940 resultados para matched case-control design


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Coronary heart disease (CHD) is the leading cause of death in the United States. Recently, renin-angiotensin system (RAS) was found associated with atherosclerosis formation, with angiotensin II inducing vascular smooth muscle cell growth and migration, platelet activation and aggregation, and stimulation of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1. Angiotensin II is converted from angiotensin I by angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE) and this enzyme is mainly genetically determined. The ACE gene has been assigned to chromosome 17q23 and an insertion/deletion (I/D)polymorphism has been characterized by the presence/absence of a 287 bp fragment in intron 16 of the gene. The two alleles form three genotypes, namely, DD, ID and II and the DD genotype has been linked to higher plasma ACE levels and cell ACE activity.^ In this study, the association between the ACE I/D polymorphism and carotid artery wall thickness measured by B-mode ultrasound was investigated in a biracial sample, and the association between the gene and incident CHD was investigated in whites and if the gene-CHD association in whites, if any, was due to the gene effect on atherosclerosis. The study participants are from the prospective Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study, including adults aged 45 to 65 years. The present dissertation used a matched case-control design for studying the associations of the ACE gene with carotid artery atherosclerosis and an unmatched case-control design for the association of the gene with CHD. A significant recessive effect of the D allele on carotid artery thickness was found in blacks (OR = 3.06, 95% C.I: 1.11-8.47, DD vs. ID and II) adjusting for age, gender, cigarette smoking, LDL-cholesterol and diabetes. No similar associations were found in whites. The ACE I/D polymorphism is significantly associated with coronary heart disease in whites, and while stratifying data by carotid artery wall thickness, the significant associations were only observed in thin-walled subgroups. Assuming a recessive effect of the D allele, odds ratio was 2.84 (95% C.I:1.17-6.90, DD vs. ID and II) and it was 2.30 (95% C.I:1.22-4.35, DD vs. ID vs. II) assuming a codominant effect of the D allele. No significant associations were observed while comparing thick-walled CHD cases with thin-walled controls. Following conclusions could be drawn: (1) The ACE I/D polymorphism is unlikely to confer appreciable increase in the risk of carotid atherosclerosis in US whites, but may increases the risk of carotid atherosclerosis in blacks. (2) ACE I/D polymorphism is a genetic risk factor for incident CHD in US whites and this effect is separate from the chronic process of atherosclerosis development. Finally, the associations observed here are not causal, since the I/D polymorphism is in an intron, where no ACE proteins are encoded. ^


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Purpose: The aetiology of primary brain tumours is largely unknown; the role of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or aspirin use and glioma risk has been inconclusive, but few population-based studies with reliable prescribing data have been conducted, and the association with meningioma risk has yet to be assessed. Methods: The UK Clinical Practice Research Datalink was used to assess the association between aspirin and non-aspirin NSAID use and primary brain tumour risk using a nested case-control study design. Conditional logistic regression analysis was performed on 5,052 brain tumour patients aged 16 years and over, diagnosed between 1987 and 2009 and 42,678 controls matched on year of birth, gender and general practice, adjusting for history of allergy and hormone replacement therapy use in the glioma and meningioma models, respectively.

Results: In conditional logistic regression analysis, excluding drug use in the year preceding the index date, there was no association with non-aspirin NSAID use (OR 0.96, 95 % CI 0.81-1.13) or glioma risk comparing the highest category of daily defined dose to non-users; however, non-aspirin NSAID use was positively associated with meningioma risk (OR 1.35, 95 % CI 1.06-1.71). No association was seen with high- or low-dose aspirin use irrespective of histology.

Conclusions: This large nested case-control study finds no association between aspirin or non-aspirin NSAID use and risk of glioma but a slight increased risk with non-aspirin NSAIDs and meningioma. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.


