995 resultados para infecção por pseudomonas
O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a ocorrência de anticorpos anti-Neospora caninum em 260 amostras de soro coletadas de fetos bovinos de julho de 2007 a março de 2008, em abatedouro do município de Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Para detecção de anticorpos anti-N. caninum, a técnica de imunofluorescência indireta foi utilizada tanto para a detecção de imunoglobulinas G e M. Amostras com títulos e" 25 foram consideradas positivas. Das 260 amostras testadas, 15% (39/260) foram positivas para anticorpos anti-N. caninum. Destas, em 38 (97,4%) foi detectada a presença de IgG anti-N. caninum e em seis (15,4%) de IgM. Em cinco amostras (12,8%) detectaram-se ambos, IgG e IgM. Os resultados reafirmam a habilidade do N. caninum em determinar infecção fetal. A pesquisa de IgM foi de limitada importância na detecção da infecção via transplacentária em soro fetal bovino.
A clamidiose ou ornitose é uma doença infecciosa, causada pela bactéria Chlamydophila psittaci, que acomete aves e mamíferos. Trata-se de uma das principais zoonoses de origem aviária. A transmissão ocorre principalmente por inalação de secreções contaminadas. Os sinais clínicos mais comuns incluem alterações no sistema gastrointestinal, respiratório e ocular, porém é possível encontrar aves infectadas sem sinais aparentes, dificultando a identificação da doença. O diagnóstico definitivo em aves vivas pode ser difícil, devido às características da infecção pela bactéria. Há duas principais abordagens para o diagnóstico, a primeira envolve a detecção direta da bactéria e a segunda implica a detecção de anticorpos anti-Chlamydophila sp. O tratamento é longo e envolve o uso de tetraciclinas, quinolonas ou macrolídeos, durante 21-45 dias, dependendo da espécie e do fármaco de escolha. Atualmente, o Brasil não dispõe de medidas padronizadas que visam a guiar o clínico na identificação, manejo e tratamento para a doença. Tais medidas tornam-se necessárias, bem como a pesquisa de novos métodos diagnósticos e auxiliares para a doença.
Background: We have previously explored a therapeutic strategy for specifically targeting the profibrotic activity of IL-13 during experimental pulmonary fibrosis using a fusion protein comprised of human IL-13 and a mutated form of Pseudomonas aeruginosa exotoxin A (IL13-PE) and observed that the intranasal delivery of IL13-PE reduced bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis through its elimination of IL-13-responsive cells in the lung. The aim of the present study was to determine whether the presence of an immune response to P. aeruginosa and/or its exotoxin A (PE) would diminish the anti-fibrotic properties of IL13-PE. Methodology/Principal Findings: Fourteen days after P. aeruginosa infection, C57BL/6 mice were injected with bleomycin via the intratracheal route. Other groups of mice received 4 doses of saline or IL13-PE by either intranasal or intraperitoneal application, and were challenged i.t. with bleomycin 28 days later. At day 21 after bleomycin, all mice received either saline vehicle or IL13-PE by the intranasal route and histopatological analyses of whole lung samples were performed at day 28 after bleomycin. Intrapulmonary P. aeruginosa infection promoted a neutralizing IgG2A and IgA antibody response in BALF and serum. Surprisingly, histological analysis showed that a prior P. aeruginosa infection attenuated the development of bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis, which was modestly further attenuated by the intranasal administration of IL13-PE. Although prior intranasal administration of IL13-PE failed to elicit an antibody response, the systemic administration of IL13-PE induced a strong neutralizing antibody response. However, the prior systemic sensitization of mice with IL13-PE did not inhibit the anti-fibrotic effect of IL13-PE in fibrotic mice. Conclusions: Thus, IL13-PE therapy in pulmonary fibrosis works regardless of the presence of a humoral immune response to Pseudomonas exotoxin A. Interestingly, a prior infection with P. aeruginosa markedly attenuated the pulmonary fibrotic response suggesting that the immune elicitation by this pathogen exerts anti-fibrotic effects.
