781 resultados para implementation of change management strategies
El 1 de enero de 2014 entró en vigor la Directiva Europea 2009/128/CE sobre uso sostenible de plaguicidas y el Real Decreto 1311/2012 por el cual se traspone dicha normativa comunitaria al ámbito nacional. Estos reglamentos establecen el marco legal por el que las explotaciones agrícolas deben cumplir los principios generales de la Gestión Integrada de Plagas (GIP). Los principios de la GIP dan preferencia a aquellos métodos de control que sean sostenibles y respetuosos con el medio ambiente, dando prioridad al control biológico, al físico y a otros de carácter no químico. Sin embargo, el uso de insecticidas selectivos con los enemigos naturales es necesario en ocasiones para el adecuado manejo de las plagas en cultivos hortícolas. Por ello, el objetivo general de esta Tesis ha sido aportar conocimientos para la mejora del control de plagas en cultivos hortícolas, mediante la integración de estrategias de lucha biológica, física y química. La primera de las líneas de investigación de esta Tesis se centró en el estudio del efecto de la presencia dos depredadores, larvas Chrysoperla carnea y adultos de Adalia bipunctata, en la dispersión del virus de transmisión no persistente Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) y del virus de transmisión persistente Cucurbit aphid-borne yellows virus (CABYV), transmitidos por el pulgón Aphis gosypii en cultivo de pepino. La tasa de transmisión de CMV fue baja para los dos tiempos de evaluación ensayados (1 y 5 días), debido al limitado movimiento de su vector A. gossypii. Las plantas que resultaron infectadas se localizaron próximas a la fuente de inóculo central y la presencia de ambos enemigos naturales no incrementó significativamente el porcentaje de plantas ocupadas por pulgones ni la tasa de transmisión de CMV. Los patrones de distribución de A. gossypii y de CMV tan solo fueron coincidentes en las proximidades de la planta central infectada en la que se liberaron los insectos. En los ensayos con CABYV, la presencia de C. carnea y de A. bipunctata respectivamente provocó un incremento significativo de la dispersión de A. gossypii tras 14 días, pero no tras 7 días desde la liberación de los insectos. La reducción en el número inicial de pulgones en la planta central infectada con CABYV fue siempre mayor tras la liberación de C. carnea en comparación con A. bipunctata. Sin embargo, la tasa de transmisión de CABYV y su distribución espacial no se vieron significativamente modificadas por la presencia de ninguno de los depredadores, ni tras 7 días ni tras 14 días desde el inicio de los ensayos. Al igual que se estudió el efecto de la presencia de enemigos naturales en el comportamiento de las plagas y en la epidemiología de las virosis que transmiten, en una segunda línea de investigación se evaluó el posible efecto del consumo de pulgones portadores de virus por parte de los enemigos naturales. Este trabajo se llevó a cabo en el Laboratorio de Ecotoxicología del Departamento de Entomología de la Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA) (Brasil). En él se evaluó la influencia en los parámetros biológicos del enemigo natural Chrysoperla externa al alimentarse de Myzus persicae contaminados con el virus de transmisión persistente Potato leafroll virus (PLRV). El consumo de M. persicae contaminados con PLRV incrementó significativamente la duración de la fase larvaria, reduciendo también la supervivencia en comparación a otras dos dietas a base de M. persicae no contaminados con el virus y huevos del lepidóptero Ephestia kuehniella. La duración de la fase de pupa de C. externa no difirió significativamente entre las dietas a base de pulgones contaminados con PLRV y pulgones no contaminados, pero ambas fueron menores que con la dieta con huevos de E. kuehniella. Sin embargo, ni la supervivencia en la fase de pupa ni los parámetros reproductivos de los adultos emergidos mostraron diferencias significativas entre las dietas evaluadas. Por el contrario, la supervivencia de los adultos durante los 30 primeros días desde su emergencia sí se vio significativamente afectada por la dieta, siendo al término de este periodo del 54% para aquellos adultos de C. externa que durante su fase larvaria consumieron pulgones con PLRV. Dentro de la GIP, una de las estrategias de carácter físico que se emplean para el control de plagas y enfermedades en cultivos hortícolas protegidos es el uso de plásticos con propiedades fotoselectivas de absorción de la radiación ultravioleta (UV). Por ello, la tercera línea de investigación de la Tesis se centró en el estudio de los efectos directos e indirectos (mediados por la planta) de condiciones especiales de baja radiación UV sobre el crecimiento poblacional del pulgón A. gossypii y los parámetros biológicos del enemigo natural C. carnea, así como sobre las plantas de pepino en las que se liberaron los insectos. Los ensayos