995 resultados para material sciences


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BACKGROUND: Simulation techniques are spreading rapidly in medicine. Suc h resources are increasingly concentrated in Simulation Laboratories. The MSRP-USP is structuring such a laboratory and is interested in the prevalence of individual initiatives that could be centralized there. The MSRP-USP currently has five full-curriculum courses in the health sciences: Medicine, Speech Therapy, Physical Therapy, Nutrition, and Occupational Therapy, all consisting of core disciplines. GOAL: To determine the prevalence of simulation techniques in the regular courses at MSRP-USP. METHODS: Coordinators of disciplines in the various courses were interviewed using a specifically designed semi-structured questionnaire, and all the collected data were stored in a dedicated database. The disciplines were grouped according to whether they used (GI) or did not use (GII) simulation resources. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: 256 disciplines were analyzed, of which only 18.3% used simulation techniques, varying according to course: Medicine (24.7.3%), Occupational Therapy (23.0%), Nutrition (15.9%), Physical Therapy (9.8%), and Speech Therapy (9.1%). Computer simulation programs predominated (42.5%) in all five courses. The resources were provided mainly by MSRP-USP (56.3%), with additional funding coming from other sources based on individual initiatives. The same pattern was observed for maintenance. There was great interest in centralizing the resources in the new Simulation Laboratory in order to facilitate maintenance, but there was concern about training and access to the material. CONCLUSIONS: 1) The MSRP-USP simulation resources show low complexity and are mainly limited to computer programs; 2) Use of simulation varies according to course, and is most prevalent in Medicine; 3) Resources are scattered across several locations, and their acquisition and maintenance depend on individual initiatives rather than central coordination or curricular guidelines


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Some material aspects such as grain size, purity and anisotropy exert an important influence on surface quality, especially in single point diamond turning. The aim of this paper is to present and discuss some critical factors that can limit the accuracy of ultraprecision machining of non-ferrous metals and to identify the effects of them on the cutting mechanism with single point diamond tools. This will be carried out through observations of machined surfaces and chips produced using optical and scanning electron microscopy. Solutions to reduce the influence of some of these limiting factors related with the mechanism of generation of mirror-like surfaces will be discussed.


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We examine the measurement of multidimensional poverty and material deprivation following the counting approach. In contrast to earlier contributions, dimensions of well-being are not forced to be equally important but different weights can be assigned to different dimensions. We characterize a class of individual measures reflecting this feature. In addition, we axiomatize an aggregation procedure to obtain a class of indices for entire societies allowing for different degrees of inequality aversion in poverty. We apply the proposed measures to European Union member states where the concept of material deprivation was initiated.


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Cuaderno de actividades dirigido a alumnos de tercero y cuarto curso de enseñanza secundaria obligatoria para el aprendizaje de las Ciencias Naturales y la Biología respectivamente. Está concebido para su utilización en las clases bilingües de español-francés. Cada actividad va acompañada de ejercicios que permite comprobar el grado de aprendizaje de los alumnos.


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This paper discusses several tests used to measure speech intelligibility and speech discrimination.


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Urban metabolism considers a city as a system with flows of energy and material between it and the environment. Recent advances in bio-physical sciences provide methods and models to estimate local scale energy, water, carbon and pollutant fluxes. However, good communication is required to provide this new knowledge and its implications to endusers (such as urban planners, architects and engineers). The FP7 project BRIDGE (sustainaBle uRban plannIng Decision support accountinG for urban mEtabolism) aimed to address this gap by illustrating the advantages of considering these issues in urban planning. The BRIDGE Decision Support System (DSS) aids the evaluation of the sustainability of urban planning interventions. The Multi Criteria Analysis approach adopted provides a method to cope with the complexity of urban metabolism. In consultation with targeted end-users, objectives were defined in relation to the interactions between the environmental elements (fluxes of energy, water, carbon and pollutants) and socioeconomic components (investment costs, housing, employment, etc.) of urban sustainability. The tool was tested in five case study cities: Helsinki, Athens, London, Florence and Gliwice; and sub-models were evaluated using flux data selected. This overview of the BRIDGE project covers the methods and tools used to measure and model the physical flows, the selected set of sustainability indicators, the methodological framework for evaluating urban planning alternatives and the resulting DSS prototype.


