926 resultados para lily bulb


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Il presente lavoro propone una traduzione, corredata di commento introduttivo, del primo capitolo di “Die Frauenfrage: ihre geschichtliche Entwicklung und wirtschaftliche Seite” di Lily Braun, un’opera non ancora tradotta in italiano, in cui l’autrice tedesca (femminista e socialdemocratica, nata nel 1865) traccia una storia della condizione femminile e tenta non solo di decostruire, secondo una visione economicistica e materialistica della storia, il mito della “naturale” subordinazione della donna all’uomo, ma anche di combattere il pregiudizio socialista della “subalternità” della questione femminile rispetto alla lotta di classe. Il primo capitolo di “Die Frauenfrage” indaga la condizione femminile nell’antichità, partendo dalla preistoria, e analizza le forme famigliari primitive, lo sviluppo della monogamia, la nascita del patriarcato, la condizione della donna nell’Oriente antico, in Grecia (riservando particolare attenzione alle posizioni di Platone e di Aristotele sul ruolo della donna nella società), a Roma e presso i popoli barbari. Nel commento introduttivo, sono state fornite alcune notizie storiche essenziali sull’autrice, sull’opera e sulla temperie politica e culturale in cui è stata concepita, e sono stati messi in luce i principali problemi traduttivi incontrati durante il lavoro di preparazione: in particolare, problemi legati alla terminologia delle scienze umane (sociologia, antropologia, filosofia), alle peculiarità retorico-stilistiche e sintattiche della scrittura saggistica, al “dialogo” intertestuale (citazioni da testi antichi, allusioni colte) e alla scelta fra traduzione semantica e traduzione comunicativa.


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This critical/creative project considers Stéphane Mallarmé’s critical poems in his 1897 Divagations as an invitation to explore the notion of criticism and the relationship between the conceptual and the nonconceptual aspects of writing and thinking. Informed by Emmanuel Levinas’s ethics of the face, Walter Benjamin’s essay “The Task of theTranslator” and the myth of Orpheus, I consider ways to approach that which may not be said or thought by following Mallarmé’s method of combining poetry and criticism to create a wandering, unclassifiable text where we may imagine the nonconceptual as a remoteness, as the presence of an absence.


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Homozygous mutations in the Reelin gene result in severe disruption of brain development. The histogenesis of layered regions, like the neocortex, hippocampus and the cerebellum, is most notably affected in mouse reeler mutants and similar traits are also present in mice lacking molecular components of the Reelin signalling pathway. Moreover, there is evidence for an additional role of Reelin in sustaining synaptic plasticity in adult networks. Nitric oxide is an important gaseous messenger that can modulate neuronal plasticity both in developing and mature synaptic networks and has been shown to facilitate synaptic changes in the hippocampus, cerebellum and olfactory bulb. We studied the distribution and content of neuronal nitric oxide synthase in the olfactory bulbs of reeler and wildtype mice. Immunocytochemistry reveals that Reelin and neuronal nitric oxide synthase containing interneurons are two distinct, non overlapping cell populations of the olfactory bulb. We show by in situ hybridization that both nitrergic and Reelin expressing cells represent only a subset of olfactory bulb GABAergic neurons. Immunoblots show that neuronal nitric oxide synthase protein content is decreased by two thirds in reeler mice causing a detectable loss of immunolabelled cells throughout the olfactory bulb of this strain. However, neuronal nitric oxide synthase mRNA levels, essayed by quantitative real-time RT-PCR, are unaffected in the reeler olfactory bulb. Thus, disruption of the Reelin signalling pathway may modify the turnover of neuronal nitric oxide synthase in the olfactory bulb and possibly affects nitric oxide functions in reeler mice.


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Nitric oxide (NO) and Reelin both modulate neuronal plasticity in developing and mature synaptic networks. We recently showed a loss of neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) protein in the olfactory bulb of reeler mutants and advanced the hypothesis that the Reelin and NO signalling pathways may influence each other. We now studied the distribution of NO sensitive guanylyl cyclase (NOsGC), Reelin and its receptor Apolipoprotein E2 (ApoEr2) in the olfactory bulb by multiple fluorescence labelling and tested whether nNOS and ApoEr2 colocalize in this area. We also essayed the protein content of NOsGC in the reeler olfactory bulb and tested whether there are any changes in nNOS and NOsGC protein in other reeler brain areas. Olfactory bulb interneurons expressing ApoEr2 and nNOS are only few in the glomerular layer but represent the large majority of granule cell layer interneurons. Conversely, NOsGC interneurons are rare in the granule cell layer and abundant as periglomerular cells. Reelin containing periglomerular cells almost entirely belong to the NOsGC subset. These data further support the hypothesis of a reciprocal signalling between Reelin/NOsGC and ApoEr2/nNOS expressing neurons to affect olfactory bulb activity. We also show that a significant rise in NOsGC content accompanies the decrease of nNOS protein in the reeler olfactory bulb. The same reciprocal changes present in the cortex/striatum and the hippocampus of reeler mice. Thus, the influence that the deficit of extracellular Reelin seems to exert on nNOS and its receptor is not limited to the olfactory bulb but is a general feature of the reeler brain.


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The expression of adenosine A2a receptors (A2aR) in the mammalian striatum is well known. In contrast the exact distribution of A2aR in other regions of the central nervous system remains unclear. The aim of this study was to investigate the A2aR gene expression in the rat olfactory bulb and spinal cord, two regions which are seldom included in mapping studies. Secondly, we compared the A2aR expression in the rat and in the mouse brain. Hybridization histochemistry was performed with an S35-labelled radioactive oligonucleotide probe. The results show strong expression of A2aR in the mouse and rat striatum in accordance with previous reports. In the olfactory bulb a weak but specific expression of A2aR was found in the granular cell layer in both species. In contrast, no significant expression of the A2aR gene was observed in other parts of the brain or the rat spinal cord. The presence of the A2aR in the mammalian olfactory bulb suggests a functional role for this receptor in olfaction.


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The human olfactory bulb (OB) is the first relay station of the olfactory pathway and may have the potential for postnatal neurogenesis in early childhood. In animals, chronic stress affects the OB and olfactory functioning. For humans, it has been shown that major depressive disorder is accompanied by reduced OB volume and reduced olfactory function. However, it is not clear if major stress in childhood development also affects olfactory functioning and OB volume in humans. OB volume was measured and olfactory function was tested in 17 depressive patients with and 10 without a history of severe childhood maltreatment (CM). CM patients exhibited a significantly reduced olfactory threshold and identification ability. The OB volume of the CM patients was significantly reduced to 80% of the non-CM patients. In conclusion, postnatal neurogenesis might be by reduced in CM, which may affect olfactory function of the brain in later life. Alternatively, a reduced OB volume may enhance psychological vulnerability in the presence of adverse childhood conditions although other areas not analyzed in this study may also be involved.


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Olfactory glomeruli are the loci where the first odor-representation map emerges. The glomerular layer comprises exquisite local synaptic circuits for the processing of olfactory coding patterns immediately after their emergence. To understand how an odor map is transferred from afferent terminals to postsynaptic dendrites, it is essential to directly monitor the odor-evoked glomerular postsynaptic activity patterns. Here we report the use of a transgenic mouse expressing a Ca(2+)-sensitive green fluorescence protein (GCaMP2) under a Kv3.1 potassium-channel promoter. Immunostaining revealed that GCaMP2 was specifically expressed in mitral and tufted cells and a subpopulation of juxtaglomerular cells but not in olfactory nerve terminals. Both in vitro and in vivo imaging combined with glutamate receptor pharmacology confirmed that odor maps reported by GCaMP2 were of a postsynaptic origin. These mice thus provided an unprecedented opportunity to analyze the spatial activity pattern reflecting purely postsynaptic olfactory codes. The odor-evoked GCaMP2 signal had both focal and diffuse spatial components. The focalized hot spots corresponded to individually activated glomeruli. In GCaMP2-reported postsynaptic odor maps, different odorants activated distinct but overlapping sets of glomeruli. Increasing odor concentration increased both individual glomerular response amplitude and the total number of activated glomeruli. Furthermore, the GCaMP2 response displayed a fast time course that enabled us to analyze the temporal dynamics of odor maps over consecutive sniff cycles. In summary, with cell-specific targeting of a genetically encoded Ca(2+) indicator, we have successfully isolated and characterized an intermediate level of odor representation between olfactory nerve input and principal mitral/tufted cell output.


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The volume of the olfactory bulb (OB) is strongly reduced in patients with major depressive disorder (MDD) and this group exhibits markedly decreased olfactory function. It has been suggested that olfactory input is important for maintaining balance in limbic neurocircuits. The aim of our study was to investigate whether reduced OB volume is associated with response to therapy in MDD. Twenty-four inpatients (all women, age 21-49 years, mean 38 ± 10 years SD) with MDD and 36 healthy controls (all women, age 20-52 years, mean 36 ± 10 years SD) underwent structural MRI. OB volume was compared between responders (N = 13) and non-responders (N = 11) to psychotherapy. Retest of OB volume was performed about 6 months after the end of therapy in nine of the patients. Therapy responders exhibited no significant difference in OB volume compared to healthy controls. However, average OB volume of non-responders was 23 % smaller compared to responders (p = .0011). Furthermore, OB volume was correlated with the change of depression severity (r = .46, p = .024). Volume of the OB did not change in the course of therapy. OB volume may be a biological vulnerability factor for the occurrence and/or maintenance of depression, at least in women.


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Signatur des Originals: S 36/F03384


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Signatur des Originals: S 36/F08759


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Signatur des Originals: S 36/F08760