Chlorocatechol 1,2-dioxygenase from the Gram-negative bacterium Pseudomonas putida (Pp 1,2-CCD) is considered to be an important biotechnological tool owing to its ability to process a broad spectrum of organic pollutants. In the current work, the crystallization, crystallographic characterization and phasing of the recombinant Pp 1,2-CCD enzyme are described. Reddish-brown crystals were obtained in the presence of polyethylene glycol and magnesium acetate by utilizing the vapour-diffusion technique in sitting drops. Crystal dehydration was the key step in obtaining data sets, which were collected on the D03B-MX2 beamline at the CNPEM/MCT - LNLS using a MAR CCD detector. Pp 1,2-CCD crystals belonged to space group P6(1)22 and the crystallographic structure of Pp 1,2-CCD has been solved by the MR-SAD technique using Fe atoms as scattering centres and the coordinates of 3-chlorocatechol 1,2-dioxygenase from Rhodococcus opacus (PDB entry
An antimicrobial peptide produced by a bacterium isolated from the effluent pond of a bovine abattoir was purified and characterized. The strain was characterized by biochemical profiling and 16S rDNA sequencing as Pseudomonas sp. The antimicrobial peptide was purified by ammonium sulfate precipitation, gel filtration, and ion exchange chromatography. Direct activity on sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) was observed. A major band on SDS-PAGE suggested that the antimicrobial peptide has a molecular mass of about 30 kDa. The substance was inhibitory to a broad range of indicator strains, including pathogenic and food spoilage bacteria such as Listeria monocytogenes, Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus aureus, among other. The partially purified antimicrobial substance remained active over a wide temperature range and was resistant to all proteases tested. This substance showed different properties than other antimicrobials from Pseudomonas species, suggesting a novel antimicrobial peptide was characterized.
The technique based on sol-gel approach was used to generate silica matrices derivatives by hydrolysis of silane compounds. The present work evaluates a hybrid matrix obtained with tetraethoxysilane (TEOS) and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) on the immobilization yield of lipase from Pseudomonas fluorescens. The resulting polysiloxane-polyvinyl alcohol (POS-PVA) matrix combines the property of PVA as a suitable polymer to retain proteins with an excellent optical, thermal and chemical stability of the host silicon oxide matrix. Aiming to render adequate functional groups to the covalent binding with the enzyme the POS-PVA matrix was chemically modified using epichlorohydrin. The results were compared with immobilized derivative on POS-PVA activated with glutaraldehyde. Immobilization yield based on the recovered lipase activity depended on the activating agent and the highest efficiency (32%) was attained when lipase was immobilized on POS-PVA activated with epichlorohydrin, which, probably, provided more linkage points for the covalent bind of the enzyme on the support. This was confirmed by determining the morphological properties using different techniques as X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Comparative studies were carried out to attain optimal activities for free lipase and immobilized systems. For this purpose, a central composite experimental design with different combinations of pH and temperature was performed. Enzymatic hydrolysis with the immobilized enzyme in the framework of the Michaelis-Menten mechanism was also reported. Under optimum conditions, the immobilized derivative on POS-PVA activated with epichlorohydrin showed to have more affinity for the substrate in the hydrolysis of olive oil, with a Michaelis-Menten constant value (K-m) of 293 mM, compared to the value of 401 mM obtained for the immobilized lipase on support activated with glutaraldehyde. Data generated by DSC showed that both immobilized derivatives have similar thermal stabilities. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Pseudomonas putida strain P9 is a novel competent endophyte from potato. P9 causes cultivar-dependent suppression of Phytophthora infestans. Colonization of the rhizoplane and endosphere of potato plants by P9 and its rifampin-resistant derivative P9R was studied. The purposes of this work were to follow the fate of P9 inside growing potato plants and to establish its effect on associated microbial communities. The effects of P9 and P9R inoculation were studied in two separate experiments. The roots of transplants of three different cultivars of potato were dipped in suspensions of P9 or P9R cells, and the plants were planted in soil. The fate of both strains was followed by examining colony growth and by performing PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE). Colonies of both strains were recovered from rhizoplane and endosphere samples of all three cultivars at two growth stages. A conspicuous band, representing P9 and P9R, was found in all Pseudomonas PCR-DGGE fingerprints for treated plants. The numbers of P9R CFU and the P9R-specific band intensities for the different replicate samples were positively correlated, as determined by linear regression analysis. The effects of plant growth stage, genotype, and the presence of P9R on associated microbial communities were examined by multivariate and unweighted-pair group method with arithmetic mean cluster analyses of PCR-DGGE fingerprints. The presence of strain P9R had an effect on bacterial groups identified as Pseudomonas azotoformans, Pseudomonas veronii, and Pseudomonas syringae. In conclusion, strain P9 is an avid colonizer of potato plants, competing with microbial populations indigenous to the potato phytosphere. Bacterization with a biocontrol agent has an important and previously unexplored effect on plant-associated communities.
