981 resultados para low speed CCD
Työn tavoitteena oli tutkia HSR(High Speed Release)-mittausmenetelmän käyttämistä tarralaminaattiprosessin ohjauksessa UPM Raflatacissa. Nykyisin käytössä olevaan LSR(Low Speed Release)-menetelmään verrattuna HSR-menetelmä kuvaa paremmin tarralaminaatin jatkojalostuksessa sekä etiketöinnissä tapahtuvaa irrotustyötä. Lisäksi työssä tutkittiin irrotusnopeuden vaikutusta HSR-arvoon. Työn kirjallisuusosassa perehdyttiin tarralaminaatin rakenteeseensekä valmistusprosessiin. Koska silikonin valinnalla on merkittävä vaikutus tarralaminaatin releasearvoon, kirjallisessa osassa syvennytään tarkastelemaan tarralaminaatin valmistuksessa käytettyjä silikoneja sekänäiden rakennetta. Kirjallisuusosassa on myös käsitelty muita releasetasoon vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Työn kokeellisessa osassa oli tarkoituksena tutkia HSR-mittausmenetelmän käytettävyyttä tarralaminaatin prosessinohjauksessa. Tätä tutkittiin selvittämällä nykyisin käytössä olevan LSR-menetelmän sekä HSR-menetelmän välistä korreloituvuutta. Mikäli näidenvälillä olisi korreloituvuutta, voitaisiin prosessinohjauksessa ajatella siirtyvän HSR-mittaukseen. Korrelaatiota näiden kahden menetelmän välille ei kuitenkaan löydetty. Työssä tutkittiin myös irrotusnopeuden vaikutusta tuotteen HSR-arvoon. Testeihin valittiin useita eri tuotteita useilta tuotantolaitoksilta. Kaikilla näillä tuotteilla releasearvo kasvoi irrotusnopeutta lisättäessä. Lisäksi työssä määritettiin uudet HSR-spesifikaatiot tietyille tuotteille. Kaikille UPM Raflatacin tuotteille on määritetty LSRspesifikaatiot, HSR-spesifikaatiot on asetettu vain tietyille tuotteille.
These investigations will discuss the operational noise caused by automotive torque converters during speed ratio operation. Two specific cases of torque converter noise will be studied; cavitation, and a monotonic turbine induced noise. Cavitation occurs at or near stall, or zero turbine speed. The bubbles produced due to the extreme torques at low speed ratio operation, upon collapse, may cause a broadband noise that is unwanted by those who are occupying the vehicle as other portions of the vehicle drive train improve acoustically. Turbine induced noise, which occurs at high engine torque at around 0.5 speed ratio, is a narrow-band phenomenon that is audible to vehicle occupants currently. The solution to the turbine induced noise is known, however this study is to gain a better understanding of the mechanics behind this occurrence. The automated torque converter dynamometer test cell was utilized in these experiments to determine the effect of torque converter design parameters on the offset of cavitation and to employ the use a microwave telemetry system to directly measure pressures and structural motion on the turbine. Nearfield acoustics were used as a detection method for all phenomena while using a standardized speed ratio sweep test. Changes in filtered sound pressure levels enabled the ability to detect cavitation desinence. This, in turn, was utilized to determine the effects of various torque converter design parameters, including diameter, torus dimensions, and pump and stator blade designs on cavitation. The on turbine pressures and motion measured with the microwave telemetry were used to understand better the effects of a notched trailing edge turbine blade on the turbine induced noise.
High suction loads appear on roofs of low-height buildings. The use of parapets with appropriate height at the roof edges alleviates these loads. The performance of six parapet configurations to decrease the suction loads induced on roofs by oblique winds has been studied in a low speed wind tunnel. The studied parapet configurations include vertical wall parapets, either solid or porous, and cantilevered parapets formed by a small horizontal roof close to the building roof. Low-height parapets with a medium porosity and cantilevered parapets are more efficient than solid parapets to reduce the wind suctions generated on the roofs by conical vortices.
This paper describes the experimental setup, procedure, and results obtained, concerning the dynamics of a body lying on a floor, attached to a hinge, and exposed to an unsteady flow, which is a model of the initiation of rotational motion of ballast stones due to the wind generated by the passing of a high-speed train. The idea is to obtain experimental data to support the theoretical model developed in Sanz-Andres and Navarro-Medina (J Wind Eng Ind Aerodyn 98, 772–783, (2010), aimed at analyzing the initial phase of the ballast train-induced-wind erosion (BATIWE) phenomenon. The experimental setup is based on an open circuit, closed test section, low-speed wind tunnel, with a new sinusoidal gust generator mechanism concept, designed and built at the IDR/UPM. The tunnel’s main characteristic is the ability to generate a flow with a uniform velocity profile and sinusoidal time fluctuation of the speed. Experimental results and theoretical model predictions are in good agreement.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Three technologies were tested (TiO2/UV, H2O2/UV, and TiO2/H2O2/UV) for the degradation and color removal of a 25 mg L-1 mixture of three acid dyes: Blue 9, Red 18, and Yellow 23. A low speed rotating disc reactor (20 rpm) and a H2O2 concentration of 2.5 mmol L-1 were used. The dyes did not significantly undergo photolysis, although they were all degraded by the studied advanced oxidation processes. With the TiO2/H2O2/UV process, a strong synergism was observed (color removal reached 100%). Pseudo first order kinetic constants were estimated for all processes, as well as the respective apparent photonic efficiencies.
Biomass Refinery is a sequential of eleven thermochemical processes and one biological process with two initial basic treatments: prehydrolysis for lignocellulosics and low temperature conversion for biomass with medium-to-high content of lipids and proteins. The other ten processes are: effluent treatment plant, furfural plant, biodiesel plant, cellulignin dryer, calcination, fluidized bed boiler, authotermal reforming of cellulignin for syngas production, combined cycle of two-stroke low-speed engine or syngas turbine with fluidized bed boiler heat recovery, GTL technologies and ethanol from cellulose, prehydrolysate and syngas. Any kind of biomass such as wood, agricultural residues, municipal solid waste, seeds, cakes, sludges, excrements and used tires can be processed at the Biomass Refinery. Twelve basic products are generated such as cellulignin, animal feed, electric energy, fuels (ethanol, crude oil, biodiesel, char), petrochemical substitutes, some materials (ash, gypsum, fertilizers, silica, carbon black) and hydrogen. The technology is clean with recovery of energy and reuse of water, acid and effluents. Based on a holistic integration of various disciplines Biomass Refinery maximizes the simultaneous production of food, electric energy, liquid fuels and chemical products and some materials, achieving a competitive position with conventional and fossil fuel technologies, as well as payment capacity for biomass production. Biomass Refinery has a technical economical capability to complement the depletion of the conventional petroleum sources and to capture its GHGs resulting a biomass + petroleum ""green"" combination.
Hedley er al. (1982) developed what has become the most widely used land modified), phosphorus (P) fractionation technique. It consists of sequential extraction of increasingly less phytoavailable P pools. Extracts are centrifuged at up to 25000 g (RCF) and filtered to 0.45 mu m to ensure that soil is not lost between extractions. In attempting to transfer this method to laboratories with limited facilities, it was considered that access to high-speed centrifuges, and the cost of frequent filtration may prevent adoption of this P fractionation technique. The modified method presented here was developed to simplify methodology, reduce cost, and therefore increase accessibility of P fractionation technology. It provides quantitative recovery of soil between extractions, using low speed centrifugation without filtration. This is achieved by increasing the ionic strength of dilute extracts, through the addition of NaCl, to flocculate clay particles. Addition of NaCl does not change the amount of P extracted. Flocculation with low speed centrifugation produced extracts comparable with those having undergone filtration (0.025 mu m). A malachite green colorimetric method was adopted for inorganic P determination, as this simple manual method provides high sensitivity with negligible interference from other anions. This approach can also be used for total P following digestion, alternatively non-discriminatory methods, such as inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy, may be employed.
