998 resultados para moment conditions


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A novel accurate numerical model for shallow water equations on sphere have been developed by implementing the high order multi-moment constrained finite volume (MCV) method on the icosahedral geodesic grid. High order reconstructions are conducted cell-wisely by making use of the point values as the unknowns distributed within each triangular cell element. The time evolution equations to update the unknowns are derived from a set of constrained conditions for two types of moments, i.e. the point values on the cell boundary edges and the cell-integrated average. The numerical conservation is rigorously guaranteed. in the present model, all unknowns or computational variables are point values and no numerical quadrature is involved, which particularly benefits the computational accuracy and efficiency in handling the spherical geometry, such as coordinate transformation and curved surface. Numerical formulations of third and fourth order accuracy are presented in detail. The proposed numerical model has been validated by widely used benchmark tests and competitive results are obtained. The present numerical framework provides a promising and practical base for further development of atmospheric and oceanic general circulation models. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The performance of different classification approaches is evaluated using a view-based approach for motion representation. The view-based approach uses computer vision and image processing techniques to register and process the video sequence. Two motion representations called Motion Energy Images and Motion History Image are then constructed. These representations collapse the temporal component in a way that no explicit temporal analysis or sequence matching is needed. Statistical descriptions are then computed using moment-based features and dimensionality reduction techniques. For these tests, we used 7 Hu moments, which are invariant to scale and translation. Principal Components Analysis is used to reduce the dimensionality of this representation. The system is trained using different subjects performing a set of examples of every action to be recognized. Given these samples, K-nearest neighbor, Gaussian, and Gaussian mixture classifiers are used to recognize new actions. Experiments are conducted using instances of eight human actions (i.e., eight classes) performed by seven different subjects. Comparisons in the performance among these classifiers under different conditions are analyzed and reported. Our main goals are to test this dimensionality-reduced representation of actions, and more importantly to use this representation to compare the advantages of different classification approaches in this recognition task.


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The objective of this paper is to investigate the p-ίh moment asymptotic stability decay rates for certain finite-dimensional Itό stochastic differential equations. Motivated by some practical examples, the point of our analysis is a special consideration of general decay speeds, which contain as a special case the usual exponential or polynomial type one, to meet various situations. Sufficient conditions for stochastic differential equations (with variable delays or not) are obtained to ensure their asymptotic properties. Several examples are studied to illustrate our theory.


