839 resultados para marcação isotópica


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A procedure for determining of the isotope ratio 235U/238U in UF6 samples was established using a quadrupole mass spectrometer with ionization by electron impact. The following items were optimized in the spectrometer: the parameters in the ion source that provided the most intense peak, with good shape, for the most abundant isotope; the resolution that reduced the non linear effects and the number of analytical cycles that reduced the uncertainty in the results. The measurement process was characterized with respect to the effects of mass discrimination, linearity and memory effect.


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Lead analyses in bottom sediments from the hydrographic system of Belem (Para) indicated low contents of this metal for the sediments from the Guama river, with no significant anthropogenic contribution. A concentration of 18.1 ± 1.5 mg kg-1 and 206Pb/207Pb isotopic signature of 1.196 ± 0.002 are assigned for Pb from natural sources. On the other hand, the significant increase of Pb contents in the sediments from the Guajará bay, together with the decrease of 206Pb/207Pb ratios (1.172 < 206Pb/207Pb < 1.188) point to an anthropogenic lead contribution, originated by the industrial and urban activities of the city of Belem.


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O mel é um alimento apreciado por seu sabor característico e pelo seu considerável valor nutritivo. Devido a oferta do produto ser menor que a procura, seu preço é relativamente alto, incentivando sua adulteração. Geralmente, a adulteração do mel é feita através da adição de açúcares comerciais, derivados de cana-de-açúcar e milho. Como essas plantas têm uma composição isotópica do carbono distinta das plantas utilizadas pelas abelhas como fonte de néctar (flores silvestres, citros e eucaliptos), é possível utilizar a composição isotópica do carbono de amostras de mel para se avaliar a adulteração desse produto por açúcares comerciais oriundos da cana e do milho. Foram analisadas amostras de plantas pertencentes ao ciclo fotos-sintético C3, subprodutos de plantas C4 (açúcares comerciais) e 61 amostras de mel obtidas no mercado. As plantas C3 analisadas apresentaram valores de d13C de -28,9±1,1‰ (n=8), enquanto os açúcares apresentaram valores de -11,1±0,7‰ (n=3). Das 61 amostras de mel analisadas, cerca de 8% (5 amostras) tiveram sinais claros de adulteração. A amostra de número 34 teve um valor igual a -12,9‰, indicando que açúcar puro de cana-de-açúcar ou milho estaria sendo comercializado como mel. As amostras 13, 14, 33 e 54 apresentaram valores iguais a -21,0; -19,9; -21,9 e -17,6‰, respectivamente. Esses valores indicam também adição de açúcares de cana-de-açúcar ou milho, no entanto em menor proporção. A metodologia testada neste trabalho foi aprovada como um método simples, confiável e complementar aos métodos químicos e físicos convencionais visando detectar adulteração de mel.


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O conhecimento referente à inervação da musculatura pediosa do caracol pulmonado Megalobulimus oblongus, é um subsídio importante na complementação de estudos morfológicos, neuroquímicos e comportamentais já realizados e, no fornecimento de informações básicas para trabalhos sobre os repertórios comportamentais básicos deste animal. O presente trabalho teve como objetivos descrever a distribuição anatômica dos nervos provenientes dos gânglios pedais de Megalobulimus oblongus, mapear os neurônios localizados nos gânglios nervosos centrais que enviam projeções para nervos do tronco posterior pedal deste animal, através de marcação retrógrada com cloreto de cobalto e verificar quais áreas periféricas são inervadas pelos ramos dos troncos nervosos posteriores, através de marcação anterógrada com cloreto de cobalto. A descrição dos nervos pedais foi baseada em dissecações dos nervos pedais de animais e secções histológicas da região de projeção dos nervos dos gânglios pedais. Foram descritos dez troncos nervosos, cinco dorsais e cinco ventrais, emergindo de cada gânglio pedal, que se ramificam em 41 nervos pedais, originados próximos ao gânglio. Destes, seis suprem a musculatura retratora do pé, um supre a glândula suprapediosa e 34 suprem a musculatura pediosa e integumento do pé. Neurônios marcados através dos nervos pedais NP7-NP10 foram encontrados em todos os gânglios do complexo ganglionar subesofageal, principalmente nos gânglios ipsilaterais à marcação. Foi possível verificar que as fibras marcadas que penetram através dos nervos ventralmente no gânglio pedal, mostram-se em grande quantidade no neuropilo, comissuras pedais (principalmente a comissura anterior) e conetivos. Algumas fibras que cruzam para o gânglio pedal contralateral seguem através do conetivo pedal-pleural para o gânglio pleural também contralateral à marcação. O maior número de neurônios foi marcado no gânglio pedal ipsilateral à marcação. Os gânglios cerebrais não apresentaram somas neuronais marcados, somente fibras terminando no mesocérebro, pós-cérebro, comissura e neuropilo entre o pró-cérebro e o mesocérebro. As fibras nervosas marcadas foram vistas percorrendo a região póstero-medial da musculatura pediosa e enviando ramificações direcionadas lateralmente e para a superfície dorsal e ventral da porção pediosa. Nestas regiões foram encontradas terminações nervosas diretamente em fibras musculares e entre as células epiteliais da região ventral do pé.


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O tema central deste trabalho é a marcação a mercado das cotas dos fundos de investimento financeiros. Seu objetivo principal é analisar o procedimento da marcação e como ocorrem as oscilações nas cotas dos fundos. Aborda os conceitos teóricos relacionados aos fundos, bem como estudo dos fatores utilizados para a formação das taxas de juros, do risco, que afeta o retorno dos ativos e da rentabilidade das aplicações financeiras. Analisa a performance, o retorno e as variações, através de instrumentos estatísticos, de um fundo de investimento administrado por instituição financeira no período de fevereiro de 1999 a fevereiro de 2003. A conclusão do trabalho mostra que a marcação a mercado veio trazer maior transparência, credibilidade e segurança à indústria dos fundos, gerando maior estabilidade no mercado financeiro.


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A bacia de Ischigualasto-Villa Unión (Stipanicic e Bonaparte, 1972), que consiste de uma bacia alongada no sentido NW-SE e preenchida por rochas sedimentares Triássicas, foi gerada durante o Eo-Triássico pela reativação de descontinuidades crustais pré-existentes, associadas ao Gondwanides, na região central andina. Esta limitada a oeste, pelo vale do Rio Bermejo, no qual se encontra a zona de sutura do Vale Fértil, que se caracteriza pela borda ativa da bacia. Aqui, apresentar-se-á uma revisão da estratigrafia da bacia de Ischigualasto-Villa Unión, detalhando-se duas áreas chaves do registro estratigráfico inferior da bacia, na região do Cerro Morado e La Torre. Nestas áreas utilizou-se de técnicas estratigráficas e isotópicas (Sm-Nd em rocha total), com o objetivo de estabelecer uma correlação entre seus registros estratigráficos e suas áreas-fonte, além de caracterizar o comportamento tectônico. Ambos os perfis apresentam na porção inferior o preenchimento por um sistema aluvial-fluvial (Formação Tarjados sensu Romer & Jensen, 1966), subdividido em 4 associações de fácies: leques aluviais, canais fluviais, barras longitudinais e planície de inundação; e, na porção superior, o preenchimento por um sistema lacustre-deltáico (Formação Los Chañares sensu Frenguelli, 1944, no Cerro Morado e, Formação Lomas Blancas sensu Bossi e Herbst, 1968, em La Torre), subdividido em 4 associações de fácies: lacustre, pró delta, frente deltáica e planicie deltáica. Sobre as últimas unidades ocorre um lacólito de diabásio (Formação Los Baldecitos) A formação Tarjados apresenta as maiores idades TDM na região do Cerro Morado, variando entre 1,33 e 1,60 Ga, enquanto que em La Torre os valores oscilam entre 1,03 e 1,30 Ga. Isso é interpretado aqui como uma variação da área fonte entre as duas regiões na época de sua sedimentação, cujas regiões poderiam estar compartimentadas em termos tectônicos a época de sua deposição. A formação Los Chañares possui idades TDM variando entre 0,90 e 1,36 Ga, e a formação Lomas Blancas possui idades TDM entre 0,99 e 1,35 Ga, com dominância de valores próximos a 1 Ga nos dois blocos. Os diabásios da formação Los Baldecitos possuem idades TDM entre 0,51 e 0,33 Ga, cujo dado é interpretado com uma extração mantélica próxima a 130 Ma de um manto modificado pela orogenia do Ciclo Gondwânico, ou até mesmo pelo processo de slab break-off da crosta oceânica consumida pela colisão do micro-continente Cuyania com a proto-margem do Gondwana (Ramos, 1999). Todas as rochas dessa formação obtiveram valores de Epsilon Nd positivos. A integração dos dados estratigráficos e isotópicos nos permite interpretar as duas áreas como meio-grábens distintos na etapa inicial de preenchimento, em função da discrepância entre as idades TDM entre as áreas. A partir da transgressão lacustre as áreas-fonte são uniformizadas e o alto estrutural pré-existente é transgredido.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar as palavras e expressões malsonantes em quatro dicionários bilíngües escolares, especificamente na macroestrutura espanhol-português, bem como apresentar uma proposta de marcação para indicar os contextos de uso dessas palavras e expressões na microestrutura de tais dicionários. Para tanto, analisamos os verbetes que recebem a marca “malsonante” no Diccionario Electrónico de la Lengua Española (2003) e, com base nessa análise, sugerimos uma forma de sistematização de algumas marcas estilísticas importantes para especificar o uso do léxico malsonante em obras bilíngües espanhol-português, utilizadas em contextos pedagógicos. Os resultados desta pesquisa apontam para a necessidade de se rever as informações sobre o uso da língua na microestrutura de obras lexicográficas, especialmente das obras bilíngües escolares, as quais contrastam duas línguas e apresentam, pois, usos distintos aos aprendizes de língua estrangeira.


