998 resultados para ingegneria clinica, dispositivi medici, parco tecnologico,mercato tecnologie biomediche


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Dopo un'iniziale descrizione dei concetti fondamentali di dosimetria e degli effetti biologici delle radiazioni sul DNA, ho fatto una descrizione approfondita sulle diverse metodiche radioterapiche. Ho poi concentrato l'elaborato sull'approfondimento storico, tecnico-funzionale e degli aspetti positivi/negativi di due delle tecnologie di irradiazione mirata in ambito clinico più all'avanguardia e utilizzate nel loro ambito specifico: Gamma Knife modello PERFEXION e Cyberknife modello M6. Infine ho esposto gli aspetti principali dell'ultimo medello di Gamma Knife (ICON) presentato per la prima ad aprile 2015 e ad oggi presente solo in due strutture in Europa e cinque negli Stati Uniti.


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L’elaborato descrive il progetto di tesi volto allo studio, con implementazione pratica, del monitoraggio e sviluppo di un sistema di Health Technology Management in paesi con scarse risorse. Questo ha l’obbiettivo di minimizzare gli sprechi e le situazioni di emergenza dovute all’indisponibilità di dispositivi. Il progetto è stato sviluppato presso il St. Luke Catholic Hospital di Wolisso, in Etiopia dove la gestione dei dispositivi medici era stata avviata in una precedente missione con la creazione de: il primo Equipment Inventory, assegnati i ruoli del team, avviate le prime PPM e un Maintenance Record System. L’elaborato tratterà di una panoramica generale del sistema di HTM, degli obbiettivi e i benefici che apporta. A seguire si descriverà la gestione dei dispositivi nei relativi step, prendendo come linea guida l’Ospedale Bufalini, struttura in cui si è svolto il tirocinio in preparazione. Successivamente si contestualizzerà il luogo di svolgimento del progetto per dare maggiore consapevolezza della situazione sociosanitaria presente. Dopo di che si descriveranno le fasi di lavoro svolte sul campo. Nel follow up, si è attuata un’analisi generale dello stato della Struttura Sanitaria e di ciò che si era mantenuto nel tempo, svolgendo un controllo dell’aderenza dell’Inventory, con l’attuale situazione presente ed è stato aggiornato. Sono stati controllati i processi gestionali volti a garantire una chiara tracciabilità dei guasti e dei costi sostenuti. A seguire si tratterà il monitoraggio dei Piani di Manutenzione Preventiva, i loro svolgimenti e il relativo ampliamento in termini di dispositivi e protocolli; si accenna, al funzionamento e la manutenzione di un’ambiente nuovo nell’ospedale, quale l’Oxygen Plant. Infine, si tratterà lo sviluppo di un software gestionale contenente il planner delle manutenzioni preventive. Si conclude l’elaborato con una raccolta di tutti i risultati ottenuti e con riflessioni volte a possibili sviluppi futuri.


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Con il seguente elaborato ci si è posti come oggetto di ricerca il valutare e mostrare come l’implementazione delle nuove tecnologie di realtà virtuale e aumentata possano portare un miglioramento al metodo di studio e lavoro dello Stylistic Design Engineering nello sviluppo di un concept design di un nuovo veicolo. Si illustreranno i cambiamenti apportati dall’utilizzo di un software di modellazione in realtà virtuale lungo tutto il processo di sviluppo, mettendo in evidenza la grande potenzialità di poter essere un forte strumento di condivisione e integrazione in ogni fase del progetto di tutte le figure professionali coinvolte nello sviluppo del prodotto.


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L'elaborato è volto ad analizzare i principi di funzionamento e le molteplici applicazioni dei laser chirurgici nei vari campi della medicina. Viene fatta una classificazione in base alla potenza d'uscita delle apparecchiature, al mezzo attivo utilizzato e alla disciplina medica in cui ne viene fatto uso. Particolare attenzione è posta sui numerosi rischi che potrebbero occorrere e le misure di sicurezza da adottare all'interno di una sala operatoria o di un laboratorio, con l'esempio specifico di alcune schede di verifica funzionale, periodica particolare e di manutenzione conservativa su laser chirurgici e terapeutici, che devono essere completate per superare con esito positivo i vari test di sicurezza.


