949 resultados para mapping method
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE
Os conflitos por múltiplos usos da água, no reservatório da UHE Tucuruí, surgem com o anúncio da construção da mega hidrelétrica na região, e os conflitos socioambientais subseqüentes. Aliada a elevação do nível de percepção social em relação aos problemas ambientais cresce também a busca por eficientes processos de gestão e gerenciamento de recursos hídricos. Este estudo objetiva analisar e tipificar os conflitos por múltiplos usos da água no reservatório da UHE Tucuruí, utilizando-se como ferramenta de apoio à decisão o software de modelagem qualitativa NVivo 8, e dessa forma verificar as melhores alternativas a serem adotadas para a conciliação dos usos múltiplos no reservatório. As tipificações realizadas basearam-se na análise dos conflitos, seus componentes, elementos e aspectos, tipo, natureza e origem. Sendo assim, identificaram-se três principais tipos de conflitos no reservatório da UHE Tucuruí: conflitos entre distintos grupos de usuários da água, conflitos por obras hidráulicas e conflitos decorrentes de poluição ambiental. Para este estudo adotou - se uma abordagem qualitativa, através do método de mapeamento cognitivo. Este tipo de mapeamento possibilitou a construção de um modelo cognitivo para a gestão dos conflitos no reservatório de Tucuruí. Sendo assim, o software NVivo 8 possibilitou, além da análise dos dados obtidos nas entrevistas e no levantamento bibliográfico, a construção do modelo gráfico de apoio à gestão de conflitos por múltiplos usos da água. Verificou-se que uma das formas de solução dos conflitos é através da análise destes, em vistas de se investigar os mecanismos adequados para sua resolução, e posterior proposição de medidas estruturais e/ou nãoestruturais para a gestão de recursos hídricos. As principais ações para a solução dos conflitos estão enquadradas nos métodos de resolução institucional de longo prazo. O modelo pode funcionar como suporte ao planejamento e tomada de decisão, tendo em vista os problemas ambientais, a participação dos usuários da água no sistema hídrico, as políticas públicas, e também a gestão integrada dos recursos hídricos. Concluiu- se, então, que a exploração dos recursos hídricos deve proporcionar os múltiplos usos da água em atendimento aos princípios da sustentabilidade ambiental, inseridos num processo de gestão dos conflitos por múltiplos usos da água e gerenciamento integrado dos recursos hídricos.
Apresentamos um novo método de mapeamento de magnetização aparente no plano horizontal que combina a minimização da entropia de primeira ordem com a maximização da entropia de ordem zero dos contrastes de magnetização estimados. O modelo interpretativo é uma malha de prismas verticais justapostos ao longo de ambas as direções horizontais. Presumimos que o topo e a base das fontes magnéticas são planos e horizontais e estimamos os contrastes de magnetização dos prismas. A minimização da entropia de primeira ordem favorece soluções de bordas abruptas e a maximização da entropia de ordem zero evita a tendência de a fonte estimada ser um único prisma. Desta forma, uma combinação judiciosa de ambos os vínculos pode levar a soluções caracterizadas por regiões de contraste de magnetização virtualmente constantes separadas por descontinuidades abruptas. Aplicamos este método a dados sintéticos produzidos por intrusões simuladas em sedimentos e que apresentam topo e base planos e horizontais. Comparando nossos resultados com aqueles obtidos pelo vínculo da suavidade, mostramos que ambos os métodos produzem uma boa e equivalente localização do centro das fontes. Todavia, a regularização entrópica delineia as bordas do corpo com maior detalhe. Ambos os vínculos (suavidade e regularização entrópica) foram aplicados a uma anomalia real sobre um escarnito magnético em Butte Valley, Nevada, Estados Unidos. A regularização entrópica produziu uma estimativa da distribuição de magnetização com bordas mais abruptas, menor volume e maiores valores de magnetização aparente comparados àqueles produzidos pelo vinculo da suavidade.