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(The Mark and Recapture Network: a Heliconius case study). The current pace of habitat destruction, especially in tropical landscapes, has increased the need for understanding minimum patch requirements and patch distance as tools for conserving species in forest remnants. Mark recapture and tagging studies have been instrumental in providing parameters for functional models. Because of their popularity, ease of manipulation and well known biology, butterflies have become model in studies of spatial structure. Yet, most studies on butterflies movement have focused on temperate species that live in open habitats, in which forest patches are barrier to movement. This study aimed to view and review data from mark-recapture as a network in two species of butterfly (Heliconius erato and Heliconius melpomene). A work of marking and recapture of the species was carried out in an Atlantic forest reserve located about 20km from the city of Natal (RN). Mark recapture studies were conducted in 3 weekly visits during January-February and July-August in 2007 and 2008. Captures were more common in two sections of the dirt road, with minimal collection in the forest trail. The spatial spread of captures was similar in the two species. Yet, distances between recaptures seem to be greater for Heliconius erato than for Heliconius melpomene. In addition, the erato network is more disconnected, suggesting that this specie has shorter traveling patches. Moving on to the network, both species have similar number of links (N) and unweighed vertices (L). However, melpomene has a weighed network 50% more connections than erato. These network metrics suggest that erato has more compartmentalized network and restricted movement than melpomene. Thus, erato has a larger number of disconnected components, nC, in the network, and a smaller network diameter. The frequency distribution of network connectivity for both species was better explained by a Power-law than by a random, Poissom distribution, showing that the Power-law provides a better fit than the Poisson for both species. Moreover, the Powerlaw erato is much better adjusted than in melpomene, which should be linked to the small movements that erato makes in the network