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Il presente lavoro di tesi, sviluppato nell’arco di sei mesi presso l’Institut Supérieur Industriel de Bruxelles (ISIB) in collaborazione con Ion Beam Application Group (IBA, Louvain la Neuve), ha come principale soggetto lo studio della risposta del rem meter WENDI-2 commercializzato da Thermo Scientific. Lo studio si è basato principalmente sull’uso del codice Monte Carlo MCNPX 2.5.0, simulando la risposta del detector sia in caso di campi di radiazione neutronica monoenergetici sia in corrispondenza di spettri neutronici continui. La prima fase è stata dedicata alla modellizzazione MCNPX del rem counter, consentendo così la valutazione della sua funzione risposta. Questa è stata ricostruita interpolando 93 punti, ciascuno calcolato in corrispondenza di un singolo valore di energia di una sorgente puntiforme, compreso tra 1 meV e 5 GeV. In tal caso è stata rilevata un’ottima corrispondenza tra i risultati ottenuti e quelli riportati nella letteratura scientifica esistente. In una seconda fase, al fine di ottenere informazioni sulla risposta di WENDI II in corrispondenza di campi complessi di radiazione, simulazioni MCNPX sono state realizzate riproducendo un ambiente di lavoro esistente presso la sede IBA di Louvain la Neuve: la risposta del detector è stata valutata in corrispondenza di 9 diverse posizioni all’interno di un bunker contenente un ciclotrone PET (18 MeV H-), implicando la rilevazione di campi di radiazione neutronica continui ed estesi dalle energie termiche fino a 18 MeV. I risultati ottenuti sono stati infine comparati con i valori di dose ambiente equivalente calcolata nelle stesse condizioni di irraggiamento.


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Il tema della ricerca ha riguardato preliminarmente la definizione di farmaco descritta nel d.lgs. n. 219 del 2006 (Codice dei farmaci per uso umano). Oltre al danno prodotto da farmaci, la ricerca ha approfondito anche la tutela ex ante ed ex post riguardante la produzione di dispositivi medici (Direttiva della Comunità Economica Europea n. 42 del 1993 e Direttiva della Comunità Economica Europea n. 374 del 1985). E’ stato necessario soffermarsi sull’analisi del concetto di precauzione per il quale nell’ambito di attività produttive, come quelle che cagionano inquinamento ambientale, o “pericolose per la salute umana” come quelle riguardanti la produzione di alimenti e farmaci, è necessario eliminare i rischi non conosciuti nella produzione di questi ultimi al fine di garantire una tutela completa della salute. L’analisi della Direttiva della Comunità Economica Europea n. 374 del 1985 nei suoi aspetti innovativi ha riguardato l’esame dei casi di danno da farmaco (Trib. Roma, 20 Giugno 2002, Trib. Roma 27 Giugno 1987, Trib. Milano 19 Novembre 1987, Cassazione Civile n. 6241 del 1987): profilo critico è quello riguardante la prova liberatoria, mentre l'art. 2050 prevede che «si debbano adottare tutte le misure necessarie per evitare il danno», l'art. 118, lett. e), c. cons.) prevede una serie di casi di esonero di responsabilità del produttore (tra cui il rischio di sviluppo). Dall'analisi emerge poi la necessità da parte del produttore di continuo utilizzo del duty to warn (Art. 117 del Codice del Consumo lett. A e B ): esso consiste nel dovere continuo di informazione del produttore tramite i suoi rappresentanti e il bugiardino presente nelle confezioni dei farmaci. Tale dovere è ancor più importante nel caso della farmacogenetica, infatti, al fine di evitare reazioni avverse nel bugiardino di alcuni farmaci verrà prescritta la necessità di effettuare un test genetico prima dell’assunzione.


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La tesi tratta dell'importanza dei controlli di qualità e di sicurezza elettrica che devono essere effettuati per garantire l'integrità nel corso degli anni delle apparecchiature elettromedicali. In particolare ho studiato il funzionamento, i principi fisici e i limiti del pulsossimetro, il dispositivo medico in grado di misurare indirettamente la saturazione dell'ossigeno nel sangue.


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A reliable perception of the real world is a key-feature for an autonomous vehicle and the Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS). Obstacles detection (OD) is one of the main components for the correct reconstruction of the dynamic world. Historical approaches based on stereo vision and other 3D perception technologies (e.g. LIDAR) have been adapted to the ADAS first and autonomous ground vehicles, after, providing excellent results. The obstacles detection is a very broad field and this domain counts a lot of works in the last years. In academic research, it has been clearly established the essential role of these systems to realize active safety systems for accident prevention, reflecting also the innovative systems introduced by industry. These systems need to accurately assess situational criticalities and simultaneously assess awareness of these criticalities by the driver; it requires that the obstacles detection algorithms must be reliable and accurate, providing: a real-time output, a stable and robust representation of the environment and an estimation independent from lighting and weather conditions. Initial systems relied on only one exteroceptive sensor (e.g. radar or laser for ACC and camera for LDW) in addition to proprioceptive sensors such as wheel speed and yaw rate sensors. But, current systems, such as ACC operating at the entire speed range or autonomous braking for collision avoidance, require the use of multiple sensors since individually they can not meet these requirements. It has led the community to move towards the use of a combination of them in order to exploit the benefits of each one. Pedestrians and vehicles detection are ones of the major thrusts in situational criticalities assessment, still remaining an active area of research. ADASs are the most prominent use case of pedestrians and vehicles detection. Vehicles should be equipped with sensing capabilities able to detect and act on objects in dangerous situations, where the driver would not be able to avoid a collision. A full ADAS or autonomous vehicle, with regard to pedestrians and vehicles, would not only include detection but also tracking, orientation, intent analysis, and collision prediction. The system detects obstacles using a probabilistic occupancy grid built from a multi-resolution disparity map. Obstacles classification is based on an AdaBoost SoftCascade trained on Aggregate Channel Features. A final stage of tracking and fusion guarantees stability and robustness to the result.


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New photonic crystal fiber designs are presented and numerically investigated in order to improve the state of art of high power fiber lasers. The focus of this work is targeted on the region of 2 μm laser emission, which is of high interest due to its eye-safe nature and due to the large amount of applications permitted. Thulium doped fiber amplifiers are suitable for emitting in this region. Different fiber designs have been proposed, both flexible and rod-type, with the aim to enlarge mode area while maintaining robust single mode operation. The analysis of thermal effects, caused by the high thulium quantum defect, have been taken in consideration. Solutions to counteract issues derived by detrimental thermal effects have been implemented.


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In this thesis, we consider four different scenarios of interest in modern satellite communications. For each scenario, we will propose the use of advanced solutions aimed at increasing the spectral efficiency of the communication links. First, we will investigate the optimization of the current standard for digital video broadcasting. We will increase the symbol rate of the signal and determine the optimal signal bandwidth. We will apply the time packing technique and propose a specifically design constellation. We will then compare some receiver architectures with different performance and complexity. The second scenario still addresses broadcast transmissions, but in a network composed of two satellites. We will compare three alternative transceiver strategies, namely, signals completely overlapped in frequency, frequency division multiplexing, and the Alamouti space-time block code, and, for each technique, we will derive theoretical results on the achievable rates. We will also evaluate the performance of said techniques in three different channel models. The third scenario deals with the application of multiuser detection in multibeam satellite systems. We will analyze a case in which the users are near the edge of the coverage area and, hence, they experience a high level of interference from adjacent cells. Also in this case, three different approaches will be compared. A classical approach in which each beam carries information for a user, a cooperative solution based on time division multiplexing, and the Alamouti scheme. The information theoretical analysis will be followed by the study of practical coded schemes. We will show that the theoretical bounds can be approached by a properly designed code or bit mapping. Finally, we will consider an Earth observation scenario, in which data is generated on the satellite and then transmitted to the ground. We will study two channel models, taking into account one or two transmit antennas, and apply techniques such as time and frequency packing, signal predistortion, multiuser detection and the Alamouti scheme.