Objective: To evaluate infection control practices among dentists in private and public practice. Design: Survey and cross-sectional analysis. Setting: Sertaozinho city, Brazil. Participants: All dentists who were currently working at the study city, and agreed to participate, resulting in a study population of 135 dentists. Methods: Participants were personally interviewed and variables were submitted to X(2) or Fisher`s exact test. Results: Hand washing before and after each patient was reported by 86.7% of dentists, but private practitioners used liquid soap and paper towels more often than their public colleagues (p<0.001). Most of the study population (97.8%) used gloves routinely during clinical sessions, but 8.2% reused them. Dry-heat was the main method employed for sterilisation of heat-stable devices by 80.0% of dentists, but adequate temperature and time of exposure was accomplished by only 32.1% of public and 70.0% of private professionals (p<0.001). Heat-sensitive devices were disinfected with an adequate substance by 60.0% of both affiliation dentists (p=0.908). Conclusions: There is a large gap between infection control recommendations and practices observed among the study population, and the situation is worse in public services. To reverse that situation, infection control issues must be openly debated by professional associations, dental schools and health authorities.
Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of the surface treatment and acid conditioning (AC) time of bovine sclerotic dentine on the micro-tensile bond strength (mu-TBS) to an etch and rinse adhesive system. Materials and method: Thirty-six bovine incisors were divided into six groups (n = 6): G1 sound dentine submitted to AC for 15 s; G2-G6 sclerotic dentine: G2-AC for 15 s; G3-AC for 30 s; G4-EDTA and AC for 15 s; G5-diamond bur and AC for 15 s; G6-diamond paste and AC for 15 s. An adhesive system was applied to the treated dentine surfaces followed by a hybrid composite inserted in increments and light cured. After 24 h storage in water at 37 degrees C, the specimens were perpendicularly cut with a low-speed diamond saw to obtain beams (0.8 mm x 0.8 mm cross-sectional dimensions) for mu-TBS testing. Data was compared by ANOVA followed by Tukey`s test (P <= 0.05). Results: The mean L-TBS was G1: 18.87 +/- 5.36 MPa; G2: 12.94 +/- 2.09 MPa; G3: 11.73 +/- 0.64 MPa; G4: 11.14 +/- 1.50 MPa; G5: 22.75 +/- 4.10 MPa; G6: 22.48 +/- 2.71 MPa. G1, G5 and G6 presented similar bond strengths significantly higher than those of all other groups. Conclusion: The surface treatment of sclerotic dentine significantly influenced the bond strength to an adhesive system. Mechanical treatment, either using a diamond bur or a diamond paste was able to improve bonding to bovine sclerotic dentine, reaching values similar to bonding to sound dentine. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This study evaluated the influence of the dental substrates obtained after the use of different caries removal techniques on bonding of a self-etching system. Forty, extracted, carious, human molars were ground to expose flat surfaces containing caries-infected dentine surrounded by sound dentine. The caries lesions of the specimens were removed or not (control-G1) either by round steel burs and water-cooled, low speed, handpiece (G2), or by irradiation with an erbium, chromium:yttrium scandium gallium garnet (Er,Cr:YSGG) laser (2W, 20 Hz, 35.38 J/cm(2), fiber G4 handpiece with 0.2826 mm(2), non-contact mode at a 2 mm distance, 70% air/20% water-G3) or using a chemo-mechanical method (Carisolv-G4). Caries-infected, caries-affected and sound dentines were submitted to a bonding system followed by construction of a resin-based composite crown. Hour-glass shaped samples were obtained and submitted to a micro-tensile bond test. The bond strength data were compared by analysis of variance (ANOVA), complemented by Tukey`s test (P <= 0.05). The samples of sound dentine presented higher bond strengths than did samples of caries-affected dentine, except for the groups treated with the Er,Cr:YSGG laser. The highest bond strengths were observed with the sound dentine treated with burs and Carisolv. The bond strengths to caries-affected dentine were similar in all groups. Additionally, bonding to caries-affected dentine of the Er,Cr:YSGG laser and Carisolv groups was similar to bonding to caries-infected dentine. Thus, caries-affected dentine is not an adequate substrate for adhesion. Moreover, amongst the caries removal methods tested, the Er,Cr:YSGG laser irradiation was the poorest in providing a substrate for bonding with the tested self-etching system.
The purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate alterations in the surface roughness and micromorphology of human enamel submitted to three prophylaxis methods. Sixty-nine caries-free molars with exposed labial surfaces were divided into three groups. Group I was treated with a rotary instrument set at a low speed, rubber clip and a mixture of water and pumice; group II with a rotary instrument set at a low speed, rubber cup and prophylaxis paste Herjos-F (Vigodent S/A Industria e Comercio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil); and group III with sodium bicarbonate spray Profi II Ceramic (Dabi A dante Indtistrias Medico Odontologicas Ltda, Ribeirao Preto, Brazil). All procedures were performed by the same operator for 10 s, and samples were rinsed and stored in distilled water. Pre and post-treatment surface evaluation was completed using a surface profilometer (Perthometer S8P Marh, Perthen, Germany) in 54 samples. In addition, the other samples were coated with gold and examined in a scanning electron microscope (SEM). The results of this study were statistically analyzed with the paired t-test (Student), the Kruskal-Wallis test and the Dunn (5%) test. The sodium bicarbonate spray led to significantly rougher surfaces than the pumice paste. The use of prophylaxis paste showed no statistically significant difference when compared with the other methods. Based on SEM analysis, the sodium bicarbonate spray presented an irregular surface with granular material and erosions. Based on this study, it can be concluded that there was an increased enamel stuface roughness when teeth were treated with sodium bicarbonate spray when compared with teeth treated with pumice paste.
Statement of problem. Dental fractures can occur in endodontically treated teeth restored with posts. Purpose. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the in vitro fracture resistance of roots with glass-fiber and metal posts of different lengths. Material and methods. Sixty endodontically treated maxillary canines were embedded in acrylic resin, except for 4 mm of the cervical area, after removing the clinical crowns. The post spaces were opened with a cylindrical bur at low speed attached to a surveyor, resulting in preparations with lengths of 6 mm (group 6 mm), 8 mm (group 8 mm), or 10 mm (group 10 mm). Each group was divided into 2 subgroups according to the post material: cast post and core or glass-fiber post (n=30). The posts were luted with dual-polymerizing resin cement (Panavia F). Cast posts and cores of Co-Cr (Resilient Plus) crowns were made and cemented with zinc phosphate. Specimens were subjected to increasing compressive load (N) until fracture. Data were analyzed with 2-way ANOVA and the Tukey-Kramer test (alpha=.05). Results. The ANOVA analysis indicated significant differences (P<.05) among the groups, and the Tukey test revealed no significant difference among the metal posts of 6-mm length (26.5 N +/- 13.4), 8-mm length (25.2 N +/- 13.9), and 10-mm length (17.1 N +/- 5.2). Also, in the glass-fiber post group, there was no significant difference when posts of 8-mm length (13.4 N +/- 11.0) were compared with the 6-mm (6.9 N +/- 4.6) and 10-mm (31.7 N +/- 13.1) groups. The 10-mm-long post displayed superior fracture resistance, and the 6-mm-long post showed significantly lower mean values (P<.001). Conclusions. Within the limitations of this study, it was concluded that the glass-fiber post represents a viable alternative to the cast metal post, increasing the resistance to fracture of endodontically treated canines. (J Prosthet Dent 2009;101:183-188)