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Contexte : L’anémie falciforme ou drépanocytose est un problème de santé important, particulièrement pour les patients d’origine africaine. La variation phénotypique de l’anémie falciforme est problématique pour le suivi et le traitement des patients. L’architecture génomique responsable de cette variabilité est peu connue. Principe : Mieux saisir la contribution génétique de la variation clinique de cette maladie facilitera l’identification des patients à risque de développer des phénotypes sévères, ainsi que l’adaptation des soins. Objectifs : L’objectif général de cette thèse est de combler les lacunes relatives aux connaissances sur l’épidémiologie génomique de l’anémie falciforme à l’aide d’une cohorte issue au Bénin. Les objectifs spécifiques sont les suivants : 1) caractériser les profils d’expressions génomiques associés à la sévérité de l’anémie falciforme ; 2) identifier des biomarqueurs de la sévérité de l’anémie falciforme ; 3) identifier la régulation génétique des variations transcriptionelles ; 4) identifier des interactions statistiques entre le génotype et le niveau de sévérité associé à l’expression ; 5) identifier des cibles de médicaments pour améliorer l’état des patients atteints d’anémie falciforme. Méthode : Une étude cas-témoins de 250 patients et 61 frères et soeurs non-atteints a été menée au Centre de Prise en charge Médical Intégré du Nourrisson et de la Femme Enceinte atteints de Drépanocytose, au Bénin entre février et décembre 2010. Résultats : Notre analyse a montré que des profils d’expressions sont associés avec la sévérité de l’anémie falciforme. Ces profils sont enrichis de génes des voies biologiques qui contribuent à la progression de la maladie : l’activation plaquettaire, les lymphocytes B, le stress, l’inflammation et la prolifération cellulaire. Des biomarqueurs transcriptionnels ont permis de distinguer les patients ayant des niveaux de sévérité clinique différents. La régulation génétique de la variation de l’expression des gènes a été démontrée et des interactions ont été identifiées. Sur la base de ces résultats génétiques, des cibles de médicaments sont proposées. Conclusion: Ce travail de thèse permet de mieux comprendre l’impact de la génomique sur la sévérité de l’anémie falciforme et ouvre des perspectives de développement de traitements ciblés pour améliorer les soins offerts aux patients.


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Objective To investigate the relationship between basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and antioxidant nutrients, specifically carotenoids, vitamin E and selenium.

Methods The Nambour Skin Cancer Study is an ongoing, community-based study of randomly selected adult residents of a township in sub-tropical Queensland, Australia. Using a nested case–control design, incident cases of BCC (n=90) were compared with age and sex matched controls (n=90). Dietary exposure was measured using food frequency questionnaire estimates of intake as well as serum biomarkers. Other determinants of skin cancer including sun exposure were also considered. Dietary intakes were adjusted for energy intake, and serum carotenoids and vitamin E were adjusted for serum cholesterol. Odds ratios were calculated across quartiles of dietary intake and serum biomarkers and linear trends were assessed using logistic regression, adjusting for age, sex and supplement use.

Results and conclusions In this prospective study no significant associations were found between BCC and carotenoids, vitamin E or selenium, as measured by serum biomarkers or dietary intake, although there was a suggestion of a positive association with lutein intake.


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Objective: To examine the effect of fast track on emergency department (ED) length of stay (LOS).

Design and setting: Pair-matched case–control design in a public teaching hospital in metropolitan Melbourne, Australia.

Participants: Patients treated by the ED fast track (cases) between 1 January and 31 March 2007 were compared with patients treated by the usual ED processes (controls) from 1 July to 15 November 2006 (n = 822 matched pairs).

Intervention: ED fast track was established in November 2006 and focused on the management of patients with non-urgent complaints.

Main outcome measures: The primary outcome measure was ED LOS for fast-track patients. Secondary outcomes were waiting times and ED LOS for other ED patients.

Results: Median ED LOS for non-admitted patients was 132 minutes (interquartile range (IQR) 83–205.25) for controls and 116 minutes (IQR 75.5–159.0) for cases (p<0.01). Fast-track patients had a significantly higher incidence of discharge within 2 h (53% vs 44%, p<0.01) and 4 h (92% vs 84%, p<0.01).

Conclusions: ED fast track decreased ED LOS for non-admitted patients without compromising waiting times and ED LOS for other ED patients


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Objective: To determine whether parentally reported habitual intake of specific foods differed between children with diagnosed Campylobacter jejuni infection and children of a comparison group without diagnosed infection.

Design, setting and subjects: Information was collected from the parents or primary caregivers of South Australian children aged 1–5 years with diagnosed C. jejuni (cases, n=172) and an age- and gender-matched group of uninfected children (controls, n=173). Frequency of consumption of 106 food and drink items was determined for the preceding two months by food-frequency questionnaire. Four children in the control group had recorded diarrhoeal episodes during the assessment period and were excluded, so 169 responses were evaluated for this group. Information was gathered on possible confounders including socio-economic status. Response frequencies were classified into three levels of consumption (rarely, weekly or daily) and statistical comparison was made by frequency of consumption of foods versus the ‘rarely’ classification for cases and controls, respectively.

