984 resultados para media law


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The criminal responsibility of the media is analyzed when the criteria for production of news and events involving public safety are produced without considering the technical, legal and ethical practice of journalism in the media factors. Freedom of speech, expression of thought, necessary for professional qualifications and constitutional limits, reaching criminal constitutional principles and the possibilities of criminal liability for offenses practiced in the media are present as key factors legal dialogue in this work. The judgment of the Supreme Court on the unconstitutionality of Law nº. 5.250/67 called Media Law caused a gap in the national legal system, forcing the use of the criminal code to address issues that involve crimes produced in media professional performance. The presumption of innocence is ignored by the professional media during a police investigation where the information published does not respect, including constitutional guarantees: the right to privacy, honor and image. The right to information and the duty to inform media are worked in its constitutional aspect, considering that the same information should be produced is guided by the quality and guiding principles of truth. The constitutional concept of media is presented as information with the appropriate language of the news media, produced and disseminated through the vehicles of mass media, whether in print or digital platform. The presented model of the legal right to information is outlined from a constitutional hermeneutics, increasing the production of news as a result of the occupation of journalist in different news platforms, guaranteeing the quality of this prolific law. Under the Freedom of professional activity of the journalist, the constitutional limits are addressed in line with the reality of (non) regulation of their profession, considering the constitutional abuses committed in the exercise of that activity linked to communication fences. Jusphilosophic field reaches the limits of the duty of truth in journalism as a tool for spreading news, respect the audience and compatibility with the constitutional state. Using the conceptual and doctrinal aspects, this criminal offense is parsed from the journalistic practice and the publication of news involving public safety, with the hypothetical field consummation of that crime through the eventual intention. As a form of judgment against these crimes produced in honor media presents the court of the jury as a legitimate form of democratic decision


