844 resultados para history education
Entrevista a Josefina Matamoros que ha participat en la presentació del Màster en Gestió del Patrimoni Cultural de la UdG. Dirigeix el Museu d'Art Modern de Ceret. El 1978 va ser una de les impulsores del Centre de Documentació i Animació de la Cultura Catalana de la Vila de Perpinyà (Cedacc). El 1999 va rebre la Creu de Sant Jordi
This paper presents a theoretical analysis of the concept of historical consciousness. It argues that a focus on the epistemological problems of the concept can be a way of constructing a theory of the concept that both incorporates the diverse perspectives that exist in research about the concept and specifies how a historical consciousness can be developed in an individual.
Images are used in history education for a variety of reasons, not least to generate interest through a better understanding of historical events and people. The aim of this study was to investigate how historical pictures, either illustrated or documentary/photographic, can be used as a resource for activating and improving pupils' historical empathy, in the way described by Stéphane Lévasque. I conducted a reception study on five different focus groups consisting of pupils from different upper secondary schools in Sweden. The pupils varied with regard to number of credits for admission to upper secondary school. A sixth group of pupils was interviewed as a contrasting control group in order to add perspective to the results. The discussions were based on the pupils' interpretations of 34 selected pictures, all of which were taken from the most common history textbooks. Each pupil was asked to choose the picture he/she felt was the most representative historical image. On the basis of the strategies used by the pupils when interpreting the pictures and discussing them, the material was analysed in accordance with Lévesque's categories: imagination, historical contextualisation and morals. The last category, morals, was further divided into three sub-categories: sense of justice, sympathy and progression. The reflections of the pupils and the degree of contextualisation varied. It appeared that the pupils were less inclined to discuss assumptions about the persons in the pictures; instead they chose to discuss the historical context in question. The pictures in this study did not seem to trigger the pupils to fabricate anachronistic reasoning about history; when they did produce lengthy reasoning, it was contextual, structural and metahistorical. In this context, the pupils who belonged to the group with the highest average of credits showed some signs of reflection on the basis of historical context and some criticism about the historical sources. On no occasion did any of the pupils choose a picture as a concrete expression of injustice. One of the questions this study aimed to explore was whether a lack of historical context affects how pictures trigger emotions and reasoning on the basis of moral aspects. Some of the pupils displayed moral standpoints, primarily the degree of morals concerning injustice. One possible interpretation could be that the feeling of being unfairly treated and subjected to insulting behaviour and social injustice was something the pupils could relate to. The group of pupils who had not yet studied history at upper secondary school, the control group, generally made reflections using this sort of reasoning when they discussed the historical aspects of the pictures.
The purpose of this thesis is to study the literacy formed when a class blog is used as a tool for students studying history and explore how this particular literacy is used to generate historical knowledge. The study was conducted during the course of a project in which ninth-grade students contributed entries to a common blog in the form of a diary written by individuals who experienced the Second World War. Its three major objectives were to study the students' perception of the blog in relation to their gender and level of historical knowledge; how they and their teacher esta-blished and used the formed literacy; and how the students related to this in the production of historical knowledge. In analyzing the results, a concept of literacy was used based on seven writing practices all linked to the new medium and history education. The study was based on a questionnaire, interviews and various student texts. In order to perform a content analysis on the study results a theoretical framework for historical conscious-ness was included. The results show that in using the writing practices a literacy characterized by colla-borative authorship was formed. The study concludes that this affects both what and how the students learn. Together they show each other that history is comprised of many small stories, not necessarily strictly coherent with the general history as told by their textbooks. Examining the students’ blog entries made a new learning process visible that enabled the enhancement of their historical consciousness.