Results: Frequency of consumption of most foods, including starchy foods and fruits and vegetables, did not differ between cases and controls. However, reported consumption of eight food items (block and processed cheese (slices and spread), salami/fritz (a form of processed sausage), chicken nuggets, pasteurised milk, fish (canned or fresh) and hot French fries) was significantly higher by controls.

Conclusions: The hypothesis that reported consumption of starchy foods was lower by cases than by controls was not supported by the data. However, consumption of some processed and unprocessed foods was higher by controls. Some of these foods have established bactericidal actions in vitro that may indicate a possible mechanism for this apparent protection.


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Objective. The aim of this study was to investigate the orofacial complaints and characteristics of patients with fibromyalgia syndrome (FS) compared with controls. Study Design. We evaluated 25 patients diagnosed with FS compared with 25 gender-and age-matched controls by using a detailed clinical protocol for orofacial pain diagnosis and dental examination. Results. FS patients had a higher frequency of temporomandibular disorders (TMD), masticatory complaints, pain with mandibular movements, and pain upon palpation of the head and neck area. There were no significant differences related to the dental exam. Conclusions. Orofacial complaints including TMD may be present either as symptoms of FS or as a comorbidity associated with this condition. A comprehensive evaluation of patients with FS is necessary to identify the need for specific treatments for orofacial complaints. Future studies, especially those with longitudinal design, should clarify whether a cause-effect relationship exists between orofacial complaints and fibromyalgia. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol 2012;114:e29-e34)


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A nested case-control study design was used to investigate the relationship between radiation exposure and brain cancer risk in the United States Air Force (USAF). The cohort consisted of approximately 880,000 men with at least 1 year of service between 1970 and 1989. Two hundred and thirty cases were identified from hospital discharge records with a diagnosis of primary malignant brain tumor (International Classification of Diseases, 9th revision, code 191). Four controls were exactly matched with each case on year of age and race using incidence density sampling. Potential career summary extremely low frequency (ELF) and microwave-radiofrequency (MWRF) radiation exposures were based upon the duration in each occupation and an intensity score assigned by an expert panel. Ionizing radiation (IR) exposures were obtained from personal dosimetry records.^ Relative to the unexposed, the overall age-race adjusted odds ratio (OR) for ELF exposure was 1.39, 95 percent confidence interval (CI) 1.03-1.88. A dose-response was not evident. The same was true for MWRF, although the OR = 1.59, with 95 percent CI 1.18-2.16. Excess risk was not found for IR exposure (OR = 0.66, 45 percent CI 0.26-1.72).^ Increasing socioeconomic status (SES), as identified by military pay grade, was associated with elevated brain tumor risk (officer vs. enlisted personnel age-race adjusted OR = 2.11, 95 percent CI 1.98-3.01, and senior officers vs. all others age-race adjusted OR = 3.30, 95 percent CI 2.0-5.46). SES proved to be an important confounder of the brain tumor risk associated with ELF and MWRF exposure. For ELF, the age-race-SES adjusted OR = 1.28, 95 percent CI 0.94-1.74, and for MWRF, the age-race-SES adjusted OR = 1.39, 95 percent CI 1.01-1.90.^ These results indicate that employment in Air Force occupations with potential electromagnetic field exposures is weakly, though not significantly, associated with increased risk for brain tumors. SES appeared to be the most consistent brain tumor risk factor in the USAF cohort. Other investigators have suggested that an association between brain tumor risk and SES may arise from differential access to medical care. However, in the USAF cohort health care is universally available. This study suggests that some factor other than access to medical care must underlie the association between SES and brain tumor risk. ^