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Der Vergleich der deutschen und der schweizerischen Rundfunkordnung unter dem Aspekt des Dualismus 1.Einleitung: Bedeutung und Grundlagen des „Dualismus“ 2.Das „duale System“ in der deutschen Rundfunkordnung 2.1 Die Genese des „dualen Systems“ - Historische und rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen 2.2 Die aktuelle Ausgestaltung des „dualen Systems“ 2.3 Das „duale System“ im europäischen Raum – europarechtliche Einflüsse und Vorgaben 3. Das „duale System“ in der schweizerischen Rundfunkordnung 3.1 Die Genese des „dualen Systems“ - Historische und rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen 3.2 Die aktuelle Ausgestaltung des „dualen Systems“ 3.3 Vergleichende Betrachtung unterschiedlicher Ausprägungen des „dualen Systems“ im Rahmen der Revision des RTVG 4. Vergleichende Betrachtung der „dualen Systeme“ 4.1 Historische und gesetzliche Rahmenbedingungen 4.2 Die spezifischen Besonderheiten des schweizerischen Rundfunkmarktes 4.3 Die einzelnen Elemente der Rundfunkordnung 5. Endergebnis Duale Systeme im Bereich des Rundfunkrechtes bedeuten Koexistenz von privaten und öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkveranstaltern. Die in der Verfassung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland angelegte Rundfunkordnung ist im wesentlichen durch die Rechtsprechung des Bundesverfassungsgerichts geprägt worden. Das aufgrund dieser Vorgaben gewachsene duale System besteht aus einem starken öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunk, dessen Position durch die vorrangige Finanzierung aus Gebühren privilegiert wird. Im Gegenzug wird ihm die zentrale Aufgabe zur Sicherung der Grundversorgung zugewiesen. Daneben bestehen die privaten Rundfunkveranstalter, die sich aus Werbeeinnahmen und Nutzungsentgelten finanzieren und insoweit dem Wettbewerb im Markt in höherem Maße ausgeliefert sind. Im europäischen Bereich fällt der Schutz von Pluralismus und Meinungsvielfalt in erster Linie in den Zuständigkeitsbereich der Mitgliedstaaten. Die Medienlandschaften der Mitgliedstaaten sind durch vielfältige Eigenheiten und Traditionen geprägt, die gerade erhalten bleiben sollen. Die Ausgestaltung des dualen Systems im europäischen Rahmen wirft mithin Bedenken allein im Hinblick auf die Finanzierung der öffentlich-rechtlichen Veranstalter aus öffentlichen Ressourcen und die darauf basierende Wettbewerbsverzerrung auf. Mit dem Radio- und Fernsehgesetz von 1991 wurde in der Schweiz ein duales Rundfunksystem eingeführt. Das Treuhandmodell wurde ergänzt durch das Marktmodell. Allerdings galt das duale System für Rundfunk und Fernsehen in der Schweiz nur in der abgeschwächten Form eines staatlich geordneten Wettbewerbs. Es bestand ein Drei-Ebenen-Modell, das eine direkte Konkurrenz zwischen der nationalen Dachorganisation SRG (Schweizerische Rundfunkgesellschaft) und privaten Unternehmen weitestgehend vermied. Die Hauptverpflichtung des Service public oblag der SRG, die auch die Gebühren erhielt. Daneben wurden allerdings alle Veranstalter zu Service-public-Leistungen verpflichtet. Im Gegenzug dazu sah der Gesetzgeber in marktschwachen Regionen ein Gebührensplitting vor. Mit dem neuen RTVG soll dem Service Public eine Bestands- und Entwicklungsgarantie zugesichert werden. Anstelle einer scharfen Trennung zwischen gebühren- und werbefinanzierten Anbietern mit entsprechend unterschiedlichen Funktionen im Mediensystem sollen allerdings die elektronischen Medien in der Schweiz großflächig subventioniert und vermehrt mit Leistungsaufträgen gesteuert werden. Gerade auf lokaler Ebene wird eine Ausweitung des Gebührensplittings vorgesehen. Nicht nur einer, sondern eine Vielzahl von Veranstaltern soll künftig mit der Grundversorgung beauftragt werden. Insbesondere der Service public régional soll von privaten Anbietern und der SRG erbracht werden. Eine Inpflichtnahme sämtlicher privater Rundfunkveranstalter wird indes nicht vorgesehen. Anhand dieser Masterarbeit sollen weiterhin die Unterschiede herausgearbeitet werden, die einzelne nationale Rundfunksysteme aufweisen können und damit auch die rundfunkpolitischen Modelle trotz des gleich bleibenden Grundgedankens, hier des Dualismus. Die Modelle sind stets in ihrem spezifischen politischen und kulturellen Kontext zu sehen, woraus sie historisch gewachsen sind. Durch den Vergleich sollen auf der einen Seite die Probleme der Rundfunkmodelle dargelegt werden, die diesen unabhängig von ihrer Ausgestaltung in mehr oder minder ausgeprägter Form generell innewohnen (Definition der Grundversorgung - des Service public/ Ressourcenknappheit/ Krisen des dualen Systems). Andererseits sollen die spezifischen Probleme der Schweiz aufgrund ihrer mehrsprachigen, kleinstaatlichen Struktur verdeutlicht werden (Hoher Marktanteil an ausländischen, überwiegend deutschsprachigen Programmen an der Fernsehnutzung; Mehrsprachigkeit; Kleinräumigkeit von Zuschauer- und Zuhörermärkten sowie der Werbemärkte).


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Digital game environments are of increasing economic, social and cultural value. As their influence on diverse facets of life grows, states have felt compelled to intervene and secure some public interests. Yet, the contours of a comprehensive governance model are far from recognisable and governments are grappling with the complexity and fluidity of online games and virtual worlds as private spaces and as experimentation fields for creativity and innovation. This book contributes to a more comprehensive and fine-grained understanding of digital game environments, which is a precondition for addressing any of the pressing governance questions posed. Particular attention is given to the concept and policy objective of cultural diversity, which also offers a unique entry point into the discussion of the appropriate legal regulation of digital games. Governance of Digital Game Environments and Cultural Diversity will be of interest to researchers of media law, internet law and governance, cultural studies, anthropology and sociology. As the book addresses a highly topical theme, it will attract the attention of policymakers at national, regional and international levels and will also serve as a great resource tool for scholars in new media and, in particular, digital games and virtual worlds.