se realizaron en jaulones dentro de invernadero, utilizándose en el primero de ellos plantas de pepino sanas, mientras que en el segundo las plantas de pepino fueron previamente infectadas con CABYV para estudiar de qué manera afectaba la incidencia del virus en las mismas condiciones. Las condiciones de baja radiación UV (bajo plástico Térmico Antivirus®) ejercieron un efecto directo en las fases iniciales del cultivo de pepino, promoviendo su crecimiento, mientras que en fases más avanzadas del cultivo indujeron un aumento en el contenido en nitrógeno de las plantas. Las plantas de pepino que fueron sometidas a mayor intensidad de radiación UV (bajo plástico Térmico Blanco®) al inicio del cultivo mostraron un engrosamiento significativo de las paredes de las células epidérmicas del haz de las hojas, así como de la cutícula. El uso del plástico Térmico Antivirus®, utilizado como barrera fotoselectiva para crear condiciones de baja radiación UV, no alteró con respecto al plástico Térmico Blanco® (utilizado como control) el desarrollo poblacional del pulgón A. gossypii ni los parámetros biológicos evaluados en el depredador C. carnea. En el segundo experimento, realizado con plantas infectadas con CABYV, la incidencia de la virosis enmascaró las diferencias encontradas en experimento con plantas sanas, reduciendo aparentemente la influencia de las distintas condiciones de radiación UV. Por último, para el desarrollo de las estrategias de GIP es importante estudiar los posibles efectos secundarios que los plaguicidas pueden tener en los enemigos naturales de las plagas. Es por ello que en la Tesis se evaluaron la toxicidad y los efectos subletales (fecundidad y fertilidad) de flonicamida, flubendiamida, metaflumizona, spirotetramat, sulfoxaflor y deltametrina en los enemigos naturales C. carnea y A. bipunctata. Los efectos secundarios fueron evaluados por contacto residual tanto para larvas como para adultos de ambos enemigos naturales en condiciones de laboratorio. Flonicamida, flubendiamida, metaflumizona y spirotetramat fueron inocuos para larvas de último estadio y adultos de C. carnea y A. bipunctata. Por este motivo, estos insecticidas se presentan como buenos candidatos para ser incorporados dentro de programas de GIP en combinación con estos enemigos naturales para el control de plagas de cultivos hortícolas. Sulfoxaflor fue ligeramente tóxico para adultos de C. carnea y altamente tóxico para larvas de último estadio de A. bipunctata. Para A. bipunctata, sulfoxaflor y deltametrina fueron los compuestos más dañinos. Deltametrina fue también el compuesto más tóxico para larvas y adultos de C. carnea. Por tanto, el uso de deltametrina y sulfoxaflor en programas de GIP debería tomarse en consideración cuando se liberasen cualquiera de estos dos enemigos naturales debido al comportamiento tóxico que mostraron en condiciones de laboratorio. ABSTRACT On 1 January 2014 came into effect the Directive 2009/128/EC of the European Parliament about sustainable use of pesticides and the Royal Decree 1311/2012 that transposes the regulation to the Spanish level. These regulations establish the legal framework that agricultural holdings must adhere to in order to accomplish the general principles of Integrated Pest Management (IPM). The guidelines of IPM give priority to sustainable and eco-friendly pest control techniques, such as biological and physical measures. Nevertheless, the use of pesticides that are selective to natural enemies is sometimes a necessary strategy to implement accurate pest management programs in horticultural protected crops. Therefore, the general objective of this Thesis was to contribute to the improvement of pest management strategies in horticultural crops, by means of the integration of biological, physical and chemical techniques. The first research line of this Thesis was focused on the evaluation of the effects of two aphidophagous predators, Chrysoperla carnea larvae and Adalia bipunctata adults, on the spread of the non-persistently transmitted Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV, Cucumovirus) and the persistently transmitted Cucurbit aphid-borne yellows virus (CABYV, Polerovirus), by the aphid vector Aphis gossypii in a cucumber crop under greenhouse conditions. The CMV transmission rate was generally low, both after 1 and 5 days, due to the limited movement of its aphid vector A. gossypii. Infected plants were mainly located around the central virusinfected source plant, and the percentage of aphid occupation and CMV-infected plants did not differ significantly in absence and presence of natural enemies. The distribution patterns of A. gossypii and CMV were only coincident close to the central plant where insects were released. In the CABYV experiments, the presence of C. carnea larvae and A. bipunctata adults induced significant A. gossypii dispersal after 14 days but not after 7 days. The reduction in the initial aphid