996 resultados para linear projector arrays


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The performance of a very low loss frequency selective surface (FSS) comprising two air spaced planar arrays of linear slot elements is reported. The beamsplitter generates a low loss passband response with a very sharp transmission roll-off with frequency. Simulated and measured results in the 30 GHz and 300 GHz wavebands are used to quantify the performance improvement compared to a conventional multilayer dielectrically backed conducting ring FSS. The paper also discusses the effect of the array dimensions on the passband width and filter roll-off rate.


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There is an increasing demand to develop biosensor monitoring devices capable of biomarker profiling for predicting animal adulteration and detecting multiple chemical contaminants or toxins in food produce. Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) biosensors are label free detection systems that monitor the binding of specific biomolecular recognition elements with binding partners. Essential to this technology are the production of biochips where a selected binding partner, antibody, biomarker protein or low molecular weight contaminant, is immobilised. A micro-fluidic immobilisation device allowing the covalent attachment of up to 16 binding partners in a linear array on a single surface has been developed for compatibility with a prototype multiplex SPR analyser.

The immobilisation unit and multiplex SPR analyser were respectively evaluated in their ability to be fit-for-purpose for binding partner attachment and detection of high and low molecular weight molecules. The multiplexing capability of the dual technology was assessed using phycotoxin concentration analysis as a model system. The parent compounds of four toxin groups were immobilised within a single chip format and calibration curves were achieved. The chip design and SPR technology allowed the compartmentalisation of the binding interactions for each toxin group offering the added benefit of being able to distinguish between toxin families and perform concentration analysis. This model is particularly contemporary with the current drive to replace biological methods for phycotoxin screening.


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This communication investigates the potential for fabrication of micromachined silicon sub-millimeter wave periodic arrays of freestanding slot frequency selective surfaces (FSS) using wet etch KOH technology. The vehicle for this is an FSS for generating circularly polarized signals from an incident linearly polarized signal at normal incidence to the structure. Principal issues and fabrication processes involved from the initial design of the core FSS structures to be made and tested through to their final testing are addressed. Measured and simulated results for crossed and ring slot element shapes in single and double layer polarization convertor structures are presented for sub-mm wave operation. It is shown that 3 dB axial ratio (AR) bandwidths of 21% can be achieved with the one layer perforated screen design and that the rate of change is lower than the double layer structures. An insertion loss of 1.1 dB can be achieved for the split circular ring double layer periodic array. These results are shown to be compatible with the more specialized fabrication equipment dry reactive ion etching approach previously used for the construction of this type of structure. © 2011 IEEE.


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This study presents the use of periodic arrays of freestanding slot frequency-selective screens (FSS) as a means for generating circularly polarised signals from an incident linearly polarised signal at normal incidence to the structure. Measured and simulated results for crossed, linear and various ring slot element shapes in single and double-layer polarisation convertor structures are presented for 10 GHz operation. It is shown that 3 dB axial ratio (AR) bandwidths of 21% can be achieved with the one-layer perforated screen design and that the rate of change is lower than the double-layer structures. An insertion loss of 0.34 dB can be achieved for the split circular ring double-layer periodic array, and of the three topologies presented the hexagonal split-ring polarisation convertor gives the lowest variation of AR with angle of incidence 1.8 dB/45° and 3.6 dB/45° for the single and double-screen FSS, respectively. In addition, their tolerance to angle of incidence variation is presented. The capability of the surfaces reported here as twist polariser or spatial isolator components has been demonstrated with up to -30 dB isolation between incident and re-reflected signals for the double-layer designs being measured. © 2010 The Institution of Engineering and Technology.


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A linear hydrodynamic model is used to assess the sensitivity of the performance of a wave energy converter (WEC) array to control parameters. It is found that WEC arrays have a much smaller tolerance to imprecision of the control parameters than isolated WECs and that the increase in power capture of WEC arrays is only achieved with larger amplitudes of motion of the individual WECs. The WEC array radiation pattern is found to provide useful insight into the array hydrodynamics. The linear hydrodynamic model is used, together with the wave climate at the European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC), to assess the maximum annual average power capture of a WEC array. It is found that the maximum annual average power capture is significantly reduced compared to the maximum power capture for regular waves and that the optimum array configuration is also significantly modified. It is concluded that the optimum configuration of a WEC array will be as much influenced by factors such as mooring layout, device access and power smoothing as it is by the theoretical optimum hydrodynamic configuration. © 2009 Elsevier Ltd.


