78 resultados para multifunctionality
Background: The fungus Paracoccidioides spp is the agent of paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM), a pulmonary mycosis acquired by the inhalation of fungal propagules. Paracoccidioides malate synthase (PbMLS) is important in the infectious process of Paracoccidioides spp because the transcript is up-regulated during the transition from mycelium to yeast and in yeast cells during phagocytosis by murine macrophages. In addition, PbMLS acts as an adhesin in Paracoccidioides spp. The evidence for the multifunctionality of PbMLS indicates that it could interact with other proteins from the fungus and host. The objective of this study was to identify and analyze proteins that possibly bind to PbMLS (PbMLS-interacting proteins) because protein interactions are intrinsic to cell processes, and it might be possible to infer the function of a protein through the identification of its ligands. Results: The search for interactions was performed using an in vivo assay with a two-hybrid library constructed in S. cerevisiae; the transcripts were sequenced and identified. In addition, an in vitro assay using pull-down GST methodology with different protein extracts (yeast, mycelium, yeast-secreted proteins and macrophage) was performed, and the resulting interactions were identified by mass spectrometry (MS). Some of the protein interactions were confirmed by Far-Western blotting using specific antibodies, and the interaction of PbMLS with macrophages was validated by indirect immunofluorescence and confocal microscopy. In silico analysis using molecular modeling, dynamics and docking identified the amino acids that were involved in the interactions between PbMLS and PbMLS-interacting proteins. Finally, the interactions were visualized graphically using Osprey software. Conclusion: These observations indicate that PbMLS interacts with proteins that are in different functional categories, such as cellular transport, protein biosynthesis, modification and degradation of proteins and signal transduction. These data suggest that PbMLS could play different roles in the fungal cell. © 2013 de Oliveira et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE
Pós-graduação em Geografia - FCT
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
No Brasil, o processo de urbanização se mantém acelerado e apresenta grande diversidade de realidades. Sem planejamento, as cidades não tiveram a capacidade (ou não foram preparadas) para receber e atender as demandas dessa crescente população por educação, saúde, moradia, saneamento básico e de oportunidade de ocupação e geração de renda. Identificada como uma ferramenta multifuncional com potencial de suprir as carências, de parte dessa população marginalizada, a agricultura urbana e periurbana (AUP) contemporânea, ganha destaque no cenário mundial e nacional. Neste contexto, a presente dissertação teve como objetivo principal demonstrar que a agricultura urbana e periurbana praticada especificamente na área do Curuçambá em Ananindeua, município integrante da Região Metropolitana de Belém, é uma atividade capaz de contribuir com o desenvolvimento local na medida em que interfere positivamente para melhoria dos aspectos econômico, social, ambiental e alimentar e conseqüente inclusão das famílias envolvidas, e, em que pese os resultados ainda pouco expressivos, pode vir a ser uma forte alternativa, desde que sanadas as dificuldades identificadas. O presente estudo fundamenta-se na análise dos fenômenos rurais e urbanos e realiza uma pesquisa de campo para registrar a situação atual e, por meio da aplicação de um questionário, obter informações das famílias envolvidas, assim como por meio de entrevistas com as instituições locais. As informações foram complementadas com os dados oriundos da Empresa de Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural do Pará - EMATER, do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística - IBGE e da Secretaria Municipal de Desenvolvimento Econômico de Ananindeua - SEDES. Os resultados mostraram que não existem leis ou políticas públicas voltadas a agricultura urbana da área de pesquisa, e o entendimento do governo local sobre AUP é restrito. Identificou-se a ausência de saneamento, fornecimento de água e tratamento de esgoto sanitário, e as condições precárias de infraestrutura, como alternativa de transporte para o escoamento da produção, também foram evidenciados. Todavia, as atividades da AUP fazem parte da dinâmica do município por iniciativa dos citadinos, na maioria dos casos pesquisados como ocupação principal, e única fonte de renda, evidenciando além da importância que esse tipo de agricultura tem para as famílias envolvidas a potencialidade, dada a sua multifuncionalidade, em contribuir com o desenvolvimento local sustentável, tanto no aspecto social como alimentar, melhorando de maneira continuada a qualidade de vida das pessoas na cidade.