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Nanostructured films comprising a 3-n-propylpyridiniunn silsesquioxane polymer (designated as SiPy(+)Cl(-)) and copper (II) tetrasulfophthalocyanine (CuTsPc) were produced using the Layer-by-Layer technique (LbL). To our knowledge this is the first report on the use of silsesquioxane derivative polymers as building blocks for nanostructured thin films fabrication. Deposition of the multilayers were monitored by UV-Vis spectroscopy revealing the linear increment in the absorbance of the Q-band from CuTsPc at 617 nm with the number of SiPy(+)Cl(-)/CuTsPc or CuTsPc/SiPy(+)Cl(-) bilayers. FTIR analyses showed that specific interactions between SiPy+Cl- and CuTsPc occurred between SO(3)(-) groups of tetrasulfophthalocyanine and the pyridinium groups of the polycation. Morphological studies were carried out using the AFM technique, which showed that the roughness and thickness of the films increase with the number of bilayers. The films displayed electroactivity and were employed to detection of dopamine (DA) and ascorbic acid (AA) using cyclic voltammetry, at concentrations ranging from 1.96 x 10(-4) to 1.31 x 10(-3) molL(-1). The number and the sequence of bilayers deposition influenced the electrochemical response in presence of DA and AA. Using differential pulse technique, films comprising SiPy(+)/CuTsPc were able to distinguish between DA and ascorbic acid (AA), with a potential difference of approximately with 500 mV, in the concentration range of 9.0 x 10(-5) to 2.0 x 10(-4) molL(-1), in pH 3.0.


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Basic oxygen furnace (BOF) slag media were studied as a potential treatment material in on-site sanitation systems. Batch and column studies were conducted to evaluate attenuation of the bacteriophage PR772 and 0.190 mu m diameter microspheres by BOF media, and to delineate the relative contributions of two principle processes of virus attenuation: inactivation and attachment. In the batch studies, conducted at 4 degrees C, substantial inactivation of PR772 did not occur in the pH 7.6 and 9.5 suspensions. At pH 11.4, bimodal inactivation of PR772 was observed, at an initial rate of 2.1 log C/C(0) day(-1) for the first two days, followed by a much slower rate of 0.124 log C/C(0) day(-1) over the following 10 days. Two column studies were conducted at 4 degrees C at a flow rate of 1 pore volume day(-1) using two slag sources (Stelco, Ontario; Tubarao, Brazil) combined with sand and pea gravel. In both column experiments, the effluent microsphere concentration approached input concentrations over time (reductions of 0.1-0.2 log C/C(0)), suggesting attachment processes for microspheres were negligible. Removal of PR772 virus was more pronounced both during the early stages of the experiments, but also after longer transport times (0.5-1.0 log C/C(0)). PR772 reduction appeared to be primarily as a result of virus inactivation in response to the elevated pH conditions generated by the BOF mixture (10.6-11.4). On-site sanitation systems using BOF media should be designed to maintain sufficient contact time between the BOF media and the wastewater to allow sufficient residence time of pathogens at elevated pH conditions. (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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Denna rapport redovisar resultaten från ett pilotprojekt om studenters, anställdas och företagsrepresentanters syn på arbete. Rapporten dokumenterar insamlad data, redovisar genomförda inledande analyser, samt ger förslag till fortsatt forskning och samverkan. Syftet med studien är ökad kunskap om synen på arbete inom profilområdena Turism/Besöksnäring, Material, Energi & Miljö samt IT & Media. Därtill förväntas diskussioner kring resultatens användbarhet kunna ge underlag för utvecklingsprojekt för ökad attraktivitet. Studien har genomförts i form av fallstudier på fem företag inom respektive profilområde i Dalarna. Därtill har en enkätundersökning genomförts bland studenter vid Högskolan Dalarna inom motsvarande utbildningsområden på 21 olika utbildningsprogram. Statistiska beräkningar och begreppsanalyser har genomförts på insamlat material. I rapporten redovisas studenters, anställdas och företagsrepresentanters syn på arbete fördelat på de olika profilområdena. Därtill görs jämförelser mellan de olika grupperna. Slutsatser från studien är: Studenter ser arbete inom deras utbildningsområde som i hög grad attraktiva. Anställdas syn på vad som är viktigt för att göra ett arbete attraktivt är likartad oavsett profilområde, där relationer och ledarskap är viktigast. Nuvarande arbete anses som attraktivast av anställda inom Turism/Besöksnäring, därefter kommer Energi & Miljö följt av IT & Media och Material. Erfarenhet och kompetens gör arbetskraften attraktiv enligt arbetsgivarrepresentanter, även personliga egenskaper är av betydelse. Studenter ser arbete som viktigare än vad anställda gör. För samtliga profilområden finns skillnader mellan vad studenter förväntar sig att arbetet innehåller och vad anställda upplever att arbetet innebär. Sammantaget tycker studenter att arbete inom respektive utbildningsområde är attraktivare än vad anställda tycker om nuvarande arbete. Baserat på erfarenheter från denna pilotstudie ges följande förslag på idéer till fortsatt forskning och samverkan. En studie som i sin omfattning är representativ för de olika profilområdena för att stärka pilotstudiens resultat och indikationer. Utifrån behov göra olika analyser på den empiri som är tillgänglig från denna studie. Ett projekt som följer studenter ut i arbetslivet. Samarbetsprojekt mellan forskare, lärare och företag i syfte att förbättra förutsättningarna för ökad samstämmighet mellan utbildning och arbete. Skapa utbildningstillfällen på temana ledarskap och relationer.


