905 resultados para glândula adrenal


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Prenatal exposure to stress and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) alter hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) stress reactivity in offspring, however, the effects of combined exposure to HPA activity in human infants is unknown.


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Background: Fluticasone propionate was introduced in 1993 in the UK as a potentially safer inhaled corticosteroid than those already in use. The efficacy and safety of fluticasone has been established at recommended doses of 200 µg/day, but not at the higher doses that are often used.

Methods: Growth retardation was observed in six severely asthmatic children after introduction of high-dose fluticasone propionate treatment (dry powder). Assessment of cortisol response was by insulin-induced hypoglycaemia in three cases, by short tetracosactrin test in two, and by low-dose tetracosactrin and 24-hour urinary cortisol/creatinine ratio in one.

Findings: Six children with growth retardation noted after treatment with high-dose fluticasone propionate were found to have adrenal suppression. In one case the growth rate and cortisol response returned to normal 9 months after the fluticasone dose was reduced to 500 µg/day.

Interpretation: When high doses of fluticasone propionate are used, growth may be retarded and adrenal suppression may occur.


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The paired adrenal (suprarenal) glands are flattened retroperitoneal endocrine glands closely applied to the medial aspect of the superior pole of each kidney. The internal structure of these pale yellow glands are incongruous in that the adrenal gland is composed of two discrete parts, namely an outer cortex enveloping a central medulla. The adrenal cortex and medulla contain distinct endocrine tissues that secrete different hormones and are regulated by separate control systems.


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A preferência cada vez mais acentuada, por parte dos consumidores, por produtos típicos e genuínos originários de regiões geográficas específicas, determina a procura crescente de leite de ovelha, principal matéria-prima usada no fabrico de queijos tradicionais em Portugal. Segundo o Reg. 853/CE de 2004, o leite de ovelha destinado a produtos fabricados com leite cru por processos que não incluam qualquer tratamento térmico, deve ter um valor de mesófilos viáveis inferior a 500 000 por mililitro. Relativamente à contagem de células somáticas, para este leite não foi estabelecido nenhum critério ao contrário do estipulado para o leite produzido por fêmeas bovinas. O objectivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a qualidade higiénica e sanitária do leite de ovelha obtido por alguns produtores e destinado ao fabrico de queijo de Évora e investigar a eventual existência de uma relação entre os dois parâmetros citados anteriormente. Foram analisadas 269 amostras de leite de conjunto, recolhidas semanalmente, provenientes de 8 explorações equipadas com ordenha mecânica, durante o período de um ano. A todas as amostras foi feito o Teste Californiano de Mastites (TCM) e a pesquisa de resíduos de antibióticos e os parâmetros analisados foram mesófilos viáveis (MV), células somáticas (CS) e pH. Para o TCM, a moda foi 2, numa escala de 1 a 3, e todas amostras apresentaram resultado negativo à pesquisa de inibidores microbianos. A média geométrica de CS foi de 1 459 173 células somáticas por mililitro e a de MV foi de 181 574 ufc/mL. O pH médio foi de 6,81  0,08. Os elevados valores de CS obtidos traduzem a existência de uma grande prevalência de infecção intra-mamária que reduz fortemente a produção de leite e altera a sua qualidade. Por outro lado, a maior parte das explorações apresentaram valores de MV que cumpriam os critérios em vigor, relativamente ao leite destinado ao fabrico dos produtos com leite cru e sem qualquer tratamento térmico. Não se observou a existência de qualquer relação entre os valores de MV e de CS. Podemos concluir que apesar de existir uma elevada prevalência de infecção intramamária nos rebanhos em estudo, as regras de higiene relativamente à obtenção de leite estarão, provavelmente, a ser respeitadas. Contudo, uma vez que a maior parte dos microrganismos causadores de infecção intramamária é veiculada pelo leite, podendo entrar na cadeia alimentar e constituir um eventual perigo para a saúde pública, parece importante referir que a contagem de CS não deve ser negligenciada, como critério de qualidade do leite de ovelha.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Biologia Marinha, Faculdade Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente, Universidade do Algarve, 2008