Technology always advances and thus the device miniaturization and improved performance, besides multifunctionality, they become extremely necessary. A wave of research on the area tends to grow in number and importance in today's market, it is necessary to search for new materials, new applicability of the existing ones and new processes for increasingly cheaper costs. Dielectric materials are considered a key element in this sector being the main electrical properties its high dielectric constant and low dielectric loss. The Polymeric Precursor Method appears as a good alternative because is a low cost, simple process with controlled stoichiometry. In this method, two steps were performed. In a first step, the precursor solution was decomposed into powders and in a second step the precursor solution was converted in thin films. In this work, was used the polymeric precursor methods to get thin films where they were heat treated and characterized by XRD, SEM and AFM. We have obtained Bi3NbO7 thin films with good homogeneity and uniform distribution of grains were noted. We observed that the best condition to obtain the tetragonal phase is annealing the film at high temperatures for a longer soaking time and with excess of bismuth. Several oxides electrodes were evaluated aiming to obtain textured dielectric thin films
The increasing demand for electro-electronic devices, with high performance and multi-functional and the rapid advances of the nanotechnology require the development of new methods and techniques for the production and characterization of nanostructure materials and phenomenological models to describe/to predict some of its properties. The demand for multifunctionality requires, at least, new materials, that can integrate ferroelectric and magnetic properties of high technological interest. Inside of this context, multiferroics material can be considered suitable to integrate two or more physical properties of high technological interest. It can also provides new challenges in the processes of synthesis of new materials, and development of new devices with controlling and simulation of its physical properties and modeling. For this Calcium (Ca)-doped bismuth ferrite (BiFeO3) thin films prepared by using the polymeric precursor method (PPM) were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), field emission gun scanning electron microscopy (FEG-SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), polarization and piezoelectric measurements.In order to study the behavior and determine which are the most important parameters to achieve the optimal property to be applied to a multiferroic materials
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Paracoccidioides species are dimorphic fungi and are the etiologic agents of paracoccidioidomycosis, which is a serious disease that involves multiple organs. The many tissues colonized by this fungus suggest a variety of surface molecules involved in adhesion. A surprising finding is that most enzymes in the glycolytic pathway, tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle and glyoxylate cycle in Paracoccidioides spp. have adhesive properties that aid in interacting with the host extracellular matrix and thus act as 'moonlighting'proteins. Moonlighting proteins have multiple functions, which adds a dimension to cellular complexity and benefit cells in several ways. This phenomenon occurs in both eukaryotes and prokaryotes. For example, moonlighting proteins from the glycolytic pathway or TCA cycle can play a role in bacterial pathogenesis by either acting as proteins secreted in a conventional pathway and/or as cell surface components that facilitate adhesion or adherence. This review outlines the multifunctionality exhibited by many Paracoccidioides spp. enzymes, including aconitase, aldolase, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, isocitratelyase, malatesynthase, triose phosphate isomerase, fumarase, and enolase. We discuss the roles that moonlighting activities play in the virulence characteristics of this fungus and several other human pathogens during their interactions with the host.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Crotamine, a 5-kDa peptide, possesses a unique biological versatility. Not only has its cell-penetrating activity become of clinical interest but, moreover, its potential selective antitumor activity is of great pharmacological importance. In the past, several studies have attempted to elucidate the exact molecular target responsible for the crotamine-induced skeletal muscle spasm. The aim of this study was to investigate whether crotamine affects voltage-gated potassium (K-V) channels in an effort to explain its in vivo effects. Crotamine was studied on ion channel function using the two-electrode voltage clamp technique on 16 cloned ion channels (12 K-V channels and 4 Na-V channels), expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes. Crotamine selectively inhibits K-V 1.1, K-V 1.2, and K-V 1.3 channels with an IC50 of similar to 300 nM, and the key amino acids responsible for this molecular interaction are suggested. Our results demonstrate for the first time that the symptoms, which are observed in the typical crotamine syndrome, may result from the inhibition of K-V channels. The ability of crotamine to inhibit the potassium current through K-V channels unravels it as the first snake peptide with the unique multifunctionality of cell-penetrating and antitumoral activity combined with K-V channel-inhibiting properties. This new property of crotamine might explain some experimental observations and opens new perspectives on pharmacological uses.
