971 resultados para linear measurements
Pós-graduação em Odontologia - FOAR
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
OBJETIVO: realizar uma análise comparativa dos traçados manual e computadorizado utilizando um software específico, com a finalidade de definir os resultados inter e intra-avaliadores. MÉTODOS: foi utilizada uma amostra composta por 50 radiografias cefalométricas em norma lateral, sendo todas padronizadas, contendo pacientes de ambos os gêneros e de várias faixas etárias. A análise das radiografias foi realizada por dois avaliadores, os quais realizaram os traçados manuais e computadorizados das 50 radiografias. Para compor as medições, foram selecionadas medidas angulares e lineares, que posteriormente foram submetidas ao teste estatístico de Mann-Whitney, com o objetivo de comparar os resultados entre os dois tipos de traçados inter e intra-avaliadores. RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÕES: conclui-se que pode ser aumentada a confiança nos traçados cefalométricos computadorizados, haja vista que as discrepâncias encontradas entre as medidas dos traçados cefalométricos manual e computadorizado inter e intra-avaliadores, em sua maioria, não foram estatisticamente significativas.
Agenesia de incisivo lateral superior permanente e a morfologia dentofacial: um estudo cefalométrico
A agenesia dental é a anomalia de número mais freqüente na dentição permanente e o incisivo lateral superior permanente (ILSP) é um dos dentes mais acometidos por essa condição. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a influência da agenesia de ILSP sobre a morfologia dentofacial. A amostra consistiu de 100 telerradiografias da cabeça, em norma lateral, de indivíduos de ambos os gêneros, na fase de dentição permanente, com idades variando de 11 a 25 anos (média de 14.3), que foram divididos em dois grupos pareados individualmente segundo o gênero e a idade: um grupo de 50 casos de agenesia uni ou bilateral de ILSP e outro grupo sem agenesia dental, o grupo controle. As telerradiografias laterais foram traçadas e as medidas angulares e lineares foram comparadas entre os dois grupos, através do teste “t” de Student. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que os dois grupos não diferiram significantemente quanto à direção de crescimento facial. A maxila e a mandíbula mostraramse na mesma disposição sagital, quando avaliadas isoladamente em relação à base craniana, e com comprimentos semelhantes nos dois grupos. Entretanto, a convexidade facial mostrou-se significantemente reduzida no grupo com agenesia, medida através do ângulo NAP (P=0.008), bem como a relação maxilo-mandibular entre si, medida pelo ângulo ANB (P=0.017). As alterações mais significantes foram observadas nos incisivos superiores e inferiores, que apresentaram redução significante na inclinação axial e protrusão (P<0.05), com conseqüente aumento do ângulo nasolabial, no grupo com agenesia. Esses resultados permitem concluir que a agenesia de ILSP está associada a alterações na morfologia dentofacial.
Pós-graduação em Odontologia - FOA
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Based on the concept that horses have balanced symmetry between its anatomical regions, the aim of this study was to introduce a method of assessing the balance of equines through body proportions. Altogether twelve linear measurements, using metric tape, were measured in 234 horses Quarter Horses for evidence of barrel racing. From these measurements were built nine body proportions, each one given by the ratio of two specific measures, and the effects of sex, weight, age and degree of blood on the balance were evaluated. To check the significance tests we used the F statistic, considering P<0.05. It was found that the linear measurements ML2, ML3 and ML5 were mainly responsible for the disproportionality of the horses evaluated. The effect of sex was significant (P<0.05) for four proportions (R1, R3, R4 and R9) and females were more distant from the concept of balance than males.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of virtual three-dimensional (3D) reconstructions of human dry mandibles, produced from two segmentation protocols (outline only and all-boundary lines).Twenty virtual three-dimensional (3D) images were built from computed tomography exam (CT) of 10 dry mandibles, in which linear measurements between anatomical landmarks were obtained and compared to an error probability of 5 %.The results showed no statistically significant difference among the dry mandibles and the virtual 3D reconstructions produced from segmentation protocols tested (p = 0,24).During the designing of a virtual 3D reconstruction, both outline only and all-boundary lines segmentation protocols can be used.Virtual processing of CT images is the most complex stage during the manufacture of the biomodel. Establishing a better protocol during this phase allows the construction of a biomodel with characteristics that are closer to the original anatomical structures. This is essential to ensure a correct preoperative planning and a suitable treatment.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The aim of this research was to verify the accuracy of the prediction trace. Records in 15 patients admitted for orthognathic surgical treatment were analysed. Predictive and postoperative positíons of maxilla were compared with linear measurements. Statistically significant difference between predicted and postoperative position were demonstrated, but the prediction trace revealed to be very useful to help in decision of direction of movements, easy to do at low cost
Objectives: This study aimed to assess dimensional changes in acrylic resin base and artificial teeth position after water storage and thermocycling using computer graphics measurements. Methods: Twenty-four waxed replicas were obtained from a previous upper complete denture. For linear measurements, points in cusps tips of left central incisor and second premolars and molars were marked in one of the prostheses with graphite and transferred to the others using an acrylic resin guide. The prostheses were scanned after waxing, polymerization and treatments and the images were exported to “AutoCad 2002 Today®” software for measurements. Results: There was no statistically significant difference in changes of each segment for each group and between the phases evaluated after polymerization and thermocycling. In groups I and III, the values after polymerization are higher than those after treatment, which suggests shrinkage while the prostheses in group II have expanded. Conclusion: The three groups exhibited artificial teeth movement after tests in comparison to the polymerized prosthesis. The prostheses submitted to water storage in kiln at 36ºC during seven days showed different behavior than the other groups.
Rotational panoramic radiograpy is a widely used procedure for examination of the jaws. Then, the aim of this study was analyse the mandibular growth from images obtained on panoramic radiographs of male and female children with chronological age between 7-10 years old. Craniometrics points were identifyed and linear measurements obtained from mandibular body and ramus. The results showed an increase in mandibular body lenght and mandibular ramus height in both sexes. Statistically significant correlation was found between the total mandibular lenght (from codilion to mental) and mandibular body lenght (from gonion to mental), in male and female children.
PURPOSE: To investigate the facial symmetry of high and low dose methotrexate (MTX) treated rats submitted to experimentally displaced mandibular condyle fracture through the recording of cephalometric measurements. METHODS: One hundred male Wistar rats underwent surgery using an experimental model of right condylar fracture. Animals were divided into four groups: A - saline solution (1mL/week); B - dexamethasone (DEX) (0,15mg/Kg); C - MTX low dose (3 mg/Kg/week); D - MTX high dose (30 mg/Kg). Animals were sacrificed at 1, 7, 15, 30 and 90 days postoperatively (n=5). Body weight was recorded. Specimens were submitted to axial radiographic incidence, and cephalometric mensurations were made using a computer system. Linear measurements of skull and mandible, as well as angular measurements of mandibular deviation were taken. Data were subjected to statistical analyses among the groups, periods of sacrifice and between the sides in each group (alpha=0.05). RESULTS: Animals regained body weight over time, except in group D. There was reduction in the mandibular length and also changes in the maxilla as well as progressive deviation in the mandible in relation to the skull basis in group D. CONCLUSION: Treatment with high dose methotrexate had deleterious effect on facial symmetry of rats submitted to experimentally displaced condylar process fracture.