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Alpha-, beta- and gamma-melanocyte stimulating hormones (MSHs) are peptides derived from the ACTH precursor, pro-opiomelanocortin. All three peptides have been highly conserved throughout evolution but their exact biological function in mammals is still largely obscure. In recent years, there has been a surge of interest in alpha-MSH and its role in the regulation of feeding. Gamma-MSH by contrast has been shown to be involved in the regulation of adrenal steroidogenesis and also has effects on the cardiovascular and renal systems. This review will provide an overview of the role that gamma-MSH peptides play in the regulation of adrenal steroidogenesis. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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To further elucidate the role of proteases capable of cleaving N-terminal proopiomelanocortin (N-POMC)-derived peptides, we have cloned two cDNAs encoding isoforms of the airway trypsin-like protease (AT) from mouse (MAT) and rat ( RAT), respectively. The open reading frames comprise 417 amino acids (aa) and 279 aa. The mouse AT gene was located at chromosome 5E1 and contains 10 exons. The longer isoform, which we designated MAT1 and RAT1, has a simple type II transmembrane protein structure, consisting of a short cytoplasmic domain, a transmembrane domain, a SEA (63-kDa sea urchin sperm protein, enteropeptidase, agrin) module, and a serine protease domain. The human homolog of MAT1 and RAT1 is the human AT ( HAT). The shorter isoform, designated MAT2 and RAT2, which contains an alternative N terminus, was formerly described in the rat as adrenal secretory serine protease (AsP) and has been shown to be involved in the processing of N-POMC-derived peptides. In contrast to the long isoform, neither MAT2 and RAT2 ( AsP) contain a transmembrane domain nor a SEA domain but an N-terminal signal peptide to direct the enzyme to the secretory pathway. The C terminus, covering the catalytic triad, is identical in both isoforms. Immunohistochemically, MAT/RAT was predominantly expressed in tissues of the upper gastrointestinal and the respiratory tract - but also in the adrenal gland. Moreover, isoform-specific RT-PCR and quantitative PCR analysis revealed a complex expression pattern of the two isoforms with differences between mice and rats. These findings indicate a multifunctional role of these proteases beyond adrenal proliferation.


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The pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC)-derived peptides, pro-gamma-MSH (16K fragment), and Lys-gamma(3)-MSH, have been shown to potentiate the steroidogenic action of corticotrophin (ACTH) on the adrenal cortex. Using a continuously perfused adrenal cell column system, we have tested the hypothesis that gamma-MSH peptides exert their effect through the Melanocortin 3 Receptor (MC3-R), since this is the only known receptor to have high affinity for gamma-MSH peptides and has been suggested to be expressed in the rat adrenal. To investigate this hypothesis we tested whether the MC3-R agonist MTII and antagonist SHU9119 could mimic or block the actions of pro-gamma-MSH. We found that MTII could not mimic, and SHU9119 could not block pro-gamma-MSH mediated potentiation of ACTH-induced steroidogenesis. These results suggest that the MC3-R is not involved in mediating the potentiation effect, adding further evidence to the argument that another melanocortin receptor exists.


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The adrenal cortex is a dynamic organ in which the cells of the outer cortex continually divide. It is well known that this cellular proliferation is dependent on constant stimulation from peptides derived from the ACTH precursor pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) because disruption of pituitary corticotroph function results in rapid atrophy of the gland. Previous results from our laboratory have suggested that the adrenal mitogen is a fragment derived from the N-terminal of POMC not containing the gamma-MSH sequence. Because such a peptide is not generated during processing of POMC in the pituitary, we proposed that the mitogen is generated from circulating pro-gamma-MSH by an adrenal protease. Using degenerate oligonucleotides, we identified a secreted serine protease expressed by the adrenal gland that we named adrenal secretory protease (ASP). In the adrenal cortex, expression of ASP is limited to the outer zona glomerulosa/fasciculata, the region where cortical cells are believed to be derived, and is significantly up-regulated during compensatory growth. Y1 adrenocortical cells transfected with a vector expressing an antisense RNA (and thus having reduced levels of endogenous ASP) were found to grow slower than sense controls while also losing their ability to utilize exogenous pro-gamma-MSH in the media supporting a role for ASP in adrenal growth. Digestion of an N-POMC peptide substrate encompassing the residues around the dibasic cleavage site at positions 49/50 with affinity-purified ASP showed cleavage not to occur at the dibasic site but two residues downstream leading us to propose the identity of the adrenal mitogen to be N-POMC (1-52).


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This study used the novel approach of statistical modelling to investigate the control of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and quantify temporal relationships between hormones. Two experimental paradigms were chosen, insulin-induced hypoglycaemia and 2 h transport, to assess differences in control between noncognitive and cognitive stimuli. Vasopressin and corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) were measured in hypophysial portal plasma, and adrenocorticotropin hormone (ACTH) and cortisol in jugular plasma of conscious sheep, and deconvolution analysis was used to calculate secretory rates, before modelling. During hypoglycaemia, the relationship between plasma glucose and vasopressin or CRH was best described by log(10) transforming variables (i.e. a positive power-curve relationship). A negative-feedback relationship with log(10) cortisol concentration 2 h previously was detected. Analysis of the 'transport' stimulus suggested that the strength of the perceived stimulus decreased over time after accounting for cortisol facilitation and negative-feedback. The time course of vasopressin and CRH responses to each stimulus were different However, at the pituitary level, the data suggested that log(10) ACTH secretion rate was related to log(10) vasopressin and CRH concentrations with very similar regression coefficients and an identical ratio of actions (2.3 : 1) for both stimuli. Similar magnitude negative-feedback effects of log(10) cortisol at -110 min (hypoglycaemia) or -40 min (transport) were detected, and both models contained a stimulatory relationship with cortisol at 0 min (facilitation). At adrenal gland level, cortisol secretory rates were related to simultaneously measured untransformed ACTH concentration but the regression coefficient for the hypoglycaemia model was 2.5-fold greater than for transport. No individual sustained maximum cortisol secretion for longer than 20 min during hypoglycaemia and 40 min during transport. These unique models demonstrate that corticosteroid negative-feedback is a significant control mechanism at both the pituitary and hypothalamus. The amplitude of HPA response may be related to stimulus intensity and corticosteroid negative-feedback, while duration depended on feedback alone.