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L'asymétrie locomotrice chez les personnes hémiparétiques à la suite d'un accident vasculaire cérébral (AVC) est fréquemment observée en clinique. Les causes sous-jacentes à cette asymétrie et sa persistance malgré les interventions sont source de nombreuses interrogations. Ce projet avait donc pour objectif de développer de nouvelles connaissances sur les facteurs pouvant expliquer l'asymétrie locomotrice après un AVC. Les objectifs principaux étaient de 1) quantifier les moments et les niveaux d'effort musculaire des membres inférieurs lors de différentes conditions de marche sur le tapis roulant à double courroie (DC) afin de déterminer si ceux-ci sont explicatifs de l'asymétrie locomotrice, et de 2) quantifier la capacité de perception de l'asymétrie locomotrice des personnes saines et hémiparétiques. L’hypothèse générale était que l’asymétrie locomotrice est une stratégie utilisée par les personnes hémiparétiques pour symétriser ou limiter les niveaux d’effort musculaire, tels qu’évalués par le taux d'utilisation musculaire mécanique (TUM). Les résultats ont été présentés dans quatre articles (#2 à #5). La première étude a quantifié l'effet d'un protocole sur tapis roulant à DC visant à modifier l'asymétrie spatio-temporelle sur les moments musculaires aux membres inférieurs des personnes saines et hémiparétiques. Globalement, les résultats ont démontré que placer le membre inférieur parétique sur la courroie lente augmentait le moment fléchisseur plantaire (FP) parétique en post-adaptation et que cette augmentation était corrélée avec l'augmentation de la longueur de pas controlatérale. La deuxième étude a démontré que les personnes présentant de hauts niveaux d'effort dans les FP parétiques avaient une asymétrie des efforts dans leurs FP et extenseurs de hanche (EH) alors que le groupe avec de bas niveaux d'effort dans les FP avait des efforts symétriques. De plus, les deux groupes présentaient des moments FP asymétriques, mais cette asymétrie était reliée à l'asymétrie de forces résiduelles seulement chez ceux présentant de hauts niveaux d'effort. Cela suggère que la faiblesse musculaire joue un rôle important dans la réduction du moment FP parétique chez ceux avec de hauts niveaux d'effort alors que d'autres facteurs doivent être considérés pour expliquer l'asymétrie des moments à la marche des personnes avec de bas niveaux d'effort. La troisième étude a démontré que la symétrisation du patron de marche (temporelle ou spatiale) amenait des efforts musculaires élevés dans les FP parétiques, atteignant des niveaux moyens supérieurs à 85 %. La quatrième étude a évalué la capacité de perception de l'asymétrie locomotrice des personnes saines avec un protocole sur tapis roulant à DC et a démontré qu'elles percevaient leur patron de marche comme asymétrique lorsque leur ratio d'asymétrie temporelle atteignait le seuil de 1,05, avec une variabilité intra-individu faible, suggérant une bonne capacité de ces personnes à détecter l'asymétrie. Les résultats supplémentaires de cette thèse ont démontré que les personnes hémiparétiques percevaient mieux l'asymétrie temporelle que spatiale. En somme, ces résultats suggèrent que la force musculaire et les efforts musculaires des FP parétiques sont à considérer comme des facteurs explicatifs de l'asymétrie locomotrice des personnes hémiparétiques. D'autres études sont nécessaires pour statuer sur les capacités de perception de l'asymétrie locomotrice des personnes hémiparétiques.


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La prise de décision est un mécanisme qui fait intervenir les structures neuronales supérieures afin d’effectuer un lien entre la perception du signal et l’action. Plusieurs travaux qui cherchent à comprendre les mécanismes de la prise de décision sont menés à divers ni- veaux allant de l’analyse comportementale cognitive jusqu'à la modélisation computationnelle. Le but de ce projet a été d’évaluer d’un instant à l’autre comment la variabilité du signal observé («bruit»), influence la capacité des sujets humains à détecter la direction du mouvement dans un stimulus visuel. Dans ces travaux, nous avons éliminé l’une des sources potentielles de variabilité, la variabilité d’une image à l’autre, dans le nombre de points qui portaient les trois signaux de mouvements cohérents (gauche, droite, et aléatoire) dans les stimuli de Kinématogramme de points aléatoires (KPA), c’est-à-dire la variabilité d’origine périphérique. Les stimuli KPA de type « V6 » étaient des stimuli KPA standard avec une variabilité instantanée du signal, et par contre les stimuli KPA de type « V8 », étaient modifiés pour éliminer la variabilité stochastique due à la variabilité du nombre de pixels d’un instant à l’autre qui portent le signal cohérent. Si la performance des sujets, qui correspond à leur temps de réaction et au nombre de bonnes réponses, diffère en réponse aux stimuli dont le nombre de points en mouvement cohérent varie (V6) ou ne varie pas (V8), ceci serait une preuve que la variabilité d’origine périphérique modulerait le processus décisionnel. Par contre, si la performance des sujets ne diffère pas entre ces deux types de stimuli, ceci serait une preuve que la source majeure de variabilité de performance est d’origine centrale. Dans nos résultats nous avons constaté que le temps de réaction et le nombre de bonnes réponses sont modulés par la preuve nette du mouvement cohérent. De plus on a pu établir qu’en éliminant la variabilité d’origine périphérique définit ci-dessus, on n’observe pas réellement de modification dans les enregistrements. Ce qui nous à amené à penser qu’il n y a pas de distinction claire entre la distribution des erreurs et les bonnes réponses effectuées pour chacun des essais entre les deux stimuli que nous avons utilisé : V6 et V8. C’est donc après avoir mesuré la « quantité d’énergie » que nous avons proposé que la variabilité observée dans les résultats serait probablement d’origine centrale.


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We give necessary and sufficient conditions for a pair of (generali- zed) functions 1(r1) and 2(r1, r2), ri 2X, to be the density and pair correlations of some point process in a topological space X, for ex- ample, Rd, Zd or a subset of these. This is an infinite-dimensional version of the classical “truncated moment” problem. Standard tech- niques apply in the case in which there can be only a bounded num- ber of points in any compact subset of X. Without this restriction we obtain, for compact X, strengthened conditions which are necessary and sufficient for the existence of a process satisfying a further re- quirement—the existence of a finite third order moment. We general- ize the latter conditions in two distinct ways when X is not compact.


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We consider a generic basic semi-algebraic subset S of the space of generalized functions, that is a set given by (not necessarily countably many) polynomial constraints. We derive necessary and sufficient conditions for an infinite sequence of generalized functions to be realizable on S, namely to be the moment sequence of a finite measure concentrated on S. Our approach combines the classical results about the moment problem on nuclear spaces with the techniques recently developed to treat the moment problem on basic semi-algebraic sets of Rd. In this way, we determine realizability conditions that can be more easily verified than the well-known Haviland type conditions. Our result completely characterizes the support of the realizing measure in terms of its moments. As concrete examples of semi-algebraic sets of generalized functions, we consider the set of all Radon measures and the set of all the measures having bounded Radon–Nikodym density w.r.t. the Lebesgue measure.


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A procedure is proposed to determine, for second-phase particles near a crack tip, the maximum particle stresses at the moment of void initiation by either particle fracture or particle/matrix interface separation. A digital image analysis system is applied to perform a quantitative analysis of corresponding fracture surface regions from stereo image pairs taken in the scanning electron microscope. The fracture surface analysis is used to measure, for individual particles, the crack tip opening displacement at the moment of void initiation and the particle location with respect to the crack tip. From these data, the stress tensor at the moment of void initiation is calculated from the Hutchinson–Rice–Rosengren (HRR) field theory. The corresponding average local stresses within the particle are evaluated by a non-linear Mori–Tanaka-type approach. These stresses are compared to estimates according to the models by Argon et al. [A.S. Argon, J. Im, R. Safoglu, Metall. Trans. 6 (1975) 825] and Beremin [F.M. Beremin, Metall. Trans. 12 (1981) 723]. The procedure is demonstrated on an Al6061–10% Al2O3 metal matrix composite.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the periodontal conditions of removable partial denture (RPD) wearers, comparing direct and indirect abutment teeth, and the teeth not involved in the denture design before denture placement and 1 year later. Fifty patients (32 women and 18 men), average age 45, were assessed by the same examiner at the moment of denture insertion and 3, 6, 9 and 12 months later. The following items were verified in each assessment: probing depth (PD), plaque index (PI) and gingival index (GI). PD and PI data were evaluated by ANOVA test for linear trend followed by Tukey-Kramer post-test, while GI data were analysed by Friedman's test. Results showed that the teeth not involved in the denture design were the least affected for all variables studied. It was also verified that PD and GI mean values increased from the initial assessment to 1 year of RPD wearing in every group, but that only PI showed a significant increase. This study indicated that direct and indirect retainer elements tend to undergo more damaging periodontal effects associated with RPD wearing when compared with non-abutment elements. Plaque index values were significantly higher after 1 year of denture use.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The sugar cane crop is one of the main products in Brazil and according to several authors can generate, besides the industrialized stalks, an amount of crop residues from the order of 15 to 30 % in weight of the aerial part of the plants, depending on the field conditions. The sugar cane area in Brazil is around 5.5×106 hectares, with an amount of 400.106 tons of stalks, with stalks yield of 72 tons.ha-1. This study took place in a sugar cane plot (Latitude 22°46'S, Longitude 47°23'W and 600m of altitude) with 3% of slope, located in São Paulo State. The sugar cane variety was SP 80-1816, in its forth cut, 11 months old and with a planted row spacing of 1.40 m. By other side, several sugar mills are bringing the crop residue to their patio to produce energy with the bagasse. One choice is to bring the crop residue at the same moment with the stalks, avoiding the next operation of baling it. The objective of this study was to analyze some operational parameters of two different sugar cane harvesters under the same field conditions, which was divided in four treatments: T1 = CAMECO CHT2500B operating normally; T2 = CAMECO CHT2500B operating without the cleaning system; T3 = CASE 7700 operating normally; T4 = CASE 7700 operating without the cleaning system. The results obtained were: Table presented CEB = Gross effective capacity; CEL = Net effective capacity. The conclusion is that under normal operation the CASE harvester worked better then CAMECO in the parameters CEL stalks and Manipulation efficiency. And without the cleaning system operating CASE also worked better in the parameters of CEB raw material, CEB stalks, CEL raw material and CEL stalks.


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This article introduces the term ‘the ethnographic moment’, which takes up and ‘plays’ with the long-disputed ‘ethnographic present’ in anthropology, as an indicator of changing conditions and requirements for ethnography in the context of mass media and mediation. It argues that event and debate, rather than structure and practice, have become pivotal aspects in thinking and conducting fieldwork that has to deal with the ephemeral. At the same time, it tries to show that an unquestioning acceptance of technological advancement and speed of societal change immunizes us to the thinkable absence of media and obscures analysis of lasting states of injustice and inequality, in whose (re-)production they have a stake.


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Using properties of moment stationarity we develop exact expressions for the mean and covariance of allele frequencies at a single locus for a set of populations subject to drift, mutation, and migration. Some general results can be obtained even for arbitrary mutation and migration matrices, for example: (1) Under quite general conditions, the mean vector depends only on mutation rates, not on migration rates or the number of populations. (2) Allele frequencies covary among all pairs of populations connected by migration. As a result, the drift, mutation, migration process is not ergodic when any finite number of populations is exchanging genes. in addition, we provide closed form expressions for the mean and covariance of allele frequencies in Wright's finite-island model of migration under several simple models of mutation, and we show that the correlation in allele frequencies among populations can be very large for realistic rates of mutation unless an enormous number of populations are exchanging genes. As a result, the traditional diffusion approximation provides a poor approximation of the stationary distribution of allele frequencies among populations. Finally, we discuss some implications of our results for measures of population structure based on Wright's F-statistics.


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The goal of the European laser fusion project, is to build an engineering facility for repetitive laser operation (HiPER 4a) and later a fusion reactor (HiPER 4b). A key aspect for laser fusion energy is the final optics. At the moment, it is based on silica transmission lenses located 8 m away from the chamber center. Lens lifetime depends on the irradiation conditions. We have used a 48 MJ shock ignition target for calculations. We have studied the thermo-mechanical effects of ions and X-rays on the lenses. Ions lead to lens melting and must therefore be mitigated. On the other hand, X-rays (~1% of the energy) does not produce either a significant temperature rise or detrimental stresses. Finally, we calculated the neutron flux and gamma dose rate on the lenses. Next, based on a simple model we studied the formation of color centers in the sample, which lead to optical absorption. Calculations show that simultaneous neutron and gamma irradiation does not significantly increase the optical absorption during the expected lifetime of the HiPER 4a facility. Under severe conditions (HiPER 4b), operation above 800 K or lens refreshing by thermal annealing treatments seem to assure adequate behavior.