The soil bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens Pf-5 produces two siderophores, a pyoverdine and enantio-pyochelin, and its proteome includes 45 TonB-dependent outer-membrane proteins, which commonly function in uptake of siderophores and other substrates from the environment. The 45 proteins share the conserved beta-barrel and plug domains of TonB-dependent proteins but only 18 of them have an N-terminal signaling domain characteristic of TonB-dependent transducers (TBDTs), which participate in cell-surface signaling systems. Phylogenetic analyses of the 18 TBDTs and 27 TonB-dependent receptors (TBDRs), which lack the N-terminal signaling domain, suggest a complex evolutionary history including horizontal transfer among different microbial lineages. Putative functions were assigned to certain TBDRs and TBDTs in clades including well-characterized orthologs from other Pseudomonas spp. A mutant of Pf-5 with deletions in pyoverdine and enantio-pyochelin biosynthesis genes was constructed and characterized for iron-limited growth and utilization of a spectrum of siderophores. The mutant could utilize as iron sources a large number of pyoverdines with diverse structures as well as ferric citrate, heme, and the siderophores ferrichrome, ferrioxamine B, enterobactin, and aerobactin. The diversity and complexity of the TBDTs and TBDRs with roles in iron uptake clearly indicate the importance of iron in the fitness and survival of Pf-5 in the environment.
Objective: To describe an outbreak of imipenem-resistant metallo-beta-lactamase-producing Pseudomonas aeruginosa, enzyme type bla, by horizontal transmission in patients admitted to a mixed adult ICU. Methods: A case-control study was carried out, including 47 patients (cases) and 122 patients (control) admitted to the mixed ICU of a university hospital in Minas Gerais. Brazil from November 2003 to July 2005. The infection site, risk factors, mortality, antibiotic susceptibility, metallo-beta-lactamase (MBL) production, enzyme type, and clonal diversity were analyzed, Results: A temporal/spatial relationship was detected in most patients (94%), overall mortality was 55.3%, and pneumonia was the predominant infection (85%). The majority of isolates (95%) were resistant to imipenem and other antibiotics, except for polymyxin, and showed MBL production (76.7%). Only bla SPM-1 (33%) was identified in the 15 specimens analyzed. In addition, 4 clones were identified, with a predominance of clone A (61.5%) and B (23.1%). On multivariate analysis, advanced age, mechanical ventilation, tracheostomy, and previous imipenem use were significant risk factors for imipenem-resistant P. aeruginosa infection. Conclusions: Clonal dissemination of MBL-producing P. aeruginosa strains with a spatial/temporal relationship disclosed problems in the practice of hospital infection control, low adherence to hand hygiene, and empirical antibiotic use. (C) 2008 Elsevier Espana, S.L. All rights reserved.
Rapid and sensitive polymerase chain reaction (PCR) methods ape described for determination of the two 16 S rDNA subgroups of Ralstonia solanacearum, the causal agent of bacterial wilt. A third subgroup consisting of Indonesian R. solanacearum isolates belonging to Division II, the blood disease bacterium and Pseudomonas syzygii can also be identified. Primers were designed to sequences within R, solanacearum 16 S rDNA (equivalent to Escherichia coli 16 S rDNA positions 74-97, 455-475, 1454-1474), and the internal transcribed spacer region between the 16 S and 23 S rDNA genes. Different combinations of forward and reverse primers allowed selective PCR amplification of (a) R. solanacearum Division I (biovars 3, 4 and 5), (b) Division TI (biovars 1, N2, and 2) including the blood disease bacterium and P. syzygii, or (c) amplification of Division II only except for five biovar 1, 2 or N2 isolates of R. solanacearum from Indonesia, P. syzygii and the BDB. A total of 104 R. solanacearum, 14 blood disease bacterium and 10 P. syzygii isolates were tested. Simultaneous detection of species and subdivision was achieved by designing a multiplex PCR test in which a 288-base pair (bp) band is produced by all R. solanacearum isolates, and an additional 409-bp band in Division I strains.
Traditional treatment of infectious diseases is based on compounds that kill or inhibit growth of bacteria. A major concern with this approach is the frequent development of resistance to antibiotics. The discovery of communication systems (quorum sensing systems) regulating bacterial virulence has afforded a novel opportunity to control infectious bacteria without interfering with growth. Compounds that can override communication signals have been found in the marine environment. Using Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 as an example of an opportunistic human pathogen, we show that a synthetic derivate of natural furanone compounds can act as a potent antagonist of bacterial quorum sensing. We employed GeneChip((R)) microarray technology to identify furanone target genes and to map the quorum sensing regulon. The transcriptome analysis showed that the furanone drug specifically targeted quorum sensing systems and inhibited virulence factor expression. Application of the drug to P.aeruginosa biofilms increased bacterial susceptibility to tobramycin and SDS. In a mouse pulmonary infection model, the drug inhibited quorum sensing of the infecting bacteria and promoted their clearance by the mouse immune response.