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The identity of the pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC)-derived mitogen in the adrenal cortex has been historically controversial. We have used well-established in vivo models, viz., hypophysectomized (Hyp) or dexamethasone (Dex)-treated rats, to study the effect of the synthetic modified peptide N-terminal POMC (N-POMC(1-28)) on DNA synthesis in the adrenal cortex, as assessed by BrdU incorporation and compared with adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). We evaluated the importance of disulfide bridges on proliferation by employing N-POMC(1-28) without disulfide bridges and with methionines replacing cysteines. Acute administration of synthetic modified N-POMC(1-28) distinctly increased DNA synthesis in the zona glomerulosa and zona fasciculata, but not in the zona reticularis in Hyp rats, whereas in Dex-treated rats, this peptide was effective in all adrenal zones. ACTH administration led to an increase of BrdU-positive cells in all adrenal zones irrespective of the depletion of Hyp or Dex-POMC peptides. The use of the ACTH antagonist, ACTH(7-38), confirmed the direct participation of ACTH in proliferation. Two different approaches to measure apoptosis revealed that both peptides similarly exerted a protective effect on all adrenocortical zones, blocking the apoptotic cell death induced by hypophysectomy. Thus, ACTH(1-39) and N-POMC(1-28) have similar actions suggesting that the disulfide bridges are important but not essential. Both peptides seem to be important factors determining adrenocortical cell survival throughout the adrenal cortex, reinforcing the idea that each zone can be renewed from within itself.


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Modified synthetic N-POMC(1-28) without disulfide bridges has been shown to act as an adrenal mitogen. Cyclins and their inhibitors are the major cell cycle controls, but in the adrenal cortex the effect of ACTH and N-POMC on the expression of these proteins remains unclear. In this work, we evaluate the effect of different synthetic N-POMC peptides on the S-phase of the cell cycle. In addition, we examine the cyclin E expression in rat adrenal cortex. Rats treated with dexamethasone were injected with ACTH and/or synthetic modified N-POMC and/or synthetic N-POMC with disulfide bridges. DNA synthesis was determined by BrdU incorporation and protein expression was analyzed by immunoblotting and immunohistochemistry. The results showed that similarly to modified N-POMC without disulfide bridges, administration of synthetic N-POMC with disulfide bridges and the combination of ACTH and N-POMC promoted an increase of BrdU-positive nuclei in adrenal cortex. However, the proliferative effect of N-POMC was comparable to that of ACTH only in the zona glomerulosa. An increase in cyclin E expression was observed 6 h after N-POMC treatment in the outer fraction of the adrenal cortex, in agreement with immunohistochemical findings in the zona glomerulosa. In summary, the effect of synthetic N-POMC with disulfide bridges was similar to modified synthetic N-POMC, increasing proliferation in the adrenal cortex, confirming previous evidence that disulfide bridges are not essential to the N-POMC mitogenic effect. Moreover, cyclin E appears to be involved in the N-POMC- and ACTH-stimulated proliferation in the zona glomerulosa of the adrenal cortex. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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There is evidence that pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC)-derived peptides other than adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) have a role in adrenal cell proliferation. We compared the activity of synthetic rat N-terminal POMC fragment 1-28 with disulfide bridges (N-POMC(w)) and without disulfide bridges (N-POMC(w/o)), with the activity of fibroblast growth factor (FGF2), a widely studied adrenal growth factor, and ACTH, in well-characterized pure cultures of both isolated adrenal Glomerulosa (G) and Fasciculata/Reticularis (F/R) cells. Three days of FGF2-treatment had a proliferative effect similar to serum, and synthetic peptide N-POMC(w) induced proliferation more efficiently than N-POMC(w/o). Moreover, both induced proliferation via the ERK1/2 pathway. In contrast, sustained ACTH treatment decreased proliferation and viability through apoptosis induction, but not necrosis, and independently of PKA and PKC pathways. Further elucidation of 1-28 POMC signal transduction is of interest, and primary cultures of adrenal cells were found to be useful for examining the trophic activity of this peptide.