Projektet syftar till att belysa den Munktellska salongen i Falun som en landsortsvariant av det tidiga 1800-talets svenska salongskultur i relation till internationella, främst tyska förebilder. Det mer specifika syftet är att fördjupa förståelsen av salongskulturens pedagogiska arv och dess förankring i tidens bildningsdiskussion och hur det i sin tur har påverkat senare utbildningssträvanden och skoluppbyggnad (Wilhelmy1989). Kan salongen ses som en möjlig utgångspunkt för att utforska pedagogiken under tidigare historiska epoker? Kan man tala om salongens pedagogik? och ägde salongskulturen pedagogiska kvaliteter som gick förlorade under det formella utbildningssystemets uppbyggnad? Det är frågor jag ställer mig inom ramen för detta forskningsprojekt. Ett centralt begrepp är immanent pedagogik, dvs. individens inneboende möjligheter till självförverkligande i en given social kontext (Ödman 1995). Projektet utgår tysk bildningsteori med relevans för det romantiska nyhumanistiska bildningsidealet. I förhållande till det tyska bildningsarvet uppmärksammas även den svenska bildningstraditionen från 1800-talets början (Burman & Sundgren 2010). Särskilt intresse riktas mot Uppsala universitet där spänningen mellan klassiskt arv och bildningsnytta ställs på sin spets under samma tidsperiod som salongerna blomstrar (Gustavsson 1996; Lindqvist 1976). Tidigare forskning vilar främst på internationell och Nordisk forskning där Petra Wilhelmy och Anne Scott Sørensen har en central position. Genom Eva Öhrström skapas också ett viktigt vetenskapligt underlag för den specifikt musikaliska salongen och dess betingelser. Den Munktellska salongen är placerad i en historiskt intressant miljö. Falun rankades under stormaktstiden som rikets andra stad och bidrog till uppbyggnaden av Sveriges statskick (Hildebrand 1946). Väsentligt för studien är att Stora Kopparberget utgör ett paradigm i Svensk industrihistoria vars mentalitet anses ha haft betydelse för pedagogikens inriktning i Sverige (Ödman 1995:485). Den pedagogiska debatten under 1800-talets första decennier får stora konsekvenser för utbildningsreformationen i Sverige och placerar Falusalongen i en intressant position för epokens pedagogiska förändringsarbete. Brukspatronen Johan Henrik Munktell (1804-1861) visar sig dessutom stå i förbindelse med ett unikt musikhistorisk arv som etablerades under hans bildningsresor på kontinenten under 1820-talet. Av särskilt intresse är Henrik Munktells besök i den Mendelssohnska salongen. Mendelssohns i Berlin var en av Europas viktigaste salonger och en förebild för den musikaliska salongen i Europa (Öhrström 1998, 2007). Projektet består av tre delstudier där den första upptar Johan Henrik Munktells bildningsresor under det tidiga 1800-talet. Projektets andra del undersöker hur salongen i Grycksbo formades och de förbindelser mellan Norden och Europa som salongerna skapade. Projektets tredje del riktas mot salongens didaktiska funktioner och den utbildning som döttrarna Emma och Helena Munktell fick via salongen. Genom att satsa på sina yrkeskarriärer bröt Emma och Helena Munktell mot samtidens konventioner och ideal. De avvek samtidigt mot den kanon och de genuskoder som historiskt format salongsmusicerandet. Med inspiration av begreppet immanent pedagogik prövar jag det lärande som sker i salongen i termer av ljusets och dunklets pedagogik. Begreppsparet kan knytas till bildningsdiskursen och det narrativa minnet av Berlins judiska salonger. Metoden baseras på Paul Ricoeurs hermeneutik och bygger på att de narrativa momenten kvalificeras genom tre tolkningsnivåer som tillsammans avser att ge det historiska materialet en nybeskrivning eller redéscription (Liljas 2007; Ricoeur 1984). Genom Falusalongerna kan den nordiska salongsforskningen breddas. I kopplingen till Falu gruvas internationellt kända historia finns upplysningar om salongen som i den tidigare salongsforskningen inte varit kända. Genom projektet redogörs för betingelser som bidrar till att förändra det utbildningshistoriska landskapet. Den musikaliska salongen kan med sin privat organiserade struktur ses som en möjlig utgångspunkt för att utforska pedagogiken under tidigare historiska epoker. Salongerna kan förväntas berika det utbildningshistoriska perspektivet och bidra till en djupare förståelse även av dagens skola och högre utbildning.
This paper, Society, woman and education in Graciliano Ramos' novels, is a study object from the history of woman's education in the 1930 s, it is shown as a reading of woman's representation and the configuration of the Brazilian society in that period. São Bernardo, Angustia and Vidas Secas written by Graciliano Ramos (1892-1953) from Alagoas, are used here as sources associated with the reading of the Constitutions, of the Civil Code and of some presidential messages of that decade, also with the texts produced by other scholars that present some relationship within the thematic of this approach. The representation concepts and the configuration are essential for the production of this text. I run over to the configuration concept given by Chartier (1988, p.21) a definition to representation that can be understood as a relationship between a present image and an absent object that having the value of this because it is hamonized with it. I fall back upon the configuration concept given by Elias (1969) that understands it as been a social group performed by an interdependent network that occurs within individuals as a whole joined by any reason. The totality of each individual actions with each other, permeated by tension points and balance, is what characterizes each configuration; it can be a teachers and students meeting in a classroom or a friends' encounter in the bar table, for instance. The attempt of understanding woman's representation, being educated or not, the hole attributed to her in society according to her instruction degree and the way that same society saw this woman guided me through categories that were defined throughout the successive readings: gender, civil status, education, language domain, sexuality, marriage, family, ideal woman. I accomplish this reading that was possible to do - with the pretension of not having lost the relationship between history and literature nor forgotten each one peculiarities
This project goes beyond the interfacial field of cinema, History and education. We take as our object the epistemological potential of the cinema at the educational scenario, specifically the use of films integrated to the practices of History teachers and educative processes in which we have taken part as a builder. Our objective is to map, initially, the knowledge around this use to search a synthesis and its empirical application. From the methodological point of view, we have made use of different perspectives: (a) interviews with the educator subjects; (b) observation of their practices and formative circumstances; (c) filmic analysis and the relation of the cinema s epistemology with the other areas ones (initially History and further Journalism). Our analysis allowed us to portrait the film such as an epistemological-troubling category, what makes the cinema rather a builder technology and not simply a complementary and illustrative technological resource. Therefore, we have realized that the restriction to the cinema s educational function is linked to the restrictions to the theoretical categories to an only interfacial aspect: historical film as a film which portraits the past (at the historical field) and film on journalism as a film which approaches a single object of Journalism (at the journalistic field). These discussions happen, consequently, at the arena of the nature of cinema s genres (fiction and documentary), which are understood in a naïve way, simpler than its epistemological possibilities, boosted at this research when we analyze the confluence between fiction and reality. The reflections on educative practices and in formation related to the cinema had occurred in three empirical realities: research with professors in performance, practices docent s and accompaniment of students of history. Have to do with our personal career as a teacher and researcher and, when analyzed other practices, have become, unavoidably, the subject and object of this project
This study focuses on the central Brazilian historiography of science, focusing specifically on the life and work of a contemporaneous mathematician-physicist, and becomes part of the set of research results that investigate, organize and describe personal, intellectual and professional itineraries of Brazilian scientists and educators. The theme chosen for the study ran from seminars on Mathematics in Pará and is up to organize and describe the life history, education, professional experience and scientific production of William Mauricio Souza Marcos de La Penha (Guilherme de La Penha), considering their academic, professional and intellectual life history, so that their academic and intellectual production be spread over the Brazilian scientific and academic community. We adopted the historical research as theoretical and methodological base for the development of this study, rising arguments about the profile of Guilherme de La Penha to characterize him as a multiskill intellectual and to reveal that his thoughts about science, technology, training scientists and educators were in accordance with their writings and their professional practice in order to build a first story about the life and work of William de La Penha. In this sense, we took the theoretical aspects related to historical research, biographies, intellectual itineraries, files and inventories as sources and historical construction vehicles in order to point out the essential elements to form a profile of the transdisciplinary intellectual historians, ie a profile scientist who carries out the research, management and administration, as well as a committed educator to the on-going training and forming process. The results pointed in different directions, among which we highlight the creation of Seção Guilherme de La Penha at Universidade da Amazonia, producing several articles about the life and work of William de La Penha presented at national and international conferences and the proposal for documentary displays which could contribute to understanding the implementation of a scientific area in Pará State, an area that would not only be restricted to the production of knowledge, but more than that, it would include the spreading, which provides various means, primarily through education. Thus it was possible to ensure that La Penha has an intellectual profile that can be considered a multi-and transdisciplinary intellectual who defends the possibility of forming a scientist one and multiple, non-linear attitudes and dialogues with all other areas in order to be understood under a model scientist for the twenty-first century based on the model clearly inspired by the scientist authors with which he identified throughout their training and professional activities, like the three that stood out in their relationship science: Archimedes, Leonhard Euler and Cliford Ambrose Truesdell
This Researchis about history education and is directed toward the understanding of teacher practices in schools of the basic education in Ceará-Mirim, a city located in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. Its purpose is to understand the approaching forms of local history in 5ª to 8ª grade classrooms in the light of the recent innovations in the fields of the historiografy and education. The study was done with a view of investigating local history is being taught by teachers, as well as reflecting on the necessary conditions to the accomplishment of a teaching whose know how to make possible to break, on the one hand, with the limits of the narrow `local view`, and, on the other hand, with the globalized view, negating the local particularitities and especifications. Such questions had emerged as the understanding of what local history contents can constitute in a significant component in the production of school historical knowledge in 5ª to 8ª grade classrooms. History education is analyzed, considering the depositions of three teachers of Ceará-Mirim in reagard to its historiography conceptions and history as a school subject. This inquiry is of a qualitative nature and had as a main strategy of data construction from the interviews with the teachers. The analysis indicates the permanence of teacher practices who, even though presenting innovations, bring an implicit value hierarchy where the place or thematic places are not contemplated in the school contents or appear overwhelmed by general history and the Brazilian history, configuring itself as a hierarchical relation to problematic historical ones. Thus the necessity of having historical school knowledge, that considers the local especifications, without, however, ignoring the articulations with other spatial dimensions
O estudo focaliza a análise da Identidade Cultural das Populações do Campo e sua relação com o Currículo do Curso de Pedagogia do Campus Universitário do Baixo Tocantins da Universidade Federal do Pará, partindo da análise do seu Projeto Político-Pedagógico, dos planos de curso das disciplinas que fazem parte do Núcleo Básico do desenho curricular do Curso: História Geral da Educação, História da Educação do Brasil e da Amazônia, Teoria do Currículo e Prática Pedagógica e das Diretrizes Operacionais para a Educação Básica nas Escolas do Campo. O objetivo principal desse estudo foi investigar como o Currículo do Curso de Pedagogia do CUBT/UFPA estabelece relações com a Identidade Cultural das Populações do Campo. A metodologia utilizada privilegiou a pesquisa de enfoque qualitativo, com ênfase a análise documental e entrevistas semi estruturada. O estudo demonstrou que o Curso de Pedagogia em sua trajetória no Brasil desde 1939, tem sido marcado por discussões em torno de sua especificidade, e que seu currículo vem ligado a uma política que hoje toma como base a docência. O Curso de Pedagogia do CUBT/UFPA, traz em seu Projeto Político-Pedagógico a dinâmica organizada de acordo com a estrutura do Curso de Pedagogia do Campus do Guamá/UFPA, priorizando em seu contexto a realidade urbana, pois como delineia o desenho curricular do curso, quando em sua organização, garante a discussão da educação rural apenas em seu Núcleo Eletivo. O Campus Universitário do Baixo Tocantins, localizado no município de Abaetetuba-Pa vivencia em sua realidade o cotidiano das populações do campo, não podendo se ver separado de tal especificidade. Para tanto, o Curso de Pedagogia necessita de um Projeto Político-Pedagógico voltado também para a identidade cultural dos povos do campo, não anulando o urbano, mas construindo espaços de valorização identitária. Há necessidade de considerar um currículo numa perspectiva dialética, configurador de práticas sociais e culturais sustentadas pela reflexão enquanto práxis, devendo não ser visto como um plano a cumprir, mas como um processo que se constrói entre o atuar e o refletir.
Based on the relationship between the concept of Historical Consciousness, as Jörn Rüsen and Reinhart Koselleck proposed, and the concept of Historical Explanation, proposed by Isabel Barca, the article presents an analytical course that allows you to check levels of explanation in historical narratives produced by students Brazilian and Portuguese from the interpretation of sources related to a historical fact: the transfer of the Portuguese royal family to Brazil (1808).
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR