908 resultados para imaginary and school


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Objectives: The objectives of this study were to compare behaviour problems and competencies, at home and school, in 7-year-old children with congenital heart disease with a sibling control group, to examine the prospective determinants of outcome from infancy, and to explore whether any gains were maintained in our sub-group of children who had participated in a previous trial of psychological interventions in infancy.
Methods: A total of 40 children who had undergone surgery to correct or palliate a significant congenital heart defect in infancy were compared (Child Behavior Checklist) with a nearest-age sibling control group (18 participants). Comparisons were made between sub-groups of children and families who had and had not participated in an early intervention trial.
Results: Problems with attention, thought and social problems, and limitations in activity and school competencies, were found in comparison with siblings. Teacher reports were consistent with parents, although problems were of a lower magnitude. Disease, surgical, and neurodevelopmental functioning in infancy were related to competence outcomes but not behaviour problems. The latter were mediated by family and maternal mental health profiles from infancy. Limited, but encouraging, gains were maintained in the sub-group that had participated in the early intervention programme.
Conclusions: The present study is strengthened by its longitudinal design, use of teacher informants, and sibling control group. The patterns of problems and limitations discerned, and differential determinants thereof, have clear implications for interventions. We consider these in the light of our previously reported intervention trial with this sample and current outcomes at the 7-year follow-up.


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Introduction: bronchial asthma is a chronic disease that affects a high percentage of adolescents, with a significant restriction of daily activities, and is a cause of school absenteeism. The relationships between adolescents and asthma disease in school were assessed, with a view to improving knowledge about the asthmatic adolescent. Methods: a survey was conducted in the Lisbon metropolitan area, covering urban (Lisbon) and rural (Lourinh˜a ) zones and including 1879 students and 81 teachers from the 7th to 9th high school years. The study groups were asthmatic students, their peers, and teachers. A self-administered questionnaire was applied to collect information. The results were compared with a reference group of 91 asthmatic students attending our Department of Immunoallergy-Hospital Dona Estefânia. Cotinine urinary measurements were made in a sample of asthmatics and a control group. Results: the prevalence of current asthma among students was 10%. Estimates of asthma annual burden among 7th to 9th year students from Lisbon and Lourinh˜a high schools included 4,307 days missed from school, 4,148 medical consultations and a minimum of 351 hospital emergency care and 80 hospital admissions. Exposure to passive smoking was not significantly different between asthmatic students and theirs peers. Cotinine urinary measurements did not discriminate between exposed and non-exposed individuals. Cigarette smoking was almost as common among adolescent asthmatics (5.4%) as it was in non-asthmatic subjects (6.7%). However, 55% of asthmatics mentioned active and passive smoking as an asthma exacerbating factor. Asthmatic students, theirs peers and teachers showed a deficient knowledge about asthma (mean group scores: 17.6; 14.2 and 17.7 of a possible 30), particularly in the areas related to asthma recognition and its management. Asthmatics attending our Allergy Department had the highest scores. All groups showed tolerance in the sense of a positive and understanding attitude toward a person with asthma. However, traditional beliefs about asthma disease (dependence, inferiority...) were confirmed. A positive correlation between knowledge levels and tolerance attitudes was found. Conclusion: in view of the dimension of the asthma problem in adolescence and its social and economic impact, it is justifiable to assess the need for the implementation of asthma education programs in schools in order to improve asthma management by the adolescents and their schools.


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The following study was a secondary analysis of data drawn from adolescents in South Western Ontario. The purpose of the study was to: examine the relationships among substance use and school outcomes, explore the relationships between gender and school outcomes, examine the moderating potential of gender on the substance useschool outcomes relationship, and to provide researchers and educators further knowledge of adolescent substance use behaviours. Many previous studies have failed to include the three most common substances used by adolescents (i.e., alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana). Furthermore, many studies have included only one school outcome instead of comparing several outcome variables. Moderated hierarchical regression was used to determine if gender moderated the substance use-school outcomes relationships. The dependent variables consisted of alcohol use, binge drinking, tobacco use, and marijuana use. Five measure of school outcomes were used as independent variables, including Grade Point Average, Positive School-role Behaviour, Negative School Behaviour, School Withdrawal, and School Misbehaviour. The results for this study indicated that substance use and gender were both predictors of all school outcome variables. Furthermore, gender was found to moderate 5 of the 25 substance use-school outcome relationships.


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Ce mémoire propose d’étudier l’articulation entre l’identité ethnique (à l’adolescence) et l’ambition scolaire – ici définie comme l’ensemble des motivations, des moyens de persévérance et du niveau scolaire – notamment à travers les concepts d’assimilation et de la résistance culturelle (McAndrew 2008). Nous nous intéressons aux jeunes issus de l’immigration latino-américaine à Montréal. Il s’agit d’une analyse qualitative, plus précisément d’analyse de discours qui nous a permis de comprendre comment leurs expériences et leurs représentations des Latinos et des Québécois influencent leur identification ethnique ainsi que leurs perceptions et décisions en milieu scolaire. Les résultats de cette étude démontrent que l’identification ethnique, en corrélation avec le statut socio-économique et le genre, semble être liée à l’ambition scolaire. Malgré une certaine confirmation de la relation classique entre statut socio-économique et niveau de scolarité, les discours des participants ont permis de faire ressortir une particularité ethnique susceptible de contribuer à expliquer le choix de continuer aux études supérieures. Cet impact est plus important chez les jeunes femmes de notre échantillon; celles avec le niveau de scolarité le moins élevé, ont un statut socio-économique moindre et s’identifient davantage à la culture latino, en contraste avec celles les plus éduquées ayant aussi un statut socio-économique supérieur et qui s’identifiaient davantage à la culture québécoise.


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Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n. Resumen tambi??n en ingl??s


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This thesis explores the correlation between school factors and the differentiated results on sexual behaviour between boys and girls in Bogota. A school stratified propensity score matching was performed to match each boy of the sample with the most similar girls in individual, household and school characteristics. A regression analysis was performed to estimate the correlation between the five school factors evaluated with four main outcomes: have had sexual intercourse, condom use in the last sexual intercourse, incidence of teenage childbearing and age at first intercourse. Boys - in relation to girls - begin earlier their sexual life, more of them reported have used condom in their last sexual intercourse and have a lower incidence of teenage childbearing. These differences are correlated with have reported the school as main source of knowledge about reproductive health and contraceptive methods, a larger proportion of teachers with a graduate or postgraduate degree, a larger proportion of teachers with a related pedagogy degree and to the average age of teachers in the school. The results suggest that the content of the message about sex that is delivered to girls at school is not complete or accurate and that the competences of the school teachers in charge of this task should be improved to reach equally boys and girls.


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This paper makes use of a short, sharp, unexpected health shock in the form of the 2010 Colombian Dengue outbreak to examine the direct and indirect impact of negative health shocks on behaviour of households in affected areas. Our analysis combines data from several sources in order to obtain a comprehensive picture of the influence of the outbreak, and furthermore to understand the underlying mechanisms driving the effects. Our initial analysis indicates that the outbreak had a substantial negative effect on the health status of adults and adversely affected their ability to function as usual in their daily lives. In our aggregated school data, in areas with high levels of haemorrhagic Dengue we observe a reduction innational exam attendance (last year of secondary school) and on enrolment rates in primary education. Further analysis aims to exploit detailed individual level data to gain a more in depth understanding of the precise channels through which this disease influenced the behaviour and outcomes of the poor in Colombia.


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This paper explores the correlation between school factors and the differentiated results on sexual behavior between boys and girls in Bogota. A school stratified propensity score matching was per-formed to match each boy of the sample with the most similar girls in individual, household and school characteristics. A regression analysis was performed to estimate the correlation between school factors and the main outcomes, namely sexual status, condom use in last intercourse, teenage childbearing and age at first intercourse. Boys - in relation to girls - begin earlier their sexual life, report larger use of condom and lower incidence of teenage childbearing. These differences are correlated with sex education at school, and teacher’s characteristics age, education level and pedagogy degree. The results suggest that the content of sex education that is delivered to girls at school is not complete or accurate and that teachers play a key role to reduce this gender bias


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En este recurso se presentan nuevas formas de aprendizaje de las matemáticas. Vincula el hogar y la escuela a través de una serie de actividades que se pueden utilizar para compartir conocimientos entre niños, padres y profesores. Los maestros y niños hacer videos para mostrar a los padres cómo los pequeños aprenden matemáticas; los padres y los niños toman fotos de las matemáticas que utilizan de una manera cotidiana. Padres y profesores intercambiar información a través de carpetas, la escuela y los diarios. Se presta especial atención a la forma de trabajar con los padres con distintos orígenes familiares, que refleja la naturaleza multiétnica de muchas escuelas de hoy.


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Resumen tomado de la publicación. Con el apoyo económico del departamento MIDE de la UNED