population established in the central plant was always higher for C. carnea than for A. bipunctata. Nevertheless, CABYV spread was not significantly modified by the presence of each predator either in the short term (7 days) or in the long term (14 days). Furthermore, the percentage of CABYV-infected plants did not significantly differ when each natural enemy was present in any evaluation period. It is important to evaluate the influence that natural enemies have on pest dynamics and on the spread of viral diseases, but it should be also taken into account the possible effect on the performance of natural enemies when they feed on preys that act as vectors of viruses. Thus, in a second research line developed in the Laboratory of Ecotoxicology, Department of Entomology, of the Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA) (Brazil), it was evaluated the performance of Chrysoperla externa under the condition of consuming Myzus persicae acting as vector of Potato leafroll virus (PLRV). The diet composed of PLRV-infected M. persicae significantly increased the length and reduced the survival rate, of the larval period in regard to the other two diets, composed of non-infected M. persicae and Ephestia kuehniella eggs. The lengths of the pupal stage were not significantly different between the aphid diets, but both were significantly shorter than that of E. kuehniella eggs. Neither pupal survival nor reproductive parameters revealed significant differences among the diets. Nevertheless, the adult survival curves during the first 30 days after emergence showed significant differences, reaching at the end of this interval a value of 54% for those C. externa adults fed on PLRVinfected aphids during their larval period. According to the IPM guidelines, one of the physical strategies for the control of pests and diseases in horticultural protected crops is the use of plastic films with photoselective properties that act as ultraviolet (UV) radiation blocking barriers. In this sense, the third research line of the Thesis dealt with the study of the direct and plant-mediated influence of low UV radiation conditions on the performance of the aphid A. gossypii and on the biological parameters of the natural enemy C. carnea, as well as on the cucumber plants where insects were released. The experiments were conducted inside cages under greenhouse conditions, using for the first one healthy cucumber plants, while for the second experiment the cucumber plants were previously infected with CABYV in order to assess the influence of the virus in the same conditions. The low UV radiation conditions (under Térmico Antivirus® plastic film) seemed to exert a direct effect in the early stages of cucumber plants, enhancing their growth, and in an increasing nitrogen content at further developmental stages. The higher UV radiation exposure (under Térmico Blanco® plastic film) in the early stages of the cucumber crop induced the thickening of the adaxial epidermal cell walls and the cuticle of leaves. The use of Térmico Antivirus® plastic film as a photoselective barrier to induce low UV radiation conditions did not modify, in regard to Térmico Blanco® plastic film (used as control), neither the population development of A. gossypii nor the studied biological parameters of the predator C. carnea. In the second experiment, done with CABYV-infected cucumber plants, the incidence of the virus seemed to mask the direct and plant-mediated influence of the different UV radiation conditions. In last term, for the development of IPM strategies it is important to study the potential side effects that pesticides might have on natural enemies. For this reason, in the Thesis were tested the toxicity and sublethal effects (fecundity and fertility) of flonicamid, flubendiamide, metaflumizone, spirotetramat, sulfoxaflor and deltamethrin on the natural enemies C. carnea and A. bipunctata. The side effects of the active ingredients of the insecticides were evaluated with residual contact tests for the larvae and adults of these predators under laboratory conditions. Flonicamid, flubendiamide, metaflumizone and spirotetramat were innocuous to last instar larvae and adults of C. carnea and A. bipunctata. Therefore, these pesticides are promising candidates for being incorporated into IPM programs in combination with these natural enemies for the control of particular greenhouse pests. In contrast, sulfoxaflor was slightly toxic to adults of C. carnea and was highly toxic to last instar larvae of A. bipunctata. For A. bipunctata, sulfoxaflor and deltamethrin were the most damaging compounds. Deltamethrin was also the most toxic compound to larvae and adults of C. carnea. In accordance with this fact, the use of sulfoxaflor and deltamethrin in IPM strategies should be taken into consideration when releasing either of these biological control agents, due to the toxic behavior observed under laboratory conditions.