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Leaf rust caused by Puccinia triticina is a serious disease of durum wheat (Triticum durum) worldwide. However, genetic and molecular mapping studies aimed at characterizing leaf rust resistance genes in durum wheat have been only recently undertaken. The Italian durum wheat cv. Creso shows a high level of resistance to P. triticina that has been considered durable and that appears to be due to a combination of a single dominant gene and one or more additional factors conferring partial resistance. In this study, the genetic basis of leaf rust resistance carried by Creso was investigated using 176 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) from the cross between the cv. Colosseo (C, leaf rust resistance donor) and Lloyd (L, susceptible parent). Colosseo is a cv. directly related to Creso with the leaf rust resistance phenotype inherited from Creso, and was considered as resistance donor because of its better adaptation to local (Emilia Romagna, Italy) cultivation environment. RILs have been artificially inoculated with a mixture of 16 Italian P. triticina isolates that were characterized for virulence to seedlings of 22 common wheat cv. Thatcher isolines each carrying a different leaf rust resistance gene, and for molecular genotypes at 15 simple sequence repeat (SSR) loci, in order to determine their specialization with regard to the host species. The characterization of the leaf rust isolates was conducted at the Cereal Disease Laboratory of the University of Minnesota (St. Paul, USA) (Chapter 2). A genetic linkage map was constructed using segregation data from the population of 176 RILs from the cross CL. A total of 662 loci, including 162 simple sequence repeats (SSRs) and 500 Diversity Arrays Technology markers (DArTs), were analyzed by means of the package EasyMap 0.1. The integrated SSR-DArT linkage map consisted of 554 loci (162 SSR and 392 DArT markers) grouped into 19 linkage blocks with an average marker density of 5.7 cM/marker. The final map spanned a total of 2022 cM, which correspond to a tetraploid genome (AABB) coverage of ca. 77% (Chapter 3). The RIL population was phenotyped for their resistance to leaf rust under artificial inoculation in 2006; the percentage of infected leaf area (LRS, leaf rust susceptibility) was evaluated at three stages through the disease developmental cycle and the area under disease progress curve (AUDPC) was then calculated. The response at the seedling stage (infection type, IT) was also investigated. QTL analysis was carried out by means of the Composite Interval Mapping method based on a selection of markers from the CL map. A major QTL (QLr.ubo-7B.2) for leaf rust resistance controlling both the seedling and the adult plant response, was mapped on the distal region of chromosome arm 7BL (deletion bin 7BL10-0.78-1.00), in a gene-dense region known to carry several genes/QTLs for resistance to rusts and other major cereal fungal diseases in wheat and barley. QLr.ubo-7B.2 was identified within a supporting interval of ca. 5 cM tightly associated with three SSR markers (Xbarc340.2, Xgwm146 e Xgwm344.2), and showed an R2 and an LOD peak value for the AUDPC equal to 72.9% an 44.5, respectively. Three additional minor QTLs were also detected (QLr.ubo-7B.1 on chr. 7BS; QLr.ubo-2A on chr. 2AL and QLr.ubo-3A on chr. 3AS) (Chapter 4). The presence of the major QTL (QLr.ubo-7B.2) was validated by a linkage disequilibrium (LD)-based test using field data from two different plant materials: i) a set of 62 advanced lines from multiple crosses involving Creso and his directly related resistance derivates Colosseo and Plinio, and ii) a panel of 164 elite durum wheat accessions representative of the major durum breeding program of the Mediterranean basin. Lines and accessions were phenotyped for leaf rust resistance under artificial inoculation in two different field trials carried out at Argelato (BO, Italy) in 2006 and 2007; the durum elite accessions were also evaluated in two additional field experiments in Obregon (Messico; 2007 and 2008) and in a green-house experiment (seedling resistance) at the Cereal Disease Laboratory (St. Paul, USA, 2008). The molecular characterization involved 14 SSR markers mapping on the 7BL chromosome region found to harbour the major QTL. Association analysis was then performed with a mixed-linear-model approach. Results confirmed the presence of a major QTL for leaf rust resistance, both at adult plant and at seedling stage, located between markers Xbarc340.2, Xgwm146 and Xgwm344.2, in an interval that coincides with the supporting interval (LOD-2) of QLr.ubo-7B.2 as resulted from the RIL QTL analysis. (Chapter 5). The identification and mapping of the major QTL associated to the durable leaf rust resistance carried by Creso, together with the identification of the associated SSR markers, will enhance the selection efficiency in durum wheat breeding programs (MAS, Marker Assisted Selection) and will accelerate the release of cvs. with durable resistance through marker-assisted pyramiding of the tagged resistance genes/QTLs most effective against wheat fungal pathogens.
The goal of many plant scientists’ research is to explain natural phenotypic variation in term of simple changes in DNA sequence. DNA-based molecular markers are extensively used for the construction of genome-wide molecular maps and to perform genetic analysis for simple and complex traits. The PhD thesis was divided into two main research lines according to the different approaches adopted. The first research line is to analyze the genetic diversity in an Italian apple germplasm collection for the identification of markers tightly linked to targeted genes by an association genetic method. This made it possible to identify synomym and homonym accessions and triploids. The fruit red skin color trait has been used to test the reliability of the genetic approaches in this species. The second line is related to the development of molecular markers closely linked to the Rvi13 and Rvi5 scab resistance genes, previously mapped on apple’s chromosome 10 and 17 respectively by using the traditional linkage mapping method. Both region have been fine-mapped with various type of markers that could be used for marker-assisted selection in future breeding programs and to isolate the two resistance genes.
La presente tesis propone un nuevo método de cartografía de ensayos no destructivos en edificios históricos mediante el uso de técnicas basadas en SIG. Primeramente, se define el método por el cual es posible elaborar y convertir una cartografía 3D basada en nubes de puntos de un elemento arquitectónico obtenida mediante fotogrametría, en cartografía raster y vectorial, legible por los sistemas SIG mediante un sistema de coordenadas particular que referencian cada punto de la nube obtenida por fotogrametría. A esta cartografía inicial la denominaremos cartografía base. Después, se define el método por el cual los puntos donde se realiza un ensayo NDT se referencian al sistema de coordenadas del plano base, lo que permite la generación de cartografías de los ensayos referenciadas y la posibilidad de obtener sobre un mismo plano base diferentes datos de múltiples ensayos. Estas nuevas cartografías las denominaremos cartografías de datos, y se demostrará la utilidad de las mismas en el estudio del deterioro y la humedad. Se incluirá el factor tiempo en las cartografías, y se mostrará cómo este nuevo hecho posibilita el trabajo interdisciplinar en la elaboración del diagnóstico. Finalmente, se generarán nuevas cartografías inéditas hasta entonces consistentes en la combinación de diferentes cartografías de datos con la misma planimetría base. Estas nuevas cartografías, darán pie a la obtención de lo que se ha definido como mapas de isograma de humedad, mapa de isograma de salinidad, factor de humedad, factor de evaporación, factor de salinidad y factor de degradación del material. Mediante este sistema se facilitará una mejor visión del conjunto de los datos obtenidos en el estudio del edificio histórico, lo que favorecerá la correcta y rigurosa interpretación de los datos para su posterior restauración. ABSTRACT This research work proposes a new mapping method of non-destructive testing in historical buildings, by using techniques based on GIS. First of all, the method that makes it possible to produce and convert a 3D map based on cloud points from an architectural element obtained by photogrammetry, are defined, as raster and vector, legible by GIS mapping systems using a particular coordinate system that will refer each cloud point obtained by photogrammetry. This initial mapping will be named base planimetry. Afterwards, the method by which the points where the NDT test is performed are referenced to the coordinate system of the base plane , which allows the generation of maps of the referenced tests and the possibility of obtaining different data from multiple tests on the same base plane. These new maps will be named mapping data and their usefulness will be demonstrated in the deterioration and moisture study. The time factor in maps will be included, and how this new fact will enable the interdisciplinary work in the elaboration of the diagnosis will be proved. Finally, new maps (unpublished until now) will be generated by combining different mapping from the same planimetry data base. These new maps will enable us to obtain what have been called isograma moisture maps, isograma salinity- maps, humidity factor, evaporation factor, salinity factor and the material degradation factor. This system will provide a better vision of all data obtained in the study of historical buildings , and will ease the proper and rigorous data interpretation for its subsequent restoration.
We present the results of a breeding census of Dupont’s Lark carried out in the Autonomous Community of Valencia in 2011 using the mapping method and an analysis of the recent trend for this population. The population was estimated at 44-47 males, located in five habitat patches of the Rincón de Ademuz, in zones where the species had been detected previously. Density in these patches fits within values expected according to the relation between patch size and density found in the populations of the nearby provinces. Comparison to previous studies reveals that population of Valencia has suffered an annual decline rate of around 10% on average, thus the implementation of a conservation plan is required to ensure the survival of the species in the study area.