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This thesis deals with the challenging problem of designing systems able to perceive objects in underwater environments. In the last few decades research activities in robotics have advanced the state of art regarding intervention capabilities of autonomous systems. State of art in fields such as localization and navigation, real time perception and cognition, safe action and manipulation capabilities, applied to ground environments (both indoor and outdoor) has now reached such a readiness level that it allows high level autonomous operations. On the opposite side, the underwater environment remains a very difficult one for autonomous robots. Water influences the mechanical and electrical design of systems, interferes with sensors by limiting their capabilities, heavily impacts on data transmissions, and generally requires systems with low power consumption in order to enable reasonable mission duration. Interest in underwater applications is driven by needs of exploring and intervening in environments in which human capabilities are very limited. Nowadays, most underwater field operations are carried out by manned or remotely operated vehicles, deployed for explorations and limited intervention missions. Manned vehicles, directly on-board controlled, expose human operators to risks related to the stay in field of the mission, within a hostile environment. Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROV) currently represent the most advanced technology for underwater intervention services available on the market. These vehicles can be remotely operated for long time but they need support from an oceanographic vessel with multiple teams of highly specialized pilots. Vehicles equipped with multiple state-of-art sensors and capable to autonomously plan missions have been deployed in the last ten years and exploited as observers for underwater fauna, seabed, ship wrecks, and so on. On the other hand, underwater operations like object recovery and equipment maintenance are still challenging tasks to be conducted without human supervision since they require object perception and localization with much higher accuracy and robustness, to a degree seldom available in Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV). This thesis reports the study, from design to deployment and evaluation, of a general purpose and configurable platform dedicated to stereo-vision perception in underwater environments. Several aspects related to the peculiar environment characteristics have been taken into account during all stages of system design and evaluation: depth of operation and light conditions, together with water turbidity and external weather, heavily impact on perception capabilities. The vision platform proposed in this work is a modular system comprising off-the-shelf components for both the imaging sensors and the computational unit, linked by a high performance ethernet network bus. The adopted design philosophy aims at achieving high flexibility in terms of feasible perception applications, that should not be as limited as in case of a special-purpose and dedicated hardware. Flexibility is required by the variability of underwater environments, with water conditions ranging from clear to turbid, light backscattering varying with daylight and depth, strong color distortion, and other environmental factors. Furthermore, the proposed modular design ensures an easier maintenance and update of the system over time. Performance of the proposed system, in terms of perception capabilities, has been evaluated in several underwater contexts taking advantage of the opportunity offered by the MARIS national project. Design issues like energy power consumption, heat dissipation and network capabilities have been evaluated in different scenarios. Finally, real-world experiments, conducted in multiple and variable underwater contexts, including open sea waters, have led to the collection of several datasets that have been publicly released to the scientific community. The vision system has been integrated in a state of the art AUV equipped with a robotic arm and gripper, and has been exploited in the robot control loop to successfully perform underwater grasping operations.


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This thesis presents the formal definition of a novel Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) extension of the Networked Autonomic Machine (NAM) framework, a general-purpose conceptual tool which describes large-scale distributed autonomic systems. The introduction of autonomic policies in the MCC paradigm has proved to be an effective technique to increase the robustness and flexibility of MCC systems. In particular, autonomic policies based on continuous resource and connectivity monitoring help automate context-aware decisions for computation offloading. We have also provided NAM with a formalization in terms of a transformational operational semantics in order to fill the gap between its existing Java implementation NAM4J and its conceptual definition. Moreover, we have extended NAM4J by adding several components with the purpose of managing large scale autonomic distributed environments. In particular, the middleware allows for the implementation of peer-to-peer (P2P) networks of NAM nodes. Moreover, NAM mobility actions have been implemented to enable the migration of code, execution state and data. Within NAM4J, we have designed and developed a component, denoted as context bus, which is particularly useful in collaborative applications in that, if replicated on each peer, it instantiates a virtual shared channel allowing nodes to notify and get notified about context events. Regarding the autonomic policies management, we have provided NAM4J with a rule engine, whose purpose is to allow a system to autonomously determine when offloading is convenient. We have also provided NAM4J with trust and reputation management mechanisms to make the middleware suitable for applications in which such aspects are of great interest. To this purpose, we have designed and implemented a distributed framework, denoted as DARTSense, where no central server is required, as reputation values are stored and updated by participants in a subjective fashion. We have also investigated the literature regarding MCC systems. The analysis pointed out that all MCC models focus on mobile devices, and consider the Cloud as a system with unlimited resources. To contribute in filling this gap, we defined a modeling and simulation framework for the design and analysis of MCC systems, encompassing both their sides. We have also implemented a modular and reusable simulator of the model. We have applied the NAM principles to two different application scenarios. First, we have defined a hybrid P2P/cloud approach where components and protocols are autonomically configured according to specific target goals, such as cost-effectiveness, reliability and availability. Merging P2P and cloud paradigms brings together the advantages of both: high availability, provided by the Cloud presence, and low cost, by exploiting inexpensive peers resources. As an example, we have shown how the proposed approach can be used to design NAM-based collaborative storage systems based on an autonomic policy to decide how to distribute data chunks among peers and Cloud, according to cost minimization and data availability goals. As a second application, we have defined an autonomic architecture for decentralized urban participatory sensing (UPS) which bridges sensor networks and mobile systems to improve effectiveness and efficiency. The developed application allows users to retrieve and publish different types of sensed information by using the features provided by NAM4J's context bus. Trust and reputation is managed through the application of DARTSense mechanisms. Also, the application includes an autonomic policy that detects areas characterized by few contributors, and tries to recruit new providers by migrating code necessary to sensing, through NAM mobility actions.