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Objectifs: Examiner les tendances temporelles, les déterminants en lien avec le design des études et la qualité des taux de réponse rapportés dans des études cas-témoins sur le cancer publiées lors des 30 dernières années. Méthodes: Une revue des études cas-témoins sur le cancer a été menée. Les critères d'inclusion étaient la publication (i) dans l’un de 15 grands périodiques ciblés et (ii) lors de quatre périodes de publication (1984-1986, 1995, 2005 et 2013) couvrant trois décennies. 370 études ont été sélectionnées et examinées. La méthodologie en lien avec le recrutement des sujets et la collecte de données, les caractéristiques de la population, les taux de participation et les raisons de la non-participation ont été extraites de ces études. Des statistiques descriptives ont été utilisées pour résumer la qualité des taux de réponse rapportés (en fonction de la quantité d’information disponible), les tendances temporelles et les déterminants des taux de réponse; des modèles de régression linéaire ont été utilisés pour analyser les tendances temporelles et les déterminants des taux de participation. Résultats: Dans l'ensemble, les qualités des taux de réponse rapportés et des raisons de non-participation étaient très faible, particulièrement chez les témoins. La participation a diminué au cours des 30 dernières années, et cette baisse est plus marquée dans les études menées après 2000. Lorsque l'on compare les taux de réponse dans les études récentes a ceux des études menées au cours de 1971 à 1980, il y a une plus grande baisse chez les témoins sélectionnés en population générale ( -17,04%, IC 95%: -23,17%, -10,91%) que chez les cas (-5,99%, IC 95%: -11,50%, -0,48%). Les déterminants statistiquement significatifs du taux de réponse chez les cas étaient: le type de cancer examiné, la localisation géographique de la population de l'étude, et le mode de collecte des données. Le seul déterminant statistiquement significatif du taux de réponse chez les témoins hospitaliers était leur localisation géographique. Le seul déterminant statistiquement significatif du taux de participation chez les témoins sélectionnés en population générale était le type de répondant (sujet uniquement ou accompagné d’une tierce personne). Conclusion: Le taux de participation dans les études cas-témoins sur le cancer semble avoir diminué au cours des 30 dernières années et cette baisse serait plus marquée dans les études récentes. Afin d'évaluer le niveau réel de non-participation et ses déterminants, ainsi que l'impact de la non-participation sur la validité des études, il est nécessaire que les études publiées utilisent une approche normalisée pour calculer leurs taux de participation et qu’elles rapportent ceux-ci de façon transparente.


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Objectifs: Examiner les tendances temporelles, les déterminants en lien avec le design des études et la qualité des taux de réponse rapportés dans des études cas-témoins sur le cancer publiées lors des 30 dernières années. Méthodes: Une revue des études cas-témoins sur le cancer a été menée. Les critères d'inclusion étaient la publication (i) dans l’un de 15 grands périodiques ciblés et (ii) lors de quatre périodes de publication (1984-1986, 1995, 2005 et 2013) couvrant trois décennies. 370 études ont été sélectionnées et examinées. La méthodologie en lien avec le recrutement des sujets et la collecte de données, les caractéristiques de la population, les taux de participation et les raisons de la non-participation ont été extraites de ces études. Des statistiques descriptives ont été utilisées pour résumer la qualité des taux de réponse rapportés (en fonction de la quantité d’information disponible), les tendances temporelles et les déterminants des taux de réponse; des modèles de régression linéaire ont été utilisés pour analyser les tendances temporelles et les déterminants des taux de participation. Résultats: Dans l'ensemble, les qualités des taux de réponse rapportés et des raisons de non-participation étaient très faible, particulièrement chez les témoins. La participation a diminué au cours des 30 dernières années, et cette baisse est plus marquée dans les études menées après 2000. Lorsque l'on compare les taux de réponse dans les études récentes a ceux des études menées au cours de 1971 à 1980, il y a une plus grande baisse chez les témoins sélectionnés en population générale ( -17,04%, IC 95%: -23,17%, -10,91%) que chez les cas (-5,99%, IC 95%: -11,50%, -0,48%). Les déterminants statistiquement significatifs du taux de réponse chez les cas étaient: le type de cancer examiné, la localisation géographique de la population de l'étude, et le mode de collecte des données. Le seul déterminant statistiquement significatif du taux de réponse chez les témoins hospitaliers était leur localisation géographique. Le seul déterminant statistiquement significatif du taux de participation chez les témoins sélectionnés en population générale était le type de répondant (sujet uniquement ou accompagné d’une tierce personne). Conclusion: Le taux de participation dans les études cas-témoins sur le cancer semble avoir diminué au cours des 30 dernières années et cette baisse serait plus marquée dans les études récentes. Afin d'évaluer le niveau réel de non-participation et ses déterminants, ainsi que l'impact de la non-participation sur la validité des études, il est nécessaire que les études publiées utilisent une approche normalisée pour calculer leurs taux de participation et qu’elles rapportent ceux-ci de façon transparente.