This Open Forum examines research on case management that draws on consumer perspectives. It clarifies the extent of consumer involvement and whether evaluations were informed by recovery perspectives. Searches of three databases revealed l3 studies that sought to investigate consumer perspectives. Only one study asked consumers about experiences of recovery. Most evaluations did not adequately assess consumers' views, and active consumer participation in research was rare. Supporting an individual's recovery requires commitment to a recovery paradigm that incorporates traditional symptom reduction and improved functioning, with broader recovery principles, and a shift in focus from illness to wellbeing. It also requires greater involvement of consumers in the implementation of case management and ownership of their own recovery process, not just in research that evaluates the practice.
The issue of ensuring that construction projects achieve high quality outcomes continues to be an important consideration for key project stakeholders. Although a lot of quality practices have been done within the industry, establishment and achievement of reasonable levels of quality in construction projects continues to be a problem. While some studies into the introduction and development of quality practices and stakeholder management in the construction industry have been undertaken separately, no major studies have so far been completed that examine in depth how quality management practices that specifically address stakeholders’ perspectives of quality can be utilised to contribute to the ultimate constructed quality of projects. This paper encompasses and summarizes a review of the literature related to previous research undertaken on quality within the industry, focuses on the benefits and shortcomings, together with examining the concept of integrating stakeholder perspectives of project quality for improvement of outcomes throughout the project lifecycle. Findings discussed in this paper reveal a pressing need for investigation, development and testing of a framework to facilitate better implementation of quality management practices and thus achievement of better quality outcomes within the construction industry. The framework will incorporate and integrate the views of stakeholders on what constitutes final project quality to be utilised in developing better quality management planning and systems aimed ultimately at achieving better project quality delivery.
In this research we examined, by means of case studies, the mechanisms by which relationships can be managed and by which communication and cooperation can be enhanced in developing sustainable supply chains. The research was predicated on the contention that the development of a sustainable supply chain depends, in part, on the transfer of knowledge and capabilities from the larger players in the supply chain. A sustainable supply chain requires proactive relationship management and the development of an appropriate organisational culture, and trust. By legitimising individuals’ expectations of the type of culture which is appropriate to their company and empowering employees to address mismatches that may occur, a situation can be created whereby the collaborating organisations develop their competences symbiotically and so facilitate a sustainable supply chain. Effective supply chain management enhances organisation performance and competitiveness through the management of operations across organisational boundaries. Relational contracting approaches facilitate the exchange of information and knowledge and build capacity in the supply chain, thus enhancing its sustainability. Relationship management also provides the conditions necessary for the development of collaborative and cooperative relationships However, often subcontractors and suppliers are not empowered to attend project meetings or to have direct communication with project based staff. With this being a common phenomenon in the construction industry, one might ask: what are the barriers to implementation of relationship management through the supply chain? In other words, the problem addressed in this research is the engagement of the supply chain through relationship management.
This concept paper examines the positioning of Change Management (CM) in relation to IHRM, and suggests that the emerging field of CM should be seen as collaborative with HRM in providing for the dynamic needs of organisations in contemporary international conditions of uncertainty and environmental turbulence.
For the last decade, one question has haunted me: what helps people to cope with large-scale organisational change in their workplace? This study explores the construct of personal change resilience, and its potential for identifying solutions to the problems of change fatigue and change resistance. The thesis has emerged from the fields of change management, leadership, training, mentoring, evaluation, management and trust within the context of higher education in Australia at the beginning of the twenty-first century. In this thesis I present a theoretical model of the factors to consider in increasing peoples’ personal change resilience as they navigate large-scale organisational change at work, thereby closing a gap in the literature on the construct of change resilience. The model presented is based on both the literature in the realms of business and education, and on the findings of the research. In this thesis, an autoethnographic case study of two Australian university projects is presented as one narrative, resulting in a methodological step forward in the use of multiple research participants’ stories in the development of a single narrative. The findings describe the experiences of workers in higher education and emphasise the importance of considerate management in the achievement of positive experiences of organisational change. This research makes a significant contribution to new knowledge in three ways. First, it closes a gap in the literature in the realm of change management around personal change resilience as a solution to the problem of change fatigue by presenting models of both change failure and personal change resilience. Second, it is methodologically innovative in the use of personae to tell the stories of multiple participants in one coherent tale presented as a work of ethnographic fiction seen through an autoethnographic lens. By doing so, it develops a methodology for giving a voice to those to whom change is done in the workplace. Third, it provides a perspective on organisational change management from the view of the actual workers affected by change, thereby adding to the literature that currently exists, which is based on the views of those with responsibility for leading or managing change rather than those it affects. This thesis is intended as a practical starting point for conversations by actual change managers in higher education, and it is written in such a way as to help them see how theory can be applied in real life, and how empowering and enabling the actual working staff members, and engaging with them in a considerate way before, during and even after the change process, can help to make them resilient enough to cope with the change, rather than leaving them burned out or disengaged and no longer a well-functioning member of the institution. This thesis shows how considerately managed large-scale organisational change can result in positive outcomes for both the organisation and the individuals who work in it.
Purpose To examine the implementation of quality management systems (QMSs) of Grade 7 (G-7) Indonesian construction companies. This includes the initial motives that have driven the development of QMSs, barriers to effective QMS implementation, the current practice and integration of QMS-ISO 9001 principles and elements, and the performance of contractors implementing such QMSs. Design/methodology/approach A survey was conducted involving 403 respondents (Quality Management Representatives, Managers, and Project and Site Engineers) from 77 G-7 as well as ISO 9001 certified Indonesian construction companies. Findings The main motive for G-7 contractors in establishing and implementing ISO 9001 based QMSs are identified as being to effectively and efficiently control project activities. Respondents apparently do not often experience problems related to QMS implementation. However, issues of management attitude and purpose are identified as barriers that may affect effective QMS implementation. The study highlights the ISO 9001 principles and elements that still require to be more critically applied by G-7 contractors in order to fully implement and improve their current QMS effectiveness. The findings also suggest that, although certified, many G-7 contractors have not yet achieved a satisfactory level of performance to be truly competitive in global markets outside Indonesia. Originality/value To date, only limited research has been conducted into the application of ISO 9001 in the Indonesian construction industry. The research findings reinforced the value of pursuing more effective QMS implementation. They also support current attempts to introduce ISO 9001 QMSs to a much wider base of Indonesian construction companies, particularly small and medium sized contractors and builders.
Wetlands are the most productive ecosystems, recognized globally for its vital role in sustaining a wide array of biodiversity and provide goods and services. However despite their important role in maintaining the ecology and economy, wetlands in India are endangered by inattention and lack of appreciation for their role. Increased anthropogenic activities such as intense agriculture practices, indiscriminate disposal of industrial effluents and sewage wastes have altered the physical, chemical as well as biological integrity of the ecosystem. This has resulted in the ecological degradation, which is evident from the current ecosystem valuation of Varthur wetland. Global valuation of coastal wetland ecosystem shows a total of 14,785/ha US$ annual economic value. An earlier study of relatively pristine wetland in Bangalore shows the value of Rs. 10,435/ha/day while the polluted wetland shows the value of Rs.20/ha/day. In contrast to this, Varthur, a sewage fed wetland has a value of Rs.118.9/ha/day. The pollutants and subsequent contamination of the wetland has telling effects such as disappearance of native species, dominance of invasive exotic species (such as African catfish), in addition to profuse breeding of disease vectors and pathogens. Water quality analysis revealed of high phosphates (4.22-5.76 ppm) level in addition to the enhanced BOD (119-140 ppm) and decreased DO (0-1.06 ppm). The amplified decline of ecosystem goods and services with degradation of water quality necessitates the implementation of sustainable management strategies to recover the lost wetland benefits.
Wetlands are the most productive ecosystems, recognized globally for its vital role in sustaining a wide array of biodiversity and provide goods and services. However despite their important role in maintaining the ecology and economy, wetlands in India are endangered by inattention and lack of appreciation for their role. Increased anthropogenic activities such as intense agriculture practices, indiscriminate disposal of industrial effluents and sewage wastes have altered the physical, chemical as well as biological integrity of the ecosystem. This has resulted in the ecological degradation, which is evident from the current ecosystem valuation of Varthur wetland. Global valuation of coastal wetland ecosystem shows a total of 14,785/ha US$ annual economic value. An earlier study of relatively pristine wetland in Bangalore shows the value of Rs. 10,435/ha/day while the polluted wetland shows the value of Rs.20/ha/day. In contrast to this, Varthur, a sewage fed wetland has a value of Rs.118.9/ha/day. The pollutants and subsequent contamination of the wetland has telling effects such as disappearance of native species, dominance of invasive exotic species (such as African catfish), in addition to profuse breeding of disease vectors and pathogens. Water quality analysis revealed of high phosphates (4.22-5.76 ppm) level in addition to the enhanced BOD (119-140 ppm) and decreased DO (0-1.06 ppm). The amplified decline of ecosystem goods and services with degradation of water quality necessitates the implementation of sustainable management strategies to recover the lost wetland benefits.
Background: Studies of the adverse neurobehavioral effects of maternal alcohol consumption on the fetus have been largely confined to the postnatal period, after exposure to alcohol has finished. This study explored the brain function of the fetus, at the time of exposure to alcohol, to examine its effect on information processing and stability of performance. Methods: Five groups of fetuses, defined by maternal alcohol consumption patterns, were examined: control (no alcohol); moderate (5 to 10 units/wk either drunk evenly across the week or as a binge, in 2 to 3 days); heavy (20+ units/wk drunk evenly or as a binge). Fetal habituation performance was examined on 3 occasions, separated by 7 days, beginning at 35 weeks of gestation. The number of trials required to habituate on each test session and the difference in performance across test sessions were recorded. Results: Fetuses exposed to heavy binge drinking required significantly more trials to habituate and exhibited a greater variability in performance across all test sessions than the other groups. Maternal drinking, either heavily but evenly or moderately as a binge, resulted in poorer habituation, and moderate binge drinking resulted in greater variability compared with no, or even, drinking. Conclusions: Decreased information processing, reflected by poorer habituation, and increased variability in performance may reflect the initial manifestations of structural damage caused by alcohol to the brain. These results will lead to a greater understanding of the effects of alcohol on the fetus's brain, enable the antenatal identification of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, and lead to the early implementation of better management strategies. © 2012 by the Research Society on Alcoholism.
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Tese dout., Doctor of Philisophy, Sheffield Hallam University, 2001
Abstract: The growing proliferation of management systems standards (MSSs), and their individualized implementation, is a real problem faced by organizations. On the other hand, MSSs are aimed at improving efficiency and effectiveness of organizational responses in order to satisfy the requirements, needs and expectations of the stakeholders. Each organization has its own identity and this is an issue that cannot be neglected; hence, two possible approaches can be attended. First, continue with the implementation of individualized management systems (MSs); or, integrate the several MSSs versus related MSs into an integrated management system (IMS). Therefore, in this context, organizations are faced with a dilemma, as a result of the increasing proliferation and diversity of MSSs. This paper takes into account the knowledge gained through a case study conducted in the context of a Portuguese company and unveils some of the advantages and disadvantages of integration. A methodology is also proposed and presented to support organizations in developing and structuring the integration process of their individualized MSs, and consequently minimize problems that are generators of inefficiencies, value destruction and loss of competitiveness. The obtained results provide relevant information that can support Top Management decision in solving that dilemma and consequently promote a successful integration, including a better control of business risks associated to MSSs requirements and enhancing sustainable performance, considering the context in which organizations operate.
Maximizing the contribution of endemic natural enemies to integrated pest management (IPM) programs requires a detailed knowledge of their interactions with the target pest. This experimental field study evaluated the impact of the endemic natural enemy complex of Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Yponomeutidae) on pest populations in commercial cabbage crops in southeastern Queensland, Australia. Management data were used to score pest management practices at experimental sites on independent Brassica farms practicing a range of pest management strategies, and mechanical methods of natural enemy exclusion were used to assess the impact of natural enemies on introduced cohorts of P. xylostella at each site. Natural enemy impact was greatest at sites adopting IPM and least at sites practicing conventional pest management strategies. At IPM sites, the contribution of natural enemies to P. xylostella mortality permitted the cultivation of marketable crops with no yield loss but with a substantial reduction in insecticide inputs. Three species of larval parasitoids (Diadegma semiclausum Hellen [Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae], Apanteles ippeus Nixon [Hymenoptera: Braconidae], and Oomyzus sokolowskii Kurdjumov [Hymenoptera: Eulophidae]) and one species of pupal parasitoid Diadromus collaris Gravenhorst (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) attacked immature P. xylostella. The most abundant groups of predatory arthropods caught in pitfall traps were Araneae (Lycosidae) > Coleoptera (Carabidae, Coccinelidae, Staphylinidae) > Neuroptera (Chrysopidae) > Formicidae, whereas on crop foliage Araneae (Clubionidae, Oxyopidae) > Coleoptera (Coccinelidae) > Neuroptera (Chrysopidae) were most common. The abundance and diversity of natural enemies was greatest at sites that adopted IPM, correlating greater P. xylostella mortality at these sites. The efficacy of the natural enemy complex to pest mortality under different pest management regimes and appropriate strategies to optimize this important natural resource are discussed.