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Digital game environments are of increasing economic, social and cultural value. As their influence on diverse facets of life grows, states have felt compelled to intervene and secure some public interests. Yet, the contours of a comprehensive governance model are far from recognisable and governments are grappling with the complexity and fluidity of online games and virtual worlds as private spaces and as experimentation fields for creativity and innovation. This book contributes to a more comprehensive and fine-grained understanding of digital game environments, which is a precondition for addressing any of the pressing governance questions posed. Particular attention is given to the concept and policy objective of cultural diversity, which also offers a unique entry point into the discussion of the appropriate legal regulation of digital games. Governance of Digital Game Environments and Cultural Diversity will be of interest to researchers of media law, internet law and governance, cultural studies, anthropology and sociology. As the book addresses a highly topical theme, it will attract the attention of policymakers at national, regional and international levels and will also serve as a great resource tool for scholars in new media and, in particular, digital games and virtual worlds.


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Trata-se de um estudo sobre as rádios e televisões comunitárias em Moçambique. São investigadas as ações implementadas tanto pelo governo como pela sociedade civil, bem como o significado que essas emissoras têm para as populações locais. O objetivo é analisar a importância e a contribuição das rádios e televisões comunitárias para a conscientização das populações moçambicanas e para a realização com vistas ao desenvolvimento local. A metodologia privilegiou a pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, além de entrevistas semi-estruturadas junto a coordenadores das emissoras, entre outros. Foram estudadas 8 emissoras sediadas nas províncias de Zambézia, Sofala, Inhambane, Maputo e Maputo Cidade, de 2004 a 2005, além de ter sido feito um breve resgate do percurso histórico da comunicação em Moçambique nos últimos 15 anos, desde a promulgação da primeira Lei de Imprensa aprovada pela Assembléia da República. Conclui-se que as rádios e a televisões comunitárias são instrumentos de educação e conscientização das pessoas das comunidades investigadas. Elas desempenham um papel importante na vida dos cidadãos, mobilizando-os a se envolverem nas ações de combate à pobreza absoluta que se vive no seu país. São bens comunitários contribuindo para o desenvolvimento sustentável das próprias comunidades


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Trata-se de um estudo sobre as rádios e televisões comunitárias em Moçambique. São investigadas as ações implementadas tanto pelo governo como pela sociedade civil, bem como o significado que essas emissoras têm para as populações locais. O objetivo é analisar a importância e a contribuição das rádios e televisões comunitárias para a conscientização das populações moçambicanas e para a realização com vistas ao desenvolvimento local. A metodologia privilegiou a pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, além de entrevistas semi-estruturadas junto a coordenadores das emissoras, entre outros. Foram estudadas 8 emissoras sediadas nas províncias de Zambézia, Sofala, Inhambane, Maputo e Maputo Cidade, de 2004 a 2005, além de ter sido feito um breve resgate do percurso histórico da comunicação em Moçambique nos últimos 15 anos, desde a promulgação da primeira Lei de Imprensa aprovada pela Assembléia da República. Conclui-se que as rádios e a televisões comunitárias são instrumentos de educação e conscientização das pessoas das comunidades investigadas. Elas desempenham um papel importante na vida dos cidadãos, mobilizando-os a se envolverem nas ações de combate à pobreza absoluta que se vive no seu país. São bens comunitários contribuindo para o desenvolvimento sustentável das próprias comunidades


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As the European Commission’s antitrust investigation against Google approaches its final stages, its contours and likely outcome remain obscure and blurred by a plethora of nonantitrust-related arguments. At the same time, the initial focus on search neutrality as an antitrust principle seems to have been abandoned by the European Commission, in favour of a more standard allegation of ‘exclusionary abuse’, likely to generate anticompetitive foreclosure of Google’s rivals. This paper discusses search neutrality as an antitrust principle, and then comments on the current investigation based on publicly available information. The paper provides a critical assessment of the likely tests that will be used for the definition of the relevant product market, the criteria for the finding of dominance, the anticompetitive foreclosure test and the possible remedies that the European Commission might choose. Overall, and regardless of the outcome of the Google case, the paper argues that the current treatment of exclusionary abuses in Internet markets is in urgent need of a number of important clarifications, and has been in this condition for more than a decade. The hope is that the European Commission will resist the temptation to imbue the antitrust case with an emphasis and meaning that have nothing to do with antitrust (from industrial policy motives to privacy, copyright or media law arguments) and that, on the contrary, the Commission will devote its efforts to sharpening its understanding of dynamic competition in cyberspace, and the tools that should be applied in the analysis of these peculiar, fast-changing and often elusive settings.