Six Burkholderia solanacearum (formerly Pseudomonas solanacearum) genomic DNA fragments were isolated, using RAPD techniques and cloning, from the three genetically diverse strains: ACH092 (Biovar 4), ACH0158 (Biovar 2) and ACH0171 (Biovar 3) (1). One of these cloned fragments was selected because it was present constantly in all bacterial strains analysed. The remaining five clones were selected because Southern hybridisation revealed that each showed partial or complete specificity towards the strain of origin. A seventh genomic fragment showing a strain-specific distribution in Southern hybridisations was obtained by differential restriction, hybridisation and cloning of genomic DNA. Each of these clones was sequenced and primers to amplify the insert were designed. When DNA from the strain of origin was used as template, PCR amplification for each of these fragments yielded a single band on gel analysis. One pair of primers amplified the species-constant fragment of 281 bp from DNA of all B. solanacearum strains investigated, from DNA of the closely related bacterium which causes ''blood disease'' of banana (BDB) and in P. syzigii. The sensitivity of detection of B. solanacearum using these ubiquitous primers was between 1.3 and 20 bacterial cells. The feasibility and reliability of a PCR approach to detection and identification of B. solanacearum was tested in diverse strains of the bacterium in several countries and laboratories.
To evaluate nosocomial infections due to imipenem-resistant and imipenem-susceptible Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a case-control study that included genotyping was performed. Hospitalization for more than 15 days was independently associated with infection with an imipenem-resistant organism. Sixty-seven percent of the imipenem-resistant isolates analyzed and 23% of the imipenem-susceptible isolates analyzed belonged to a single clone. Intervention led to a decrease in the number of infections due to imipenem-resistant and imipenem-susceptible P. aeruginosa.
objective. To describe the management of patients with long-term central venous catheters (CVCs) during an outbreak of infection due to Pseudomonas putida and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia associated with contaminated heparin catheter-lock solution. design. Descriptive study. setting. Private, 250-bed tertiary-care hospital. methods. In March 2003, we identified 2 febrile cancer patients with P. putida bacteremia. Over 2 days, 7 cases of bacteremia were identified; lots of syringes prefilled with heparin catheter-lock solution, supplied by a compounding pharmacy, were recalled and samples were cultured. More cases of bacteremia appeared during the following days, and any patient who had had a catheter lock infused with the suspect solution was asked to provide blood samples for culture, even if the patient was asymptomatic. Isolates that were recovered from culture were typed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. Antimicrobial salvage treatment of long-term CVCs was attempted. results. A total of 154 patients had had their catheter lock infused with solution from the lots that were suspected of being contaminated. Only 48 of these patients had CVCs. By day 7 of the outbreak, 18 of these patients had become symptomatic. Twenty-six of the remaining 30 asymptomatic patients then also provided blood samples for culture, 10 of whom developed fever shortly after samples were collected. Thirty-two patients were identified who had P. putida bacteremia; 9 also had infection due to S. maltophilia. Samples from 1 of the 3 lots of prefilled syringes in use at the time of the outbreak also grew P. putida on culture. Molecular typing identified 3 different clones of P. putida from patients and heparin catheter-lock solution, and 1 clone of S. maltophilia. A total of 27 patients received antimicrobial therapy regimens, some of which included decontamination of the catheter lock with anti- infective lock solution. Of 27 patients, 19 (70%) retained their long-term CVC during the 6-month follow-up period. conclusions. To our knowledge, this is one of the largest prospective experiences in the management of bloodstream infection associated with long-term CVCs. The infections were caused by gram-negative bacilli and were managed without catheter removal, with a high response rate. We emphasize the risks of using intravenous formulations of medications supplied by compounding pharmacies that produce large quantities of drugs.
High incidences of Gram-negative bacteria are found in neonatal nosocomial infections. Our aim was to investigate placental transmission of immunoglobulin G (IgG) reactive with lipopolysaccharide from Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia colt O111, O6 and O26. The total and lipopolysaccharide-specific IgM and IgG were determined in 11 maternal/umbilical-cord sera aged <= 33 weeks (GI); 21 aged > 33 and < 37 weeks (GII); and 32 term newborns (GIII). The total and lipopolysaccharide-specific IgM concentrations were equivalent in maternal sera. The total IgG concentrations were equivalent in maternal and newborn sera, with the exception of GIII newborns as compared with their mothers (P < 0.0001) and with neonates from GI and GII (P < 0.05). Lipopolysaccharide-specific IgG concentrations were lower in GI neonates than in their mothers (P < 0.01) and lower in GII (P < 0.05). Lower lipopolysaccharide-specific IgG levels were observed among neonates only for O111 in GI (P < 0.05) and for 026 and Pseudomonas in GII, both as compared with GIII (P < 0.05). The anti-lipopolysaccharide IgG transfer ratios were lower in GI (except for 026) and in GII (except for Klebsiella and O111) as compared with GIII (P < 0.05). Our results suggest that the greater susceptibility to infections in preterm infants is influenced (besides the humoral response) by factors intrinsic and extrinsic to the condition of prematurity.