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Partindo da premissa de que o estabelecimento do equilíbrio econômicofinanceiro inicial em contratos de concessão precisa se utilizar de teorias, conceitos e metodologias de outras ciências que não somente as ciências jurídicas, em especial das ciências econômicas e contábeis, a dissertação identifica as metodologias aplicáveis para a definição do conteúdo material da equação econômico-financeira inicial e as diferentes formas de quantificação dos limites e efeitos da verificação da ocorrência de riscos na alteração do equilíbrio econômico-financeiro original dos contratos de concessão.


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Blastocystis hominis é um protozoário, causador de infecção intestinal denominada blastocistose humana, cujo diagnóstico é realizado pelo exame coproparasitológico e por meio de técnicas de coloração permanente. Este estudo foi desenvolvido para avaliar a freqüência da infecção por Blastocystis hominis em habitantes da região de Araraquara/SP, bem como comparar diferentes métodos para a pesquisa desse protozoário em amostras de fezes. Foram estudadas 503 amostras de fezes submetidas ao exame direto a fresco, às técnicas de Faust e cols, Lutz e de Rugai e cols, além das colorações pela hematoxilina férrica, tricrômio e de Kinyoun modificada. Entre as 503 amostras examinadas, 174 (34,6%) apresentaram-se positivas para a presença de parasitas intestinais. O protozoário e o helminto mais freqüentes foram Entamoeba coli (14,6%) e Strongyloides stercoralis (6,7%), respectivamente. Blastocystis hominis foi observado em 23 (4,6%) amostras fecais com consistência predominantemente pastosa, não caracterizando quadro diarréico. Apesar da baixa freqüência de Blastocystis hominis encontrada na região de Araraquara, comparativamente a outras regiões brasileiras, é importante a realização do diagnóstico laboratorial desse protozoário. O encontro de Blastocystis hominis em material fecal é indicativo de contaminação de alimentos e água de consumo, desde que se admita a rota de transmissão oral-fecal desse parasita, o que implica na orientação da população sobre as medidas de saneamento básico e higiene como meio para se controlar problemas de saúde ocasionados pelos enteroparasitas.


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC