641 resultados para microRNAs (miRNA)


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Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) is the most frequent leukemia of adults in Western countries and shows a ~8.5-fold increased relative risk in first-degree relatives. Up to date several studies have identified low-penetrance susceptibility alleles in CLL. Nevertheless, these studies scarcely study regions that do not encode proteins such as microRNAs (miRNAs). Abnormalities in miRNAs, as altered expression patterns and mutations, have been described in CLL, suggesting their implication in the development of the disease. Polymorphisms in these miRNAs may deregulate miRNAs expression levels and affect to the miRNA function. However, despite accumulating evidence that inherited genetic variation in miRNA genes can contribute to the predisposition for CLL, the role of these in the risk of CLL has not been extensively studied. Therefore, the aim of this study was to find new genetic markers of risk to CLL. To that end, we made a systematic search for SNPs in miRNAs and miRNAs deregulated in CLL and genotyped 213 polymorphisms in 401 samples of Spanish individuals. The literature search resulted in more than 100 miRNAs deregulated in CLL and 43 polymorphisms studied in the disease. Out of 213 genotyped SNPs, 13 showed to be significantly associated with CLL risk. rs2682818 in pre-mature miR618 was the most significant result, with 0.49 fold decreased risk to CLL. Interestingly, a previous study associated this SNP with an increased risk of developing follicular lymphoma. Secondly, rs10173558 SNP in mir- 1302-4 showed the highest risk association, with a 5.24 fold increased risk, but there were no previous works studying it. Finally, rs61992671 in miR412, previously associated with CLL risk, showed also association in our sample. In conclusion, we find 13 alleles which could contribute to the risk of CLL. However, new large-scale studies including functional analyses will be needed to validate our findings.


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Despite the clinical success of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) therapy, toxicity is frequent. Therefore, it would be useful to identify predictors of adverse effects. In the last years, several studies have investigated the relationship between genetic variation and treatment-related toxicity. However, most of these studies are focused in coding regions. Nowadays, it is known that regions that do not codify proteins, such as microRNAs (miRNAs), may have an important regulatory function. MiRNAs can regulate the expression of genes affecting drug response. In fact, the expression of some of those miRNAs has been associated with drug response. Genetic variations affecting miRNAs can modify their function, which may lead to drug sensitivity. The aim of this study was to detect new toxicity markers in pediatric B-ALL, studying miRNA-related polymorphisms, which can affect miRNA levels and function. We analyzed 118 SNPs in pre-miRNAs and miRNA processing genes in association with toxicity in 152 pediatric B-ALL patients all treated with the same protocol (LAL/SHOP). Among the results found, we detected for the first time an association between rs639174 in DROSHA and vomits that remained statistically significant after FDR correction. DROSHA had been associated with alterations in miRNAs expression, which could affect genes involved in drug transport. This suggests that miRNA-related SNPs could be a useful tool for toxicity prediction in pediatric B-ALL.


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Genome wide association studies (GWAS) have identified several low-penetrance susceptibility alleles in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). Nevertheless, these studies scarcely study regions that are implicated in non-coding molecules such as microRNAs (miRNAs). Abnormalities in miRNAs, as altered expression patterns and mutations, have been described in CLL, suggesting their implication in the development of the disease. Genetic variations in miRNAs can affect levels of miRNA expression if present in pre-miRNAs and in miRNA biogenesis genes or alter miRNA function if present in both target mRNA and miRNA sequences. Therefore, the present study aimed to evaluate whether polymorphisms in pre-miRNAs, and/or miRNA processing genes contribute to predisposition for CLL. A total of 91 SNPs in 107 CLL patients and 350 cancer-free controls were successfully analyzed using TaqMan Open Array technology. We found nine statistically significant associations with CLL risk after FDR correction, seven in miRNA processing genes (rs3805500 and rs6877842 in DROSHA, rs1057035 in DICER1, rs17676986 in SND1, rs9611280 in TNRC6B, rs784567 in TRBP and rs11866002 in CNOT1) and two in pre-miRNAs (rs11614913 in miR196a2 and rs2114358 in miR1206). These findings suggest that polymorphisms in genes involved in miRNAs biogenesis pathway as well as in pre-miRNAs contribute to the risk of CLL. Large-scale studies are needed to validate the current findings.