The aim of this research is to investigate how risk management in a healthcare organisation can be supported by knowledge management. The subject of research is the development and management of existing logs called "risk registers", through specific risk management processes employed in a N.H.S. (Foundation) Trust in England, in the U.K. Existing literature on organisational risk management stresses the importance of knowledge for the effective implementation of risk management programmes, claiming that knowledge used to perceive risk is biased by the beliefs of individuals and groups involved in risk management and therefore is considered incomplete. Further, literature on organisational knowledge management presents several definitions and categorisations of knowledge and approaches for knowledge manipulation in the organisational context as a whole. However, there is no specific approach regarding "how to deal" with knowledge in the course of organisational risk management. The research is based on a single case study, on a N.H.S. (Foundation) Trust, is influenced by principles of interpretivism and the frame of mind of Soft Systems Methodology (S.S.M.) to investigate the management of risk registers, from the viewpoint of people involved in the situation. Data revealed that knowledge about risks and about the existing risk management policy and procedures is situated in several locations in the Trust and is neither consolidated nor present where and when required. This study proposes a framework that identifies required knowledge for each of the risk management processes and outlines methods for conversion of this knowledge, based on the SECI knowledge conversion model, and activities to facilitate knowledge conversion so that knowledge is effectively used for the development of risk registers and the monitoring of risks throughout the whole Trust under study. This study has theoretical impact in the management science literature as it addresses the issue of incomplete knowledge raised in the risk management literature using concepts of the knowledge management literature, such as the knowledge conversion model. In essence, the combination of required risk and risk management related knowledge with the required type of communication for risk management creates the proposed methods for the support of each risk management process for the risk registers. Further, the indication of the importance of knowledge in risk management and the presentation of a framework that consolidates knowledge required for the risk management processes and proposes way(s) for the communication of this knowledge within a healthcare organisation have practical impact in the management of healthcare organisations.
In the year 2000, approximately 1.1 billion people lived in extreme poverty while developed countries spent US$600 billion a year on defense. The Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Initiative is a recent component of a larger poverty reduction strategy supported by the International Financial Institutions, as well as many developed and developing countries. By implementing lessons of the past fifty years, this program attempts to diminish misery around the globe. As such, it provides debt relief while seeking to enable the poorest countries to simultaneously attain sustainable debt and promote human development. Interest in poverty reduction around the globe reemerged in the 1990s. This study contributes directly to this recent effort by presenting a nuanced approach that builds on the stepping-stones generated by other poverty scholars. To fulfill its goal, this investigation applies a political economy framework. Within this framework, the author conducts an actor-specific analysis. This dissertation addresses the following question: How do domestic and international actors respond to the implementation of poverty alleviation strategies? The author assumes actors desire to maximize their utility calculation and suggests these calculations are based on the player's motivations and external influences. Based on their motivations, the external influences, and the initiative's guidelines, each actor develops a set of expectations. To fulfill those expectations, stake holders utilize one or several strategies. Finally, the actors' ability to achieve their expectations determines each player's assessment of the initiative. The framework described is applied in an in-depth, actor-specific analysis of the HIPC in Bolivia. Bolivia's National Revolution represents the country's first attempt at reducing poverty. Since then, all governments have taken specific steps to combat poverty at the local and national levels. The Initiative for Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) is one of the most recent macro strategies of this kind. The case study demonstrated that three factors (national ownership, effective sponsorship and the local context) determine the success levels of poverty reduction strategies from abroad. In addition, the investigation clearly shows that poverty reduction is not the sole motivation in the implementation of poverty alleviation strategies. All actors, however, share the dream of poverty reduction.