0, 6, 8 and 24 hours of pre-enrichment in PBW 1%) and three DNA extraction protocols (phenol-chloroform, thermal treatment and thermal treatment and Sephaglass). The assay was able to detect until 10-9 CFU/mL of initial dilution of Salmonella cells inoculated in chicken meat, which allows detection of Salmonella within 48 hours, including 24 hours of pre-enrichment and using the phenol-chloroform DNA extraction protocol. As the results are obtained in a shorter time period than that of microbiological culture, this procedure will be useful in the methodology for detection of Salmonella in chicken.
Arcobacter spp. are emerging enteropathogens and potential zoonotic agents that can be transmitted by food and water, being considered a public health risk. The high isolation rate of these bacteria from poultry products suggests that it may be a major source of human infections. One hallmark for differentiating the genus Arcobacter fromCampylobacter includes their growing capacity at low temperatures (15-30 °C) under aerobic conditions. However, little is known about the population density variation of these bacteria at different refrigeration temperatures. The aim of this study was to determine the survival behavior of two different Arcobacter butzleri concentrations (104 CFU/mL and 107 CFU/mL) inoculated on chicken legs and held at two different refrigeration temperatures (4 and 10 °C) throughout storage time. Results have shown that A. butzleri had growing capacity both at 4 and 10 °C. No statistical difference between the survival trends was found for both bacterial concentrations and temperatures tested. This study shows that A. butzleri is a robust species with regard to storage temperature, and represents a potential health risk for poultry meat consumers.
Mussel populations on the Irish Atlantic coast comprise an interbreeding mixture of the blue mussel, Mytilus edulis (L.) and the Mediterranean mussel, Mytilus galloprovincialis (Lmk.). The occurrence of hybrid genotypes varies between sites but can be as high 80%. This study compares the reproductive cycle of M. edulis, M. galloprovincialis and their hybrids to determine if the extensive hybridisation observed at Irish Atlantic coast sites is linked to spawning synchrony between the two taxa. Mussels (40-45 mm size class) were collected monthly from a sheltered shore in Galway Bay from January to December 2005. Two major spawning events (March- June and September-October) were observed and gametogenesis took place throughout the year. The spawning cycles of the three taxa were largely overlapping. Small differences were observed in the timing of peak spawning which occurred in March and October in M. galloprovincialis and in May-June and September in M.edulis. Spawning of hybrid individuals was intermediate between the parental genotypes. Fecundity was slightly higher in M. galloprovincialis females compared to the other taxa (up to 30% difference, p<0.05). This apparent advantage is not shared by the sexes and is likely being offset by high numbers of hybrid genotypes releasing gametes during peak spawning of M. galloprovincialis. There was no evidence for increased mortality in hybrid males; sex ratios did not deviate from the 1:1 ratio. The results show that in this region of the hybrid zone the timing of reproduction does not present a barrier to gene flow between M. edulis and M. galloprovincialis. Nonetheless, small differences in the timing of peak spawning may increase the likelihood of conspecific fertilisation at certain times of the year. Hybrids outnumber the parental genotypes, undergo complete gametogenesis and show no evidence of depressed fitness (i.e. hybrids are reproductively competent suggesting a high degree of introgression.