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A Deficiência Intelectual (DI) é uma condição definida como um funcionamento intelectual significativamente prejudicado, expresso juntamente com limitações em pelo menos duas áreas do comportamento adaptativo que se manifestam antes dos 18 anos de idade. A prevalência estimada da DI na população em geral é de 2-3% e um número expressivo de casos permanece sem um diagnóstico definitivo. Há um consenso geral de que a DI é mais comum em indivíduos do sexo masculino em relação aos do sexo feminino. Entre as explicações para este excesso está a concentração de genes específicos para a habilidade cognitiva no cromossomo X. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) são pequenas moléculas de RNA não codificador que modulam a expressão gênica pós-transcricional de RNAs mensageiros alvo. Recentemente, estudos têm demonstrado a importância essencial dos miRNAs para o desenvolvimento e funcionamento cerebrais e sabe-se que o cromossomo X tem uma alta densidade de genes de miRNAs. Neste contexto, os miRNAs são candidatos potenciais como fatores genéticos envolvidos na Deficiência Intelectual Ligada ao X (DILX). Neste estudo, foram analisadas as regiões genômicas de 17 genes de miRNAs expressos no cérebro localizados no cromossomo X, com o objetivo de investigar o possível envolvimento de variantes na sequência destes miRNAs na DILX. Para este fim, selecionamos amostras de DNA genômico (sangue periférico) de 135 indivíduos do sexo masculino portadores de DI sugestiva de DILX de um grupo de mais de 1.100 pacientes com DI encaminhados ao Serviço de Genética Humana da UERJ. O critério de inclusão para este estudo era de que os probandos apresentassem um ou mais parentes do sexo masculino afetados pela DI que fossem interligados por via materna. As amostras de DNA dos pacientes foram amplificadas utilizando a técnica de reação em cadeia da polimerase, seguida por purificação e sequenciamento direto pelo método de Sanger dos fragmentos amplificados. Para avaliar a conservação dos 17 miRNAs foi realizada uma análise filogenética in silico incluindo sequências dos miRNAs selecionados de humanos e de outras 8 espécies de primatas estreitamente relacionadas. Não foram encontradas alterações nas sequências nos genes de 17 miRNAs analisados, mesmo diante do padrão genético altamente heterogêneo da população brasileira. Adicionalmente, a análise filogenética destes miRNAs revelou uma alta conservação entre as espécies comparadas. Considerando o papel dos miRNAs como reguladores da expressão gênica, a ausência de alterações e a alta conservação entre primatas sugerem uma forte pressão seletiva sobre estas moléculas, reforçando a sua importância funcional para o organismo em geral. Apesar de não termos encontrado variantes de sequência nos miRNAs estudados, o envolvimento de miRNAs na DI não pode ser completamente descartado. Alterações fora da molécula de miRNA precursor, nos fatores de processamento, nos sítios alvo e variações no número de cópias de genes de miRNAs podem implicar em alteração na expressão dos miRNAs e, consequentemente, na funcionalidade do miRNA maduro. Sendo assim, uma análise sistemática da expressão de miRNAs em pacientes com DILX é urgentemente necessária, a fim de desvendar novos genes/mecanismos moleculares relacionados a esta condição.


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Os tumores de mama são caracterizados pela sua alta heterogeneidade. O câncer de mama é uma doença complexa, que possui o seu desenvolvimento fortemente influenciado por fatores ambientais, combinada a uma progressiva acumulação de mutações genéticas e desregulação epigenética de vias críticas. Alterações nos padrões de expressão gênica podem ser resultado de uma desregulação no controle de eventos epigenéticos, assim como, na regulação pós-transcricional pelo mecanismo de RNA de interferência endógeno via microRNA (miRNA). Estes eventos são capazes de levar à iniciação, à promoção e à manutenção da carcinogênese, como também ter implicações no desenvolvimento da resistência à terapia Os miRNAs formam uma classe de RNAs não codificantes, que durante os últimos anos surgiram como um dos principais reguladores da expressão gênica, através da sua capacidade de regular negativamente a atividade de RNAs mensageiros (RNAms) portadores de uma seqüencia parcialmente complementar. A importância da regulação mediada por miRNAs foi observada pela capacidade destas moléculas em regular uma vasta gama de processos biológicos incluindo a proliferação celular, diferenciação e a apoptose. Para avaliar a expressão de miRNAs durante a progressão tumoral, utilizamos como modelo experimental a série 21T que compreende 5 linhagens celulares originárias da mesma paciente diagnosticada com um tumor primário de mama do tipo ErbB2 e uma posterior metástase pulmonar. Essa série é composta pela linhagem obtida a partir do tecido normal 16N, pelas linhagens correspondentes ao carcinoma primário 21PT e 21NT e pelas linhagens obtidas um ano após o diagnóstico inicial, a partir da efusão pleural no sítio metastatico 21MT1 e 21MT2. O miRNAoma da série 21T revelou uma redução significativa nos níveis de miR-205 e nos níveis da proteina e-caderina e um enriquecimento do fator pró-metastático ZEB-1 nas células 21MT. Considerando a importância dos miRNAs na regulação da apoptose, e que a irradiação em diferentes espectros é comumente usada em procedimentos de diagnóstico como mamografia e na radioterapia, avaliamos a expressão de miRNAs após irradiação de alta e baixa energia e do tratamento doxorrubicina. Para os ensaios foram utilizados as linhagens não tumorais MCF-10A e HB-2 e as linhagens de carcinoma da mama MCF-7 e T-47D. Observou-se que raios-X de baixa energia são capazes de promover quebras na molécula do DNA e apoptose assim como, alterar sensivelmente miRNAs envolvidos nessas vias como o let-7a, miR-34a e miR-29b. No que diz respeito à resposta a danos genotóxicos, uma regulação positiva sobre a expressão de miR-29b, o qual em condições normais é regulado negativamente foi observada uma regulação positiva sobre miR-29b expressão após todos os tratamentos em células tumorais. Nossos resultados indicam que miR-29b é um possível biomarcador de estresse genotóxico e que miR-205 pode participar no potencial metastático das células 21T.