The use of 3D data in mobile robotics provides valuable information about the robot’s environment. Traditionally, stereo cameras have been used as a low-cost 3D sensor. However, the lack of precision and texture for some surfaces suggests that the use of other 3D sensors could be more suitable. In this work, we examine the use of two sensors: an infrared SR4000 and a Kinect camera. We use a combination of 3D data obtained by these cameras, along with features obtained from 2D images acquired from these cameras, using a Growing Neural Gas (GNG) network applied to the 3D data. The goal is to obtain a robust egomotion technique. The GNG network is used to reduce the camera error. To calculate the egomotion, we test two methods for 3D registration. One is based on an iterative closest points algorithm, and the other employs random sample consensus. Finally, a simultaneous localization and mapping method is applied to the complete sequence to reduce the global error. The error from each sensor and the mapping results from the proposed method are examined.
Radon Affected Area potential in Northern Ireland was estimated using a joint mapping method. This method allows variation of radon potential both between and within geological units. The estimates are based on the results of radon measurements and geological information for more than 23,000 homes. Elevated radon potential is presented here as indicative maps based on the highest radon potential for each 1 kilometre square of the Irish grid. The full definitive detail is published as a digital dataset for geographical information systems, which can be licensed. The estimated radon potential for an individual home can be obtained through the Public Health England (PHE) UKradon website. The work was partially funded by the Northern Ireland Environment Agency and was prepared jointly by PHE and the British Geological Survey. This report replaces the 2009 review and atlas (HPA-RPD-061).
Brazilian scientists have been contributing to the protozoology field for more than 100 years with important discoveries of new species such as Trypanosoma cruzi and Leishmania spp. In this work, we used a Brazilian thesis database (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel) covering the period from 1987-2011 to identify researchers who contributed substantially to protozoology. We selected 248 advisors by filtering to obtain researchers who supervised at least 10 theses. Based on a computational analysis of the thesis databases, we found students who were supervised by these scientists. A computational procedure was developed to determine the advisors’ scientific ancestors using the Lattes Platform. These analyses provided a list of 1,997 researchers who were inspected through Lattes CV examination and allowed the identification of the pioneers of Brazilian protozoology. Moreover, we investigated the areas in which researchers who earned PhDs in protozoology are now working. We found that 68.4% of them are still in protozoology, while 16.7% have migrated to other fields. We observed that support for protozoology by national or international agencies is clearly correlated with the increase of scientists in the field. Finally, we described the academic genealogy of Brazilian protozoology by formalising the “forest” of Brazilian scientists involved in the study of protozoa and their vectors over the past century.
Forward genetic screens have identified numerous genes involved in development and metabolism, and remain a cornerstone of biological research. However, to locate a causal mutation, the practice of crossing to a polymorphic background to generate a mapping population can be problematic if the mutant phenotype is difficult to recognize in the hybrid F2 progeny, or dependent on parental specific traits. Here in a screen for leaf hyponasty mutants, we have performed a single backcross of an Ethane Methyl Sulphonate (EMS) generated hyponastic mutant to its parent. Whole genome deep sequencing of a bulked homozygous F2 population and analysis via the Next Generation EMS mutation mapping pipeline (NGM) unambiguously determined the causal mutation to be a single nucleotide polymorphisim (SNP) residing in HASTY, a previously characterized gene involved in microRNA biogenesis. We have evaluated the feasibility of this backcross approach using three additional SNP mapping pipelines; SHOREmap, the GATK pipeline, and the samtools pipeline. Although there was variance in the identification of EMS SNPs, all returned the same outcome in clearly identifying the causal mutation in HASTY. The simplicity of performing a single parental backcross and genome sequencing a small pool of segregating mutants has great promise for identifying mutations that may be difficult to map using conventional approaches.
Identification of conformation-specific epitopes of hCG beta has been done using a simple batch method, Chemically or enzymatically-modified hCG beta has been prepared in a batch and the effect of modifications on the integrity of different epitope regions has been investigated in a quantitative manner using monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) immobilized on plastic tubes from culture supernatants. Based on the extent of damage done to different regions by different modifications, three conformation-specific epitopes of hCG beta have been identified. The method has been shown to have important advantages over the existing methods on many considerations, Using this approach, these epitopes have been shown to be at/near the receptor-binding region.