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A string of repulsively interacting particles exhibits a phase transition to a zigzag structure, by reducing the transverse trap potential or the interparticle distance. Based on the emergent symmetry Z2 it has been argued that this instability is a quantum phase transition, which can be mapped to an Ising model in transverse field. An extensive Density Matrix Renormalization Group analysis is performed, resulting in an high-precision evaluation of the critical exponents and of the central charge of the system, confirming that the quantum linear-zigzag transition belongs to the critical Ising model universality class. Quantum corrections to the classical phase diagram are computed, and the range of experimental parameters where quantum effects play a role is provided. These results show that structural instabilities of one-dimensional interacting atomic arrays can simulate quantum critical phenomena typical of ferromagnetic systems.


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We investigate the optomechanical properties of a periodic array of identical scatterers placed inside an optical cavity and extend our previous results. We show that operating at the points where the array is transmissive results in linear optomechanical coupling strengths between the cavity field and collective motional modes of the array that may be several orders of magnitude larger than is possible with an equivalent reflective ensemble. We describe and interpret these effects in detail and investigate the nature of the scaling laws of the coupling strengths for the different transmissive points in various regimes. © 2013 American Physical Society.


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Doubly periodic arrays of strip conductors printed on a composite ferrite-dielectric substrate have been investigated at oblique incidence of linear polarized plane waves. The simulation results revealed strong non-reciprocity of wave reflectance and transmittance at positive and negative angles of incidence. It is also shown that the non-reciprocity is further enhanced by the strip conductor pattern. 


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A new class of polarizing surface is proposed that in a given frequency band can reflect incident linearly polarized waves with circular polarization (CP) while at other frequencies is transparent allowing incident waves to transmit unaffected. The proposed structure consists of two parallel anisotropic frequency selective surfaces (FSSs) that independently interact with TE or TM waves, respectively. The FSSs are designed to, respectively, transmit TE and TM waves within the same transmission frequency range, so that the combined structure is transparent to all polarizations in this band. Likewise, the two arrays are designed to, respectively, reflect TE and TM incident waves in a common reflection band, so that all polarizations are fully reflected in this range; if the separation of the two arrays is such that the TE and TM components of an incident wave polarized at slant 45° experience a 90° phase shift, reflection will occur in CP. The concept and performance limitations are theoretically investigated using transmission line theory as well as full wave results. The predicted performance is validated by means of experimental results on a fabricated prototype. The proposed structure is pertinent for employment as a quasi-optical diplexer in CP dual-band systems such as reflector antennas.


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Affiliation: Institut de recherche en immunologie et en cancérologie, Université de Montréal


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Two three-clement polarisation-agile active microstrip patch arrays have been developed . The radiating elements are square patches each with two transistors mounted on adjacent edges. The patches radiate orthogonal modes , the relative phase of which can be varied. Radiation patterns show good agreement with predictions from theory, in both linear and circular polarization, and no grating lobes were observed


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New mathematical methods to analytically investigate linear acoustic radiation and scattering from cylindrical bodies and transducer arrays are presented. Three problems of interest involving cylinders in an infinite fluid are studied. In all the three problems, the Helmholtz equation is used to model propagation through the fluid and the beam patterns of arrays of transducers are studied. In the first problem, a method is presented to determine the omni-directional and directional far-field pressures radiated by a cylindrical transducer array in an infinite rigid cylindrical baffle. The solution to the Helmholtz equation and the displacement continuity condition at the interface between the array and the surrounding water are used to determine the pressure. The displacement of the surface of each transducer is in the direction of the normal to the array and is assumed to be uniform. Expressions are derived for the pressure radiated by a sector of the array vibrating in-phase, the entire array vibrating in-phase, and a sector of the array phase-shaded to simulate radiation from a rectangular piston. It is shown that the uniform displacement required for generating a source level of 220 dB ref. μPa @ 1m that is omni directional in the azimuthal plane is in the order of 1 micron for typical arrays. Numerical results are presented to show that there is only a small difference between the on-axis pressures radiated by phased cylindrical arrays and planar arrays. The problem is of interest because cylindrical arrays of projectors are often used to search for underwater objects. In the second problem, the errors, when using data-independent, classical, energy and split beam correlation methods, in finding the direction of arrival (DOA) of a plane acoustic wave, caused by the presence of a solid circular elastic cylindrical stiffener near a linear array of hydrophones, are investigated. Scattering from the effectively infinite cylinder is modeled using the exact axisymmetric equations of motion and the total pressures at the hydrophone locations are computed. The effect of the radius of the cylinder, a, the distance between the cylinder and the array, b, the number of hydrophones in the array, 2H, and the angle of incidence of the wave, α, on the error in finding the DOA are illustrated using numerical results. For an array that is about 30 times the wavelength and for small angles of incidence (α<10), the error in finding the DOA using the energy method is less than that using the split beam correlation method with beam steered to α; and in some cases, the error increases when b increases; and the errors in finding the DOA using the energy method and the split beam correlation method with beam steered to α vary approximately as a7 / 4 . The problem is of interest because elastic stiffeners – in nearly acoustically transparent sonar domes that are used to protect arrays of transducers – scatter waves that are incident on it and cause an error in the estimated direction of arrival of the wave. In the third problem, a high-frequency ray-acoustics method is presented and used to determine the interior pressure field when a plane wave is normally incident on a fluid cylinder embedded in another infinite fluid. The pressure field is determined by using geometrical and physical acoustics. The interior pressure is expressed as the sum of the pressures due to all rays that pass through a point. Numerical results are presented for ka = 20 to 100 where k is the acoustic wavenumber of the exterior fluid and a is the radius of the cylinder. The results are in good agreement with those obtained using field theory. The directional responses, to the plane wave, of sectors of a circular array of uniformly distributed hydrophones in the embedded cylinder are then computed. The sectors are used to simulate linear arrays with uniformly distributed normals by using delays. The directional responses are compared with the output from an array in an infinite homogenous fluid. These outputs are of interest as they are used to determine the direction of arrival of the plane wave. Numerical results are presented for a circular array with 32 hydrophones and 12 hydrophones in each sector. The problem is of interest because arrays of hydrophones are housed inside sonar domes and acoustic plane waves from distant sources are scattered by the dome filled with fresh water and cause deterioration in the performance of the array.