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MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are endogenous similar to 22 nucleotide noncoding RNAs that regulate the expression of complementary messenger RNAs (mRNAs). Thousands of miRNA genes have been found in diverse species, and many of them are highly conserved. With the mi


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BACKGROUND: MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small non-coding RNAs that post-transcriptionally regulate gene expression in a variety of organisms, including insects, vertebrates, and plants. miRNAs play important roles in cell development and differentiation as well as in the cellular response to stress and infection. To date, there are limited reports of miRNA identification in mosquitoes, insects that act as essential vectors for the transmission of many human pathogens, including flaviviruses. West Nile virus (WNV) and dengue virus, members of the Flaviviridae family, are primarily transmitted by Aedes and Culex mosquitoes. Using high-throughput deep sequencing, we examined the miRNA repertoire in Ae. albopictus cells and Cx. quinquefasciatus mosquitoes. RESULTS: We identified a total of 65 miRNAs in the Ae. albopictus C7/10 cell line and 77 miRNAs in Cx. quinquefasciatus mosquitoes, the majority of which are conserved in other insects such as Drosophila melanogaster and Anopheles gambiae. The most highly expressed miRNA in both mosquito species was miR-184, a miRNA conserved from insects to vertebrates. Several previously reported Anopheles miRNAs, including miR-1890 and miR-1891, were also found in Culex and Aedes, and appear to be restricted to mosquitoes. We identified seven novel miRNAs, arising from nine different precursors, in C7/10 cells and Cx. quinquefasciatus mosquitoes, two of which have predicted orthologs in An. gambiae. Several of these novel miRNAs reside within a ~350 nt long cluster present in both Aedes and Culex. miRNA expression was confirmed by primer extension analysis. To determine whether flavivirus infection affects miRNA expression, we infected female Culex mosquitoes with WNV. Two miRNAs, miR-92 and miR-989, showed significant changes in expression levels following WNV infection. CONCLUSIONS: Aedes and Culex mosquitoes are important flavivirus vectors. Recent advances in both mosquito genomics and high-throughput sequencing technologies enabled us to interrogate the miRNA profile in these two species. Here, we provide evidence for over 60 conserved and seven novel mosquito miRNAs, expanding upon our current understanding of insect miRNAs. Undoubtedly, some of the miRNAs identified will have roles not only in mosquito development, but also in mediating viral infection in the mosquito host.


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PURPOSE: MicroRNAs (miRNAs) play a global role in regulating gene expression and have important tissue-specific functions. Little is known about their role in the retina. The purpose of this study was to establish the retinal expression of those miRNAs predicted to target genes involved in vision. METHODS: miRNAs potentially targeting important "retinal" genes, as defined by expression pattern and implication in disease, were predicted using a published algorithm (TargetScan; Envisioneering Medical Technologies, St. Louis, MO). The presence of candidate miRNAs in human and rat retinal RNA was assessed by RT-PCR. cDNA levels for each miRNA were determined by quantitative PCR. The ability to discriminate between miRNAs varying by a single nucleotide was assessed. The activity of miR-124 and miR-29 against predicted target sites in Rdh10 and Impdh1 was tested by cotransfection of miRNA mimics and luciferase reporter plasmids. RESULTS: Sixty-seven miRNAs were predicted to target one or more of the 320 retinal genes listed herein. All 11 candidate miRNAs tested were expressed in the retina, including miR-7, miR-124, miR135a, and miR135b. Relative levels of individual miRNAs were similar between rats and humans. The Rdh10 3'UTR, which contains a predicted miR-124 target site, mediated the inhibition of luciferase activity by miR-124 mimics in cell culture. CONCLUSIONS: Many miRNAs likely to regulate genes important for retinal function are present in the retina. Conservation of miRNA retinal expression patterns from rats to humans supports evidence from other tissues that disruption of miRNAs is a likely cause of a range of visual abnormalities.


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BACKGROUND: MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are oligoribonucleotides with an important role in regulation of gene expression at the level of translation. Despite imperfect target complementarity, they can also significantly reduce mRNA levels. The validity of miRNA target gene predictions is difficult to assess at the protein level. We sought, therefore, to determine whether a general lowering of predicted target gene mRNA expression by endogenous miRNAs was detectable within microarray gene expression profiles. RESULTS: The target gene sets predicted for each miRNA were mapped onto known gene expression data from a range of tissues. Whether considering mean absolute target gene expression, rank sum tests or 'ranked ratios', many miRNAs with significantly reduced target gene expression corresponded to those known to be expressed in the cognate tissue. Expression levels of miRNAs with reduced target mRNA levels were higher than those of miRNAs with no detectable effect on mRNA expression. Analysis of microarray data gathered after artificial perturbation of expression of a specific miRNA confirmed the predicted increase or decrease in influence of the altered miRNA upon mRNA levels. Strongest associations were observed with targets predicted by TargetScan. CONCLUSION: We have demonstrated that the effect of a miRNA on its target mRNAs' levels can be measured within a single gene expression profile. This emphasizes the extent of this mode of regulation in vivo and confirms that many of the predicted miRNA-mRNA interactions are correct. The success of this approach has revealed the vast potential for extracting information about miRNA function from gene expression profiles.


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Background: MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small RNA molecules (similar to 22 nucleotides) which have been shown to play an important role both in development and in maintenance of adult tissue. Conditional inactivation of miRNAs in the eye causes loss of visual function and progressive retinal degeneration. In addition to inhibiting translation, miRNAs can mediate degradation of targeted mRNAs. We have previously shown that candidate miRNAs affecting transcript levels in a tissue can be deduced from mRNA microarray expression profiles. The purpose of this study was to predict miRNAs which affect mRNA levels in developing and adult retinal tissue and to confirm their expression.

Results: Microarray expression data from ciliary epithelial retinal stem cells (CE-RSCs), developing and adult mouse retina were generated or downloaded from public repositories. Analysis of gene expression profiles detected the effects of multiple miRNAs in CE-RSCs and retina. The expression of 20 selected miRNAs was confirmed by RT-PCR and the cellular distribution of representative candidates analyzed by in situ hybridization. The expression levels of miRNAs correlated with the significance of their predicted effects upon mRNA expression. Highly expressed miRNAs included miR-124, miR-125a, miR-125b, miR-204 and miR-9. Over-expression of three miRNAs with significant predicted effects upon global mRNA levels resulted in a decrease in mRNA expression of five out of six individual predicted target genes assayed.

Conclusions: This study has detected the effect of miRNAs upon mRNA expression in immature and adult retinal tissue and cells. The validity of these observations is supported by the experimental confirmation of candidate miRNA expression and the regulation of predicted target genes following miRNA over-expression. Identified miRNAs are likely to be important in retinal development and function. Misregulation of these miRNAs might contribute to retinal degeneration and disease. Conversely, manipulation of their expression could potentially be used as a therapeutic tool in the future.


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Background: MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a class of small RNA molecules that regulate expression of specific mRNA targets. They can be released from cells, often encapsulated within extracellular vesicles (EVs), and therefore have the potential to mediate intercellular communication. It has been suggested that certain miRNAs may be selectively exported, although the mechanism has yet to be identified. Manipulation of the miRNA content of EVs will be important for future therapeutic applications. We therefore wished to assess which endogenous miRNAs are enriched in EVs and how effectively an overexpressed miRNA would be exported.