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The use of radionuclides has contributed for advances in Health Sciences, to research or to the diagnosis and/or treatment of diseases. These advances have been possible with the utilization of radiopharmaceuticals labeled with technetium-99m (99mTc). Stannous chloride (SnCl2) has the main reducing agent utilized to obtain radiopharmaceuticals labeled with technetium-99m. It has been reported that several natural or synthetic drugs are capable to alter the labeling of blood constituents with 99mTc, as well as the red blood cells morphology. The aim of this study was to evaluate possible alterations of Chrysobalanus icaco extract on the labeling of blood constituents with 99mTc, on the morphology of RBC of blood of Wistar rats, on the breakage of plasmid DNA and on the effects of stannous chloride on plasmid DNA. The results showed significant (P<0.05) alteration of the labeling of blood constituents with 99mTc, as well as, modification of the morphology and morphometry (perimeter/area ratio) of the RBC in presence of the extract. These data suggest that this abajeru extract could alter the labeling of blood constituents with 99mTc by its chelating/antioxidant action and/or effects on membrane structures. Moreover C. icaco extract altered the electrophoretic profile and decreased significantly (p<0.05) the effect of SnCl2 on plasmid DNA. The results obtained in this work could indicate a dose-dependent protective action against the SnCl2 and a genotoxic effect of C. icaco extract on plasmid DNA


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There are strong interests in the evaluation of the biological effects of natural and synthetic products. Blood constituents labeled with technetium-99m (99mTc) are used in nuclear medicine. The aim of this work was to study the effects of Clove (Caryophyllus aromaticas L.) and OZE (preparation used in the Health Sciences) on the labeling blood constituents with 99mTc and on the morphologic red blood cells (RBC) and the action of an extract of tomato (TO) on the labeling of blood constituents Blood samples were incubated with clove or OZE or TO, stannous chloride and 99mTc. Plasma (P), blood cells (BC), insoluble fractions (IF) of plasma and blood cells were separated. The radioactivity was counted and percentage of radioactivity (%ATI) to each blood fraction was calculated. The shape and morphometric parameter (perimeter/area ratio) were evaluated in the studies with clove and OZE. Clove extract and OZE altered significantly (p<0.05) the %ATI of blood constituents and the shape of red blood cells. However, clove extract not altered the red blood cells perimeter/area ratio. The tomato extract used at the highest concentrations reduced significantly (p<0.05) the %ATI in IF-P, although this extract did not modify the radiolabeling on BC, neither the radioactivity fixation on IFBC. The results indicate that these chemical compounds would have oxidative/chelating actions


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Technetium-99m (99mTc) has been used to obtain several radiobiocomplexes utilized to aid in the diagnosis of diseases. Blood constituents, as red blood cells (RBC) and plasma proteins, have been labeled with 99mTc. Natural and synthetic drugs can alter the labeling of these constituents. The aim of this work was to investigate the possibility of a Buzhong YiQi Wan extract to alter (i) the labeling of blood constituents with 99mTc, (ii) the RBC morphology, and (iii) osmotic fragility of RBC withdrawn from Wistar rats. The data showed that the BYQW extract (i) could affect labeling of blood constituintes with 99mTc, (ii) could affect the membrane integrity decreasing the osmotic resistance and (iii) could not alter the shape of RBC. Probably, these findings would be associated with properties of the substances present in the aqueous extract of BYQW. This study has multiple disciplinary aspects in knowledge areas: Radiobiology, Botanic, Phytotherapy and Haematology


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Radiobiocomplexes are used to obtain images in nuclear medicine and employed in basic research. Blood constituents labeled with technetium-99m (99mTc) have also been employed as radiobiocomplexes and used also experimental model for evaluation of the biological effects of natural or synthetic drugs. The analysis of the morphology and the morphometrics parameters (perimeter/área ratio) can be used to evaluate the effects of drugs upon the structure of the membrane of red blood cells. Cinnamomum zeylanicum (cinnamon) is a spice used as herbal medicine to treat diseases. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of in vitro and in vivo treatment with an aqueous cinnamon extract on the labeling of blood constituents with 99mTc and on the morphology of red blood cells from Wistar rats. In the in vitro treatment, isolated blood sample from animals were incubated with cinnamon extract. In the in vivo treatment, blood samples were also withdrawn from animals treated with cinnamon extract. In both cases, the radiolabeling of blood constituents was done. The morphological analysis of red blood cells was also done. As control, blood or animals treated with NaCl 0.9%. The data obtained on the labeling of blood constituents with 99mTc experiments indicated that the in vitro treatment with cinnamon extract was capable to decrease signiicantly (p<0.05) the percentage of radioactivity in cellular compartments and on the fixation of cellular and plasma proteins. These effects were not observed on the in vivo treatment. The results obtained for the morphology of red blood cells suggest that the in vitro and in vivo treatments did not alter the morphology and the perimeter/area ratio. The in vitro treatment with aqueous cinnamon extract could affect the membrane structures related with the oxidation status of the stannous ion pertechnetate ion, altering the labeling of blood constituentes with 99mTc. This study was a multidisciplinary experimental research. It was developed with the contribution of the different Departments and Services of the Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto of the Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro


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Medicinal plants have been studied and used in the world. Lantana camara has medicinal properties and it has been used in folk medicine. The aim was to verify the effect of a lantana extract on the labeling of blood constituents with 99mTc, and to evaluate the effect of an aqueous extract of Lantana camara on the morphology of RBC withdrawn from Wistar rats. The results showed that lantana extract has decreased the fixation of radioactivity on the IF-P. This effect was not observed in the BC compartment and in IF-BC. The BC-%ATI was decreased in all concentrations tested when the BC was washed. The osmotic fragility assay and morphological analysis were carried out. In presence of the extract, the data obtained indicated that (i) an increase of the hemolysis and (ii) modifications on the morphology of RBC. These effects of the Lantana camara could be associated with some pharmacological properties of the chemical compounds of this studied extract


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Radionuclides have been used in Nuclear Medicine for diagnostic and treatment. In basic research, cellular and molecular structures are labeled with technetium-99m (99mTc) and used as radiobiocomplexes. Some natural or synthetic drugs are capable to alter the labeling of blood constituents with 99mTc, as well as in the biodistribution of radiobiocomplexes. Arctium lappa (Bardana) has been used to treat inflammatory processes. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effects of an extract of Bardana on the labeling of blood constituents with 99mTc, on the morphology of red blood cells, on the perimeter/area ratio of red blood cells and on the biodistribution of radiophamaceutical sodium pertechnetate in Wistar rats. Extract of Bardana was capable to alter the labeling of cellular compartment with 99mTc. Plasma and cellular proteins did not present alteration on the percentage of radioactivity (%ATI). Extract of Bardana was also capable to alter the morphology and the perimeter/area ratio of red blood cells. On the biodistribution of sodium pertechnetate in animals treated with the extract of Bardana, it was observed a small and significant uptake in liver, tooth and tongue, and a high and a significant uptake in stomach, lung and testis (p<0.05). In conclusion, these findings could be justified due to the effects of some chemical compounds in the Bardana extract. This study was a multidisciplinary experimental research. It was developed with the contribution of the different Departments and Services of the Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto of the Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro


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Blood constituents labelled with technetium-99m (99mTc) has been used with radiobiocomplexes in several procedures in nuclear medicine. Some natural and sintetic drugs are capable to interfere on the labeling of blood constituents with 99mTc, on the morphology of red blood cells (RBC) and on the biodistribution of radiobiocomplexes. The aim of this study was evaluate the effect of an extract of Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa on the labeling of blood constituints with 99mTc, on the morphology of RBC and on the biodistribution of the radiopharmaceutical sodium perthecnetate in Wistar rats. On the in vitro studies the Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa decreased significantly (p<0.05) the %ATI on plasma proteins and on the in vitro morhology of RBC, the passion fruit peel flour altered the shape and the perimeter/área ratio. On the in vivo estudies the extract did not altered the %ATI in blood constituents, and did not altered the shape of RBC. Although, on the biodistribution of the radiobiocomplex sodium perthecnetate (Na99mTcO4) this extract decreased significantly (p<0.05) the uptake in duodenum, spleen, pâncreas and blood, and increased the uptake in stomach. It can be suggested that the effects presented by this extract could be a result of some substances contained in this extract that could alter the binding of 99mTc to plasma proteins, the morphology of RBC and the biodistribution of the radiobiocomplex sodium perthecnetate. This study was multidisciplinary experimental research. It was developed with the contribution of different Departments and Services of the Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto of the Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro