894 resultados para light gauge cold-formed steel frame structures
Negli ultimi anni sono state sviluppate varie soluzioni tecniche per la progettazione sismica di strutture. Questa ricerca sviluppa un metodo di confronto basato sull'analisi di costi di costruzione e danni causati dal sisma. Il metodo viene applicato al caso di studio della scuola di Bisignano (CO, Italia). L'edificio è stato progettato conformemente alle NTC 2008 con approccio tradizionale e combinando il contributo di dissipatori viscosi e dissipazione isteretica. Le strutture vengono poi analizzate sotto diverse condizioni sismiche al fine di calcolare i costi di riparazione attesi e comprendere quale soluzione tecnica risulti più economicamente vantaggiosa a parità di azione sismica di progetto.
We introduce a recursive bosonic quantization technique for generating classical PT photonic structures that possess hidden symmetries and higher order exceptional points. We study light transport in these geometries and we demonstrate that perfect state transfer is possible only for certain initial conditions. Moreover, we show that for the same propagation direction, left and right coherent transports are not symmetric with field amplitudes following two different trajectories. A general scheme for identifying the conservation laws in such PT-symmetric photonic networks is also presented.
Cold-drawn steel rods and wires retain significant residual stresses as a consequence of the manufacturing process. These residual stresses are known to be detrimental for the mechanical properties of the wires and their durability in aggressive environments. Steel makers are aware of the problem and have developed post-drawing processes to try and reduce the residual stresses on the wires. The present authors have studied this problem for a number of years and have performed a detailed characterization of the residual stress state inside cold-drawn rods, including both experimental and numerical techniques. High-energy synchrotron sources have been particularly useful for this research. The results have shown how residual stresses evolve as a consequence of cold-drawing and how they change with subsequent post-drawing treatments. The authors have been able to measure for the first time a complete residual strain profile along the diameter in both phases (ferrite and cementite) of a cold-drawn steel rod.
This paper discusses the torsional response of a scaled reinforced concrete frame structure subjected to several uniaxial shaking table tests. The tested structure is nominally symmetric in the direction of shaking and exhibits torsion attributable to non-uniform yielding of structural components and uncertainties in the building process. Asymmetric behavior is analyzed in terms of displacement, strain in reinforcing bars, energy dissipated at plastic hinges, and damage at section and frame levels. The results show that for low levels of seismic hazard, for which the structure is expected to perform basically within the elastic range, the accidental eccentricity is not a concern for the health of the structure, but it significantly increases the lateral displacement demand in the frames (about 30%) and this might cause significant damage to non-structural components. For high levels of seismic hazard the effects of accidental torsion become less important. These results underline the need to consider accidental eccentricity in evaluating the performance of a structure for very frequent or frequent earthquakes, and suggest that consideration of torsion may be neglected for performance levels associated with rare or very rare earthquakes.
Apresenta-se neste trabalho um estudo teórico-experimental sobre a instabilidade de perfis formados a frio submetidos à flexão. A instabilidade distorcional se faz comum na presença de tensões de compressão atuando sobre perfis enrijecidos e fabricados com aços de elevada resistência mecânica. A parte teórica abrange os métodos de cálculo analíticos e numéricos para a análise de instabilidade distorcional de perfis de seção aberta formados a frio. Na parte experimental inclui-se o estudo de perfis formados a frio com seções do tipo U enrijecidos submetidos aos ensaios à flexão. Nestes ensaios variou-se a altura de alma e espessura de chapa procurando-se abranger maior número de condições geométricas para análise da estabilidade distorcional. Inclui-se também a análise de instabilidade numérica dos perfis do programa experimental através do método de resistência direta via método das faixas finitas. Com base nos resultados experimentais, numéricos e na análise teórica do problema, verificou-se o procedimento adotado pela NBR14762/2001 e efetuou-se comparação entre curvas de resistência propostas para o dimensionamento de perfis formados a frio à flexão. Foi verificado que o fenômeno de instabilidade distorcional pode ser o estado limite último crítico para o dimensionamento dos perfis formados a frio.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.
"Final report."
The work reported in this thesis is concerned with the improvement and expansion of the assistance given to the designer by the computer in the design of cold formed sections. The main contributions have been in four areas, which have consequently led to the fifth, the development of a methodology to optimise designs. This methodology can be considered an `Expert Design System' for cold formed sections. A different method of determining section properties of profiles was introduced, using the properties of line and circular elements. Graphics were introduced to show the outline of the profile on screen. The analysis of beam loading has been expanded to beam loading conditions where the number of supports, point loads, and uniform distributive loads can be specified by the designer. The profile can then be checked for suitability for the specified type of loading. Artificial Intelligence concepts have been introduced to give the designer decision support from the computer, in combination with the computer aided design facilities. The more complex decision support was adopted through the use of production rules. All the support was based on the British standards. A method has been introduced, by which the appropriate use of stiffeners can be determined and consequently designed by the designer. Finally, the methodology by which the designer is given assistance from the computer, without constraining the designer, was developed. This methodology gives advice to the designer on possible methods of improving the design, but allows the designer to reject that option, and analyse the profile accordingly. The methodology enables optimisation to be achieved by the designer, designing variety of profiles for a particular loading, and determining which one is best suited.