969 resultados para high temperature bathing


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Motivated by a suggestion in our earlier work [G. Baskaran, Phys. Rev. B 65, 212505 (2002)], we study electron correlation driven superconductivity in doped graphene where on-site correlations are believed to be of intermediate strength. Using an extensive variational Monte Carlo study of the repulsive Hubbard model and a correlated ground state wave function, we show that doped graphene supports a superconducting ground state with a d+id pairing symmetry. We estimate superconductivity reaching room temperatures at an optimal doping of about 15%-20%. Our work suggests that correlations can stabilize superconductivity even in systems with intermediate coupling.


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Quantum chromodynamics (QCD) is the theory describing interaction between quarks and gluons. At low temperatures, quarks are confined forming hadrons, e.g. protons and neutrons. However, at extremely high temperatures the hadrons break apart and the matter transforms into plasma of individual quarks and gluons. In this theses the quark gluon plasma (QGP) phase of QCD is studied using lattice techniques in the framework of dimensionally reduced effective theories EQCD and MQCD. Two quantities are in particular interest: the pressure (or grand potential) and the quark number susceptibility. At high temperatures the pressure admits a generalised coupling constant expansion, where some coefficients are non-perturbative. We determine the first such contribution of order g^6 by performing lattice simulations in MQCD. This requires high precision lattice calculations, which we perform with different number of colors N_c to obtain N_c-dependence on the coefficient. The quark number susceptibility is studied by performing lattice simulations in EQCD. We measure both flavor singlet (diagonal) and non-singlet (off-diagonal) quark number susceptibilities. The finite chemical potential results are optained using analytic continuation. The diagonal susceptibility approaches the perturbative result above 20T_c$, but below that temperature we observe significant deviations. The results agree well with 4d lattice data down to temperatures 2T_c.


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Electronic transport in the high temperature paramagnetic regime of the colossal magnetoresistive oxides, La(1-x)A(x)MnO(3), A=Ca, Sr, Ba, x similar or equal to 0.1-0.3, has been investigated using resistivity measurements. The main motivation for this work is to relook into the actual magnitude of the activation energy for transport in a number of manganites and study its variation as a function of hole doping (x), average A-site cation radius (< r(A)>), cationic disorder (sigma(2)) and strain (epsilon(zz)). We show that contrary to current practice, the description of a single activation energy in this phase is not entirely accurate. Our results clearly reveal a strong dependence of the activation energy on the hole doping as well as disorder. Comparing the results across different substituent species with different < r(A)> reveals the importance of sigma(2) as a metric to qualify any analysis based on (r(A)). (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Effect of disorder on the electrical resistance near the superconducting transition temperature in the paracoherence region of high temperature YBa2CU3O7-delta (YBCO) thin film superconductor is reported. For this, c-axis oriented YBa2Cu3O7-delta thin films having superconducting transition width varying between 0.27 K and 6 K were deposited using laser ablation and high pressure oxygen sputtering techniques. Disorder in these films was further created by using 100 MeV oxygen and 200 MeV silver ions with varying fluences. It is observed that the critical exponent in the paracoherence region for films with high transition temperature and small transition width is in agreement with the theoretically predicted value (gamma = 1.33) and is not affected by disorder, while for films with lower transition temperature and larger transition width the value of exponent is much larger as compared to that theoretically predicted and it varies from sample to sample and usually changes with disorder induced by radiation. This difference in the behaviour of the exponent has been explained on the basis of differences in the strength of weak links and the transition between temperatures T. and T, is interpreted as a percolation like transition with disorder. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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High temperature load controlled fatigue, hot tensile and accelerated creep properties of thermal barrier coated (TBC) Superni C263 alloy used as a candidate material in combustor liner of aero engines are highlighted in this paper. Acoustic emission technique has been utilised to characterise the ductile-brittle transition teperature the bond coat. Results revealed that the DBTT (ductile to brittle transition temperature) of this bond coat is around 923 K, which is in close proximity to the value reported for CoCrAlY type of bond coat. Finite element technique, used for analysing the equivalent stresses in the bond coat well within the elastic limit, revealed the highest order of equivalent stress at 1073 K as the bond coat is ductile above 923 K. The endurance limit in fatigue and the life of TBC coated composite under accelerated creep conditions are substantially higher than those of the substrate material. Fractographic features at high stresses under fatigue showed intergranular cleavage whereas those at low stresses were transgranular and ductile in nature. Delamination of the bond coat and spallation of the TBC at high stresses during fatigue was evident. Unlike in the case of fatigue, the mode of fracture in the substrate at very high stresses was transgranular whereas that at low stresses was intergranular in creep.


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We applied our previous theory of high temperature superconductivity to Bi and Tl compounds in this paper. The theory involves the role of electron pairs in the spin singlet of species Xequal-or-greater, slanted (Bi3+ (6S2), Tl(6S2) etc.) and their virtual excited state X0 (Bi5+ (6s0), Tl3+ (6s0), etc.) in the pairing interaction of quasiholes. Bi and Tl species provide additional channels of kind (Xequal-or-greater, slanted left angle bracket X0) owing to the charge fluctuations. We treated the two states of these species like a two-level Bose system. We used the pseudospin formalism to calculate the expression for the critical temperature in this paper. We also calculated numerically the value of Tc for Bi and Tl compounds and found a good agreement between theory and experiment.


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High-temperature superconductivity constitutes the most sensational discovery of recent times. Since these new superconductors are complex metal oxides, chemistry has had a big role to play in the investigations. For the first time, stoichiometry, structure, bonding, and such chemical factors have formed central themes in superconductivity, an area traditionally dominated by physicists. These oxide superconductors have given a big boost to solid-state chemistry.


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The alloy, Ti-6Al-4V is an alpha + beta Ti alloy that has large prior beta grain size (similar to 2 mm) in the as cast state. Minor addition of B (about 0.1 wt.%) to it refines the grain size significantly as well as produces in-situ TiB needles. The role played by these microstructural modifications on high temperature deformation processing maps of B-modified Ti64 alloys is examined in this paper.Power dissipation efficiency and instability maps have been generated within the temperature range of 750-1000 degrees C and strain rate range of 10(-3)-10(+1) s(-1). Various deformation mechanisms, which operate in different temperature-strain rate regimes, were identified with the aid of the maps and complementary microstructural analysis of the deformed specimens. Results indicate four distinct deformation domains within the range of experimental conditions examined, with the combination of 900-1000 degrees C and 10(-3)-10(-2) s(-1) being the optimum for hot working. In that zone, dynamic globularization of alpha laths is the principle deformation mechanism. The marked reduction in the prior beta grain size, achieved with the addition of B, does not appear to alter this domain markedly. The other domains, with negative values of instability parameter, show undesirable microstructural features such as extensive kinking/bending of alpha laths and breaking of beta laths for Ti64-0.0B as well as generation of voids and cracks in the matrix and TiB needles in the B-modified alloys. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Electron microscopic investigations have been carried out on superconducting YBa2Cu3 O7−δ, NdBa2Cu3 O7−δ and related oxides. All these orthorhombic oxides exhibit twin domains. Based on high resolution electron microscopy, it is shown that there is no significant change in the structure across the twins. Oxides of the La2−x Sr x (Ba x )CuO4 system do not show twins, but exhibit other types of defects. Twins appear to be characteristic of only the orthorhombic 123 structures.


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Several oxides of the Bi m M n Cu p O x family (m=2, 3;n=2, 3, 4;p=1, 2, 3 and M=alkaline earth or Bi), possessing structures similar to the Aurivillius family of oxides, show highT c superconductivity.


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High-temperature superconductivity in oxides of the type(La, Ln)2?xBax(Sr)xCuO4, Y(Ln)Ba2Cu3O7??, La3?xBa3+xCu6O14, and related systems is discussed with emphasis on aspects related to experimental solid-state chemistry. All of these oxides possess perovskite-related structures. Oxygen-excess and La-deficient La2CuO4 also exhibit superconductivity in the 20�40 K just as La2?xBax(Srx)CuO4; these oxides are orthorhombic in the superconductivity phase. The crucial role of oxygen stoichiometry in the superconductivity ofYBa2Cu3O7?? (Tc = 95 ± 5K) is examined; this oxide remains orthorhombic up to ? ? 0.6 and becomes tetragonal and nonsuperconducting beyond this value of ?. Oxygen stoichiometry in this and related oxides has to be understood in terms of structure and disorder. The structure of La3?xBa3+xCu6O14 is related to that of YBa2Cu3O7, the orthorhombic structure manifesting itself when the population of O1 oxygens (along the Cusingle bondOsingle bondCu chains) is preponderant compared to that of O5 oxygens (along thea-axis); nearly equal populations of O1 and O5 sites give rise to the tetragonal structure. A transition from a high-Tc (95 K) superconductivity regime to a low-Tc (not, vert, similar60 K) regime occurs in YBa2Cu3O7?? accompanying a change in ?. There is no evidence for Cu3+ in these nominally mixed valent copper oxides. Instead, holes are present on oxygens giving rise to O? or O2?2 species, the concentration of these species increasing with the lowering of temperature. Certain interesting aspects of the superconducting oxides such as domain or twin boundaries, Raman spectra, microwave absorption, and anomalous high-temperature resistivity drops are presented along with the important material parameters. Preparative aspects of the superconducting oxides are briefly discussed. Phase transitions seem to occur atTc as well as at not, vert, similar240 K in YBa2Cu3O7.


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Starting with non-stoichiometric Zr-B4C powder mixture ZrB2-ZrC matrix composites with SiC particulate addition have been made. It was found that variable amounts (5-25 vol%) of SiC could be incorporated and reactively hot pressed (RHPed) to relative densities of 97-99% at 1400-1500 degrees C. This technique has the potential to fabricate ZrB2-based matrices at low temperatures with a variety of reinforcements whose composition and volume fraction are not limited by stoichiometric considerations. The hardness of the composites is in the range of 17-22 GPa. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We propose an excitonic mechanism for high temperature superconductivity in YBa2Cu3O7. We feel that in this material, nature has provided a very elegant system, closely simulated by the model proposed by Allender, Bray and Bardeen1 using Ginzburg's ideas.2 In this system the excitonic layer and the conduction electron layers are indeed atomic planes making contacts on atomic level, an ideal version of the situation envisaged by Allender et al. Further, since these layers are physically separated, the question of screening of charges is avoided.