921 resultados para learning environments


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Models of professional development for teachers have been criticized for not being embedded in the context in which teachers are familiar, namely their own classrooms. This paper discusses an adapted-Continuous Practice Improvement model, which qualitative findings indicate was effective in facilitating the transfer of creative and innovative teaching approaches from the expert or Resident Teacher’s school to the novice or Visiting Teachers’ classrooms over the duration of the project. The cultural shift needed to embed and extend the use of online teaching across the school was achieved through the positive support and commitment of the principals in the Visiting Teachers’ schools, combined with the success of the professional development activities offered by the Visiting Teachers to their school-based colleagues.


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Tese de doutoramento, Informática (Engenharia Informática), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2014


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Tese de doutoramento (co-tutela), Psicologia (Psicologia da Educação), Faculdade de Psicologia da Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade de Coimbra, Technial University of Darmstadt, 2014


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The aim of this chapter is to promote an understanding of how different environments or settings within which students are asked or required to learn - such as large groups, small groups and laboratory and practice settings – have an impact on how they approach their learning and hence on the design and delivery of teaching. It provides an overview of underpinning principles and concepts before exploring their application in practice. The focus is on face-to-face teaching and learning.


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Keynote Presentation at PLE2011. What kind of Web have we got? What kind of Web does a Learning Individual need? What kind of Web does a Learning Society need?


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This is a version of a seminar/keynote talk I have given a few times. It argues that VLEs are no longer fit for purpose and that students should learn to take responsibility for their own toolsets.


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This was my keynote presentation at Computer Supported Education (CSEDU) 2012, in Porto. It looks at the importance of digital literacies and how VLEs do not support their developmeng and looks at iPLEs as an alternative.


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Investigating the use of Virtual Learning Environments by teachers in schools and colleges


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Desde el campo de la informática educativa, varios autores exponen el posible efecto positivo de incorporar videojuegos y simulaciones con elementos de juego en los procesos educativos. Esta postura continúa siendo objeto de debate y sus detractores identifican, dos problemas fundamentales, por un lado el excesivo coste de estas iniciativas y, por otro, su carácter limitado que obliga a que formen parte de variados procesos educativos.. En este trabajo se estudia cómo abordar estos dos problemas desde un punto de vista tecnológico. Se propone una plataforma menor que e-adventure, un entorno de desarrollo para juegos educativos. Esta plataforma aborda el primer problema planteando, un modelo de proceso de desarrollo inspirado en la aproximación documental al desarrollo de software. El modelo de proceso incluye la propuesta de un lenguaje de marcado extendido, XML, específico del dominio de las aventuras gráficas educativas. Este lenguaje es sencillo de utilizar y facilita la creación de este tipo de juegos e incluye construcciones específicamente educativas que dan soporte a la evaluación de la actividad del alumno y a patrones de aprendizaje adaptativo. El segundo problema se aborda proponiendo la integración de dichos juegos con plataformas de tele-enseñanza, LMS, que se emplean tanto en la enseñanza a través de internet como en aproximaciones del aprendizaje electrónico, e-learning, combinadas con la enseñanza tradicional.. Se incluye la implementación de un prototipo de la plataforma propuesta y varios juegos educativos desarrollados con ella, en colaboración con investigadores e instructores de otros campos..


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For several years, online educational tools such as Blackboard have been used by Universities to foster collaborative learning in an online setting. Such tools tend to be implemented in a top-down fashion, with the institution providing the tool to the students and instructing them to use it. Recently, however, a more informal, bottom up approach is increasingly being employed by the students themselves in the form of social networks such as Facebook. With over 9,000 registered Facebook users at the beginning of this study, rising to over 12,000 at the University of Reading alone, Facebook is becoming the de facto social network of choice for higher education students in the UK, and there was increasing anecdotal evidence that students were actively learning via Facebook rather than through BlackBoard. To test the validity of these anecdotes, a questionnaire was sent to students, asking them about their learning experiences via BlackBoard and Facebook. The results show that students are making use of the tools available to them even when there is no formal academic content, and that increased use of a social networking tool is correlated with a reported increase in learning as a result of that use.