There is a widening consensus around the fact that, in many developed countries, food production-consumption patterns are in recent years interested by a process of deep change towards diversification and re-localisation practices, as a counter-tendency to the trend to the increasing disconnection between farming and food, producers and consumers. The relevance of these initiatives doesn't certainly lie on their economic dimension, but rather in their intense diffusion and growth rate, their spontaneous and autonomous nature and, especially, their intrinsic innovative potential. These dynamics involve a wide range of actors around local food patterns, embedding short food supply chains initiatives within a more complex and wider process of rural development, based on principles of sustainability, multifunctionality and valorisation of endogenous resources. In this work we have been analysing these features through a multi-level perspective, with reference to the dynamics between niche and regime and the inherent characteristics of the innovation paths. We apply this approach, through a qualitative methodology, to the analysis of the experience of farmers’ markets and Solidarity-Based Consumers Groups (Gruppi di Acquisto Solidale) ongoing in Tuscany, seeking to highlight the dynamics that are affecting the establishment of this alternative food production-consumption model (and its related innovative potential) from within and from without. To verify if and in which conditions they can constitute a niche, a protected space where radical innovations can develop, we make reference to the three interrelated analytic dimensions of socio-technical systems: the actors (i.e. individuals. social groups, organisations), the rules and institutions system, and the artefacts (i.e. the material and immaterial contexts in which the actors move). Through it, we analyse the innovative potential of niches and the level of their structuration and , then, the mechanisms of system transition, focusing on the new dynamics within the niche and between the niche and the policy regime emerging after the growth of interest by mass-media and public institutions and their direct involvement in the initiatives. Following the development of these significant experiences, we explore more deeply social, economic, cultural, political and organisational factors affecting innovations in face-to-face interactions, underpinning the critical aspects (sharing of alternative values, coherence at individual choices level, frictions on organisational aspects, inclusion/exclusion, attitudes towards integration at territorial level), towards uncovering until to the emergence of tensions and the risks of opportunistic behaviours that might arise from their growth. Finally, a comparison with similar experiences abroad is drawn (specifically with Provence), in order to detect food for thought, potentially useful for leading regional initiativestowards transition path.
Covalent grafting mesogenic groups to the coordination cores of the parent mononuclear low-spin and spin-crossover compounds afforded metallomesogenic complexes of iron(II). In comparison with the parent complexes the spin-crossover properties of the alkylated derivatives are substantially modified. The type of the modification was found to be dependent on the properties of the parent system and the nature of the used anion, however, the general tendency is the destabilization of the low-spin state at the favor of spin-crossover or high-spin behavior below 400 K. The structural insight revealed the micro-segregated layered organization. The effect of the alkylation of the parent compounds consists first of all in the change of the lattice to a two-dimensional lamellar one retaining significant intermolecular contacts only within the ionic bilayers. The comprehensive analysis of the structural and thermodynamic data in the homologous series pointed at the mechanism of the interplay between the structural modification on melting and the induced anomalous change of the magnetic properties. A family of one-dimensional spin-crossover polymers was synthesized and characterized using a series of spectroscopic methods, X-ray powder diffraction, magnetic susceptibility measurements and differential scanning calorimetry. The copper analogue of was also synthesized and its crystal structure solved. In comparison with the mononuclear systems, the polymeric mesogens of iron(II) are less sensitive to the glass transition, which was attributed to the moderate concomitant variation of the structure. Nevertheless, the observed increase of the magnetic hysteresis with lengthening of the alkyl substituents was ascribed to the interplay of the structural reorganization of the coordination core due to spin-crossover with the structural delay in the spatial reorganization of the mesogenic substituents. The classification of mononuclear and polymeric metallomesogens according to the interactions between the structural- and the spin-transition and analysis of the data on the reported spin-crossover metallomesogens led to the separation of three types, namely: Type i: systems with coupling between the electronic structure of the iron(II) ions and the mesomorphic behavior of the substance; Type ii: systems where both transitions coexist in the same temperature region but are not coupled due to competition with the dehydration or due to negligible structural transformation; Type iii: systems where both transitions occur in different temperature regions and therefore are uncoupled. Fine-tuning, in particular regarding the temperature at which the spin-transition occurs with hysteresis properties responsible for the memory effect, are still a major challenge towards practical implementation of spin-crossover materials. A possible answer to the problem could be materials in which the spin-crossover transition is coupled with another transition easily controllable by external stimuli. In the present thesis we have shown the viability of the approach realized in the mesogenic systems with coupled phase- and spin-transitions.