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Background Heavy vehicle transportation continues to grow internationally; yet crash rates are high, and the risk of injury and death extends to all road users. The work environment for the heavy vehicle driver poses many challenges; conditions such as scheduling and payment are proposed risk factors for crash, yet the precise measure of these needs quantifying. Other risk factors such as sleep disorders including obstructive sleep apnoea have been shown to increase crash risk in motor vehicle drivers however the risk of heavy vehicle crash from this and related health conditions needs detailed investigation. Methods and Design The proposed case control study will recruit 1034 long distance heavy vehicle drivers: 517 who have crashed and 517 who have not. All participants will be interviewed at length, regarding their driving and crash history, typical workloads, scheduling and payment, trip history over several days, sleep patterns, health, and substance use. All participants will have administered a nasal flow monitor for the detection of obstructive sleep apnoea. Discussion Significant attention has been paid to the enforcement of legislation aiming to deter problems such as excess loading, speeding and substance use; however, there is inconclusive evidence as to the direction and strength of associations of many other postulated risk factors for heavy vehicle crashes. The influence of factors such as remuneration and scheduling on crash risk is unclear; so too the association between sleep apnoea and the risk of heavy vehicle driver crash. Contributory factors such as sleep quality and quantity, body mass and health status will be investigated. Quantifying the measure of effect of these factors on the heavy vehicle driver will inform policy development that aims toward safer driving practices and reduction in heavy vehicle crash; protecting the lives of many on the road network.


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BACKGROUND: The excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate has been implicated in both the hyperexcitability required for cortical spreading depression as well as activation of the trigeminovascular system required for the allodynia associated with migraine. Polymorphisms in the glutamate receptor ionotropic amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole-propionin acid 1 (GRIA1) and GRIA3 genes that code for 2 of 4 subunits of the glutamate receptor have been previously associated with migraine in an Italian population. In addition, the GRIA3 gene is coded within a previously identified migraine susceptibility locus at Xq24. This study investigated the previously associated polymorphisms in both genes in an Australian case-control population. METHODS: Variants in GRIA1 and GRIA3 were genotyped in 472 unrelated migraine cases and matched controls, and data were analyzed for association. RESULTS: Analysis showed no association between migraine and the GRIA1 gene. However, association was observed with the GRIA3 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rs3761555 (P = .008). CONCLUSION: The results of this study confirmed the previous report of association at the rs3761555 SNP within the migraine with aura subgroup of migraineurs. However, the study identified association with the inverse allele suggesting that rs3761555 may not be the causative SNP but is more likely in linkage disequilibrium with another causal variant in both populations. This study supports the plethora of evidence suggesting that glutamate dysfunction may contribute to migraine susceptibility, warranting further investigation of the glutamatergic system and particularly of the GRIA3 gene.


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Migraine is a painful and debilitating disorder with a significant genetic component. Steroid hormones, in particular estrogen, have long been considered to play a role in migraine, as variations in hormone levels are associated with migraine onset in many sufferers of the disorder. Steroid hormones mediate their activity via hormone receptors, which have a wide tissue distribution. Estrogen receptors have been localized to the brain in regions considered to be involved in migraine pathogenesis. Hence it is possible that genetic variation in the estrogen receptor gene may play a role in migraine susceptibility. This study thus examined the estrogen receptor 1 (ESRα) gene for a potential role in migraine pathogenesis and susceptibility. A population-based cohort of 224 migraine sufferers and 224 matched controls were genotyped for the G594A polymorphism located in exon 8 of the ESR1 gene. Statistical analysis indicated a significant difference between migraineurs and non-migraineurs in both the allele frequencies (P=0.003) and genotype distributions (P=0.008) in this sample. An independent follow-up study was then undertaken using this marker in an additional population-based cohort of 260 migraine sufferers and 260 matched controls. This resulted in a significant association between the two groups with regard to allele frequencies (P=8×10−6) and genotype distributions (P=4×10−5). Our findings support the hypothesis that genetic variation in hormone receptors, in particular the ESR1 gene, may play a role in migraine.


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Objective: To explore the influencing factors of esophageal cancer in the trunk basin of Dawen river , Shandong province. Methods: A case- control study was carried out: 195 living cases of diagnosed esophageal cancer and 195 controls were matched by age and sex and surveyed by a unified inventory. Results: T he following items could rises the risk of esophageal cancer : hard dry diet, smoke homemade cigarettes, alcohol consumption> 500 ml/ day, relatives with tumor in history ( OR = 51850, OR = 161 158, OR = 111 513, OR = 11 827, respectively ) . While drinking tea may have protective effect against esophageal cancer ( OR = 01 311). Conclusion: The high incidence of esophageal cancer in the area is relative not only to the environment and dietary factors, but also to the family history of esophageal cancer.