Results: Small RNA libraries from HEK293T cells and vesicles before or after transfection with a vector for miR-146a overexpression were analysed by deep sequencing. A subset of miRNAs was found to be enriched in EVs; pathway analysis of their predicted target genes suggests a potential role in regulation of endocytosis. RT-qPCR in additional cell types and analysis of publicly available data revealed that many of these miRNAs tend to be widely preferentially exported. Whilst overexpressed miR-146a was highly enriched both in transfected cells and their EVs, the cellular:EV ratios of endogenous miRNAs were not grossly altered. MiR-451 was consistently the most highly exported miRNA in many different cell types. Intriguingly, Argonaute2 (Ago2) is required for miR-451 maturation and knock out of Ago2 has been shown to decrease expression of other preferentially exported miRNAs (eg miR-150 and miR-142-3p).

Conclusion: The global expression data provided by deep sequencing confirms that specific miRNAs are enriched in EVs released by HEK293T cells. Observation of similar patterns in a range of cell types suggests that a common mechanism for selective miRNA export may exist.


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Signalling interplay between transforming growth factor-beta (TGF beta) and CCN2 [also called connective tissue growth factor (CTGF)] plays a crucial role in the progression of diabetic nephropathy and has been implicated in cellular differentiation. To investigate the potential role of microRNAs (miRNAs) in the mediation of this signalling network, we performed miRNA screening in mesangial cells treated with recombinant human CCN2. Analysis revealed a cohort of 22 miRNAs differentially expressed by twofold or more, including members of the miR-302 family. Target analysis of miRNA to 3'-untranslated regions (3'-UTRs) identified TGF beta receptor II (T beta RII) as a potential miR-302 target. In mesangial cells, decreased T beta RII expression was confirmed in response to CCN2 together with increased expression of miR-302d. T beta RII was confirmed as an miR-302 target, and inhibition of miR-302d was sufficient to attenuate the effect of CCN2 on T beta RII. Data from the European Renal cDNA Biopsy Bank revealed decreased T beta RII in diabetic patients, suggesting pathophysiological significance. In a mouse model of fibrosis (UUO), miR-302d was increased, with decreased T beta RII expression and aberrant signalling, suggesting relevance in chronic fibrosis. miR-302d decreased TGF beta-induced epithelial mesenchymal transition (EMT) in renal HKC8 epithelial cells and attenuated TGF beta-induced mesangial production of fibronectin and thrombospondin. In summary, we demonstrate a new mode of regulation of TGF beta by CCN2, and conclude that the miR-302 family has a role in regulating growth factor signalling pathways, with implications for nephropathic cell fate transitions.


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MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are single-stranded non-coding RNAs that negatively regulate target gene expression through mRNA cleavage or translational repression. There is mounting evidence that they play critical roles in heart disease. The expression of known miRNAs in the heart has been studied at length by microarray and quantitative PCR but it is becoming evident that microRNA isoforms (isomiRs) are potentially physiologically important. It is well known that left ventricular (patho)physiology is influenced by transmural heterogeneity of cardiomyocyte phenotype, and this likely reflects underlying heterogeneity of gene expression. Given the significant role of miRNAs in regulating gene expression, knowledge of how the miRNA profile varies across the ventricular wall will be crucial to better understand the mechanisms governing transmural physiological heterogeneity. To determinine miRNA/isomiR expression profiles in the rat heart we investigated tissue from different locations across the left ventricular wall using deep sequencing. We detected significant quantities of 145 known rat miRNAs and 68 potential novel orthologs of known miRNAs, in mature, mature* and isomiR formation. Many isomiRs were detected at a higher frequency than their canonical sequence in miRBase and have different predicted targets. The most common miR-133a isomiR was more effective at targeting a construct containing a sequence from the gelsolin gene than was canonical miR-133a, as determined by dual-fluorescence assay. We identified a novel rat miR-1 homolog from a second miR-1 gene; and a novel rat miRNA similar to miR-676. We also cloned and sequenced the rat miR-486 gene which is not in miRBase (v18). Signalling pathways predicted to be targeted by the most highly detected miRNAs include Ubiquitin-mediated Proteolysis, Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase, Regulation of Actin Cytoskeleton, Wnt signalling, Calcium Signalling, Gap junctions and Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy. Most miRNAs are not expressed in a gradient across the ventricular wall, with exceptions including miR-10b, miR-21, miR-99b and miR-486.


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Tese de doutoramento, Ciências Biomédicas, Departamento de Ciências Biomédicas e Medicina, Universidade do Algarve, 2014


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Tese de doutoramento, Ciências Biomédicas (Biologia Celular e Molecular), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Medicina, 2015