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The structure of turbulent flow over large roughness consisting of regular arrays of cubical obstacles is investigated numerically under constant pressure gradient conditions. Results are analysed in terms of first- and second-order statistics, by visualization of instantaneous flow fields and by conditional averaging. The accuracy of the simulations is established by detailed comparisons of first- and second-order statistics with wind-tunnel measurements. Coherent structures in the log region are investigated. Structure angles are computed from two-point correlations, and quadrant analysis is performed to determine the relative importance of Q2 and Q4 events (ejections and sweeps) as a function of height above the roughness. Flow visualization shows the existence of low-momentum regions (LMRs) as well as vortical structures throughout the log layer. Filtering techniques are used to reveal instantaneous examples of the association of the vortices with the LMRs, and linear stochastic estimation and conditional averaging are employed to deduce their statistical properties. The conditional averaging results reveal the presence of LMRs and regions of Q2 and Q4 events that appear to be associated with hairpin-like vortices, but a quantitative correspondence between the sizes of the vortices and those of the LMRs is difficult to establish; a simple estimate of the ratio of the vortex width to the LMR width gives a value that is several times larger than the corresponding ratio over smooth walls. The shape and inclination of the vortices and their spatial organization are compared to recent findings over smooth walls. Characteristic length scales are shown to scale linearly with height in the log region. Whilst there are striking qualitative similarities with smooth walls, there are also important differences in detail regarding: (i) structure angles and sizes and their dependence on distance from the rough surface; (ii) the flow structure close to the roughness; (iii) the roles of inflows into and outflows from cavities within the roughness; (iv) larger vortices on the rough wall compared to the smooth wall; (v) the effect of the different generation mechanism at the wall in setting the scales of structures.


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A characterization of observability for linear time-varying descriptor systemsE(t)x(t)+F(t)x(t)=B(t)u(t), y(t)=C(t)x(t) was recently developed. NeitherE norC were required to have constant rank. This paper defines a dual system, and a type of controllability so that observability of the original system is equivalent to controllability of the dual system. Criteria for observability and controllability are given in terms of arrays of derivatives of the original coefficients. In addition, the duality results of this paper lead to an improvement on a previous fundamental structure result for solvable systems of the formE(t)x(t)+F(t)x(t)=f(tt).


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This work presents two schemes of measuring the linear and angular kinematics of a rigid body using a kinematically redundant array of triple-axis accelerometers with potential applications in biomechanics. A novel angular velocity estimation algorithm is proposed and evaluated that can compensate for angular velocity errors using measurements of the direction of gravity. Analysis and discussion of optimal sensor array characteristics are provided. A damped 2 axis pendulum was used to excite all 6 DoF of the a suspended accelerometer array through determined complex motion and is the basis of both simulation and experimental studies. The relationship between accuracy and sensor redundancy is investigated for arrays of up to 100 triple axis (300 accelerometer axes) accelerometers in simulation and 10 equivalent sensors (30 accelerometer axes) in the laboratory test rig. The paper also reports on the sensor calibration techniques and hardware implementation.