62 resultados para forgetfulness


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O presente texto busca evidenciar a riqueza dos arquivos escolares para a história da educação e da cultura. Assim, enfatiza a relevância de estudos realizados na França a partir destas fontes, apresenta um breve histórico das mais antigas escolas públicas da cidade de Assis e destaca discrepâncias nos índices de aprovação das várias instituições escolares da cidade a partir de informações obtidas nas atas dos exames finais dos anos de 1958 e 1959, consultadas na Diretoria de Ensino de Assis. Com base nestes dados, talvez se possa pensar que a imagem do “passado de ouro” da escola pública sustenta-se mediante o enaltecimento de algumas escolas e o esquecimento de outras contemporâneas.


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Problematizar a memória do levante “constitucionalista” de 1932 gravada materialmente nas ruas e praças de São Paulo, refletir sobre os lastros históricos que a compõem, intentando aferir as mudanças e permanências que o tempo e a sociedade se encarregaram de fomentar, são algumas das questões abordadas neste artigo. Para levá-las a efeito, as trilhas abertas pelo marco aos voluntários de 32, no município de Assis, parecem alvissareiras, – seja pelos traços que conserva de seu período de fundação, pela leitura histórica nele inscrita ou, ainda, o estado atual em que se encontra – desvelando os complexos meandros dos processos de “enquadramento da memória”, da luta pela preservação e o arbítrio do esquecimento.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB


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This work presents an intervention at the Guaratinguetá Railway Station and its surroundings, including this area in the urban context, at this moment isolated of the activities and citizen attentions, offering new activities on this commercial area. The selected area finds itself in a state of neglect and forgetfulness from the urban relations. Located between the periphery of the commercial center and the Paraiba do Sul River, the correlation is tension between the advancement of shops, the railway line, and the natural barrier of the Paraiba River. On the context of these limits, the railroad and the river stand as barriers for the center expansion and the flows that connect the old part of the town with the new part, which is growing and is called “post-city river”. These barriers have relegating properties around them to isolation, despite being located in the center. The area choice and this intervention seeks to break this isolation and the barrier flow, linking areas of opposite sides to form a leak through the barrier of the railway line. The pedestrian flow is prioritized in the project, this flow will be attracted by the program offered and by the new created areas, increasing the space utilization by users and breaking the isolation of urban activities. And entering the area in the context of life of city residents. The attraction of these new flows will be through the implementation of a Cultural Center, supplying a lack of city by spaces that offer this type of activity. Its implementation aims to attract and modify the activities of these spaces and the surrounding areas, one side facing the commercial center, and another facing the river, linking this two sides at the same time that this link provides the expansion of distance traveled and known


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Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR


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Stress relates to the broad and generalized body's responses to various environmental, physical and social situations. It is the force that drives the emotions and motives (desires), but is also the cause of the wear and tear of human existence. This study aims to investigate the stressors in administrative technical servers Univ. Estadual Paulista - UNESP, Bauru, as well as on companies providing service within the perimeter of the campus. Was used as a methodology, literature and field research, a questionnaire was applied in order to reach those goals. The profiles of employees who participated in the survey were: both sexes, adults, young people with different educational levels, varying levels of marital and socioeconomic status. The main stressors mentioned by the employees were: workload, dissatisfaction in the workplace, pressure boss or colleagues, as they bring consequences, fatigue or drowsiness, affecting the work environment and mostly family. Physical symptoms of stress are fatigue, difficulty relaxing and headache, and backache. And the psychological symptoms are verbalized concern, agitation, aggression, dissatisfaction, and forgetfulness and feeling of lack of time. It was concluded that these factors negatively affect the quality of life in the work of these employees, interfering with your work, family and socio-emotional life.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O presente artigo parte do tema da fotografia para valer-se dele como modo de compreensão do narrador em Dom Casmurro, romance publicado por Machado de Assis em 1899. Através do levantamento de passagens do enredo centradas em algum retrato (englobando nessa categoria pinturas e fotografias), desenvolve-se a noção de "narração-fotográfica", que visa enfatizar a reiteração de hipóteses e rememorações realizadas pela personagem Bentinho a partir de instantes cristalizados no tempo. A necessidade de posse através do apego às imagens, assim como aos momentos vividos relembrados pela memória, destaca a luta interior da personagem contra o esquecimento de momentos, a solidão e a condição efêmera da vida.


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To document the rate of self-reported compliance and glaucoma-related knowledge in Swiss patients and to identify risk factors for their poor compliance. This was an observational study, including a total of 200 consecutive patients already under glaucoma medication in two Swiss tertiary glaucoma clinics (Geneva and Bern). Personal characteristics, presence of systemic disease, compliance with glaucoma medication, attitude to the ophthalmologist, and glaucoma-related attitudes were ascertained by means of a predetermined questionnaire with 40 questions. Patients were subsequently assessed for the ability to correctly instil placebo eye drops. Non-compliance with glaucoma medication was defined as omitting more than two doses a week as reported by the patient. Logistic regression was used to evaluate how patient characteristics and knowledge about the disease were related to compliance. Overall, 81% (n = 162) of patients reported to be compliant. Forgetfulness was the most frequently cited reason for non-compliance with dosing regimen (63%). Although 90.5% (n = 181) of patients believed glaucoma medication to be efficient, only 28% (n = 56) could correctly define glaucoma. Factors positively associated with compliance were 'knowledge of glaucoma' [adjusted odds ratio (OR) 4.77 (95% CI 1.36-16.70)] and 'getting help for administration of drops' [OR 2.95 (1.25-6.94)]. These findings indicate that despite the comparatively high compliance rate among glaucoma patients, knowledge of glaucoma remains poor in long-term glaucoma sufferers. Improving knowledge about the disease is important since it is positively associated with compliance in our study.


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The Health Belief Model (HBM) provided the theoretical framework for examining Universal Precautions (UP) compliance factors by Firefighter, EMTs and Paramedics (prehospital care providers). A convenient sample of prehospital care providers (n = 4000) from two cities (Houston and Washington DC), were surveyed to explore the factors related to their decision to comply with Universal Precautions. Eight hundred and sixty-five useable questionnaires were analyzed. The responders were primarily male (95.7%) eight hundred and twenty-eight and thirty-seven were female, prehospital based (100%), EMTs (60.0%) and paramedics (12.8%) who had a mean 13 years of prehospital care experience. ^ Linear regression was used to evaluate the four hypotheses. The first hypothesis evaluating perceived susceptibility and seriousness with reported UP use was statistically significant (p = < .05). Perceived susceptibility, when considered independently, did not make a significant contribution (t = −4.2852; p = 0.0000) to the stated use of Universal precautions. The hypothesis is not supported as stated. The data indicates the opposite effect. Supported is the premise that as perceived susceptibility and perceived seriousness increase the use of Universal Precautions decreases. Hypothesis two tested perceived benefits with internal and external barriers. Both perceived benefits and internal and external barriers as well as the overall regression were significant (F = 112.6, p = 0.0000). The contribution of internal and external barriers was statistically significant (t = 0.0175; p = 0.0000) and (t = 0.0128; p = 0.0000). Hypothesis three which tested modifying factors, cues to action, select demographic variables, and the main effects of the HBM with self reported UP compliance overall was significant. The variables gender, birth, education, job type, EMS certification, years of service, years of experience providing patient care, Universal Precautions training hours, type of apparatus assigned to and the number of EMS related incidents responded to in a month were found to have a significant contribution to the stated use of Universal Precautions. ^ The additive effects were tested by use of a stepwise regression that assessed the contribution of each of the significant variables. Three variables in the equation were statistically significant. Internal barriers (t = −8.5507; p = 0.0000), external barriers (t = −6.2862; p = 0.000) and job type 2 & 3. Job type two (t = −2.8464; p = 0.0045 is titled Engineer/Operator. Job type three (t = −2.5730; p = 0.0103) is titled captain. The overall regression was significant (F = 24.06; p = 0.000). The Hypothesis is supported in the certain demographic variables do influence the stated use of Universal precautions and that as internal and external barriers are decreased, there is an increase in the stated use of Universal Precautions. ^ In summary, this study demonstrated that internal and external barriers have a significant impact on the stated use of Universal Precautions. Internal barriers are those factors within the individual that require an internal change (i.e., forgetfulness, freedom, perception of the urgency of the patient's needs etc.) and external barriers are things in the environment that can be altered (i.e., equipment design, availability of equipment, ease of use). These two model variables explained 23%–30% of the variance. ^


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A menudo la diosa Crítica argentina se empecina en sumergir en el río del olvido a no pocas figuras literarias de nuestro país del siglo XIX. Se podrían ofrecer como excusas, en algunos casos, el despótico paso del tiempo (mientras más nos alejamos del presente más difícil es indagar sobre talo cual autor); en otros, la escasa información biográfica; o la condición paupérrima de ciertas ediciones; o el estado a veces inabarcable de hombresorquesta de estos individuos (son poetas, guerreros, filósofos, etc. y esto sin descuidar ninguno de sus oficios), y así seguiríamos enumerando hasta el hartazgo. Pero así como existe una tendencia a lograr una moderna historiografia argentina de la mano de estudiosos como Tulio Halperin Donghi, revisando los hechos a la luz de sus desencadenantes ideológicos, también se debería proponer un buceo histórico-literario para sacar a la luz varias perlas literarias, engarzadas en sus correspondientes ideologías. Este trabajo se propone ser la ayuda virgiliana que rescate del olvido a Juan Crisóstomo Lafinur, sobre todo su labor poética, ya que de la filosófica todos sabemos de su importante trascendencia. Para esta última sólo tenemos que recordar las palabras de Roberto F. Giusti: "La historia de la evolución mental argentina quedaría incompleta si en ella no hiciésemos un lugar a Lafinur".


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Durante la dictadura de Franco, el régimen implementó una política de olvido que se ocupó de borrar del espacio público las conmemoraciones republicanas, asimismo impuso el 1 de abril y el 18 de julio como aniversarios que lo legitimaban. Sin embargo, el recuerdo de los aniversarios republicanos permaneció latente como memoria subterránea en gran parte de la sociedad. Frente a la política de olvido ejercida por el régimen, Triunfo intentó transformar el 14 de abril en un lugar de memoria conmemorándolo en sus páginas.


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La vindicación de la Guerra Civil española por parte de los intelectuales exiliados se convierte en las memorias y autobiografías en una deuda ética frente a la desmemoria de gran parte del interior del país y, sobre todo, en un campo de reconstrucción identitaria de un sujeto que ha quedado definido por un pasado perdido y por una obligatoria readaptación a la sociedad que lo acoge. La narración de la Guerra Civil en Vida en claro (1944) de José Moreno Villa, Recuerdos y olvidos (1988) de Francisco Ayala, Memoria de la melancolía (1970) de María Teresa León, Quan érem capitans (1974) de Teresa Pàmies, Una mujer por los caminos de España (1952) de María Lejárraga y Memorias habladas, memorias armadas (1990) de Concha Méndez recuperan los arduos sucesos bélicos para entretejerlos con el rescate y reubicación del yo.


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En el presente artículo, se analiza la novela La lluvia amarilla, de Julio Llamazares, enfatizando la representación de la memoria y el olvido (o la represión de la memoria, en su caso). Se muestra que la escritura sobre la memoria no es unidimensional y que Llamazares no solamente la representa, sino que refleja el propio proceso de memoria y olvido y su complejidad. Lo que a primera vista se puede percibir como una novela fatalista y neorromántica, es en realidad una reflexión sobre la memoria oral desde la perspectiva de los hombres y las regiones marginados del campo tanto en la época franquista como durante la transición modernizadora