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Trata-se de um estudo sobre as rádios e televisões comunitárias em Moçambique. São investigadas as ações implementadas tanto pelo governo como pela sociedade civil, bem como o significado que essas emissoras têm para as populações locais. O objetivo é analisar a importância e a contribuição das rádios e televisões comunitárias para a conscientização das populações moçambicanas e para a realização com vistas ao desenvolvimento local. A metodologia privilegiou a pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, além de entrevistas semi-estruturadas junto a coordenadores das emissoras, entre outros. Foram estudadas 8 emissoras sediadas nas províncias de Zambézia, Sofala, Inhambane, Maputo e Maputo Cidade, de 2004 a 2005, além de ter sido feito um breve resgate do percurso histórico da comunicação em Moçambique nos últimos 15 anos, desde a promulgação da primeira Lei de Imprensa aprovada pela Assembléia da República. Conclui-se que as rádios e a televisões comunitárias são instrumentos de educação e conscientização das pessoas das comunidades investigadas. Elas desempenham um papel importante na vida dos cidadãos, mobilizando-os a se envolverem nas ações de combate à pobreza absoluta que se vive no seu país. São bens comunitários contribuindo para o desenvolvimento sustentável das próprias comunidades


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In this article we explore the interplay between the law of copyright, contract, and statutory fraud within the digital environment, and in particular with respect to the business of commercial image licensing within the UK.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Comunicação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação, 2016.


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The use of the internet for political purposes is not new; however, the introduction of social media tools has opened new avenues for political activists. In an era where social media has been credited as playing a critical role in the success of revolutions (Earl & Kimport, 2011; Papic & Noonan, 2011; Wooley, Limperos & 10 Beth, 2010), governments, law enforcement and intelligence agencies need to develop a deeper understanding of the broader capabilities of this emerging social and political environment. This can be achieved by increasing their online presence and through the application of proactive social media strategies to identify and manage potential threats. Analysis of current literature shows a gap 15 in the research regarding the connection between the theoretical understanding and practical implications of social media when exploited by political activists,and the efficacy of existing strategies designed to manage this growing challenge. This paper explores these issues by looking specifically at the use of three popular social media tools: Facebook; Twitter; and YouTube. Through the examination of 20 recent political protests in Iran, the UK and Egypt from 2009�2011, these case studies and research in the use of the three social media tools by political groups, the authors discuss inherent weaknesses in online political movements and discuss strategies for law enforcement and intelligence agencies to monitor these activities.


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Joyce Tam de l'Université McGill est récipiendaire du 3ème prix du concours de la bourse d'initiation à la recherche offerte par le Regroupement Droit et changements aux étudiants du baccalauréat en droit.


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Este recurso ayuda al profesor a explicar el contenido de la materia de Educación para la Ciudadanía a los alumnos de la etapa 4 del curriculo nacional inglés (key stage 4) y del General Certificate Secondary Education (GCSE). Dispone de actividades fotocopiables que apoyan y complementan a los cinco libros del estudiante; también incorpora fuentes adicionales de información para fomentar en los estudiantes habilidades de investigación.


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Over the past two decades, considerable political rhetoric has focused on the need to get tough on crime. Justification for this hard-line approach has been the public's apparent concem about rising crime rates and its increasing dissatisfaction with criminal sentencing. In this paper, we consider characteristics both of the measurement of public opinion and of the influences upon public opinion that may contribute to the depiction of a fearful, punitive community. In particular, we identify sources of bias in the methods and contexts of opinion-polling that promote a distorted representation of the discrepancy between community expectations of sentencing and the practices of the judiciary. We argue that the practices of pollsters, politicians, and media combine to create a self-sustaining obstacle to considered community discussion of crime and criminal sentencing.